VVolol 1010 - Num 7 The Coventry JulyJu 2008 The Newsletterr of thethe Jaguar AssociationAssoocciationn Cat of New EnglandEnglalaand JANE’s XJ40 Entry for the 2008 24 Hours of LeMons Clockwise from lower left: Tom Letourneau, Ed Hall, Chuck Centore, Tom Moses, Aldo Cipriano 3 President’s Update - by JANE President Ray O’Brien 4 JANE Calendar of Upcoming Events 5 Upcoming JANE Events 6 JANE’s 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance - by Michael Kaleel and Brenda Soussan 9 JANE’s LeMons Car - by Tom Moses 10 Other Happenings 12 Event Reports - Brigadoon #6 - by Carl Hanson - My Watkins Glen Experience - by Michael Kaleel - JANE at the VSCCA 50th Anniversary Tour - by Stu Forer In This Issue - British Car Day at LAAM - by Dennis Eklof 18 Road Rallies - Join the Adventure - by Tom Letourneau 21 Classifi ed Ads WWW.J-A-N-E.ORG 2 The Coventry Cat President’s Update July 2008 The Coventry Cat istheoffi cialpublication Summer ... top down ... cruising oftheJaguarAssociationofNew England (JANE),anonprofi torganizationofJag and car shows ... uarenthusiaststhatisaregionalchapter By Ray O’Brien of the national Jaguar Clubs of North unehasbeenanupanddownmonth,withthe registered yet, use the JANE website to sign up. America (JCNA). JANE is incorporated Jweathernotalwayscooperating.Still,wehad Remember you can enter the Concours in Cham- in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. fourteeneventsontheJANEcalendar. pionship or Driven class, or just display your Jag JANE Offi cers You may recall from last month’s update that and have a great time. A lot of work has gone into President: RayO’Brien,6177345949, the Concours and it will be a fun event not to miss. [email protected] the E-Type was starting and stalling erratically. The VP/Events: HarryParkinson,6038829367, initial diagnosis proved that the ignition amplifier Chuck Centore is planning a Funkana for the last [email protected] was toast. I replaced it and the distributor pickup; day, don’t miss this. Details, as usual, are on the VP/Membership: TomMoses,9785807416, [email protected] it came as a kit supplied by Jaguar with all parts JANE website. Secretary: DaveHerrick,6036731314, necessary to relocate it to the front cross member. Carl Hanson is planning JANE’s participation [email protected] The relocation helps it keep its cool. This, together at “The British Invasion,” an annual event held Treasurer: DonHolden,6036738167, [email protected] with 12 new spark plugs, has the E-Type running in Stowe, VT. This year the dates are September Concours Co-Chairs: MikeKaleel,6175574375, 18-21st. Jaguar and Morgan are the featured [email protected];BrendaSoussan, great again. 6173388747,[email protected] Our June monthly meeting was a business marques. Carl will be contacting some of our mem- Head Judge: AldoCipriano,5084818806, [email protected] update with a full agenda. Tom Moses presented berstoensurethat wehaveJaguarsofhistorical Slalom Co-Chairs: BillParish,9784869830, www.motorsportreg.com. This site provides significance representing a cross-section of saloons [email protected];TomParish, 9786928090,[email protected] subscribing auto clubs with online management and sports cars. More information is available at Rally Chair: SteveThomas,6032934250, and registration for events. Tom and Dennis Eklof www.britishinvasion.com. [email protected] are looking into the viability of linking to this site For July we have ten events on our calendar. Traveler Contact: GaryHagopian,6037633093, [email protected] from our website, and will have a full report and A fun event for the entire family will be held on Webmaster: DennisEklof,9784482566, recommendations at our July meeting. Saturday, July 12th, when “JANE Goes Kart Rac- [email protected] The next item on the agenda was approval for ing.” The venue is Sugar Hill Raceway in Weare, Board Members JANE to fund the registration fee (contingent upon NH. If you haven’t tried kart racing, it’s a blast. MargaretCaruoloAldoCiprianoDennisEklof StuForerEdHallCarlHanson a signed insurance release for JANE) for the 24 Take it at your own pace and have a fun day out. MichaelKaleelHarryParkinsonAlanQuinn DaveRandallFranciscoSilvaHerbStrachman Hours of Lemons race. As you know, many of our Food is available at the track, or you can bring your The Coventry Cat club members have spent a lot of time preparing own and have a picnic. Contact Harry Parkinson Editor: PrebbleEklof,9784482566, our XJ40 for the race. Another item that was ap- for additional information. [email protected] proved was the purchase of a new digital projector Check the JANE calendar at www.j-a-n-e.org Circulation: EdHall,5088538193, [email protected] to replace the “old and tired” one we have now. for additional events happening in July. Send articles and info to: Additionally, it was agreed that we will make our As you know, our gourmet meeting establish- [email protected] The Coventry Cat ,31AmesRoad, annual contribution to the Larz Anderson Auto ment, Skip’s, will be closing, though we still don’t Groton,MA014501963 Museum and present it to Mike Iandoli at British know the close date. Our July meeting is scheduled Advertising: CarlHanson,7812752707, [email protected] Car Day on June 29th. for Skip’s; our August meeting will try a new venue, Display Advertising Rates Ken’s American Café in Littleton, MA. Anadin The Coventry Cat currentlyreachesover Mike Kaleel and Brenda Soussan gave an 350householdswithexcellentdemographics.Rates update on our annual Concours and the progress Drive safely and enjoy those Jaguars… areonanannualbasis(12issues): Business Card (Members) $60 they’re making with the planning. If you haven’t (Nonmembers) $120 Quarterpage $175 Ray Halfpage $325 THE COVENTRY CAT Full page $600 Insidebackcover $1200 IS IN COLOR Insidefrontcover $1000 AT Back cover half page $500 VisitJANEonthewebat WWW.J-A-N-E.ORG www.j-a-n-e.org Jaguar Association of New England 3 JANE Calendar From the of Upcoming Events Editor WHEN WHAT WHERE herearenewadsthismonth July TforJagfix,WelshEnterprises, XKsUnlimited,andTheKaleel 12Sat JANEGoesKartRacing SugarHillRaceway,Weare,NH Company.Checkthemout,as 1920SatSun VSCCAPittsburghGranPrix SchenleyPark,Pittsburgh,PA wellastheadsforallourother 20SunNoon CollingsFoundationTour Stow,MA advertisers -- and support them! 23Wed7pm JANEMonthlyMeeting Skip’sRestaurant,Chelmsford,MA 27Sun DayofTriumph LAAM,Brookline,MA It’s not too early to begin August thinking about our Fall Foliage 3Sun9am TuttoItaliano LAAM,Brookline,MA TSD Rally scheduled for October. 79ThuSat VSCCAMountEquinoxHillClimb MountEquinox,VT We always have a low attendence 810FriSun JANE’s36thAnnualConcoursd’Elegance SturbridgeHostHotel,Sturbridge,MA at this event, but there is no need 17Sun2pm JANEPotLuckParty/SocialGathering TheEklofs’,Groton,MA to feel intimidated by a TSD rally. 21Thu5pm JANEIceCreamCruiseNight(tentative) KimballFarms,Westford,MA Be sure to read Tom Letourneau’s 22Fri6pm JANEFridayNightattheDrags NewEnglandDragway,Epping,NH article about road rallying in this 2324SatSun JANEat24HoursofLeMons StaffordMotorSpeedway,Stafford,CT issue of The Coventry Cat . Tom 27Wed7pm JANEMonthlyMeeting Ken’sAmericanCafe,Littleton,MA tells you everything you need to 29Sep1FriMon VSCCARolexVintageFestival LimeRockPark,Lakeville,CT know about rallying, so put your 31Sun JCSNESlalomOne Hartford,CT fears away and be ready to give it a September try in October. 7Sun8:30am JANE/JCNA AutumnSlalom NashobaValleySkiArea,Westford,MA 14Sun AnAfternoonPicnic&Polo(tentative) MyopiaHuntClub,Myopia,MA Prebble 1821ThuSun 16thAnnualBritishInvasion Stowe,VT 24Wed7pm JANEMonthlyMeeting Tobedetermined October 34FriSat VSCCA,FinaleWeekend LimeRockPark,Lakeville,CT 4Sat9am BonhamandButterfieldAuction LAAM,Brookline,MA 5Sun JCSNESlalomTwo Hartford,CT 12Sun9:30am JANEChaunceyCreekLobsterTour(tent.) ChaunceyCreek,Kittery,ME 18Sat12:30pm JANE/JCNAFallFoliageTSDRally 22Wed7pm JANEMonthlyMeeting Tobedetermined November 19Wed7pm JANEMonthlyMeeting Tobedetermined Knowofsomethingelsehappen December ingthatwouldbeofinterestto 7Sun3pm JANEAGMandHolidayParty Tobedetermined ourmembers?ContactJANE Webmasterat www.jane.org.Haveanidea foraJANEevent?Wanttorun anevent?Questionsaboutan event?ContactEventsVice CHECK WWW.J-A-N-E.ORG FOR LATE-BREAKING PresidentHarryParkinsonat 6038829367or NEWS PLUS MORE DETAILS ON THESE AND ALL [email protected]. OTHER EVENTS ! 44 TheThe Coventry Coventry Cat Cat Upcoming JANE Events JANE Monthly Meetings Still in Search of a New Location kip’s Restaurant in Chelmsford, MA, will close sometime this summer to make way for a new shopping center. JANE’s July Monthly Meet- Sing will still be held at Skip’s on July 23, starting at 7:00 pm, but in August we will give Ken’s American Cafe in Littleton, MA, a try. Ken’s is at 529 King Street (Route 110), Littleton, MA, Exit 31 off Route 495. Their website is www.kensamericancafe.com and their phone number is 978-952-6700. However, we are still checking out other potential meeting places in case Ken’s doesn’t work out. Here’s what we need: A function room that can accommodate 25 -30 people No charge for the function room No advance head count Ability to order individually from the menu Good food Reasonably priced menu and bar Ample and safe off-street parking Easily accessible from either Route 93, 95, or 495. If you know of any place that meets these criteria and might consider letting us meet there, please call Ray O’Brien at 617-734-5949 or email him at [email protected]. Time is running
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