There will be a special APPLICATIONS FOR EDI­ TOR AND BUSINESS MCR. Convocation in the Gym OF PHAROS, GAZETTE, and FOR POSITION OF PUBLI­ at 10.30 a.m. on Munro CITY DIRECTOR TO BE PRESENTED TO PREXY OF Day, March 9. STUDENTS' COUNCIL. CANADA'S OLDEST STUDENT PUBLICATION F -------------·---------------------~------------------------- Vol. 79 HALIFAX, N.S., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1948 - NEW ELECTION: TO BE HELD·­ MONDAY, MAR 8 Charges of forgery, incompetence, illegal election procedure and sharp practice flew at a meeting of tbe students' council Thursday night as the Council cfe.. dared null had void the results of a general student elect­ ion held last Tuesday, and ordered that a new electioQ.. be held !Monday, Mar. 8. The decision was made after Douglas Stallard, election committee chairman, produced duplicate vote~ lists with signatures of six engineers who had voted both in the polling booth at ~e Engine· -- The editors of the are entered in the NatiQnal Uni­ Michael Stuart MacFadyen 14'/~ ers who had voted both in the polling booth at the months, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Gazette are sure that every Dal­ versity B Bliby Co~est are, polling booth at the Engineering building, and at the left to right, Nicki Reynolds, 15 MacFadyen, 76 Oxford Street housie student will jQin in wish­ in ing sue~ to Dalhousie's month old son of science student (third place) ; John Gordon Stead, Arts and Science booth the mens' residence, as weU "Beautiful Bwby" team, shown a­ E. N. Reynolds and Mrs. Rey­ 17 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. as the signature of a law student taking an affiliated bove. r.olds, Apt. 21, Staff House 3, L.T. Stead, Mulgrave Park commerce course who had voted both aJt Forrest and Members of the squad, who Mulgrave Park (first place) ; (second place). Studley. Only precedent to the illegal election was in the first year of the Student Oouncil when it was found that there were more bat-. Nicki Reynolds, Winner of Local Baby lo<s cast than there were students in· the University, at the first; Dalhousie general student election. - Contest Answers U~B.C. Challenge Friday morning, Harry Rhude, law candidate fQr the pre,iueney of the Student council, announced that he would nQt run in the reo. Nicki Reynolds, 15-months-old election. He felt that the majority of students had vote<l for Jae son of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Rey­ Boudreau and Russ McKinney, the other candidates, and that those nolds, Apartment 21, Staff House SODALES ELECTION who voted for him should have <an opportunity to cast their ballots 3, Mulgrave Park, was selected as for the two men, one of whom was certain to win the election. first place winner of the Dal­ DECLARED INVALID Boudreau had been electe<l with 407 votes, followed by McKinney with 405, and Rhude with 309. housie-King's Student Veterans' Protests of student debaters implying that a ''packed house" Association "Beautiful Baby" was n>sponsible for the result of Sodales elections caused the De· Both &udreau and McKinney threa1:Jened to resign from the contest last week. Mr. Reynold<> bating Socie-ty to declare that the elec-tion of officers last Thursday campaign unless it was made clear to the student body that they is a veteran Qf over four years' evening was to be declared invalid, and that a re--election would be had not called for the student re-election, and the new election is service in the RCAF, and Mrs. held next Thursday evening. <1 result of the discovery of duplicated votes by the election com~ Reynolds is from Bolton, Lan­ It Followin~ the final interfac­ coming academic year, by Sol­ mittee. was decided that a mass meeting of the student body cashire, England. uhy debate last Thursday evening, dales President, Whitney Dal­ would be held Saturday in the gymnasium. The new election will Chosen for second place among be held Monday, Mar. 8. the meeting was declared open rymple. Thereupon a student was the 40-<>dd contestants was John for el(ction of officers for the said to have left the room briefly Gordon Stead, 14Y. months, son to return with a number of stu­ the procedure, thereby precipi­ of 1-Ir. and Mrs. L.T. Stead, Mul­ (LAW LIBRARY) dents who had not attende<l the tating the ensuing stormy session grave Park. Mr. Stead served in student. earlier session. This was said to the Canadian Army for six years. A picture of the winner, Nicki which culminated in a motion that be the causa of the election re­ As exam<> draw ncar, the b-ojs Third place winner was Michael Reynolds, will be forwarded to declared the election invalid. Ottawa to be judged in competi-; sult which plac-ed a Law studen~ frequent the library more and Stuar· MacFadyen, 17 months, This, following the Council son of Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Mac­ inn with photos of other univers­ in the position of President. more. The Dal Law Libery is the Fadyen, 76 Oxford Street, Hali­ ity babies. The competition re­ Immediately f-ollowing the an­ eleceion failure, establishes an­ largost of its kind in the Mari­ fax. An RCAF veteran, Mr. Mac­ sulted from a ch'allenge by UBC nouncPd results a student from ether precedent in student elect­ times, with about 20,00 volumes ions at Dal. Fadyen is a third year Science student veterans. anO"her faculty rose to protest . wo1th over $15,000 . MUNRO DAY --- TUESDAY, MARCH 9 Page -----------------------------------------------------------------------Two THE DALHOUSIE GAZETTE Friday, March 5, 1941J Home Thoughts From Abroad MOST PIPE GAZETTE SMOKERS- CANADA'S OLDEST STUDENT PUBLICATION (Eds Note: The foHowing ed­ • itorial is a reprint from THE • • • • ARGOSY WEEKLY.) Editor-in-Chief SAY /" LEW MILLER Teachers or Scholars 'Managing Editor Business Manager What is the necessary quali­ BRUCE LOCKWOOD AL .. RUBIN ~5, fication of a good teacher? Is i>' News Sports Features a Master's aegree from Oxford JACK LUSHER BOB TUCK ART MOREIRA or a Ph. D. from Columbia? Is it his a.cademis accomplishment? Page Editora Or is it his long years of exper­ PETER MINGO, JOE LEVISON, J. TRIM, SHERBURNE McCURDY ience'? ANNE DeCARTERET (Literary) Many people would. answer af­ Auociatea fu·matively to these questions BGD KINGSBURY, ltlARJ GOLBURGH, BEV HUNTINGTON and we must .admit that these Circ\tlation are the outstanding chara.cter­ JAN ROBERTSON, MANAGER, D. SADOFSKY, M. RITCHIE IStics of many {)f 1he proilessors JERRY JOHNSON, A. de CARTERET, BEV HUNTINGTON. and lecturers with whom we have PhotograPhera.••• DANNY SOBERMAN, DICK GLUBE, E. RICHTER come in contact durin~ the last Proof Readers. MIRIAM GLUBE MANAGER HETTY THOMPSON few years. But actually these D. SADOFSKY ' are the characteristics that tend A••iatant Buaine.. Manager ..............•..................... ROBIN MacLEAN to c-over up weakness in teaching Exchance Manager ... ... ... ... ...... .......... ......... ... ......... PETER SEDERIS a.bility. Cartoonis-t ........... ...................................................... .. STU WALLACE A dozen degrees earned by Reporters scholarship'> will nf'ver nec-.eso<ar­ PATSY PIGOT, BOB McQUINN PHILLIP SIMON- Dent Society. ily make that person a teacher unless he has additanal qualifi­ Vol. 79 FRIDAY, l\!ARCH 5, 1948 No. 13 cations. And this is where we strike the bone of conrontion. We have too many profess.ors SPECIAL· CONVOCATION .filiing teaching positions whose abilities along this line are prac­ On Tuesday morning there will be .a special Con­ tieally nie We don't want men or Yocation in the Gym at 10.30 A.l\I., when the Univer­ women in these roles just be­ ity will awal'd honorary degrees to four men whose cause they have a wealth of 11ames at least are knowii to mqst of us as eminent in knowledge and wisdom stored in their minds - for many of them their particular fields. It is hoped that as large a num­ will k~p their wisdom to them­ ber of students a.~ possible will attend the ceremony in selves for evennore, unable to lwnour of three of our most eminent alumni, Dr. Creigh­ pass it on. ton, Major Fraser and Sis James Dunn, and one of the We definitely advocate a l\Iaritimes' most distinguished educators and scholars, change in policy regarding fac­ Visit the new WILLIS store - Attractively set up depart­ Dr. ·Patterson• retiring President of Acadia. Fuller de­ ulty. What most students require ments featuring - tails appear on page nme of this issue. are professors who are going to teach them somM:hing they BOOKS - RECORDS - MUSIC - ELECTRIC APPLIANCES wouldn't get from a book by themselves. M-ount Allison would PIANOS gain more prestige by what it LETTER FROM. THE EDITOR teaches the students than by Chivalry's Had It what its facuLty members know Willis Piano Co. Limited cr· have done in the past. I'm just a trifle weary of u•ing the N.fitorial ''wr". Be aides I .. 127 Granville St. (at Duke), want to 11ay .a few things that have been on my mind, and I might Further, We contend that all HALIFAX, N. S. be considered unfair to the GAZETTE if I were to incorporate professors should be hired on a these mouthinga as a part of ita so-called policy. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. ... temporary basis only, subject w Severa.l days ago I waa being carried 'along B~ington Street approval by the studet:-ts. ·After · i'i. one of Halifax's "ydlow perils" -when , a dignified elderly 'lady' a period of a year, students can "Heat Merchants Since 1835" . ciiml;ed :On hoa~d. Th.,.:e ~re no seats vacant to I rose and offered give a true p1cture of a profes­ her mine.
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