The Davie Record DAVIB COUNTY’S OLDEST NEW SPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ — ------------ aHERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” VOLUMN XLV. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2 . 1 9 4 4 N U M B ER 2 8 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Va«t Differeoce In Men F. D. R. Promise Fails Soldier Writes MotheriThe Inquisitive Marine Seen Along Main Street Rev. Walter E. henhoiir. Hiddenite. N. C. Another of President Roosevelt’s Dearest Mother:—I may write <* Some months ago, a Marine By The Street Rambler Wfcat Wa* Happening In Davie There is a vast difference in men arrogant claims and promises have thousand letters to the girl that I Corps writer decided to find Odt for ooooon Before Tfce New Deal Used Up Sometimes the difference is so great failed disastrously. Ten vears ago. adore, and declare in everv letter himself whether the medical care j Bob Walker speaking to Jeff until we are really made to wonder under his direction, his New Deal that I love her more and more I In the military service is a snperb Tlie Alphabet, Drowned The Cendell—Miss Helen Spirks shop­ how it could be. This is true of administration brought an end to may praise her grace and beauty in as it is cracked up to be. There ping in dime store —Duke Whit­ THogs and Plowed Up The men in the same community, and national prohibition of the tnanu. a thousand glowing lines, and com­ was jnst one way to find out and taker climbing Into parked auto-- Cotton and Corn. oftentimes in the same family. facture and sale of intoxicating Ii- pare her eyes of azure to the brigh­ that was bv loining the ranks of Gossip Club holding short session Let me illustrate. We will look quor in the United States. In so test star tbat shines, if I had the the sick and wounded at an ad­ in front of furniture store—Mr. and (Davie Record, Feb. 4 , « 9 1 4 I at two men In the same locality doing the President had the loyal pen of Shakespeare or would use it vanced base. Mrs ClondBnrgesscnnversingwith Lint cotton is cents. Oite of them Is godlv. He prays support of the American Legion, of every day, in composing written With the consent of the com­ friends in front of Sanford’s—Miss E Brvan Jones, of Hickory, was much. He reads and studies bis taxpayers organizations, of the Ro- lyrics to my sweetheart mother far manding medical officer, bnt un­ Pauline Renegar hnying bananas In town Friday on business. Bible, and heeds its teaching He man Catholic Church, of various away. But the letter that’s most known to anyone else, this marine, in Hendrix’s store—Mrs. Elizabeth Fred Wallace, of Mt. Holly, Is is kind and good to everybody. He shades of liberal > pinion and of the important, the one tbat I write while at the front in the South Pa­ Sain walking with friend on Main spending some time in town with loves all mankind. He is a good interests which stood readv to make just before I rest, it’s the letter to cific, pretended serious illness Two street—Miss Erline Wilson carry­ friends. neighbor and noble citizen. He money out of the legalization of the my mother, from the boy she loves days later he was in a hospital on ing' beavy traveling bag—Frank Judge W B. Council, of Hick, never takes a drink of intoxicants, traffic. best Sbe will read it very often the edge of Henderson Field, Gna Daniel carrying two full jugs—Old ory, SDent F riday in tow n on legal never takes God's name in vain, By a highly organized and fabu­ when tbe lights are dim and low, dalcanal. A tag on his shirt mark­ woman standing in front of court business. reads the best books and literature lously financed campaign these in sitting in the same old rocker that ed him as a severe case of septic house waving at soldiers. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Steelman, of he can find, visits the sick and af­ terests made the peoplr—or at least she sat in long ago, and regardless ulcer. He received no special treat Holman, spent several days last flicted and gives them a helping enough people --believe that repeal of its diction, its spelling or Its ment. He was bandied exactly as Jap Valets For Farmers week In Greensboro, hand, and is out to do all the good ruption and its pocketbook from the style. And although its composit­ other evacuees were handled in tbe A. M. McGIamery went to Char- Hailing as a "positive inspiration” he can. He is a so -1-winner, and burden of taxation, comments The ion would provoke a critic’s smile, plane ambulances out of the com­ Jotte last week to take treatment the invitation extended by- the War delights to help every pilgrim heav­ Christian Centuryin a scrathing in­ in her sweet and tender hngers it bat area. Relocation Authority to Japanese in­ for rheumatism. enward that he can as he lives and dictment of what President Roose becomes a work of art, stained by He was loaded onto a transport ternees to teach Ohio and Michigan Look out for six weeks of bad travels life’s pathwav. Ha is very velt’s repeal bas brought to the na­ tears of joy and sadness as she plane with seventeen other suffers farmers lessons in sanitation R. A. weatber—the groundbog saw bis generous. He not only tithes all tion in the wake of this liquor d e­ hugs it to her heart. Yes. the let and within a few hours was install­ Clymer. edit or o f the ElDorado, shadow Mondav. his income, but gives out of the bauchery. The New Deal admin ter of all letters, no matter where ed in a tnlly equipped base hospi­ Kans., Times, says that "when the Rev. Floyd Fry went to Alexan- remaining nine-tenths. He is a istration sponsored the twenty first I roam, is the letter to my mother, tal with a staff of 4 0 0 , each physi­ Jap missionaries of soap and suds der county Friday to begin a meet­ liberal supporter of the Gospel and amendment which repealed t L e from her boy awav from home. cian selected for preeminence in bis get through cleaning up on the ing at Damascus church. farms in Michigan and Ohio, we the cause of God, Always ready eighteenth. The manufacture and J, D RHYMER. field. After revealing his identy, Miss Bonnie. Brown, who bolds yean to have tbem sent to Kans. to give of his means with a cheer­ sale of liquor was again legalized this inquitive marine received per a position in Winston, spent Son- Times, says that "when the Jap mis- ful heart. There is noselfiishness, Now a decate bas passed. That mission to stay a wbile and observe. day in town with her parents. More Prayer, Less Wine sioneries of soap and suds get no stinginess, about him. He en- is lotig enough for the promised Injiis own words, be saw "a num through cleaning up on the farms in The littie 4 -year-old child of Mr. Troy, N. C., Jan. 1 8 , 1 9 4 3 . joys Holy Ghost salvation, as he Oenehts of repeal to appear. ber oi delicate surgical operations, Michigan and Ohio, we yearn to and Mrs. George Everbardt is very Dear Editor:- Enclosed find $1 has a real sanctified experience. What is the record? The Chris­ a wide variety of fracture treat have them sent to Kansas. What ill with pneumonia. to renew my subscription. I like He is a blessing in bis home, in his tian Century asks that question an d ments. Life-sized X-rays were we want is a ringside seat and a Swift Hooper and little sen Hen­ to hear about my - friends around church, in his commugity. He then answers it by saying: taken, teeth extracted, dental plat­ movif in five reels of the proceed­ ry, of Winston, were in town Mon. Mocksville and Sheffield. Hope all carries sunshine in his face, as be “The saloon is back, the only es made. A group of specialists ings when a toothy Jap valet seeks day. Glad to see them bad a good Christmas. has Jesus in his heart. He lives difference being that now women prescribed and fitted glasses Phy­ to sanitate and otherwise uplift some Mrs. Charity Meroney has re­ Ic is always a treat to visit the for God and mankind daily, and is fight with men for a place at the sical therapy experts restored the of our farmer friends.” . and he turned from a week’s visit to her places wbete I have lived, but don’t proceeds to name a score of Buticr traveling heavenward. bar. Juvenile delinquency has at. use of injured nerves and muscles ” son, W. R. Meroney, at Winston. gness I’ll get to visit my old home county farmers as Candida'es for the Here is the other man in the tained the proportions of a national He also saw intensive treatment Mrs. Wm. K. Clement and son in Arkansas and Oregon for a long proceedings.” same community, but how differ­ scandal, owing largelv to the fact given to serious burns and skin in Glenn, of R. 4 . visited relatives in time. When I lived in Oregon my “It’s really too bad about the un­ ent he is AU be seems to live for that in this war youth have virtu­ fections, as well as skin and bone Statesville last week.
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