Published by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Volume 41, Number 6 March 2021 Adar-Nissan 5781 PASSOVER Happy <PMZMIZM Passover TW\[WN_Ia[ \WMI\UI\bIP )VLTW\[WN_Ia[\WJM XIZ\WN\PM.MLMZI\QWV To make matzah taste better — you can try hundreds of things. To make someone’s life better — try the Federation. Please give to the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire. You’ll be helping your community at home and around the world. In lots more ways than we can count. /Q^M<WLIa Jewishnh.org/give Federation Voices 3 603-627-7679 Calendar 4 Your Federation at Work 6 Passover Greetings 7 From the Bimah 9 Education 10 In the Community 11 Arts & Entertainment 17 Kid's Corner Coloring Page 20 Mitzvahs 21 Jewish Journeys 22 Israel News and Events 26 Recent Events 27 Book Review 28 Obituaries 29 Tributes 30 Business & Professional Services 31 Change Service Requested Service Change PERMIT NO. 1174 NO. PERMIT MANCHESTER, NH MANCHESTER, Bedford, NH 03110 NH Bedford, PAID 273 South River Rd. Unit #5 Unit Rd. River South 273 US POSTAGE US Jewish Federation of New Hampshire New of Federation Jewish ORGANIZATION The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Jewish Hampshire New The NON-PROFIT JRF: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation URJ: Union for Reform Judaism The New Hampshire CONGREGATIONS USCJ: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Reporter VVolumeolume 41,3, NumberNumber 6 AMHERST HANOVER TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN Rabbi Beth D. Davidson MARCH. 2021 CONGREGATION BETENU THE ROHR CHABAD CENTER 152 Prospect Street, Manchester Adar-Nissan* 5781 Dena Glasgow (Rabbinic Intern) AT DARTMOUTH Reform, Affiliated URJ Published by the 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst Rabbi Moshe Gray Published by the (603) 669-5650 JeJewishwish FFederationederation of NeNeww HampshirHampshiree Reform, Affiliated URJ 19 Allen Street, Hanover www.taynh.org (603) 886-1633 Orthodox, Chabad [email protected] 698 Beech Street www.betenu.org (603) 643-9821 273 South River Rd. Unit #5 Services: Shabbat services the first Friday ManchesterBedford, NH, NH 03110 03104 Services: Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat www.dartmouthchabad.com of the month at 6 PM Tel: (603) 627-7679Tel: (603) 627-7679Fax: (603) 627-7963 services at 7:30 PM [email protected] All other Friday nights at 7 PM Services: Friday Evening Shabbat services with some exceptions. Editor:Editor: Nicholas Fran Ber Conleyman BETHLEHEM and Dinner Alternating Shabbat services or Torah LLayoutayout and and Design: Design: 5JN(SFHPSZ Tim Gregory BETHLEHEM HEBREW CONGREGATION Shabbat morning services study Saturday mornings at 10 AM Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum Call for times Advertising Sales: TEMPLE ISRAEL Ad603-627-7679vertising Sales: 39 Strawberry Hill Road KOL HA'EMEK UPPER VALLEY PO Box 395, Bethlehem Rabbi Jeremy Szczepanski [email protected] JEWISH COMMUNITY 66 Salmon Street, Manchester [email protected] Unaffiliated-Egalitarian Rabbi Mark Melamut (603) 869-5465 Conservative The objectives of The New Hampshire Roth Center for Jewish Life (603) 622-6171 JewishThe objectReporterives areof Theto foster New aHampshir sense ofe www.bethlehemsynagogue.org communityJewish Reporter among ar thee Jewishto foster people a sense of New of 5 Occom Ridge, Hanover [email protected] [email protected] Nondenominational, Unaffiliated Hampshirecommunity amongby sharing the Je ideas,wish people information, of New Services: Contact for Date/Time Info www.templeisraelnh.org experiencesHampshire andby opinions,sharing andideas to, promoteinformation, the (603) 646-0460 agencies, projects and mission of the Jewish President Dave Goldstone - (516) 592-1462 Services: Fridays at 6 PM experiences and opinions, and to promote the www.uvjc.org Saturday at 9:30 AM Federationagencies, pr ofojects New and Hampshire. mission of the Jewish or Eileen Regen – (603) 823-7711 [email protected]. FederaThe Newtion of Hampshire New Hampshir Jewishe. Reporter is Minyans: Mon.-Fri. 7 AM. Call Stephen published monthly ten times per year, with a Weekly Services: July through Simchat Torah Services: Friday night Shabbat service at The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter is Friday: 6:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM Singer 603-774-4048 for info. deadlinepublished for monthl submissionsy ten times of the per 10th year of, withthe 6 PM montha deadline before for publication.submissions ofThere the 10thare noof Saturday morning Shabbat service at 10 AM NASHUA Januarythe month or Junebefor eissues. publica Alltion. items, Ther includinge are no CONCORD calendar events, for the December-January February or August issues. An “Upcoming TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM or May-June newspaper must be submitted TEMPLE BETH JACOB KEENE byEv ent”Nov. 10(Calendar) or April 10,submission respectively. for those Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett months should be submitted by December Rabbi Robin Nafshi CONGREGATION AHAVAS ACHIM 4 Raymond Street, Nashua 10th or JPleaseune 10th, send respect all materialsively. to: 67 Broadway, Concord Rabbi Dan Aronson Reform, Affiliated URJ Conservative, Affiliated USCJ [email protected] send all materials to: 84 Hastings Avenue, Keene (603) 883-8184 [email protected] (603) 228-8581 Reconstructionist, Affiliated JRF To submit Calendar items for the print and www.tbanashua.org www.tbjconcord.org (603) 352-6747 online JFNH Calendar and E-News, go [email protected] [email protected] to https://jewishnh.org/community-calendar,6HQGLWHPVIRUWKHSULQWDQGRQOLQH click www.keenesynagogue.org [email protected] the-)1+&DOHQGDUDQG(1HZVWR red "Suggest an Event" button, then fill in Services: Friday night - 7 PM the form with your event information. [email protected] Services: Friday services 8:00 p.m., HYHQWV#MHZLVKQKRUJ Saturday morning - 9:30 AM [email protected] Opinions presented in the paper do Shabbat Alive! first Friday of the month Opinions presented in the paper do not Services: Regular Friday night services at not necessarily represent the views of the DERRY 6:30 p.m.,online Saturday service 10 am, necessarilyFederation. represent the views of the 7 PM evening services daily at 7:30 p.m. Federation.Neither the Photos publisher submitted nor the by individualseditor can ETZ HAYIM SYNAGOGUE and organizations are published with their Monthly Shabbat morning services at except Saturday 45 minutes after sunset. assume any responsibility for the kashrut Rabbi Peter Levy 10 AM permission.of the services or merchandise advertised in thisNeither paper .the If publisheryou have norquestions the editor regar dingcan 1½ Hood Road, Derry Check the website for time variations NORTH CONWAY assume any responsibility for the kashrut of Reform, Affiliated URJ kashrut please consult your rabbi. theThe services New or Hampshirmerchandisee Jeadvertisedwish R eporterin this KEHILAT HAR LAVAN paper. If you have questions regarding (603) 432-0004 LACONIA is overseen by the JFNH Publications Hazzan Marlena Fuerstman kashrut please consult your rabbi. www.etzhayim.org TEMPLE B’NAI ISRAEL CommitteeThe New, Merle Hampshire Carrus, chairperson.Jewish Reporter PO Box 474, Bartlett All materials published in The New [email protected], [email protected] Rabbi Dan Danson is overseen by the JFNH Publications Services: Fridays 7:15 PM (978) 853-4900 Committee,Hampshire Je Merlewish R eporterCarrus, ar chairperson.e ©2013 Jewish 210 Court Street, Laconia Federation of New Hampshire, all rights Please check the website for the Shabbat [email protected] All materials published in The New Reform, Affiliated URJ Services: Wed. mornings 9 AM online via Hampshirereserved, unless Jewish noted Reporter otherwise are ©2019. Jewish Morning schedule (603) 524-7044 Federation of New Hampshire, all rights Zoom reserved, unless noted otherwise. DURHAM www.tbinh.org Enter meeting ID https://zoom. Services: Every other Friday us/j/381930069 UNH & SEACOAST CHABAD JEWISH CENTER night at 7:30 PM Holiday service times, locations TBA Rabbi Berel Slavaticki Shabbat Candle Lighting Times: 72-1 Main Street, Durham MANCHESTER PORTSMOUTH (Manchester) (603) 205-6598 CHABAD CENTER FOR JEWISH LIVING TEMPLE ISRAEL March 5 5:22 PM [email protected] Rabbi Levi Krinsky www.JewishSeacoast.com Rabbi Kaya Stern-Kaufman March 12 5:31 PM 1234 River Rd., Manchester 200 State Street, Portsmouth Orthodox, Chabad Conservative, Affiliated USCJ March 19 6:39 PM (603) 647-0204 (603) 436-5301 March 26 6:47 PM www.Lubavitchnh.com www.templeisraelnh.org [email protected] [email protected] Services: Shabbat Services Services: Friday, 6:15 PM Saturday morning at 9:30 AM Saturday, 9:30 AM Sunday morning minyan at 9 AM Tues. minyan 5:30 PM Temple Israel has a fully licensed M-F preschool. PAGE 2 The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Adar-Nissan 5781 • March 2021 Happy Passover from JFNH It is hard to believe that Passover is al- COVID-19 did give us the opportunity to conversations. most here, and we are once again plan- Elyse Hyman reach out across the state and include ev- • Sending children to Jewish summer ning family Zoom seders. I am not sure eryone in our programming and services camp, and on Israel experiences. any of us thought that here, a year later, this past year. • Presenting our Annual Jewish Film we would still be home, and not celebrat- Executive So, you may ask, how does the Federa- Festival (live or virtual) and hosting ing together with family and friends in Director tion allocate and distribute funds raised? special film series and panel discus- person. I want to wish you a very happy Your support of the annual campaign al- sions throughout the year. Passover, filled with good health, and lows us to continue: • Bringing Jewish customs and values hope that next year we will get back to support will help us continue to meet the • Supporting the community impacted into your homes, with PJ Library some type of normalcy. needs of our fellow community members. by the pandemic with much needed so- books and programs. The Jewish Federation of New Hamp- JFNH has representation from almost cial services. And the needs do not stop there. We shire is so appreciative for the support we every formal Jewish organization in New • Collaborating with community part- need you and your continued support.
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