THE WESTFIELD LEADER THB UUDDTO AND MOST WDHU.Y fBOULATBD WIMttY HBWIPAPIl W 0WOJI OOO1TTT I'UblJshtHl SNTY-SECOND YEAB^-No. 26 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSKY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1962 #ry Thur»ttt»y 82 P———10 C—to Ice of the PeopI Rep. Dwyer Enters Newsletters By Young Journalist [Democracy At Work Bid for Primary, Coe Gets Fourth Term Offer Eye Views Of Europe, Asia With this issue, the "Leader" For more than a year, she School In Town Meetings begins a series of ten articles by served as press secretary at the COP Congresswoman a young Westfield free-lance jour- Iranian Embassy in Washington {Two thorny problems for which proposed solutions have met with Pledges to Press nalist, Winifred. Baumer, who will where she was editor of the Em- ance from the citizens were faced headon Saturday morning in write from Paris, Vienna, Yugo- bassy's bi-monthly magazine, "Thc Party Interests slavia. Turkey and Iran. Iran Review." Early last Novem- Post uncil Chambers at separate public hearings. Miss Baumer, daughter of Mr.ber, she began her present tour [The purpose of the meetings—to present council's plan in detail Union County Congresswoman and Mrs. William H. Baumer of of Europe and the Near East. leloeation of the Town Yard—to present the Board of Education's Florence P. Dwyer, considered one 601 St. Marks avenue, writes from Her initial article "Letter from Dr. Rhoda Is Elected 1st for an expanded play area for McKinley School pupils and to of the strongest vote-getters among experiences unusual in one barely Europe" follows: e tenor of the feelings on both from those most affected, the House Republicans, today an- into her twenties. Born at the Vice President At oring property owners. nounced that she will seek a fourth Military Academy ut West Point, By Winifred Baumer Reorganization (The McKinley School hearing at 10 a.m. attracted approximately term. where her father was an instruc- For a returning American, after Irsons. At 11 a.m. the attendance in the Council Chambers swelled The only GOP woman ever elect- tor, she spent one period of early only a year, there la striking visual The Westfield Board of Educa- 3 with standing room only for the Town Yard site airing. ed to Congress from, New Jersey, schooling in Heidelberg, Germany evidence of a new prosperity in tion Monday night elected Willis [Net result after a total of three hours—decision on McKinley Mrs. Dwyer, now serving her third when her family was on Army France. It manifests itself in new G. Coe as president of the boftrd p] requiring closing portion of Pierson street awaits full council term as the state's sixth district duty. television antennas bristling from and Dr. Richard N. Rhoda as vice Ideration, solution—Town Yard relocation, pledge from Mayor Burr representative, is not expected to After graduation from Weet- gracious residences of Paris, thc president. jwl Jr. and Fourth Ward Councilman James A. Homer for a full face party opposition in the April field High School in 1066, Miss increasing problem of finding a 17 primary. Baumer attended Marymount Col- place to park, the supermarkets Mr. Coe. a member of the board ng of alternate possibilities and a two-week moratorium on that sometimes usurp the time- since February 1000, resides at [new steps in re the presently proposed site roughly bounded In 1960, Mrs. Dwyer was re lege in Tarrytown, N.Y., for one 861 Knollwood terrace, and Dr. elected by a margin of more than year. She completed her educa- honored place of the corner butch Jrorth Scotch Plains avenue, West Broad street, North Florence er, baker, and candlestick maker. Rhoda of 1020 Boulevard joln«d > and Hort street. 88,000 votes while presidential can- tion at the Sorbonne In Paris the board lust year. didate Richard M. Nixon led by ap- with a major in comparative lit- This and much more has proximately 3,000 votes in the same MISS WINIFRED BAUMER eratures. (Continued on page 2) Miss Frances Pelrce, board Me- )WN YARD SITE McKINLEY SCHOOL Congressional district retary, administered the oath of Earlier this month, the Con- office to Robert E. Savage, Robert j public hearing on the Town Councilman Horner opened the Well Done John! S, Miner Jr., new board member) (cil proposal to relocate the meeting by stating that the Board gresswoman revealed her intention to se»k ronomination in a letter to Shopper "Holiday" On Tap elected Feb. 14, and Incumbents jit Town Yard on North ave- of Education had requested Town The eyes and ears of millions who were roelectcd Laertes O. to a site in the fourth ward, Council to close and vacate a por- members of the Union County Ee- publlcan Committee. Retail Stores to Conduct Town wide Sale Here everywhere were glued to tele- Fortenbaugh and J, Kenneth icribed above, brought a pack- tion of Pierson street adjacent vision and radio yesterday Boylcs. luncil chamber fit 11 o'clock. to McKinley School for the pur- Tomorrow, Bargains Offered, Parking Free morning as their henrU and pose of expanding the recreational Committee chairmen were to- lyor Town opened the hearing prayers roile with Astronaut pointed by Mr. Coe as follows: Fi- ntroduced Councilman Homer, facilities at the school. The observance of Washington's Marine Lt. Col. John 11. Ulenu nance tmd budget, J. Kenneth of the Public Works Commit- Mr. Horner said he had been •birthday here tomorrow will usher Fund Group Sifts who lifter 10 tries finally was Hoyk'8; Instruction and health, Dr. as the chairman for the ses-assigned by Council to determine In a spectacular new idea by West- blasted off his earth pad Into Jnne Sprngg; facilities (formerly the feelings of those residing on field's merchants—a big town wide orbits around tho world. ' sites and buildings), Mrs. Augua- r. Horner explained, as he had the street and had decided an sale in which unheard of prices on Health Agencies His perseverance, determina- tun Klalber; operation and main- week his promise to Charles informal open meeting rather than truly valuable merchandise will be tion, courage- skill and confi- tenance, Dr. Rhoda. rison, president of the North personal visits to the 28 property offered to shoppers. dence in his own ithiliUes mid Liolson assignments are Town th Plains Avenue Association owners would be helpful in order According to the sales commit- For'62 Appeal those working with him, fully tauncil, Mr. Boyles; planning : two months ago that when to "find out how the people of tee the participating merchants epitomize whnt America has boanl, Gordon Duncan; recreation ilod plans for the shifting of Pierson street feel about this." 1 offer merchandise at sacrifice Dr. Albert E. Meder, new presi- been—what it is—whnt it seeks DR. RICHARD N. RHODA board, Mr. Kortcnbaugh; athletic town yard to the proposed lo- Present were Mayor Burr A. prices rather than carry it over to dent of the United Fund of West- for the future—a nation of council, Mrs. Klalber, and prom, in were available a public air- Towl Jr., Fourth Ward Council- another selling season. field, will name n npecial commil- men, fearless in purpose, dedi- Normnn Hu8nicre. of the matter would be tsched- man James J. Kefalonitis, Edward The event is being sponsored by ti e to review health agencies for cated to the continued advance- Mr. Coe> who takes over the V. Ehlcrs, administrative assist- possible Inclusion in the 1002 ap- ment of man's knowledge nnd World Prayer Day presidency formerly held by Ro- tha Retail Division of the Wcatfleld respect for the mysteries of tho rijtinally set down for Satur- ant, Councilman William Connors, Chamber of Commerce. Sinn Sol- peal. bert 11. Mulreany la vice president Robert H. Mulreany, former pres- This action was authorized fol- universe and to share what it of opcrntloim for Personal Prod- Uie session had been pre-empt- nick of Lancaster, Ltd., chairman lenrns with its fellowmen. Observances Set of iU importance somewhat ident of the Board of Education, for the event, has been co-ordinat- lowing disclosure last week that ucts Division in Mllltnwn, an affili- n a large delegation of fourth other board members, PTA repre- ing the details for the promotion the National Fund for Medical All America stands strong ate of Johnson and Johnson. i residents appeared at the refj- sentatives from McKinley School for the jiast several weeks. Kdtication, to which thc Wcstflcld and proud as the record of this By Churchwomcn A resident of Westfleld since \ Town Council meeting a week and the Wcstfield PTA Council, United Fund has contributed for achievement is blazoned before 11164 Mr. Coe wan Unit elected to plus most of the residents of the A distinctive window banner has several years, passed out of exist- tho school board In February, During lenthy discussion on thc world—as it happened— The World Day nf I'rayer, spon- litter then many of the points Pierson street. ' REP. FLORENCE P. DWYER been designed for display by those ence at the end of 10(51, The may she continue ever more to 1000, and was appointed at that stores offering the bargains and a national organization of commun sored by United Church Women, time to the operations and main- xlmtion on the location were Mr. Horner explained that the be as she ia today, tho. leader of will be oliRorvbd In Wostfleld Educational Facilities Committee miniature, hatchet, significant Ity chests and united funds Is rec- free men everywhere—tho one tenance, committee, lie m chair- and in return council "I shall continue in every way," the holiday, will be distributed ommending »s n successor organi- March !', u day when Chrlalian man of the irrouu (or the past [tampered by not having avail- of the school PTA, supported by she wrote, "to seek to juBtlfy your great hope In mankind's un- women In Hi other countrlon will the PTA council had appealed to free to all.
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