First name Last name School Name City Region London borough Tegan Abbs Saffron Walden County High School Thaxted SE England Mohammed Abdulkadir Burlington Danes Academy London Greater London Hammersmith and Fulham Aweys Abdullatif Harris Westminster Sixth Form London Greater London Brent Rohit Abraham Urmston Grammar Academy Salford NW England Bash Abubakar Urmston Grammar Academy Manchester NW England Nikolas Aguilar King's College London Maths School London Greater London Hounslow Ali Ahmed Parrs Wood High School Manchester NW England Aquib Akhtar Loreto College Manchester NW England Stuart Aldred Beath High School Cowdenbeath Scotland Lowri Allman Bishop Heber High School Coedpoeth Wales Nyewuna Amadi Saint John Bosco College Battersea Greater London Wandsworth Ben Ashton Stockton Sixth Form College Stockton-on-Tees NE England Harriet Bailes St Nicholas Catholic High School Middlewich NW England Valentine Bailey-Beckett Bodmin College Bodmin SW England Rebecca Banks Tavistock College Tavistock SW England Roman Baranovskis The St Marylebone CofE School London Greater London Westminster Adam Bell St Patrick's Grammar School Crossgar Northern Ireland John Bentas St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School Bromley Greater London Bromley Sami Berisha Edmonton County School London Greater London Enfield Adarsh Bhardwaj Alloa Academy Alloa Scotland Keanu Billones Lampton Academy London Greater London Hounslow Joshua Bissett Grangemouth High School Grangemouth Scotland Sam Blackman Kettering Science Academy Kettering Midlands Patrick Brumskill St Edward's College Liverpool NW England Caitlin Burns Harris Academy Dundee Scotland Emma Cairns John Paul Academy Glasgow Scotland Emily Caisley The King Edward VI School NE England Aisha Malisa Chothia Greenhead College Batley NW England Emily Clark Wallace High School Stirling Scotland Ben Coles The Priory Academy LSST Lincoln Midlands James Copley Churchmead Church of England (VA) School Slough SE England Calum Corrie Williamwood High School Glasgow Scotland Charlie Cromwell-Pinder St Julian's Comprehensive School Newport Wales L Culling Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form Free School Norwich SE England Erraid Davies Anderson High School Skeld Scotland Jordana Deighton Tapton School Sheffield Midlands Nadine Dellaway Alun School Holywell Wales Katherine Dempsie Drummond Community High School Edinburgh Scotland Natalia Di Maio-Zaffino Greenhead College Huddersfield NW England Charis Dixon Blue Coat Church of England School and Music College Coventry Midlands Jodie Donovan East Norfolk Sixth Form College Great Yarmouth SE England Amy Drake Richard Huish College Langport SW England Ava Dunkley Blenheim High School London Greater London Sutton Kim Farrell St Wilfrid's Catholic High School & Sixth Form College Wakefield NE England Francisca Freitas Teixeira Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College London Greater London Brent Rosie Fresen The King's (the Cathedral) School Spalding NE England Sonya Friel Loreto Grammar School Omagh Northern Ireland Rebecca Gibbons St Benedict's Catholic School Sudbury SE England Flo Gill Campsmount (A Co-Operative Academy) Doncaster NE England Will Gilroy Ulverston Victoria High School Barrow-in-Furness NW England George Goodfellow The Gryphon School Sherborne SW England Oscar Goodsell The Norton Knatchbull School Rye SE England Nick Gribbins Invicta Grammar School Maidstone SE England Hannah Griffiths Sir Thomas Picton School Fishguard Wales Tilly Griffiths City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College Leek Midlands Apsara Gurung Landau Forte College Derby Midlands Jenny Guy Chelmsford County High School for Girls Brentwood SE England Jasper Hancock Sir William Borlase's Grammar School Henley-On-Thames SE England Lee Harding Ormiston Forge Academy Rowley Regis Midlands Jamie Harkin Lumen Christi College Derry Northern Ireland Ryan Harper King Edward VI College Stourbridge Stourport-on-Severn Midlands Yasmin Hazir Thomas Telford School wolverhampton Midlands Lydia Hewitt Hartlepool Sixth Form College Teesside NE England Ollie Hobbs Glenthorne High School Sutton Greater London Sutton Jake Horsfall The Blue Coat CofE School Manchester NW England Andrew Jackson St Kentigern's Academy Bathgate Scotland Latasha Jackson Woodhouse College London Greater London Brent Holly James The Blue Coat School Liverpool NW England Trae James London Academy of Excellence London Greater London Hackney Aleks Jenner Wymondham College Wymondham SE England Oscar Jopp Hills Road Sixth Form College Baldock SE England Rebekah Jordon Kingsmead School London Greater London Enfield Victoria Kantande Harris Academy Bermondsey London Greater London Lewisham Anna Kelly St Kentigern's Academy Scotland Adam Khan Parrs Wood High School Manchester NW England Hana Khan Baylis Court School Slough SE England Yasmin Khera Thornhill College Derry Northern Ireland Onder Kilinc Cardinal Pole Roman Catholic School London Greater London Hackney Sam King Williamwood High School Glasgow Scotland Serena Kutty Guru Nanak Sikh Academy London Greater London Hillingdon Syimyk Kyshtoobaev The Skinners' School Crowborough SE England Ellie Laird Hamilton Grammar School Glasgow Scotland Annalise Langdon Balcarras School Cheltenham SW England Cameron Langston Barr Beacon School Birmingham Midlands Chris Lappas Queensmead School London Greater London Hillingdon Catherine Lawrence Castlemilk High School Glasgow Scotland Olivia Lewtas The Blue Coat School Liverpool NW England Naomi Liesching-Schroder Southend High School for Girls Rochford SE England Zhi Ping Lim Wilson's School Carshalton SE England Bethan Lodge St Wilfrid's Catholic High School & Sixth Form College Pontefract NE England Tracey Ly Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate Girls School London Greater London Tower Hamlets Mina Mahrous Gunnersbury Catholic School London Greater London Hounslow Hafsah Manzur Eastwood High School Glasgow Scotland Serkan Marasli King's College London Maths School London Greater London Islington John Mccambridge Plockton High School Glenelg Scotland Darren Mccarroll Wellington College Ballynahinch Northern Ireland Catriona Mccrory St Louis Grammar School Ballymena Northern Ireland Emmet Mcgeown Lismore Comprehensive School Craigavon Northern Ireland Ansar Mirza Tiffin School London Greater London Wandsworth Joe Mitchell The Skinners' School Edenbridge SE England Keiran Mitchell The Blackpool Sixth Form College Fleetwood NW England Ibrahim Mohamed Chelsea Academy London Greater London Wandsworth Mohamed Mohamed Burlington Danes Academy London Greater London Ealing Dayna Mooneegan Bilborough College Derby Midlands Tess Moran Ysgol y Preseli Narberth Wales Kelly Mwaamba The Tiffin Girls' School Staines SW England Bilal Nadiri Ousedale School Milton Keynes SE England Masi Nagdee Stretford Grammar School Manchester NW England Afua Nkansah-Asamoah Harris Westminster Sixth Form London Greater London Waltham Forest Paniz Nobahari Wren Academy London Greater London Barnet Nataly Ojeda Mosquera Bishop Thomas Grant Catholic Secondary School London Greater London Lambeth Melanie Onovo Brampton Manor Academy London Greater London Newham Devyani Patel Watford Grammar School for Girls Harrow Greater London Harrow Hemal Patel Blue Coat Church of England School and Music College Coventry Midlands Zaynah Patel Valentines High School London Greater London Redbridge Max Pearson Queen Elizabeth High School Hexham NE England Abi Peters Springwood High School King's Lynn Midlands Maegen Pratt Cronton Sixth Form College Widnes NW England Millie Preece Ousedale School Milton Keynes Midlands Millie Prescott-Cockbill The Bramcote School Stapleford, Nottingham Midlands Dolapo Prince The Bridge Academy London Greater London Hackney Ciara Purnell The English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College Hartlepool NE England Rahim Raja Riverside College Halton Warrington NW England Elizabeta Ranxburgaj Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College London Greater London Brent Celyn Rees Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth Llanelli Wales Elin Roberts Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor Blaenau Ffestiniog Wales Harriet Ruane Cheadle Hulme High School Cheadle NW England Jordan Satch Peter Symonds College Romsey SE England Cherif Seidi Harris Academy Peckham London SE England Weronika Skiba Churston Ferrers Grammar School Academy Brixham SW England Jake Slay Torquay Boys' Grammar School Torquay SW England Aisling Smith The Nicolson Institute Isle of Lewis Scotland Will Speirs The Queen Elizabeth's High School, Gainsborough Doncaster Midlands Neve Stewart Glenrothes High School Glenrothes Scotland Kareena Talwar St Dominic's Sixth Form College London Greater London Ealing Jade Taylor The Hayfield School Doncaster NE England Alex Thompson Colchester Royal Grammar School Maldon SE England Edward Tranter Spalding Grammar School Wisbech SE England Lia Trimarchi The Henrietta Barnett School London Greater London Camden Hilliam Tung ARK Globe Academy London Greater London Southwark Adam Watson The Blue Coat CofE School Manchester NW England Cameron Watts Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School Chesterfield Midlands Geraint Webb Truro and Penwith College Redurth SW England Helen Webley-Brown Ashcroft Technology Academy London Greater London Lewisham Lola Wheeler Dartford Grammar School Gravesend SE England Francesca Wilson Glenthorne High School Sutton SE England Meredith Winter St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School Bristol SW England Peter Wright Drummond Community High School Edinburgh Scotland.
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