l '- . .., Puget Sound Argus. Vol. XIV Port 'L'o",vnsend, VV. T" 'L'hursday, February ~,3, ~88;·3. No.~ "Ill Ill' (lIII'IU'll III ~," ..I'II. l'I,'n ~'. h,m'" III Ilnc"LJfOI}. 1,',,]1(' lolnl..'f"'·\ lh' 1'm: O.u.\II\, FI·h. 11.-'1'ht! UUiO'\ Pm'ille :~':~1. ::;~·~'~';';:'}~~tl ~~~II.~.:.:,I~·'I~:.rh~l'~,,:~~::,l rhjh~ny ,.-ill 0llll!l jt'J On'lton Short Line .1'1' Ilo·,n'lin 1"1 111,,1 lin nl'lJl,I"I~d lit 11"01,"- nl',1 ~ I~I:ll;;: '~l'~~'I'.r;':."'I"," ':i:l'~~'~t:':;I,:\;,~t'lt";~;II:~ Weekly Argus. TiJLE RAPHW.- t,,~ho~h(lllf'. Id1lho. whi~h Jllnre Ii the I>; l'I·1l1.I:O:ll~:1I t:n:I:\' 'runtsu,\\' .fmlt'illli wilh the Wooll Hi\'er hrllllch, \h~t~I~,~I~,:'in:: hll\. ""'I'l! ;,rli,.rt'.ll'nhl: on ~1t\rc~1 ilit. Tho lti;ilulICO i~ 1.t~1 mile~ t' I' Uarl1"ll.li: '·n. :ot,lt~ 5 I t.I At 1'<lrl '[lJ\\'u'umd, W"ihill~tOllTcrritot)· J ~ I'h,·;oh-m'. lJ!ll. '1011'0. ~l"'" :1l1'0! ~I ..l 7111' "'oul :\ltll'kf't. !rllUl tbll junction ur tho ~bort Iiuo with altun'. fur 11Ill.ntl C"url!:uu ..', .•... 1.1 ~~l !:iAS r'll.\StJhll;u.l'\'\1. 1:1.- The IImount tuo mail! IillU. lit Or.llI:::~r. W.WllllitHI'. n,~,I,~t~\t(II~~:~;~~ t~aUi::~I~!:~ ~:::,l;;~ ,M IkI 'It::'''''' Ott "'1·'1"'iCNI ..'r.o~1 of Urcj.(lll W'loll al pnJ,;(lnt in tlUt InRr· Stll;{C IinC3 iuto tho KlIuthern Idtlhl) mill­ l·hri..t"I,I,,·, 1\1...11111 I" rn." ·I',·r. \f !·l.l~ll nllth~ OU\'<I, t'~IlJl:.......... ~IIWI 1):1" .'••• , Ttl..·\> l.. ':'.\ 1'1'. i!!l,~rlO,UOn 5LtlU"'IlI I., OIlI'Ullllllb ll!lch. kot poulll1l1. 'I'r"t1o 11II!4 bOOb inl; ru~ioml n~ now tun rrom Kelton, Wltn... r,.... lI"r"f\t Jnotlct" ", Ih,' rlt!~ ..,.. ':'1 11/ vcr~' ~o,)\.1. t'!:ilm nfH!'i ~Illl... , fnrl'~,.1I1oI'1IIfll ".wlIt,l. rur 1'l11l;:1~ ~""IJY, III I'''lll~. Pritl()H h:wll been nil tJlllt Utlb, nn,1 Iil:tckrout, rJnllo, null will thon IIllllI'..II'·II.I"n tit II..llry :1.111.... "II 'I"t'RllO' f!'CUI l'1I, ,,-t,- "Ill ,I}' 111 A,h·"'Ul'e. "",*1 bultlcr" Ct'lItld Ill'loiN IIttcr R 10111( period rLID lrum :-iho'lhono. J~1l "'itel"';, IlIi:tnl li,IJOIln1I'1I, u! Ilnllut:!!S, whilu pru5llCCt~ for the .\lJVlWTI~I:-:O: UI,II'l'INGS. l:,\'l'!:J 01' IIllrill~ arc more IlOlteflll n~ to VIII· .. ""0111 l'erl'illUal 1~~II..rl.·u('.. ,'· r\Jrmerl~·. OM In' 'I, d'.tlllll\!f1llJlI, 'I.!.4I IIl'll thllu Et1llhlrn Orl:l:0n is • TilE. mom')' 01'111'1' IJI\;SilH'l!!1 of tbo S"!f .lu.r.. l'.,I., All':, :llol. IN'll. LI' 11.,11, '.'llI~nllll.,'l'lhHo ,..... rAJ (l'w!(I,lJltl nlI6~2:lIJ. ullcl \'lIl1oy Oregoll 1'\(>w '\ ork lJl»>t,OtliCB tho pm~t yt':u' ng· ~ll!'~~~\;"l'n~~,r.r~,~~,~~I';\I:'~~-;~~r;.:~:l(r:r;;::~N~2: '1'r1"~'"'' I.~rll ~hln,')· ~U 1~"O!lllllrllcll'd '.. ..·I'I..lIl·, 10 Ill'Uru llIoo:rtlou. :l'lt(~ti. ~'1'c;{1I1i)l1 Sf);~lUl,UOO. lIU iucrcilllll of 1111,1 Lh'," t ',,1'0' I" ... Itl\ IUU .• t tit· ...:,1>1110',1111.." !oJ u·h. kidney .lId Ilv..rd,nlculllt-. $7,:'i!Ul UOU OVCI' lust y('ur. !11K •. C. ,..... 1''':nl101'. ON'r;lln Sf'll'''. D.:ljl'"ml~o of aumi66.iull tluring the POIITt..\S'Il, "·cll. 1fl.-'j,·!Io Amf't!cnn presNlt H£'8.'"ion of Congr('ss, thu Tilt: burk E...inoftl WmilSUltJ hero loony to J. Wnllll Wnllll Union believ{'1i it wiscr S C. ~Iorrill, of Sail f'rnncisoo, for 814,. tllllt tbowllolo eITort or onr peoplo IIml blf·fEfl Daily Argus uuo. ~he will probllbl)' uo into tbe their rtlllroscntnt.i\'('S be oonc('ntrll· Ip ~'Oll WKlIt tlle u08t loa ill P,)rt. Town· In\·~1l11 •. Il",k..n l1nwn III h"RUh loll .plr". by t«.1 upon lwonrillg the Ilnncxntiun of ~u ch",ule ,IY'II"II.I~, ", .\l\f.. r1nlt holll th.. I~rribl .. Unnollliu lind S311 li'runoisoo trl"10. !It.'lltJ. 10 JIL'I. JuUCtl' 0PIIOl4ilc Ceutrol ..~IUl".llm' Ih.I r,,!low> lilt! .u.ell. 0' ICUllldl.· Nortb Jtluho. "It..., lholl~nd. Hoporlll tonight from tbe \Villcmette Hotel. lIu will fllruiilh "1111 witll Ihe thl' 1...I!tnllllY of who I,u. """II ['urit)· UlleHloroo JUtlnn 'lIen. fur wbiub ml''',1 II~ 11,· III mlr.lc!.. trill'" .hull., 1II~.' ot PNl'~ VII!JC)' cOllllticg, clltimute tbRt bllJr tllo 1,'noM stlltistics Cnrnit;bed the Co· he iii ttOlc auent. .. 1,.11\011 h\" ·1l"'~I .. II,·r'. ~loln.ch Rltll!n, If II .lIN llllllMnn of the quantitit!8 and \'n1\1o lftl~l'Itlllot~ 11111 b~ Ill<' "lnt8 m..nlll '011.100 !QoIT W Dllli\'ttrOO by mail or ourrier. -It1 fall·MlllYn wheat hns OOen dllmB~ ur of fitlb cnnght in t.hn F'rluw'r lind Bur, h"t~~~ ~l~'~~~;l:tl ~~',~;;i~:~:~<III~ltorlll«e""" .•1.11. deattro.H.'t( bT nlternllte fnJ\.'aI,.'lI IIm1 rnrd Inlet during last IWl\HOn, it IS CHURCH NOTICES. tlli't winter. All t11l\~ WI\B ~l1l1""".II"flU:W II,Ta;.lIt tbn\TlI drilled shown that tho "Rim'. in mlditiou to .:1'111";1)1'.\1. CUUllCIi St:l:\'Il:Io;Il; ill~ in ","001.1 coliJition. hut tbat that tho li~hing plant ng'grcgak'8 $1,100,­ ~I~~~~~'l:;;::::::::,I~:~~ 1~~,~icl~i?t~I.~:: .. :: l Scooud Sunday in Lent. NEW GOODS! :f;:;e WIUlIOWU bruDLIc:t1.t id nellrly rninOO. 08S. this, !Klmoll in cnuH,lIwokl'tl III .\<1';1111'0, or Moruhllr Nlrvll:ed al 11 o·c!oci;:. IlECEI VED C"lll~; Tlll're will. howe,'er, be n full cmp, lUI and sllItcd, U1UOtlOt.H to $:1,025,900, E\'cniug !Ienioo at 7 o'eloo!£. W I'.t .....k. :n t"llolclllln. made lIury A loItnrtJ Slock or Iinlu,,1~1· tbe ~ruu!ld will be reJ!oOO.(l(1 iu tho SnndBY sohoolllt 2. P. w. :rtlE Victoria COIOlli8t ,utyll: ~. In Week·dRy stlrviuo Wu.1ues:lny eVent!)$( tlprinK· somo of the hutcber IIholl8 JUl1tton is at 7 o'clooki l!'ridil1 afternoon nt:t GROCERIES n lKIal'CQ nrticlc. Tbo Impply trom till) o'clock. -A~m­ Lorn~'" "pef'eh, mainland ill out oft· till tltcnml'n1 lire U~v. J. D. ALdAxn.ft, M. A. P;R.OV'%_%O._. OTTAWA, Feb. 9.-111 opening tbo Do· "guin nUlIling to Yule. Shoop can &1I1<lenoo, MRlI. E. M. FOWLU "Illd, lI~on ..I. miulon IHJrlillluont lIid~, todoy the Governor­ btt purchased on tbe other hilt )1J::TIIODlI'IT t:r,~coPAL cnuue". At theLowe.t Ilateo for' Oaoh. Oellcrfliin hill nddn'811lrom tbu throne, t.llt'y will llrobnbl)' L"Ol't 15 Cl'ultl pt·r SoniCCfl nl U10 tllmal houl'S, mornillR CHARLES EISENIlEIS. Mid: .. While II!Willll tl.ltougb tbe Unit· pound to get tbl:!w' into tbill market. nnd evenlnlt. t.londuo1ed by Rev. S. H, pj.OD.ctOr .&aJ&.ery", L'I.l $tllte6 1 Will' rejuicoo to obtlen'e many 'rho lied supply now in town, it is 'l'cxW, ).Ht~tor. ~lbbnt!l'&boullt.t 2:16 ".K. o"itleocclI of reli',Jrd for tho cmpire or Muid, will run ont in llbout " luouth, Owner of Wuhlngton !lrevmy, lind tbat will likely be Lefuro com 1·ItE81l,"T.:J:~.\N ClIUItCJI lu:a"lt.m~. wliich tbis ool1lltry ftll'lWl 80 largo n IlOr· nntniClltion with tbtl upper country is Morning SerYice, 11 A. M. Territorial ontct!"" lion. May t1Ji,., trielllLlbil1 *" flllly re· fnir1y l!stllblil!llu•.u. SalJbRth &hool, 2:15, P. M. turlloo by UII be 1111 tllllltitiulf na it ill nat­ Evcning Service, 7 P. M. Is tllo l'ftort to admit WnAbin~ton Week.night Service. 'l'bt~IY, 7:00 P.M. Monntactorer..of the &alQnaJlty 0' urnlllnd tW.vautngeoll~ to the mutuul ill' TI,.'rritory tho W~hiugtoo POll' tlunb !l£". JNO. RlUD, Putor. hll'ClIl.3 uf I.ooLb "relit lIutioQII," Tho Oov· BEER .AND LAGER BEER. it lK'l'd l& desire totnnko 'Ibltb)'stllt~" crnor·(icuernl nll'o Ilnid: "The progrcsa ilO us to inllt1l·o tbo ~!'P6tuity of re­ W Satisfaction gnnrantectl. or the 'lIulI,linn Pacillc RAilroad haa publican JUujoriliee. '\:~ but whut l'orl TOWDIleOd. W. T. beell quiwlluj)reoollenklt!. TrnffioClin now ll1Jeulthy illfunt Wr.slJington Terri· 00 carried on over the main line frum tory' ie, with ber 1~0tJ0 Iiturdy peer. 'fhtlntlt!r nay to within filly mill!8 of the JlIe, ber!orestK, min~ ltnd cltiOtl; bel' PUBLIC SALE lWJOCUilO nnturnl w...Ilb ~d ret'IOUl­ O..'ICIKS &J.lWT. croll.ciUIl Ilf tho 80lltb 8A8Il:a~bewau, " or Real lllAlte "0. Penou1l'l'Opt~" Cl'lI. Ami Dllkotn, unuthbT I< bab)' PtvI. A1l1, lid Ul~I.C. )I. Ilnd~hllw, l't.Tu ...'n.."tI. tlitltl.lDoo uf ovor J,oo.:> milclI. It ill con· litatc," with 2'.!5.UOO peoplo and D Willi" ommtd lit Pllbllc s.~, Jetr"hoQli c'1I1U11' fidently e:rJAloCt6;l thllt thll Rooky l\lrHlll­ Walld country' tor n million mon.. Aedll ltJUl'~ ~VIl1.
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