Towson Students Object to ‘White OUT March 23, 2012 | Volume IX Issue 23 Pride’ Group O’Malley Speaks at New g ov. Martin o’Malley By Steve Charing photo: MDGovPics Ways Ministry Conference Students at Towson University have reacted angrily to a right-wing cam- pus group called Youth for Western By Steve Charing nicities, perspectives, traditions Civilization for their perceived rac- Governor Martin O’Malley received a and faith traditions, O’Malley ist, anti-Muslim, anti-immigration, warm reception as he addressed an audi- said “we should expect and de- and homophobic messaging and ence of about 365 Catholics who attended mand from all our leaders… is phrases that had been chalked on the New Ways Ministry’s Seventh Na- to protect rights equally among sidewalks at various locations on tional Symposium of Catholicism and Ho- all people.” the campus. Among the phrases mosexuality at Baltimore’s Renaissance O’Malley discussed Balti- was “White Pride.” Inner Harbor Hotel on March 16. New more’s important place in his- A forum was held earlier this Ways Ministry, based in Mount Rainier, tory especially during the War of month where about 400 students Maryland, is a national Catholic organi- 1812 and its connection to the attended to address concerns zation that focuses on LGBT issues and Star Spangled Banner. When about these messages as well as promotes rights. the flag once tattered from bat- school safety. Matthew Heimbach, O’Malley, a practicing Catholic, tle was raised, he noted, “The a 20-year-old junior is the president opened his brief remarks by stating, “I did flag had been stitched together of the Towson University chapter of not come here as a Catholic. I came here by black and white hands here in Balti- things for our kids: we want them to live YWC. Smiling, he opened with “Hi, as the governor of all of Maryland.” more. And the thread that stitched those in a loving, caring, committed, and stable everybody. I’m Matt Heimbach. You Acknowledging that Maryland is com- stars and stripes together was the thread home protected equally under the law. all know me. I feel the hate,” gestur- prised of citizens who represent a variety of human dignity.” “For a people of many different faiths, ing towards himself. of backgrounds including different eth- He added that we all want the same —continued on page 2 He explained that YWC is not a white supremacist group and that “white pride” should be as ac- ceptable as “black pride” and “gay A Conversation with Dr. Eva “Health risks pride.” “After Black History Month, for LGBT people which we respect everyone’s right health care provider that are linked to the behavior of other to celebrate their heritage, [we are important keys people include hate crimes, which occur in thought] ‘What would happen if to good health. Many all segments of the community but are epi- we celebrated our own pride?’ and health risks can be demic for transpeople. A subtler example there’s the answer. Our chalkings avoided by changing is the lack of insurance and health benefits were defaced, things were said to us behavior. that results from failure to recognize mar- and we’re having a huge meeting,” Dr. Eva prefers to riage among LGBT people. Depression Heimbach said. He alleged mem- think in terms of be- and anxiety are often related to rejection bers of his group received threats haviorally linked dis- and discrimination based on sexual orien- of violence by other students. eases as opposed tation or gender identity. “ In an email to students, Towson to orientation-linked “The most dangerous example of the University president Maravene diseases. She says, way health risks can result from LGBT Loeschke wrote in part: “Our cam- “Being LGBT in itself people’s own behavior are the multiple pus is an engaged community of doesn’t increase a epidemics still ongoing among gay men: diverse ideas, which facilitates d r. eva hersh person’s risk of health HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C. Gay men the exchange and deliberation of problems. The health are at risk for these sexually transmitted unique perspectives. Unfortunately, risks that are increased infections only if they have certain specific there are some individuals who en- By dana laroCCa for LGBT people are increased due to be- behaviors: anal sex, sex without condoms, joy anonymous communication of Baltimore OUTloud met with Dr. Eva Hersh haviors – sometimes the behaviors of the or multiple sex partners. Obviously, not derogatory statements deliberately to learn about the particular health risks of LGBT people themselves, sometimes the all gay men have these risky behaviors. I intended to cause psychological being LGBT. The good news is that being inappropriate behavior of others towards know plenty of conservative, cautious gay and emotional pain. This behavior honest with yourself and open with your them.” —continued on page 24 —continued on page 2 S P E C I A L H E A L T H S E C T I O N – S T A R T I N G P A G E 2 2 newS // LOCAL o’Malley SPeakS at new The organization came under fire by wayS MiniStry ConferenCe is not okay.” Cardinal Edmund F. O’Brien saying, “In – continued from front page Heimbach de- no manner is the position proposed by New nies that the group Co-Publishers Ways Ministry in conformity with Catholic is homophobic Jim Becker • Jim Williams [email protected] for a people committed to the principle of teaching.” In response, DeBernardo told or racist. But he religious freedom, the way forward is al- Executive Editor Baltimore OUTloud, “Thousands of Cath- wrote in an end- Jim Becker ways to be found through greater respect olic people and hundreds of Catholic insti- of semester re- [email protected] for the equal rights of all; for the human tutions from across the country continue port on the YWC Managing Editor dignity of all.” to support our programs and attend our website explain- Dana LaRocca [email protected] He explained, “The very reason for events. They recognize that what we are ing why a “straight Maryland’s founding was for religious doing is authentically Catholic.” t Production Director pride” event had Bill Andriette freedom. And at the heart of religious been organized: freedom is respect for the freedom of indi- Sales Director “A small list of the Matthew heimbach Mary Taylor vidual conscience.” events and pro- photo: Christopher Curry / [email protected] The Towerlight The governor indicated the [Civil Mar- towSon StUdentS ObjeCt grams that Towson Leather Columnist riage Protection Act] success in the Gen- to ‘white Pride’ group hosts to promote Rodney Burger eral Assembly was “based on the funda- – continued from front page the homosexual lifestyle includes gay pride Contributing Writers mental beliefs, the fundamental principles Shawn Bradley • Cathy Brennan • Terrence Brower • month, drag shows, a gay mentor program, Steve Charing • Jeffrey Clagett • Jeffrey Clouser • Chuck Duncan we share, foremost among them is our not only violates all our values and derails transgender awareness days, frequent pro • Gerry Fisher • Eva Hersh MD • Sam Kunz • Jessica Lemmo • belief in the dignity of every individual.” thoughtful open discussion of ideas, but also homosexual speakers, LGBTQA rooms with Jay Loane • Meredith Moise • Vann Mills • Colin Riley • Gregg Shapiro • O’Malley acknowledged the referen- creates an unwelcoming environment where special accommodations, internships only dum battle ahead. “In Maryland, we were students fear for their own safety. for gay students, and the Safe Space pro- Graphics able to find a way to protect individual civ- “Towson supports First Amendment gram for gay students. YWC thought it was Joe Velasquez • Bob Wellington il marriage rights and religious freedom. rights. Freedom of expression can be com- a shame that in our diverse campus environ- Cartoonist And while it is likely to be challenged on plex and may mean that members of our ment, the viewpoint of Straight Pride and het- Bruce Garrett (www.brucegarrett.com) the ballot, I believe that ultimately the vot- campus community are exposed to hateful erosexual marriage was not represented.” Photographers ers… will come down on the side of hu- and threatening opinions that can be deeply Youth for Western Civilization has at least Bruce Garrett • Jay W Photos • Justin Nixon man dignity.” troubling. When such actions or speech go 15 chapters. It was incorporated in 2006 and Web Editor Appropriately, O’Malley concluded his Anja Saine beyond First Amendment protections, they began organizing at American University in [email protected] address on a religious note. “The mys- will be swiftly addressed.” 2008. The founder was Kevin DeAnna, a Managed Web Services tery of human existence; the mystery of Freshman Andrew Werner told The Tow- graduate student at AU. Former Colorado The Fusio Group 866-322-7498, www.thefusiogroup.com our own relationships with one another; erlight, an independent newspaper on the Congressman Tom Tancredo, known for his the mystery of our own individual rela- National Advertising Rep campus of Towson University, that the intol- staunch anti-immigration stance, is honorary Rivendell Media tionships with the creator of Creation… erance on campus targets LGBT students as chairman. 908-232-2021 these are deep, deep mysteries. Every well as blacks. “I am proud to say that I am According YWC’s Facebook page its Founders person must search for the truth that is gay but that I am also Catholic,” Werner said mission statement includes: “The group Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams at the center of that mystery. This search at the forum. “I personally have been accept- opposes what it views as ‘radical multicul- requires individual freedom.
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