Jewish Federation of Reading Non-Profit Organization JewishJewish Federation Cultural Center of Reading Non-ProfitU.S. PostageOrganization PAID JewishPO Box FederationCultural 14925, Reading,Center of Reading PA 19612-4925 Non-ProfitU.S. Postage OrganizationPermit PAIDNo. 2 JewishPOwww.ReadingJewishCommunity.org Box Cultural14925, Reading, Center PA 19612-4925 U.S. PostagePermitReading, No.PAID PA 2 POwww.ReadingJewishCommunity.orgChange Box 14925, Service Reading, Requested PA 19612-4925 PermitReading, No. PA 2 www.ReadingJewishCommunity.orgChange Service Requested Reading, PA Change Service Requested SHALOM The Journal ofSHALOM the Reading Jewish Community Published as a community service by the Jewish Federation of Reading, Pa. The Journal of SHALOMthe Reading Jewish Community Published as a community service by the Jewish Federation of Reading, Pa. VTTheolumehe JJournalournal 40 ofof the No. Reading 5 Jewish Community.Community Published PublishedMAY as as a a 2010community community service service by by the the Jewish Jewish Federation FederationIyar-Sivan of of Reading, Reading, 5770 Pa. Pa. Volume 40 No. 3 MARCH 2010 Adar-Nisan 5770 VolumeVolume 43, 40 No. No. 1 5 JANUARYMAY 20132010 TEVET-SHEVATIyar-Sivan 5770 5773 INSIDE INSIDE INSIDE Expert on disaster1100 relief Berkshire meets Boulevard with community leaders The Jewish Federation of Reading kickedIt’s offbeen its an incredible year. Hope you’ve been here! 2013It Jewish is hard Community to believe that a year has gone by since we relocated to the Jewish Cultural Center at 1100 Berkshire CampaignBoulevard Dec. in 2 Wyomissing.with the If you haven’t been here, we hope to see you in the very near future. For those of you who Leadership Gifts Dinner at theuse home the ofCenter Sam and regularly or from ‘time to time’, we always appreciate your visits and encourage your feedback. Free Jewish books for EllenSarah Azrael, Flamholz. Larry Rotenberg and HildeAnd, Gernsheimer thank you all for your support throughout the year! kidsFreeChanukah available Jewish The guest speaker Paul D. Cohn, President,Photo by JewishJeremy Drey: Federation Courtesy of of Reading Eagle Cindy Balchunas, Chair, Jewish Cultural Center Committee Reflectionscelebratedbooksthrough for in on Ellenwas Azrael, Dr. William Larry Recant, Rotenberg a and Hilde Gernsheimer kidsFederationPassovermany available ways disaster relief expertTammy andPhoto K. Mitgang,by Jeremy Drey:Executive Courtesy Director, of Reading Jewish Eagle Federation of Reading/Jewish Cultural Center throughPage 14 Makingassistant executive sure vice we never forget FederationPagePage 12 3 president of the American Dr. Will Recant MakingThereByJewish Paul Joint D. Cohn Distribution is sure no Committee. freeweand Federation never politicallunch donorscontext, forget at nothing— or can is there? Page 3 Federationthe event learned Chairman some of the importantmask ways the their darkest support side of human By PaulAs I D. write Cohn andbehavior.Could political Countycontext, one Jewsview nothing ourhave ability cangone to the JCC’s preschool to look at all expenditures, making sure that we More photos helps Jews and others in need around the world, and how Guitarist Federationthismuch column more Chairmanpresident needs it to be done. maskand responsibility the darkestfor its to excellentside “never of forget” humanlearning as curriculum.Many times are being good stewards of your contributions. from Israel trip Programto perform at is theAsTRead h edayI write2 aftermore 0 1 0 aboutJ e w i s Dr. h Recant’sbehavior.Couldan obligation? talk onthe Page Ione preschoolthink view11 so. ourNo isSam amatterability gatewayFlamholz with for RobJewish Oppenheimer families and in NealWe Jacobs are makingRosalye progress Yashek and in Yvonne all areas Oppenheimer of your Federation Jewish Annual Berks County, where they can meet and make Federation. We are now in a position to focus AlverniaGuitaristatPages annual 4-7 to thisyour columnFederation it andhow responsibility hard it is to to recall “never the forget” horrific as tofocusmeeting perform on isCampaignsponsored the day after isour under way. anevents obligation? of thefriends Holocaust,I think with so. Nootherthose matter Jewishwho families. In addition, on those programs and services that our atpeace annual yourThisH o Federation l ocampaign c a u s t is the howsurvived, hard andit issince tothe recall thegenerations school the horrific is openthat to everyone, it provides community wants and needs. meetingPage 2 sponsoredFederation’sRemembrance our major source eventsfollowed, of the havea Holocaust, diversity to remember experience those who and at an early age. However the bottom line is that we are Page 2 HofD o afunding, ly, o cw a h u i s cand th it helps survived,continue andto put the• Culturalthe generations events Programs of that the and Services — The asking for, and need your help. And guess FoxPage buys 2 back Remembrancesupportwas held the many at important followed,Holocaust have intoFederation modern-day to remember provides context. and many interesting and what? People do need a free meal every so CelebratingWyomissing DprogramsKesher a y, w handZion i c hservices that continueSurvivors to need requestedput theto continue events programs ofto thetalk and services.Lectures, often. Seniors do enjoy the company and withFederations Ethiopian washelpSynagogue. Jewsheld in ourat I communitywant to thankand abroad. Holocaustabout Most their into experiencesfilms, modern-day discussion and context. educate groups, and holiday events are Photofriendship by Jeremy that ourDrey: services Courtesy provide. of Reading Parents Eagle CelebratingmoviehelpingJews theater KesherofKesher you are Zion not new Synagogue to the Campaign, for SurvivorsJews and areand neednon-Jewsjust toa fewcontinue alike. examples. to talk In addition, the Federation are relieved as they drop their preschooler Photo by Jeremy Drey: Courtesy of Reading Eagle within EthiopianPage Haiti 8 Synagogue.accustomedhosting this to event, Iwhy want this as to is well thanksuch as an importantaboutJews their around experiencesallocates the world andfunds continue educate to local to synagogues to help off at our school, knowing that their child is in JewsPage 4 Kesherpartthank of yourDr. Zion Minna Federation. Synagogue Bromberg Others forfor may Jewsbe be victims newand non-Jewsof anti-Semitism.with their alike. programs. In addition, We offer programs and excellent hands. Jews in Israel and around the Page 4 hostingtoher our spiritual community. this event,leadership. Here as are well Tammy a few as points IsraelJews that faces aroundI newservices andthe world existing that continue bring enemies. our to community together. world are grateful for the funding we supply. LecturePage series 4 thankwouldMitgang likeDr. youdidMinna toan consider: Brombergexcellent forjob beHowever, victims of with anti-Semitism. each• Israel passing Inand addition, year Jews we around the world Making a pledge to the Campaign is more focusesHolocaust on Jews herof •facilitating spiritualJewish leadership.Family the afternoon’sServices Tammy — JFSIsraelare losing nowfaces our new— Holocaust andFederation existing survivors enemies. has and a long and rich history of than the money, at least it should be. It should Foes of Israel Mitgangservessession. all Mydid age thanks an groups excellent also goand to isDanjob dedicated However,their families, to with helping alongeach passingwith Israel. the yearvaluable Although we our world is rapidly be your way of saying that you believe in and andeducation the movies Al and Betsy Katz with speaker Will Recant Sarah Flamholz and Judith Jacobs Drs. Alan and Lisa Levine startspreadingHolocaust campaign in ofmaintainingTannenbaum, facilitating and coordinatorthe strengthening afternoon’s of the the arestories quality losing and our memorieschanging,Holocaust survivors theyIsrael have is and stillto a young country, and support our local Jewish community. It should toeducationCENTERPIECE questionBerks session.ofHolocaust individual My Library thanks and alsofamilyand goResource lifeto Dan in the theirpass Jewish families, to future unfortunately,along generations. with the valuable Venuessome groups and countries be your way of saying that you want to help spreadingnation’s in Tannenbaum,community.Center, a partnership JFS coordinator runs betweena monthly of the the food storiessuch pantry as and the memories doUnited not Statesrecognize they Memorialhave Israel’sto right to peaceful Jews around the world. It should be your way legitimacyPage 7 HolocaustopenFederation to both Library and the Albright andJewish Resource College. and non-Jewish passHolocaust to future Museum,coexistence. generations. the Holocaust VenuesGiven its challenges, Jews of saying that you have resources to help others Berks Esther Bratt Larry Rotenberg with grandchildren Talya and Eli JEWISH Center,communities,I also a partnership want helping to thankbetween all to meetHilde the their suchCenter dietary as atthe Albright, Unitedthroughout Statesthe Anne the Memorial world Frank help Israel with funding who are less fortunate, and at times destitute. Page 7 Federationneeds.Gernsheimer, Did and you AlbrightEllen know Azrael College. JFS and coordinates HolocaustHouse in Amsterdam,Museum,and resources the and Holocaust theso sheYad can remain strong and It should be your way to say you care. FAMILY SERVICE: Esther Bratt Larry Rotenberg with grandchildren Talya and Eli Newtown’s school transportationLarryI also Rotenberg
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