COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PROPOSAL NO. 609163-xxxxxx P.V. = $816,700 PLANS YES FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MIDDLEBORO SUBDIVISION CULVERT REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE AT MILE POST 14.42 TAUNTON, MA SPECIFICATIONS April 2018 ISSUED FOR BID April 27, 2018 Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail and Transit Division Proposal No. 609163-XXXXXX FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MIDDLEBORO SUBDIVISION CULVERT REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE AT MP 14.42 TAUNTON, MA TABLE OF CONTENTS Tab No. • Notice to Bidders 1 • Project Description 2 • Scope of Work 3 • Project Bid Schedule 4 • Bid Form 5 • MBE or WBE Participation Document 00718 6 • MBE or WBE Letter of Intent Documents B00842 and B00843 7 • Change Order Form 8 • Train Operations Schedule 9 • Technical Specifications 10 o Technical Specifications Table of Contents o Project Notes o Submittals o Protection of Work and Property o Site Access and Preparation o As-Built Construction Plans o Temporary Dewatering o Erosion and Sedimentation Control o Existing Site Utilities o Demolition o Excavation Support and Protection o Excavation and Backfill o Earthwork o Subbase and Base Courses o General Track Construction o Precast Concrete Box Culvert o Geotextile Fabric o Riprap o Track Ballast o Welding of Rail o Continuous Welded rail (CWR) Installation o Ballast Mat 11 Middleboro Subdivision Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Table of Contents ISSUED FOR BID i April 27, 2018 Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail and Transit Division Proposal No. 609163-XXXXXX o Materials Furnished By MassDOT(Owner) o Materials Furnished By Contractor o Removal and Disposal of Track Material o Railroad Coordination o Work Hours and Noise Control o Railroad Provided Support Services o Railroad Bridge Work Responsibilities o Project Oversight o Environmental Compliance 12 • General Conditions 13 • Schedule of Prevailing Wage Rates 14 • Supplemental Conditions 15 • Roadway Worker Protection Manual and On-Track Safety Program Massachusetts 16 Coastal Railroad • MassDOT MW-1 17 • Contract Plans (Under Separate Cover) 18 • Appendices (Under Separate Cover) 19 o Appendix A – Section 401 MassDEP WQC Permit (Transmittal # X2775760) o Appendix B – Section 401 MassDEP WQC BRC WW 11 Permit Application o Appendix A – Section 404 PCN General Permit filing with USACE Middleboro Subdivision Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Table of Contents ISSUED FOR BID ii April 27, 2018 Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail and Transit Division Proposal No. 609163-XXXXXX FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MIDDLEBORO SUBDIVISION CULVERT REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE AT MP 14.42 TAUNTON, MA NOTICE TO BIDDERS Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail and Transit Division (MassDOT or Owner) is seeking Contractors to submit a sealed Bid for the following work on the Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 on the Middleboro Subdivision in Taunton, MA, including the following: • Preconstruction survey and as-built plans; • Site preparation, site access and staging area development; • Design, furnishing and installing temporary structures; • Design, furnish, install, maintain and remove erosion control measures, temporary dewatering and stream diversion measures; • Removal and disposal of existing steel deck beam, timber deck single track railroad bridge located at MP 14.42 of the Middleboro Subdivision in Taunton, MA; • Removal and disposal of existing stone abutments and wingwalls; • Remove and dispose of existing timber retaining walls; • Remove and stockpile existing streambed substrate for reuse as backfill as backfill in riprap channel through culvert; • Furnish and install crushed stone base course wrapped in geotextile filter fabric • Design, procurement and installation of new reinforced precast concrete box culvert, wingwalls, wingwall footings, and cutoff walls at MP 14.42; • Furnish and install cast-in-place concrete wildlife passage shelf inside culvert and rip-rap between box baffles; • Furnish and Install compacted gravel borrow backfill behind wingwalls and sides of box culvert; • Furnish and install geoweb approach slabs under trackbed on either side of the box and 2” ballast mat on over the box culvert • Reconstruct timber tie ballasted track over new concrete box culvert and approaches; • Line, surface, tamp and dress track; • All other work associated with the Culvert Replacement of Bridge with pre-cast concrete box culvert at MP 14.42 as described in the Project Description and Scope of Work sections of the bid documents Bids will be considered, and the contract awarded in accordance with statutes governing such contracts under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30 § 39M. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not prequalified under MBTA Class 1 – General Transit Construction and Class 4B – Bridges, Concrete Superstructures. Bidders must be registered with COMMBUYS in order to bid on this project. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the amount of 5% of the value of the bid. Middleboro Subdivision Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Notice to Bidders ISSUED FOR BID 1 April 27, 2018 Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail and Transit Division Proposal No. 609163-XXXXXX Sealed Bids for the Middleboro Subdivision Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 project will be accepted by the MassDOT Rail & Transit Division until 1:00 PM, Thursday, May 17, 2018. Sealed Bids shall be delivered to MassDOT Rail & Transit Division: • If sent by overnight mail, or if hand delivered, to: MassDOT Rail & Transit Division Attn: Chalita Belfield 10 Park Plaza, Room 4160 Boston, MA 02116 This project is subject to the schedule of prevailing wage rates as determined by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Labor and Workforce Development, and the Division of Occupational Safety. This project has set a recommended MBE/WBE goal of 6% for the work performed under this Contract. Bid Documents will be posted on www.commbuys,.com . Electronic versions of the Contract Documents are only available through the COMMBUYS website. The Contract Plans and Specifications will be available on or about Tuesday, May 1, 2018 after 10:00 AM EDT. All Contractors and Subcontractors working on the Railroad Right-of-Way must have an approved Drug and Alcohol testing plan in compliance with all statutes and regulations administered by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in implementing the required 49 CFR Part 219 Drug and Alcohol Program. Contractors are required to submit their approved Drug and Alcohol Testing Program along with their bids. Bidders must be experienced in construction projects involving work on and around an active railroad; repairs and construction of railroad bridges; and heavy civil construction work. Bidders must provide a list of projects of similar size and scope and references for three of those projects as identified in the Bid Form section of the Contract Documents. The Pre-Bid Meeting will be on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 10:30 AM at the MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Office at 1000 County St., Taunton, MA with an on-site inspection immediately following the meeting. Attendance at both the pre-bid meeting and on-site inspection is mandatory for all prospective bidders. All attendees accessing Railroad R-O-W must have the proper Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) required by MCRR including reflective vest, hardhat, safety glasses and safety toed boots. Successful Bidder will be the lowest responsible and eligible bidder as determined by MassDOT based on ability to complete all in-water work for the Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 on the Middleboro Subdivision work by Saturday, September 15, 2018 as described in the Project Description and Scope of Work sections of the bid documents. MassDOT Rail & Transit Division reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to delete any Bid Items from the Contract or proceed to do any of the work otherwise, as may be deemed to be in the best interest of MassDOT. END OF SECTION Middleboro Subdivision Culvert Replacement of Bridge at MP 14.42 FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Notice to Bidders ISSUED FOR BID 2 April 27, 2018 Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail and Transit Division Proposal No. 609163-XXXXXX FY 2018/2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MIDDLEBORO SUBDIVISION CULVERT REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE AT MP 14.42 TAUNTON, MA PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project work consists of: removal and stockpiling of existing track; the removal and disposal of the existing steel deck beam bridge and stone abutments; the design, fabrication, and installation of a precast concrete box culvert, wingwalls, appurtenances, and geoweb approach slabs; backfilling and grading the new box culvert and embankments; reconstructing the ballasted tracks section over the new box culvert; and lining and surfacing the reconstructed track to the preconstruction line and grade at the bridge located at MP 14.42 of the Middleboro Subdivision in Taunton, MA. The Middleboro Subdivision is owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT or Owner) and is currently inspected and maintained by the Massachusetts Coastal Railroad, LLC (MCRR or Railroad) under contract. The Middleboro Subdivision is approximately 21.10 miles long and runs from Attleboro, MA at Currier (MP 0.0) south to Cape in Middleboro, MA (MP 21.10). The project
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