DYNAMO AND MOTORPROBLEMS pRACTICAL9D 'MECHANICS EDITOR : F. J. CA MM DECEMBER 1947 102) THE NEW 30,000 -TON LINER"OFtCAD.ES" ON THE STOCKS (See page PRINCIPAL CONTENTS World of Models The Reign of Radium Adjustable Focusing Stand Letters from Readers Electric Light and Power Installation Mobile X -Ray Unit Cyclist Section Eyes and Ears of the Air Making a Shocking Coil 4/- per doz,,n sub, plus Purchase Tax N° 300 M ADE BY People are amazed when they learn of the variety of CLIPS we make - steel clips, bronze clips, stainless clips, bigclips,smallclips...clipsinevery conceivable shape and pattern...clips for every possible use. We can make to print or specification orour Research Department can design a clip for that particular job of yours. Over 92 years of clip -making is at your disposal. HERBERT TERRY & SONS LTD.,REDDITCH London, Birmingham, Manchester, December, 1947 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS 73 JOHNSONPLASTIC News of the models Although the productionof our famous PRINTING FRAME modelsis increasing,alargequota is FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS reserved for export, and supplies for the home market are therefore limited. THIS new frameismoulded inone piece in Our Gauge ' 0' Model Railway Catalogue (GI12), price II-, will give you hard plasticwithsquared -upsidesand prices of models available and delivery dates of forthcoming models. Send for it to -day. ends.The hinged back fitsaccurately and " PECO-WAY," the most realistic Gauge ' 00' Permanent Way. Send cannot slip or slide.Sturdy steel springs exert for Booklet, price 6d. " Model Railway Handbook," Standard Edition.Price 6s. 6d. anevenpressureover the whole surfaceof " How to Build a Working Model Road Tractor,in. scale " ...Price II- the negative and paper.The smooth, dead -level " How to Build a '.in. scale ' Flying Scotsman ' " ...Price 11- precision of this well -fitting plastic back will be a " Laying Permanent Way " " Model Supplies " (L:112) .. Price 6d. delightto those who,inthepast,have had trouble with wooden frames which have warped. BASSETT - LOWKE LTD, Sold by alldealersin one size only, with NORTHAMPTON glass,forfilms upto x 3} inches. London Showrooms :112, High Holborn, W.C.I. 'Phone : HOL 6285. Manchester :28, Corporation Street. Johnsons of Hendon Customers in ornear London are invited tovisit our London Showrooms, where our PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS AND APPARATUS technical staff is at your service. S. TYZACK & SON, Ltd. TOOL & MACHINERY SPECIALISTS The.Characteristics Tell SETS OF STOCKS & DIES S. C. BROWN, Type I K' with Tap Wrench, Diestock, Taper and Plug Tap to each size.Corn- Moving Coil Headphones, with plete in Polished Cases. the following outstanding ,u-Ny SetNo. I-Whitworth 1, , Is,1, characteristics,s u pp I ythat 34/6 Set. HighFidelityReproduction Set No. 2-B.A. 2.4. 6.8.10., 37/9 Set. demanded forDX work, + I Set No. 3-B.A. 0. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 010311T1) 68/6 Set. monitoring and laboratory Set No. 4-Model Engineer Thread, 1, purposes, etc. ,Sr,5, 1, all 40T.P.I., 41'6 Set. Set No. 5-Whitworth,1, 166, I,is,I. 71/6 set. NOTE THESE CHARACTERISTICS. Set No. 6-B.S.F., 1, L71/6 Set. D.C. RESISTANCE, 47 Ohms. WE HAVE GOOD STOCKS OF TAPS AND DIES. IMPEDANCE, 52 Ohms at 1,000 c.o.s. Please Send Us Your Enquiries SENSITIVITY,1.2 x10-52 Watts at THE " ZYTO " I kc.=.0002 DynelcmS. DescriptiveLiteratureon MOTORISED request. SPINDLE PRICE£5.0.0PER PAIR. TYPE'K' Supplies now available. MOULDER Order from your Local Dealer. Specially suitable for Carpentet:s, Fordetailsof other S.G. Cabinet-makers, Pattern -makers, BrownHeadphones (prices from25/- to 60j-) ask for etc., French Head lin. diameter. illustrated Brochure"P.M." Riseandfall spindle.Full details and price, free on applica- HEADPHONES WHICH UPHOLD BRITISH PRESTIGE tion.Please state voltage. S. TYZACK& SON, Ltd. Phone : ACOrn 5021 `roLtd 341-345 OLD STREET, LONDON, E.C.1 VICTORIA ROAD, NORTH ACTON, LONDON,W.3 Telephone: CLE 4034-5-6. Telegrams: TYZGAR, FINSQUARE 74 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS December, 1947 I.C.S. TRAINED MEN arein Greater Demand than Ever-Maximum production depends onhigh technicalskill,such asthat acquiredbyI.C.S. Students TENS OF THOUSANDS MORE TRAINED MEN ARE URGENTLY NEEDED NOW-BUT THERE IS NO WORTH -WHILE PLACE FOR THE UNTRAINED Ambitious men everywhere have succeeded through I.C.S. Home -Study Courses.So also can you. Iii BUT The man with an I.C.S. Training in any one of the subjects fifirrnaie.*-- listedbelow knowsitthoroughly, completely,practically. IT'S THE MOVEMENT THAT COUNTS Andhe knows how to applyitinhiseveryday work. No gift could be better chosen to make the new home complete than a Smiths "Sectric" Clock, and what Accountancy Diesel Engines Motor Engineering makes it all the more acceptable is the Advertising Draughtsmanship Motor Mechanic knowledge that every Smiths Clock SMITASISPIC Aeronautical (State which branch) Motor Vehicle Elec. is as technically sound as itis artisti- callyperfect. Look for the name Engineering Drawing Office Practice Municipal Eng. SMITHS before you buy. Air and Vacuum Electrical Engineering Plastics THE CLOCKS THAT NEED NO WINDING Brakes Electric Power, Light- Plumbing Air -Conditioning ing, Transmission, Quantity Surveying Cbtainable from Jewellers, Stores, Electricians and Supply Authorities. Architecture Traction Radio Engineering Architectural Drawing Eng. Shop Practice Radio Service Eng. cien. SCMI 121 Auditing Fire Engineering Refrigeration Boiler Engineering Free -Lance Journalism Sales Management Book-keeping. Fuel Technology Salesmanship Building Construction Heating and Ventilation Sanitary and Domestic Building Specifications Hydraulic Engineering Engineering Business Training Hydro -Electric Sheet -Metal Work Business Management Illumination Eng. Short -Story Writing Carpentry Industrial Management Steam Engineering Chemical Engineiring Internal Comb. Eng. Structural Steelwork CHEMISTRY Chemistry, Inorganic Joinery Surveying and Organic Lettering (State which branch) ! Civil Engineering Machine Designing Telegraph Engineering Clerk of Works Machine -Tool Work Textile Designing Colliery Examiner's Marine Engineers Welding; Gas and Elec. Colliery Overman's Mechanical Drawing Woodworking Commercial Art MechanicalEngineering Woollen and Worsted Concrete Engineering Mine Surveying Manufacturing Cotton Manufacturing Mining Engineering Works Engineering And most of the Technical, Professional, Commercial and Educational 1 1 11 Examinations. (I.C.S. students preparing for Examinations are coached till successful) Al11111111 If youneedtechnicaltraining,ouradvice on anymatterconcerning EQUIP YOUR HOME LABORATORY your work and yourcareerisyoursforthe asking-free and without obligation.Let us send you full information regarding the subject in which you SEND STAMP FOR COMPLETE PRICE LIST are specially interested.DON'T DELAY.Make ACTION your watchword. The successful man DOES to -day what the failure SPECIAL OFFER INTENDS doing to -morrow.Write to us TO -DAY SELECTION OF USEFUL APPARATUS Tripod Stand Bunsen Burner Use this Coupon Wire Gauze Rubber Tubing INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS LTD Fireclay Crucible Beaker Pipeclay Triangle Flask Dept. 95, International Buildings, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 Test Tubes Holder Please send me particulars of your Courses in 12/6 (Carriage Paid) Name Age (USE BLOCK LETTERS) BOOKLETS Address " EXPERIMENTS IN CHEMISTRY " 7d. " CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND TABLES " 10d. Addresses for Overseas Readers " EASY HOME CHEMISTRY " 213 Aust .alia: 140, Elizabeth Street, Sydney. (Including Postage) Egypt :40, Sharia Malika Farida. Cairo. India : LakshmiBldgs.,Sir Pherozsha Mehta Rd.,Fort, spce, t fiAc 60,High Street, StokeNewington, Bombay. New Zealand : 182, Wakefield Street, Wellington. ICS B ECK LONDON, N.I6. South Africa :45, Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 'December, 1947 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS 75 THE FLUXITE QUINS " AT WORK " Snakes -house ; the birds ; what a day ! You just My hair will be fast turning grey ; Ican mendthingsa!l right With the help of FLUXITE, make it and But this lot's the limit ! " bawled EH.. For all SOLDERING work-you need FLUXITE-the paste flux bake it- -with which even dirty metals are soldered and " tinned." For the jointing of lead-without solder ; and the " running " of white metal bearings-without " tinning " tb^ bearing.It is suitable for ALL METALS-excepting ALUMINIUM-and can be used with safety on ELECTRICAL and other sensitive apparatus. With Fluxite joints can bewiped " successfullythat are impossible by any other method Used for over 40 years in Government works and by leading engineers and manufacturers.Of all Ironmongers-in tins, 10d., 1/6 and 3/-. ilkTO CYCLISTS ! For stronger wheels that will remain round and true, here's a time - tested tip.Tie the spokes where they cross with fine wire AND SOLDER. !Cs simple- with FLUXITE-but IMPORTANT. THE "FLUXITE" ALL MECHANICS WILLHAVE\ GUN puts-FLUX- ITE "where you want it by asimple pressure. Price 1/6 or filled FLUXITE 2/6. IT SIMPLIFIES ALL SOLDERING axiA dim Write for Book on the ART OF SOFT'. SOLDERING and forLeafletson CASE -HARDENING STEEL and TEMPERING TOOLS withFLUXITE. Also on' WIPED JOINTS."Price Id. Each. FLUXITE LTD., Dept. P.M., Bermondsey Street,S.E.I NE" Tools YOU Should have MODELLING MATERIAL MODELrailway buildings and platforms, The "AEROMATIC" model ships aridhouses, animals and Soldering & Brazing Torch many usefulandpermanent objects A general purpose low pressure gas torch with high can be made with Pyruma Plastic Cement. pressure performance. Only needs connecting to any You just "make it and
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