THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union Caunty TV-EIGHTH YEAR—No. •ti *•••"'•"•» '-iisa M.i:t«r WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1957 34 Page*—10 Cento oosters To Hold Annual 4 >i. Early Dfadline for Next "W eek's I«?iae Churches to Hold ^X™, Nab Three M^n, Woman ToB e Soloists TKc "Leader" will putii.h allSportsDinnerDeeJO Weda«ftdaf ae«t «f««k and Inion Senie ihoTp of the _—,its*"'***!! Clu„b of West* For ^ Burglaries; will b« deIiTer«<i to tubtcrtb- cri oa titjtt &±j instead of For Thanksgiving Club wti.! be Tt:*^"iay at —- _ In "The Messiah** Tharaday morning, TKaaki- a; ihe parish fVt.Hi.**? of 'he Fi Concert To B«.v Ji'ing Day. the uiual publi- Conifivsraiionai Church, E . ir;•»; Held For Jury Action d Football cation date. Will Take Place lihen Dec. I Early copy from a<i<tei-tii«ri In Presbyterian The h«irtuvjit.i re .«eet.V>o will be In Hiah School aad publicity chairmen of all "T:-.-* SiliM^rtt^." Mr*. Pa.ii I.. ach at Rutgers orgaaixatioai ia reqaeited. Church Thursday ' Police Recover 'See pictures on page 3) The deadliae far <t:»pUj ad- 1 1 vertitins will b« Monijar Thi ar.n-ial t.*ommiir..'y S^rvK't '""'^ , BWestSee SpeakeM School rBoosters morninf. Clax«:6e<j advertta- •if Thani^eivinc sponjored by the -^' > Loot Taken From .***: * .. ,'i."r'. the solo r\;le* W«s:5i»id C«an>-i; -if Charches »;1! Thar os's 13th annual fall 'T f M-"--.i~." which is htfinj iag will h< accepted until :ft s inner, to be held* in the Monday tveniaf at S o'clock, b<? heM i)i Thaaks^ivinjr morninir ' m«*t"ls. " "•'* - -.-' tre :umbmed choirs in the Presbyterian <"har«:h at :. Apartments Here 5ed W'?h School cafeteria at " ",\ f-IT.H, : churches, ii.id^r altKoagh earlier copy i« re- I. Tuesday, D«c. 10, will have : !••-',i.-i -f 3r. George V\>!- qaetted, »b«r« pataible. list i?«»-<«r John E. Saeg- >• * Thr^e m**!i and on« woman havs -. ?--.•:. : H-irh Schoo! audi- Ta« deadline for charck ^^"i.^.T.h'.vrrS Voters ipproye b»*i'^ held far action of the Grant! jjjj football coach of Rat- •-!• P-c 1 a: i p.m. The con- newt aad lettera to tile editor *«..<•«•« »i>r«i Rn;r,tev. r ocrf ; thE.e Citehrvrs. „ I C L 1 J .ry OR sharir?a of more than Cairersity. Mr, Stiegman will b« tomorrow at 5 p.m. char«h T» tickle at Williams under Jr. ni;nL*ter o( the F':r«t Baptist i"!*-.- burjriariea during the past add social, clttb, tports, gen- Church, will preach on zhe subject, m.intii in WestSeid, Cranforrf, « (W« W. Caldweil Jr. eral am and piiatagrapos, Doroush .School jj aliO on the swimminf "-tT C.i-». , i-o will handle tho "WTien It's Hard t»> Give Tha:!k<." Linildn, Rahway and SoseUe Part -, "i-s .•>.-, -Marred her tnusi- Moadar it 12 noon. Deadlin« Vote Th* faur, who were arraigned jpecaiaing in lony dis- far pictorea for tke social otnts, and played hockey -•i- * i .cat. .** A: J milliard, suapi«;- •.vill b^ th^' R^v, J, I,. in Municipal Gmrf. her? Friday -•—.«*•! !.• '1,,-ts a: Columbia sectioa is Monday at 9 a.m. In ReferenrJum and w:it to the Elizabeth jail, art We will appreciate your co- Churrh ^vho NV:!; read ;; Anthimy t.ismri, .11, of EliiabethJ pid'13'.ion from Williams j operation. 1 ;.-.,• «r-,pi-j: MOUNTA I\?IDE - Voters •'i~ jr#.; =y Edith Nichiii*. ^^S" T John Dr»h<«r. 51. of Elizabeth, anil 944. Stiepnan entered the -_ Kiber: i... Thur5.i.iy approval ianutnee of, B- i Richard Cunsm. 2S. and Mrs. Mai- a?.<l commanded a landing JOHN R. ST1ECMAN l 1. ^?t < ™ , 1 |j;^70i}i"\ -.vos-th (~'f bonds t^i prnvide • •>"i -*i. a'varif: a •ehoiamhip .•id j putt Mooro. 20. both of Craafont ia the Normandy invasion. "" ' 'a r.inf-r«im sle:TH'ntary school by. for poft-tcraiiuate iUidy, and joon 1 ^ I Police .laid that of tbt sigSifc B.. r a vote of SiVi-7'.K. '<a served ia the Pacific fT'IFO D * if:«r jht! was one of ave winners I huriflarios ennfessed to it; th« ill, A prtiviou.-' r1* ftfrendum in Jan- W. Coach Stiejnnan joined \| Jlij ReCeiVCS of the Xattonai Music Award. Fol- \ (froup, two taok ptoif NOT. 1 h» •n ^f 0 uary was .ieffau?<l, n40~tlrt. That, Caid*'e!l at Princeton in' .irv-nir a successful Town Hall j th« Du.io.in Hill Apartments it rv,-,.r f proposal, if approved, would ha?i» M3CR. WATTERSON ,,,d became varsity line coach' Cplpn|w, TriKlltP debuj :r. 1341, Miaa Dieai'i voice 11000 Central av«nue. >• ,.i Lhuren. prov.,jerf f.Jr uance >if ItUO.OCO 349. In the days of two- kjllClRC 1111)11 It mi arustxy save sroiijjht her » ! Chief Albert Pflrrwann aid tt* This united » • * planned w,,,^ b«mil.-» for a 12-roora on football, he was the de>. 3ia;i;* concert and oratorio en-.. so that ail m«"m of tjtfl ouni- '1 «* 1 1 u biirjlarj ransacked th« ap«run«nt« •si coach, and «aj credited by jrisr>;:nenii throusrhaut the coun- m.iaitsr may join taaTC^er in the Lecture Series Set there of Mrs, Bertha Kahlke and ; with devising many of 2 Oraduates Are try including atoioist with the •r* m di.i'rii't* I and - op- i Krs, Robert OrowoliL Article* the plan Thursday but d:s- itoien from those apartments an<i *n. «>««»™ *./„»«. Finals for AwanJ (iiy. All residenU hava beet) in- tr.ct 1 mle-rs p*,«e die meajure a By Trinity Forum idition to football, fatiegrman a:ut inio appearances a; the Wa-«h- v.tt'.j -.o attend. I recovereti hy police from the to<a L".;r Wj^iryate, Ann Arbor Fwti-' 'u.<pr-ru include two mink cap**, chrd Princeton's freshman A total "f 1,331 V»>T«» !jM«m for seven winters and (5M fct»r" •» l»l« *> Ta*. Philadelphia Academy vai'h Annual Event To twrt far n*ekpie«3, a black F*r» .JO-poand ere*- in 1354 and. Dr. S. X. E--vaa-Jr.. sspi-r-.Tt^d- ae Phiia4eiphsa Orchestra, Car-' nan lamb coat, a iicrim{ eiir- Junior Theatre Open on Jan. 22 , arat l«rht«r and iom« jewtlry.' H( became head football «nt of «h.>jj, i.".»anc«l -ouay . i, ne5f:i! HaH aml anpe3! ani:tt3 wit <;. wit in:er»st wai stirrwl in thi» thitff »aid the recovery af it Racers University ia. :na: We Baas.:n ana L>inio O?::^ > c Tabernaete :h(? Sa UkB ity Trinity Forum will open it* ware is expected mome»6»rjiy. and is the 14th Enters'C». «f Ro---s<Ht»r, N. V. •»•-.> 4>>n- chmr_ SfalJ ^ a. pn>aen, Mprano Play Saturday Perahi-!»k C;v:c jnd [mprovemmrt third annual. pra-Lentrn series of all coach since 1900. He hai • *>r an anaaa. *n<-::e« ic.-.iila.-*n:p - . Bartholomew's Epia- The fnur were arrested by Ro» wioB a Sc x •'" " '^ " ' ""•' '"I'""'' '.•••arf. W.M: ie-Niay, Jan. 2-', it',«n«"ind Cf»nford~poii*«''... «d tremendous progress witi J^ • '•• "'"• '-•"'' "S ~~ i • ,j ^ j,^^ \ , r t m-i L n jllv t ; r .- • -v - ,.arM n. Dc n, aniou < ed tmiay by the Rt. i day nbrht. WestileUi police .atpers team, which has mad. -«" H .»-.-. "V • _ »• . , ,, ,„„, , " (liiitlrt'ii To ""ee Pj A im7l 4M " ' ''- '- '- -" ' *<•' R«'v V'ir H. nry J. Watterson, been wawhin,- th«m for strides farward is tne pa.-t ' " •" " J~ •*-• - ,.ii j,< ' , B , -. ' - J >! '- " ••" •* 1 "" H.D \f, F\. paatar of IfotTrWMlu and canductin* »n mvsstt. J l a 4 T ri ; Sttgiaan will ta^k on tn • "• ••^ J"»~ I, , , i ,i-r ia j , >• • i- i n- - ' " '" ^- r-<r -y t nir-n The foram. wkieh mtinn with the help of alt Unfai* a of athletics is a budier ' " J " "•• * ' """-' .,__ 1 Picture on p<if« IS) 1 ',*' •• ' '"' *•" ' " -'i-^t •>' ''••!• l«tare» on sac-; County law enforcement a«t». ir. ^ [ ar«t«r b youth today. -'* • "- «• « . i vi /',», 1 l . •, - ' 1 1 '-* "* •>'"' ••"— vVmsrfay ««mmr», w; eies, the chief «»id. ~ 1 IJ •1 - -I* 1 - n \* >^i' 1 1 ins are fell advanced for th» T >-* " " i- • -" „ ^^ _, 1 1 . i,, •!.,, n.iiisiic«ti;p of the ________ — Sa* ''» "' ' r I r^\ I ' 1 i1' -• -~ 1t \1 . •* ' P" 1 !: • • •r 1'- n •.>'! 1I -i*-1*. il Pa- <>iT Socwtie*So«Hetie9.. The c«nc«n--i *!• a • •* a r, according to Booster Pre.— T e ' • - i \ ' ' " i'i nt Edward B. Hobchah. One of r .->, A< • . *- a" : 1^.1-« s_. n !eatuns of the prograra wi' M u 1 :u 'i J--< ' *'ii _,,_ _ S/M \! txchanjeUiib >- - - ••->* • ;-*r,;* -ivr «....«m« w.dn-;FieldHodtey he pre?rntation of Boost?" -ai 1 •** £M • t ir,, M , ,v ».. ^ ^ •* ..11 1 1 i 1 . i T-i- Bm ! K' H.i* mi * ,11*1 iia Fell Ii " J i aiinii to the football and T • •<. %»-' o. !-• 1 l roantry teams, cheerleader^, E»aii The :zlr^\y-i Installs Officers " • wr' : '.;; '., ,',,.V' :. ".,'::;;:, ;;;:>, *r«r ™;n; ^^C* wriTourney Here :rs and senior Hremben of th* ait Liiaib 1 Jli r l< '"' ," '* i'l~" . " ' ' ' " ' ~ "' ''" "•""" i-r«in. .•tnrw«i,» his appi-«eiation| ' the Hme- Trophies for outstandinj ^tj" • iff *<.' rmar.ee will be presented t) -e.su el \ 8 it"i 11 .»] .
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