Thf,s trlag We trXy solo, opnonal: Across our nation you can sge our grqLt flag w4lle: TtIt symbolizes.vmtolizes freedom for the home ofot the brave' aLL:ott, wirtWi our hands upon ouf hearrs, we will honor it eachrday. This flag we fly is for the U'S.A. So raise ir high! Fly it proudl It's our flag aird we'wili never take it down! It's for ouihome. It's for our brave' This flag we fly is for the U.S.A. You know the story, how our symbol c-ame to be' we Oid Clory stands for hope and uniry', ih" flug call 1 With oir hands upon our hearts, we will honor it each day' This flag we fly is for the U.S'A. part (optional): t:art 1: 2 and unity. So raise ir high! Fly it proud! it stands for freedom down! It's our flag ai-rd we'wiii never take it down! Ah. Never take it It's for ottiho-". It's for our brave. It's for our home. It's for our brave. This flag we fly is for the U.S.A' This flag we fly is for the U.S.A. Oh, all the world will see our flag flies free' It stands for libertyl for you and me' This flag we fly was made for you and me' This flag we fly was made Oh, all the world will see our flag flies free. it stands for liberty! for you and me. This flag we fly was made for you and me. This flag we fly was made soLo, opt.: This flag we fly is for our liberty. DareTo Dream '!7e dream. \7e soar.'We use the gifts that we've been given' W. ,.u.h. \7e score. And to thislnd, ya know we're driven' The time is now. \(/e're ready and we'te gonna show it' 'We'11 take a bow. The stage is set, and don't we know it? As the time draws near with anticipation, c,al you hear the voice calling ev'ry nation? For the glory of sport, and the honor of our teams' In pursuit of exiellence, we will give our best and dare to dream. We dream. (We dream.) We soar. ('!7e soar.). \7e rlse t\e gifts that we've been given. know we're driven' \7." - r;;;h. (W" t"u.h.iiX/" score. (\X/e score.) And to.thiJend,.ya itl.iii""ifti. time) is rro*. (ir now.) \/e're ready and we're gonna show it. \d;11t"ii" iW"'11take) a bow (a bow.) The stage is set, and don't we know it? As the time draws near with anticipation' can you hear the voice calling ev'ry nation? For the glory of tpott, and the honor of our teams' In pursuit of ex;ellen..,^r* will give our best and dare to dream. For the glory of sport, and the honor of our teams' ln pursuit of excelle"n.", *. will give our best and dare to, dare to dream! (diuisi, optioial); Dare to dream! Volume 22, Number 5 TH1S FLAG \7E FLY, Karl Hitzemann; DARE TO DREAM, John-Riggio -I4usic K'8, A \On Phnk Road Publishing, Inc'- ' A1l Rights Reserved \-ar rnlrnes rvltn nat. )t.y: rn)-rnes \\-ltn il)-. Watch out, oh my! 'Cause nothing rhymes with orange. spoken: Nope. fun1, nffi .Who\Uho oh who oh who is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez? oh who oh who is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez? Oh will you please tell Furry Leez that all her fur will make me snee... sneh... sneh... (spoken "relief' : Uhhh...) Who oh who oh who is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez? \7ho oh who oh who is Furry Leez, is Furry Leez, is Fur-Ah-CHOOI! spoken solo : Gesundheit. chicken rap spol<en: Bok bok! Bok bok! Bok bokl Bok bok! slng: There he goes! Strutting 'round the barnyard, there he goesl He's gonna make it big! There he goesl Sprucing up his wattle, there he goesl 'Cause rappin' is his gig! call cmd response, spoken: (flock 1): Bok bok bok bok bokl (flock 2 echoes) (flock 1): Bok bok bok bok bok bok! (flock 2 echoes) (flock 1): Bok bok bok! Bok bok bokl (flock 2 echoes) (flock 1): Bok-a-bok-a-bok-a-bok-a-bok bokl (flock 2 echoes) all: Bok bok! Bok bok! Bok bok! Bok bok! sing: There he goes! Strutting 'round the barnyard, there he goesl He's gonna make it big! There he goesl Sprucing up his wattle, there he goesl 'Cause rappin' is his gig! NOTHING RHYMES \flTH ORANGE, David & Anne Ellsworth; FURRY LEEZ,Lulyig valr Beethoven, adapted Teresa Jennings/Kari Hitzemann; CHICKEN RAP, John Riggio - Mustc K-8, Volume 22, Number 5 . @ 2012 Plank Road Publishing, inc. A1l Rights Reserved lOilq lterq (;r6nlE $rsnlE l(l lie e w.histle, detached ( o1rional) srng: Oh, Frog went a-courtin' and he did ride. King Kong Kitchie Kirchie Ki Me O. Had his banjo by his side. King Kong Kitchie Kirchie Ki Me O. chorus: Ki Mo, Kee Mo, Ki Mo Kee. Way down yonder in a hollow tree. An owl and a bat and a bumblebee. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. w'l^tistl.e slng: He rode up to Miss Mousie's door. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. There he knelt upon the floor. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. repeat chorus whistle slng: He took Miss Mousie on his knee. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. Frog said, "Mousie, will you marry me?" King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. repeat chorus whistle slng: They married in the park next day. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. Left for the honeymoon right away. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. repeat chorus whistle sing: Now they live in a hollow tree. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. W'here they have wealth and children three. King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O. repeat clnrus whistle repeat chorus Ki Me O! shout!; \foahl KING K.NG KIT.HIE KI;!yH5lX3S'xtiffi'1;:iJJ{ 22' Number 4 fii'mfi; l:::l?5-u'Volume t-,. The Futur€'s Calling Us rhe ruture';f,'J't*:'L1i'lx!:::';:lilffi ::: we had and made it through' We did the things that we set out to do. We gave it all ""iaT"ii),fu.i"";"i.i;;l;;;il-".xrlevel, ont th. future's that-a-way. Time to go! chorus: One two three. Pick it up' Future's calling us' O.t. ,*o three. Pick it up. Yeah yeah' One two three. Pick it up. Future's calling us' One two three. Pi.k it up' Yeah yeah' The future's calling us. Cailing us' We set our sights and then we zeroed in' \7e kept or'rt io.nt and we played to win' (diqt.): We're taking it to the next level, oh! The futureL that'a-*ay. Time to go! re7ea't chorus Stepping to the-future, it's out joumey, and it's-calling us' With our compass and direction, we're on corrrse, it's calling us' nart 1 . reDeat chorus; Dart 2 (o|aonal): us. The future's us' The futuie's calling -calling The fuiure's calling us. Calling us' lillile 0pen$Paoes roam. I want to live in those wide open spaces,_out where the buffalo ih" ,uddl", rhe*.attle, I long to make it my home' T"lil; "-ati"i"' gallon hat' Nobody looks at you funny when you put on your ten ti"ud to herd back. (solo yell: Yee haw!) Ridin, the range ain,r a game when yo,ri"rJu" ih;;. ffiat"d I want to live in those wide open spaces' out where the buffalo roam. Ctt i" the saddle, a'drivin'them cattle, I long to make it my home- Ain't heard a word of discouragement althoueh I've been ridin'all daY' Skies a--re not cloudy all day they say, ;h;;JJ.* a.i"lop" plav' (solo yell: Yee haw!) ""a'tn" I want to live in those wide open spaces' out where the buffalo roam' frtt i. the saddle, a-drivin' them cattie, I lone to make it mY home' I lonE to make it mY home' i long to make it mY home' K-8' Vorume 22' Number 5 rHE FUruRE',s cALLrNc ur,J"rfiir,sf,Tftr;N1,?tr?fl,H, ?If:rfi,yffi,yits;;Y"'rc Tingalayo Tingalayo! Come lirle donkev come. Tingalayo! Come little donkey ;;;;. My donkey walk, my donkey talk, my donkey ear with a knife and fork. My donkey walk, my $;[;;k.'^ my donkey eat wirh a knife and fork. Tingalayo! Come lirtle donkev come. i rngalayol Come litrle donkev come. \spoken solo; Hee hawl) My donkey sing, my donkev dance. dcnkey {1v kick when he gets a chance lvty don-key sing, my donkev dance. my donkey kick when he gers a chance. Tingalayol Come little donkev come. trngalayol Come little donkev come. \spoken solo; Hee haw!) Tingalayo! Come litrle donkev come. Irngalayo! Come little donkey come. Qnhb dnnkey brays after, oprtohall"- g{e's tfiere for Me He gets-up ev'ry moming and he goes to work each dav. I know he's tired *l'"" r,-"1"i''ir".;;. H;.;iifffi# to play. He helps me with -y h9;;;;* UL?"* ,fr"';;;i,;s ffiJ." When tomorrow .o^", h.ii j" l, "ii"e"t".
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