NELSON PRICE LIST & ORDER FORM 2016 RESOURCES TO SUPPORT THE AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM+ (SEE PAGE 2 FOR DETAILS) NELSON AUSTRALIA CUSTOMER SERVICE PHONE: 1300 790 853 FAX: 1300 790 852 EMAIL: [email protected] Level 7, 80 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205 www.nelsonprimary.com.au 1 Cengage Learning Australia Pty Limited ABN 14 058 280 149 (trading as Nelson Cengage Learning) Printed 01/16 PRI 8795 CONTENTS PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resources 3 Message Stick 18 PM Oral Literacy 3 Nelson Literacy Directions & NEW! Nelson Literacy 21 PM Sounds in Words 4 Directions Comprehension 3 PM Writing 4–5 Nelson Literacy Directions & NEW! Nelson Literacy 21 Directions Comprehension 4 PM Alphabet Starters and Blends 5 Nelson Literacy Directions & NEW! Nelson Literacy 21–22 PM Magenta 5–6 Directions Comprehension 5 PM Red 6–7 Nelson Literacy Directions & NEW! Nelson Literacy 22 PM Yellow 7–8 Directions Comprehension 6 PM Blue 8–10 NEW! Take-home Readers 22 PM Green 10–11 Fast Forward Instructional/Guided Reading 22–25 Yellow – Emerald NEW! PM Orange 11–12 Fast Forward Independent Texts 25 NEW! PM Turquoise 12–13 NEW! Start With Your Heart 25–26 NEW! PM Purple 13–14 PM Shared Books 26 NEW! PM Gold 14–15 Supplementary Readers Sellout Specials: Nelson Focus/ 26–28 NEW! PM Silver 15–16 298s/Chillout/Journeys/Zebras NEW! PM Emerald 16 Nelson Maths 28 NEW! PM Ruby 16–17 Comprehension/Homework 28 NEW! PM Sapphire 17 Spelling Resources 28 PM Maths 18 Table Key 28 Flying Colours 19–20 Nelson Resources and the Australian Curriculum The resources in this order form support* some of the content descriptions in the Australian Curriculum for English, Arts, HASS, Science, Health and Physical Education and Technologies as well as providing materials for the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities. *The term ‘support’ used in this order form indicates resources that pre-date the Australian Curriculum, and therefore are not written to the Australian Curriculum. However, they do contain content that meets elements of the Australian Curriculum and can therefore be used as resources when implementing the Australian Curriculum. HOW TO ORDER: Contact Your Representative: Customer Service Phone: See details on inside back cover 1300 790 853 Online: Online orders receive free delivery! Visit Email: www.nelsonprimary.com.au/primaryorder [email protected] and begin searching for the products you want. You have the ability to pay via credit card at any time. Alternatively, to have the order invoiced to your school, simply signup for an account and choose this option. 2 www.nelsonprimary.com.au SERIES LEVEL COL ISBN TITLE PRICE QTY SERIES LEVEL COL ISBN TITLE PRICE QTY PM BENCHMARK READING ASSESSMENT RESOURCES PM ORAL LITERACY: PLAYS CONTINUED PMBMK 9780170178075 Reading Assessment Resource 1 $470.00 PMOPL 13 GRN 9780170228923 Grandad’s Visit (R:5) $8.35 PMBMK 9780170183079 Reading Assessment Resource 2 $470.00 PMOPL 13 GRN 9780170228930 Three Little Mice in Trouble (R:4) $8.35 PMOPL 14 GRN 9780170228947 Jolly Roger and the Clever Green Parrot (R:7) $8.35 PM ORAL LITERACY: RHYMES PMOPL 14 GRN 9780170228954 The Picnic Tree (R:4) $8.35 PMORH 1–5 9780170228497 Rhymes BB + Sware $109.95 PMOPL 14 GRN 9780170228961 The Clever Jackals (R:8) $8.35 PMORH 1–5 9780170242011 Rhymes Book 1 $8.35 PMOPL 14 GRN 9780170228978 Telling the Truth (R:4) $8.35 PMORH 1–5 9780170241991 Rhymes Book 2 $8.35 PMOPL 6–14 9780170170116 Little Plays Pack x 30 Titles $250.50 PMORH 1–5 9780170241984 Rhymes Book 3 $8.35 PMOPL 6–14 9780170170123 Little Plays Support Pack x 30 PM Titles $250.50 PMORH 1–5 9780170242004 Rhymes Book 4 $8.35 PMORH 1–5 9780170170383 Rhymes Pack x 4 Titles, BB + Sware $143.35 PM ORAL LITERACY: READER’S THEATRE PMORT 15 ORG 9780170257947 The Rocket Ship (R:5) $10.35 PM ORAL LITERACY: POEMS AND VERSES PMORT 15 ORG 9780170257954 Look Out! (R:7) $10.35 PMOPO 1–5 9780170228503 Finger Poems & Verses BB + Sware $109.95 PMORT 16 ORG 9780170257961 The Big Bad Wolf (R:6) $10.35 PMOPO 1–5 9780170242028 Poems About Me $8.35 PMORT 16 ORG 9780170257978 Mitch to the Rescue (R:4) $10.35 PMOPO 1–5 9780170242035 Poems About Animals $8.35 PMORT 17 TUR 9780170257985 The Hut in the Old Tree (R:5) $10.35 PMOPO 1–5 9780170242042 Poems About Numbers and Vehicles $8.35 PMORT 17 TUR 9780170257992 Ducks on the Run! (R:5) $10.35 PMOPO 1–5 9780170170390 Poems Pack x 3 Titles, BB + Sware $135.00 PMORT 18 TUR 9780170258005 First Flight (R:7) $10.35 PMORT 18 TUR 9780170258012 The Jets and the Rockets (R:12) $10.35 PM ORAL LITERACY: EXPLORING VOCABULARY PMORT 19 PPL 9780170258029 Rally Car Race (R:4) $10.35 PMOEX 1–5 9780170228473 Emergent BB + Sware $109.95 PMORT 19 PPL 9780170258036 Bend, Stretch and Leap (R:8) $10.35 PMOEX 6–14 9780170228480 Early BB + Sware $109.95 PMORT 20 PPL 9780170258043 Hassan’s New Friend (R:7) $12.35 PMOEX 15–19 9780170251693 Developing BB + Sware $109.95 PMORT 20 PPL 9780170258098 The Carnival Horse (R:6) and The Kindest $12.35 PMOEX 20–24 9780170251709 Consolidating BB + Sware $109.95 Family (R:5) PMOEX 25–30 9780170251716 Extending BB + Sware $109.95 PMORT 21 GLD 9780170258050 Rosie Moves In (R:8) $12.35 PMOEX 1–30 9780170170451 BB Pack + Sware $549.75 PMORT 21 GLD 9780170258104 Owls in the Garden (R:7) and The Secret $12.35 PMOEX 15–19 9780170257534 Developing Cards Box + Sware $149.95 Hideaway (R:5) PMOEX 20–24 9780170257541 Consolidating Cards Box + Sware $149.95 PMORT 22 GLD 9780170258067 Junior SuperStars (R:7) $12.35 PMOEX 25–30 9780170257558 Extending Cards Box + Sware $149.95 PMORT 22 GLD 9780170258111 Car Trouble (R:6) and The Fishing Trip (R:6) $12.35 PM ORAL LITERACY: SEQUENCING CARDS PMORT 23 SIL 9780170258074 Rosie Demands the Bill (R:9) $12.35 PMOSC 1–5 9780170228459 Emergent Cards Box + Sware $36.95 PMORT 23 SIL 9780170258128 Riding the Skateboard Ramps (R:7) $12.35 and Penguin Rescue (R:6) PMOSC 6–14 9780170228466 Early Cards Box + Sware $68.95 PMORT 24 SIL 9780170258081 Abra-ca-dabra! (R:6) $12.35 PMOSC 1–5 9780170170413 Emergent Support Pack x 10 PM Titles $83.50 PMORT 24 SIL 9780170258135 The Talent Quest (R:10) and Rory’s Big Chance $12.35 PMOSC 6–14 9780170170420 Early Support Pack x 20 PM Titles $167.00 (R:5) PMORT 25/26 EME 9780170258166 A Cunning Plan (R:10) and The Holiday $14.15 PM ORAL LITERACY: PLAYS Nobody Wanted (R:9) PMOPL 6 YEL 9780170228688 The Big Hit (R:4) $8.35 PMORT 25/26 EME 9780170258159 The Goat Problem (R:7) and Lost on $14.15 PMOPL 6 YEL 9780170228695 Monkey’s Skateboard (R:4) $8.35 the Goldfields (R:10) PMOPL 6 YEL 9780170228701 Blackberries (R:4) $8.35 PMORT 25/26 EME 9780170258173 The Roman Coin (R:6) & Waa, Sugoi, Yuki! $14.15 PMOPL 7 YEL 9780170228718 New Boots (R:5) $8.35 (R:7) PMOPL 7 YEL 9780170228725 Dino at the Park (R:4) $8.35 PMORT 27/28 RUB 9780170258227 Busking Blues (R:7) and Movie Mania $14.15 (R:6) PMOPL 7 YEL 9780170228732 A Crocodile and a Whale (R:3) $8.35 PMORT 27/28 RUB 9780170258180 The Unforgettable Un-Adventure (R:7) $14.15 PMOPL 8 YEL 9780170228749 Katie’s Caterpillar (R:4) $8.35 and The Yeti Trap (R:5) PMOPL 8 YEL 9780170228756 Jolly Roger and the Coconuts (R:4) $8.35 PMORT 27/28 RUB 9780170258203 Best Buddies (R:7) and One of the Girls $14.15 PMOPL 8 YEL 9780170228763 The Birthday Kitten (R:4) $8.35 (R:6) PMOPL 9 BLU 9780170228770 Tiny Owl and the Prickly Plant (R:5) $8.35 PMORT 27/28 RUB 9780170258210 The Class Captain 2088 (R:10) and Robot $14.15 Recycling Day (R:7) PMOPL 9 BLU 9780170228787 Bingo Goes to School (R:4) $8.35 PMORT 29/30 SAP 9780170258234 The Star of the Show (R:8) and The $14.15 PMOPL 9 BLU 9780170228794 The Beach House (R:4) $8.35 Peculiar Pain (R:6) PMOPL 10 BLU 9780170228800 The Snow Bus (R:4) $8.35 PMORT 29/30 SAP 9780170258142 A Pirate Story (R:6) and Mythical $14.15 PMOPL 10 BLU 9780170228817 Baby Bear’s Present (R:4) $8.35 Creatures (R:6) PMOPL 10 BLU 9780170228824 Two Little Ducks Get Lost (R:5) $8.35 PMORT 29/30 SAP 9780170258197 The Red Diamond (R:7) and Alex’s Secret $14.15 Mission (R:6) PMOPL 11 BLU 9780170228831 Jolly Roger and the Spyglass (R:7) $8.35 PMORT 15–30 9780170170437 Reader’s Theatre Pack x 30 Titles $368.50 PMOPL 11 BLU 9780170228848 The Broken Flower Pot (R:5) $8.35 PMORT 15–30 9780170170444 Reader’s Theatre Support Pack x 25 PM Titles $258.75 PMOPL 11 BLU 9780170228855 The Crab Hunt (R:4) $8.35 PMOPL 12 GRN 9780170228862 Jordan’s Football (R:6) $8.35 PM ORAL LITERACY: RHYMES, POEMS AND VERSES, EXPLORING PMOPL 12 GRN 9780170228879 A Friend for Max (R:5) $8.35 VOCABULARY, SEQUENCING CARDS, PLAYS, READER’S THEATRE PMOPL 12 GRN 9780170228886 The Birthday Boy (R:5) $8.35 PMORL 1–30 9780170170475 Complete Pack $2,002.85 PMOPL 12 GRN 9780170228893 Prize Day (R:6) $8.35 PMORL 1–14 9780170169530 Emg, Early Starter Pack x 37 Titles, 4BB + $854.65 PMOPL 13 GRN 9780170228909 Snow on the Hill (R:5) $8.35 Sware, 2 Seq Sets PMOPL 13 GRN 9780170228916 Father Bear’s Surprise (R:4) $8.35 PMORL 15–30 9780170170468 Dev, Con, Ext Starter Pack x 30 Titles, 3BB + $1,148.20 Sware, 3 Boxes Table key available on page 28.
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