AppendixN SunderlandSouthSiteAssessments ListofSHLAASites(SunderlandSouth) SHLAARefNo SiteName SubArea Ward 042 FormerBusDepot,TowardRoad SunderlandSouth HENDON 045 TowardRoadServiceStation SunderlandSouth HENDON 046 AngramDrive,Grangetown SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 053 LandrearofThorneyCloseClub,ThorndaleRoad SunderlandSouth SANDHILL 054 FormerEaglePublicHouse,PortsmouthRoad SunderlandSouth STANNES 062 RyhopeandCherryKnowleHospital SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 070 SiteofFoundry(TheForge,Pallion) SunderlandSouth PALLION 081 Chapelgarthsite SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 082 ClintonPlace/CityWay,EastHerrington,Sunderland SunderlandSouth STCHADS 085 FormerGrovesSite,WoodbineTerrace,Pallion SunderlandSouth PALLION 093 RecreationField,NorthMoorLane,Farringdon SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 095 LandatThorneyClosePrimarySchool,TorquayRoad SunderlandSouth SANDHILL 100 EthelAve/BrewerTerrace,RyhopeVillage SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 106 HighFordEstate,FloddenRoad SunderlandSouth PALLION 107 Phases2Ͳ6,ChesterRoad SunderlandSouth STANNES 117 DawsonandUsherworksHendon SunderlandSouth HENDON 118 BelfordHouse,AshcroftandBelfordClose SunderlandSouth STMICHAELS 147 SiteofGreenwayHouse,Nookside SunderlandSouth STANNES 152 NorthofBurdonVillage,BurdonLane SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 156 ExNorthBlock,StocktonRoad SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 159 LandadjacenttoTheSculleryRestaurant SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 160 EastofSilksworthLane,HighNewport SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 163 AmberleyStreetandHarrogateStreet,landatͲMowbrayRoad SunderlandSouth HENDON 169 FormerCoventGardensite,CorkStreet SunderlandSouth HENDON 171 SiteofformerPallionStation,FerndaleTerrace SunderlandSouth PALLION 183 AshburnHouse,RyhopeRoad SunderlandSouth STMICHAELS 186 UniversityPrecinct,ChesterRoad SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD 188 ClannyHouse,PeacockStreetWest SunderlandSouth PALLION 218 LittlewoodsHomeShoppingGroup,landadjtoͲCommercialRoad SunderlandSouth HENDON 224 Deptfordworks,PallionNewRoad SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD 225 FormerShipyard,PallionNewRoad SunderlandSouth PALLION 286 LandtotheNorthofWoodbineTerrace,PallionRiverside SunderlandSouth PALLION 292 LisburnTerrace,landat SunderlandSouth PALLION 294A FormerPaperMill,CommercialRoad(North) SunderlandSouth HENDON 294B FormerPaperMill,CommercialRoad(South) SunderlandSouth HENDON 296 NorthStreetAllotments,Silksworth SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 303 Allotments,backofRyhopeStreet SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 324 LandtotheEastofDurhamRoadandTudorGrove SunderlandSouth BARNES 334 HolyCrossHome,EttrickGrove SunderlandSouth BARNES 342 LandatMillHill,SilksworthRoad SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 348 LandwestofRyhopeRoad SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 355 RushfordPhase2,Ryhope SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 356 BurdonRoad/HallFarmRoad,landat SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 374 FormerFarringdonPoliceStation,PrimateRoad SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 380 GrangetownAutosandlandtotheSouth.EastsideofRyhopeRoad SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 384 TheCavalierPH,SilksworthLane SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 419 MiddleHerringtonFarm,HillcrestEast,Herrington SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 426A WillowFarmlandtosouth,Ryhope(North) SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 426B WillowFarmlandtosouth,Ryhope(South) SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 446 BuildersYard,Hendon,TowardRoad SunderlandSouth HENDON 451 FormerStanningtonCentreandadjoininggreenspace,Hillview,StanningtonGrove SunderlandSouth STMICHAELS 455 PallionIndustrialEstate,EuropeanWay SunderlandSouth PALLION 477 LandnorthofBurdonLane SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 502 VaneArms,Silksworth SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 504 DoxfordParkPhase6 SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 505 DoxfordParkPhase5 SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 511 LandatBurdonLane,westofBevanAvenue SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 531 CouncilYard,NorthSt,Silksworth SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 541 FormerLeechmereRoadallotments SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 564 LandatRyhopeRdandSalterfernLane SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 630 LandAdjacSaintLukesRoad SunderlandSouth PALLION 638 LandwestofTunstallHills,TunstallHopeRoad SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 641 BurdonGreenBelt SunderlandSouth DOXFORD 648A HastingsHill/HerringtonGreenBelt,FoxcoverLane SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 648B HastingsHill/HerringtonGreenBelt,FoxcoverLane(SouthWest) SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 648C HastingsHill/HerringtonGreenBelt,FoxcoverLane(West) SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 648D HastingsHill/HerringtonGreenBelt,FoxcoverLane(NorthEast) SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 651 LandatTayRoad,ThorneyClose SunderlandSouth BARNES 663 FormerEastHerringtonLibrary,Farringdon SunderlandSouth STCHADS 664 NorthMoorFarmCottages,Farringdon SunderlandSouth SILKSWORTH 666 MillfieldHouse,HyltonRoad SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD 674 WestofCherryKnowleHospital SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 676 LandatEastHerrington SunderlandSouth STCHADS 677 LandatBirchwood,FordOval SunderlandSouth STANNES 678 SouthHyltonHouse SunderlandSouth STANNES 681 CommunityHall,LilyStreet SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD 682 LandatFrontRoad/SaintLukesTerrace SunderlandSouth PALLION 692 LandtothenorthofIreneAvenue,Grangetown SunderlandSouth RYHOPE 698 FormerHendongardensHotel SunderlandSouth HENDON 700 CloseStreet,Millfield SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD 703 WarmupWearside,WestbourneRoad SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD 706 Mayholme,31SeaViewRoad SunderlandSouth STMICHAELS 714 PennywellBusinessCentre SunderlandSouth STANNES 716 TasmanRoad,ThorneyClose SunderlandSouth SANDHILL 717 ThemeRoad,ThorneyClose SunderlandSouth SANDHILL 718 TadcasterRoad,ThorneyClose SunderlandSouth SANDHILL 719 TanfieldRoad/TruroRoad,ThorneyClose SunderlandSouth SANDHILL 721 TheRopery,WebstersBank SunderlandSouth MILLFIELD GlossaryofAcronyms ͼAHLVAreaofHighLandscapeValue ͼEAEnvironmentAgency ͼGIGreenInfrastructure ͼHLVHighLandscapeValue ͼHRAHabitatsRegulationsAssessment ͼLGSLocalGeodiversitySite ͼLLFALeadLocalFloodAuthority ͼLNRLocalNatureReserve ͼLWSLocalWildlifeSite ͼNCBNationalCoalBoard ͼNWLNorthumbrianWaterLtd ͼPDLPreviouslyDevelopedLand(ie.‘Brownfield’Land) ͼS106Section106Agreement ͼSAMScheduledAncientMonument ͼSSSISiteofSpecialScientificInterest ͼTPOTreePreservationOrder !%%+' ' -' ,' !*+' ! ()' ./ $%&' " # 1()/ .-0.-' ! " # # *) *) *' *%' %(( ' $ 20%(( $+(&' $ #90#8 4 044+* #90#8' #90#8' #80#7' #70#6' #60#5' #50 ' 0 #' #0 ' 0 4' 40 ' 0 9' 90 8' 80 7' 70 6' 60 5' 504 ' 4 04#' 4#04 ' 4 044' ) 4 044' 3(' $ 3 ' % % 1+ -)' (-)' -)' ! " # # & ' %.-)' (%.-)' %.-)' $ # %(.-)' (%(.-)' $ %(.-)' (# )# #*+ % (# )# # # # # .-) .-)' (# )# # # # # 47 TOWARD ROAD Mast (Telecommunication) 1d 1b 2a 54 2 1a 76 55 Bus 1 Depot Surgery 60 72 73 71 70 Project Sunderland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - 2017 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the Sunderland City Council permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Scheme Site No 042: Former Bus Depot, Toward Road Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised Economy and Place, reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to PO Box 102, Civic Centre, Contact North July 2017 prosecution or civil proceedings. Sunderland City Council Sunderland, SR2 7DN Scale Not to Scale Date [ 100018385 Published 2017. Drawing No. Revisions !%%+' 9 ' .( -' ,' !*+' ! ()' ./ $%&' " 7 1()/ .-0.-' &# , , -- # . ,- # # *) *) *' *%' %(( ' $ 20%(( $+(&' $ #90#8 4 044+* #90#8' #90#8' #80#7' #70#6' #60#5' #50 ' 0 #' #0 ' 0 4' 40 ' 0 9' 90 8' 80 7' 70 6' 60 5' 504 ' 4 04#' 4#04 ' 4 044' ) 4 044' 3(' $ 3 ' % % 1+ -)' (-)' -)' &# , , -- # . ,- # # & ' %.-)' (%.-)' %.-)' $ # %(.-)' (%(.-)' $ %(.-)' (# )# #*& / % (# )# # # # # .-) .-)' (# )# # # # # Playground Kingdom Hall Kingdom Hall EGERTON STREET Playground 15 STREET 9 EGERTON 2 37.2m 18 LB Project 5 Year Housing Land Supply Sunderland City Council Reproduced from/based upon the Ordnance Survey mapping Scheme Site No. 45 : Toward Road Service Station, Development and Regeneration Directorate with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Toward Road, Egerton Street Office Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes PO Box 102, Civic Centre Sunderland, SR2 7DN Contact Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. North Scale Date March 2008 City of Sunderland Licence No. 100018385. Date 2008. Tel: (0191) 553100 [ Fax: (0191) 5531460 Drawing No. Revisions !%%+' 8 ' %* .:* -' ,' ; !*+' :+ ()' #5 ./ $%&' #" 7 1()/ ; .-0.-' #<9) $.0 *) *) *' 1 *%' %2.%3345.( %(( ' $ 20%(( $+(&' $ #90#8 4 044+* #90#8' #90#8' #80#7' #70#6' #60#5' #50 ' 0 #' #0 ' 0 4' 40 ' 3 %5% 0 9' 90 8' 80 7' 70 6' 60 5' 504 ' 4 04#' 4#04 ' 4 044' ) 4 044' 3(' 7 3 ' 36 % 1+ -)' (-)' -)' # %.-)' (%.-)' %.-)' # %(.-)' (%(.-)' %(.-)' (# )# #*& , 85 # # .-) .-)' # # # # 9 32 %05# 8 30 27 10 1 51 A 1018 5 36 37 61 16 SP 34 71 38 Ryhope Grange Junction SB 12 81 10 85 363 El Sub Sta 14 9 5 6 6 7 4 11 Rhoda 4 CLOSE 3 17 1 7 1 3 Rhoda Terrace RYDALE PARK 2 DRIVE 20 23 30 10 Project Sunderland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - 2017 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the Sunderland City Council permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Scheme Site
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