Contributions of ecological facilitation for restoring environments with high conservation value in the Argentine Patagonia Contribuciones de la facilitación ecológica para la restauración de ambientes de alto valor de conservación en la Patagonia Argentina González FM & DR Pérez Abstract. The Argentine arid Patagonia, in general, and ‘La Pa- Resumen. La Patagonia Árida Argentina, en general, y el eco- yunia’ ecosystem in particular, are important areas for conservation sistema ‘La Payunia’ en particular, son áreas de interés para la con- due to the high number of endemic species. However, this region servación debido a su riqueza florística y endemismos. A pesar de presents a high level of degradation as a result of human activities. ello, la misma está afectada por impactos que generan la necesidad Thus, ecological rehabilitation strategies need to be implemented to de implementar proyectos de rehabilitación ecológica. Los objetivos recover certain areas. The main objectives of this study were to (1) principales del trabajo fueron: (1) evaluar especies con potencial para evaluate the reintroduction of two selected native species in severely ser introducidas en sitios severamente degradados, y (2) determinar degraded areas, and (2) determine if the survival and growth of an si la supervivencia y crecimiento de una especie arbustiva endémica, endemic shrub species, Senna arnottiana, increase when it is associat- Senna arnottiana, aumenta cuando se la asocia a un pasto perenne, ed with a perennial grass, Pappostipa speciosa. These two species were Pappostipa speciosa. Estas dos especies fueron seleccionadas a partir selected based on the results of a reference ecosystem analysis. In ad- del análisis del ecosistema de referencia. Luego de tres años deter- dition, two doses of hydrogel (polyacrylamide) were tested to evalu- minamos si la supervivencia y crecimiento de S. arnottiana aumentó ate its moistening effect. After three years, the survival rate of both cuando estuvo asociada con P. speciosa y con agregado hidrogel. Los plant species was high (mean=79.6%), with no significant differences resultados mostraron que ambas especies tienen alta supervivencia among hydrogel treatments and association between species. How- (promedio=79,6%), sin diferencias significativas entre los tratamien- ever, growth rates of S. arnottiana plants nursed by P. speciosa were tos: distintas dosis de hidrogel, y asociación entre las especies. Sin significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of isolated plants. Our re- embargo, el crecimiento de S. arnottiana fue significativamente ma- sults suggest that the study, endemic shrub species is able to survive yor (P<0,05) cuando estuvo asociada a P. speciosa que cuando estuvo in isolation after its transplanting, and that P. speciosa is a suitable aislada. Nuestros resultados mostraron que la especie arbustiva endé- species for promoting a higher shrub growth during the first critical mica fue capaz de sobrevivir aislada luego de ser trasplantada, y que years of recovery of the degraded, arid and semiarid environments. P. speciosa fue una especie capaz de facilitar su crecimiento durante los primeros años de recuperación de ambientes áridos y semiáridos Keywords: Hydrogel; Plant Nursing; Reference ecosystem; degradados. Restoration; Survival. Palabras clave: Hidrogel; Plantas nodrizas; Ecosistema de refe- rencia; Restauración; Supervivencia. 1 National University of Comahue, School of Health and Environmental Sciences, Laboratory of Arid and Semiarid Ecosystem Restoration and Rehabilitation, (UNCo, FACIAS, LARREA). 8300 Neuquén, Argentina. Institutional addresses: LARREA, FACIAS. National University of Comahue. Buenos Aires N° 1400, Neuquén C.P 8300. Argentina. Address correspondence to: Florencia M. González, e-mail: [email protected] Received 1.II.2017. Accepted 24.VI.2017. FYTON ISSN 0031 9457 (2017) 86: 332-339 Recovery of degraded arid and semiarid environments 333 INTRODUCTION or transplanting mature plants with moisturizing gel (Pérez et al., 2011). However, further research should elucidate the The arid and semiarid Patagonia region in southern Argen- causes of dissimilar survival values (Altamirano & Pérez, tina presents high biodiversity levels and significant endemic 2010; González, 2010; Becker et al., 2013; Ciano, 2013). The species richness. This makes this region of great interest and effectiveness and results of hydrogel application are usually high priority for conservation, and improved planning and variable because the success of seedling survival is generally management at a landscape scale (Beeskow et al., 2005). Over determined by the occurrence of precipitations higher than the past century, this area has been affected by overgrazing, oil the historic values, the growth rate of the root system (Cia- prospecting and extraction, continual and excessive firewood no, 2013) or the texture and structure of the disturbed soils extraction, and introduction of non-native species (Morello et (Becker et al., 2013; Beider et al., 2013). al., 2012). As a consequence, several areas of Argentina’s Pata- Therefore, the objectives of this study were twofold: 1) gonia have reached levels of severe to highly severe desertifica- evaluate the vegetation of sites with different levels of degra- tion (del Valle et al., 1998; Mazzonia & Vazquez, 2009). This dation to select species with the potential to colonize severely situation is aggravated by the extremely slow regeneration of degraded areas; and 2) assess the facilitation effect of a peren- plants (Fiori & Zalba, 2003; Pérez et al., 2010; González et nial grass, Pappostipa speciosa, on the survival and growth of al., 2013). Thus, ecological restoration and/or rehabilitation reintroduced seedlings of an endemic shrub, Senna arnottiana, techniques should be applied to accelerate the recovery of lost using different volumes of polyacrylamide (hydrogel). ecosystem attributes and the resilience of degraded ecosys- tems, (Lake, 2013). Facilitation and, particularly, the use of MATERIALS AND METHODS nurse plants in rehabilitation and restoration projects have been implemented in several biomes including tropical rain Study site. The study site is located in a multiple use pro- forests (Kitzberger et al., 2000), seasonally dry forests (Lebri- tected area of the Auca Mahuida Nature Reserve, Neuquén ja-Trejos et al., 2010), and arid and semiarid regions (Padilla Province, Argentina. This reserve harbors a variety of taxa & Pugnaire, 2006). The importance of a facilitation initiative such as Lama guanicoe (guanaco), a camelid native to South for plant community restoration theoretically increases as the America, several endemic species of lizards (Avila et al., 2013) environmental stress intensifies (Bertness & Callaway, 1994). and a combination of plant communities that represent three Thus, in arid and semiarid areas, where environmental condi- phytogeographic provinces, i.e., Monte, Patagonica and Al- tions are relatively harsh, ecological facilitation is expected to toandina. In addition, this reserve protects several archaeo- play an important role in supporting and maintaining biodi- logical sites (Fiori & Zalba 2000, 2003). versity and ecosystem functioning (Pugnaire, 2010). In the protected area, the vegetation is abundant and con- An important obstacle for the selection of nurse species in sists of grasses and low-growing plants with an approximate arid and semiarid reference ecosystems is the scarcity of in- cover of 40% (Fiori & Zalba, 2003). The floristic studies car- formation about both the ecophysiology of native species and ried out in the Auca Mahuida Reserve report a total of 41 the ecological succession (Abella, 2010). In the Patagonian families, 116 genera and 225 species, of which 14 are endemic semiarid ecosystems, it has been hypothesized that ecological and distributed in plant communities according to altitude succession begins with shrubs that colonize bare soils and that, (Long, 2000). Below 1400 m.a.s.l., the plant community is subsequently, generate beneficial conditions that facilitate the typical of the Monte Province, integrated by species such as establishment of grasses (Soriano et al., 1994; Aguiar & Sala, Larrea spp., Bougainvillea spinosa, Cercidium praecox, Fabi- 1999). This process has also been reported in other deserts of ana peckii, Monttea aphylla and Prosopis flexuosa var. flexuosa. the world (Mauchamp et al., 1993; Schlesinger & Pilmanis, At higher altitude, the grass proportion increases, especially 1998). Thus, several shrub species have been frequently used as with genera such as Pappostipa and Poa. Above 1500 m.a.s.l., nurse plants in restoration projects (Tirado & Pugnaire, 2003; the floristic composition is typical of the Patagonian Prov- Padilla & Pugnaire, 2009). In other semiarid regions, perennial ince (district Payunia), with species such as Anarthrophyllum grasses also showed the ability of acting as facilitators (Gasque elegans, Mulinum spinosum, Gallardoa fischeri, Ephedra frustil- & García Fayos, 2004; Soliveres Codina, 2010). Regarding lata, Acaena caespitosa, Maihueniopsis darwinii var. Hickenii, ecophysiological parameters, tolerance to drought varies not Maihuenia patagonica, Polygala spinescens, Adesmia boronoides, only among species but also within a single one (Zavala & Patagonian trevoa and Schinus roigii. At the summit of the vol- Ravetta, 2001), which results in a more complex evaluation of cano, species such as Calceolaria sp., Azorella spp., and Acaena the interactions and
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