Chapter 9: Nature un convention on the rights of the child article 29: Education with the purpose of developing respect for the natural environment. 9:1 9: Nature article 29 Education with the purpose of developing respect for the natural environment. bukala, 6 years old says: Today I, my brother Taban and his see the monkeys. We get very Lui, we pass the durra fields. Durra is the friend Lillibeth are going to pick grass. happy to see them, but the most common plant here. Earlier there were It may sound strange that we are going monkeys get scared and run peanuts in this field. We harvested them a to pick grass, but we make bundles of it and away. How lucky it was a while ago. My mum made peanut butter to bring them to school. The grass in our area can mango-tree. We can see that sell in the market. That tastes very good. grow to be almost two metres (7 ft) high. The the mangos are ripe, so we When we come home our dog barks, he roofs on our huts are made of grass. To get some climb up the tree. On the top of has waited for us. We put the bundles of grass extra money to our school, we pick grass in the tree we sit and enjoy one by the hen-house. The dog and the hens are bundles and sell them at school. mango each. Mmmm, it tastes our domestic animals. Tomorrow we will Now Lillibeth is coming and we can leave. really good! Lillibeth says bring the bundles of grass to school. Lillibeth says that she is worried there may be that sitting this high up in a dangerous animals in the bush. We have been tree reminds her of when her taught there may be wild animals like lions and family had to escape during leopards that may hurt us. Really we know there the war. The whole family are none, but it is somewhat uncomfortable ran through the woods and anyway. Snakes, scorpions and spiders we know high up on to the mountains. there are, and that they can easily hide in the She says that they had to grass, so we must check very carefully. During stay there for several weeks. the war all the animals disappeared, but now It is not nice for Lillibeth to they are coming back again and we are actually remember how scared she was, very happy about that. The birds are already so we decide to climb down back. And we have heard that a hippopotamus the tree and keep walking to has been seen in the river. So you never know the grass. what can happen. Eventually we reach the Sniff, sniff. I smell fire. I hope it is not a fire place where the grass grows that has spread! We find a man burning grass. high. We gather the grass in It is called burn-beating. It is done to make the bundles and on our way back earth better for growing. Luckily the man is home, Lillibeth shows which trees watching the fire. are good for fire-wood. Her mum Suddenly something is rustling in a fruit-tree. has taught her that. We jump because we are scared, but then we When we come back to 9:2 Facts types of nature the Sudd and the White Nile loses North America and the pampas common. In a young stage durra is South Sudan is a flat land with much water in that way. in South America. The vegetation poisonous. higher mountains in the south The savannah, a type of is dominated by perennial grass, Durra can grow on quite meagre eastern part of the country. vegetation in tropical and but also onion- and tuber-plants soil and can stand quite high The environment consists mainly subtropical areas with distinct dry and annual herbs. In the past the temperatures, but is sensitive to of grass land, high-situated plateaus and rainy seasons. Grass savannah steppes were grazed by enormous frost. and slopes, wood-covered and usually consists of high growing herds of animals, for example, The plant can stand floods. grass-grown savannahs, river plains grass and areas sparsely covered buffalo and antelope, but nowadays Cultivation of durra is work- and wetlands. with bushes and trees, in Africa big areas are cultivated and are consuming. A lot of weeding is White Nile is a big river flows mainly acacia, and here and there among the most important areas on demanded in the beginning of the through South Sudan. In Sudan baobab trees. In South America the earth for producing food. growing season and when the seed it merges with the Blue Nile and trees are often palms and cactuses is mature, it must be protected becomes the Nile. Along the White and in Australia different kinds of huts and grass against birds. The small seeds are Nile there are river plains. South eucalyptus. If the vegetation is more See Fact in chapter 2, At home. picked and ground into flour used Sudan includes one of the biggest like a forest, like in the miomb (dry To get extra income for the for porridge and bread. Durra wetlands in the world, the Sudd. wood) in Africa you usually talk school, the pupils can be asked is sown is May and harvested The White Nile, one of the main about tree- or sometimes bush- during a period of 2 – 3 weeks to in January. Some kinds can be arms of the longest river in the savannah. Towards drier areas the pick the long grass and collect it in harvested twice a year. The seeds world, flows through South Sudan savannah turns into bush-steppe bundles. Each bundle is sold for 5 for sowing are dried in a special from the south to the north. It and towards more rainy areas into SSP. The grass is used to build and basket (mundro). One kind of durra enters South Sudan from Uganda in rainforest. Along the rivers through mend roofs. is called Njarangu. the south. North of the capital of the savannah there are evergreen South Sudan, Juba, which is quite forests. During the dry season when common plants and fruits Cassava, actually manioc, is a far south, the White Nile spreads the trees in the savannah lose their Durra (Arabic for grain of corn) is half-bush in the family of spurge- into an enormously big papyrus- leaves and the grass withers, fires a kind of grass, sometimes called plants and the root-tuber belongs swamp, the Sudd. often occur, sometimes started by sorghum. Durra is a 1 – 5 metre to the most important basic food The Sudd (Arabic for obstacle) the people with the purpose of high annual grass, usually with a on earth. The plant can become is a big swamp in South Sudan. getting better pasture. very big and voluminous panicle up to 5 metres high and it blooms The swamp consists of thick loads The steppe, landscape with grass with a variety of shapes and colours in September – November with of grass, half-grass and floating and no trees in rather dry areas on like yellow, red, brown and black. small pink-red flowers. Each plant water-plants. The river Nile flows earth. The steppe is the original The small ears grow in pairs: develops several spool-shaped through the Sudd. When flooded, type of vegetation on approx. one with no stem and a bisexual root-tubers, which can become 20 islands of vegetation can be pulled one fifth of the mainland on the flower, the other one with a stem to 60 centimetres (8 – 24 inches) loose and hinder the traffic on the earth with different names like the and a male flower. Self- pollination long with a weight up to 10 kg river. Evaporation is considerable in puszta in Hungary, the prairie in and self-fertilization is the most (20 lb). They are rich in starch 9:3 Facts but poor in protein. They are very Corn (maize) is a plant in the grass thus the fruits are pushed down round. The flowers are bell-shaped starch-rich and are poisonous when family. It is an annual, up to 6 into the earth, where they mature. to funnel-shaped, white to pink or fresh, depending of its content of a metres (20 ft) high straw plant with The fruit is yellow-gray, rounded, purple. glycoside producing prussic acid. pith filled straw and wide lancet- net- veined and pulled together in That can however be removed like and often shining leaves. The the middle. It usually contains two leguminous through grating, boiling or roasting flowers are unisexual with male cylindrical red or brown seeds. Beans occur in two main kinds, after which they are edible. The and female flowers on the same It is eaten roasted or salted and called bush-beans or pole-beans root-tubers can, through washing, plant. The male flowers are placed is an important raw material for depending on the way they grow. be processed into flour or grain. in spikes on the top, gathered in producing peanut-oil and peanut- There are also many different The starch-rich cassava can be used a panicle, and the female flowers paste. groups with different look and for for thickening in different dishes. It are placed in thick spikes, called a different use. All kinds have green is often sold in the shape of round spadix in the lower leaf-fold. Sweet-potato or batat has its origin or purple leaves, parted into three grains with the same use as sago.
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