ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER September-October 2019 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral 7220 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 THE HOLY MANDYLION One of the earliest Icons witnessed to by Church Tradi- tion, is the Icon of the Savior Not-Made-By-Hands [AKA the Holy Mandylion]. According to Tradition, during the time of the earthly ministry of the Savior, King Abgar ruled in the Syrian city of Edessa. He was afflicted with leprosy over his whole body. At this time report of the great miracles performed by the Lord extended throughout Syria (Matt. 4:24) and as far as Arabia. Although not having seen the Lord, Abgar believed in Him as the Son of God and wrote a letter requesting Him to come and heal him. With this letter he sent to Palestine his court-painter Anani- as, entrusting him to paint an image of the Divine Teacher. Ananias went to Jerusalem and saw the Lord surrounded by people. He was not able to reach Him because of the great throng of people listening to His preaching; so he stood on a huge rock and attempted to produce a painting of the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, but he was unable to succeed. The Savior Himself called him by name and gave for Abgar a beautiful letter in which, having glorified the faith of the ruler, He promised to send His disciple in order to heal him from the leprosy and instruct him in salvation. After this, the Lord called for water and a towel. He wiped His face, rubbing with the towel, and on it was impressed His Divine Image. The towel and the letter the Savior sent with Ananias to Edessa. With thanksgiving Abgar received the sacred An icon representing the original Holy Mandylion object and received healing, but a small portion, only a trace, remained of the terrible disease on his face until the arrival of the promised Disciple of the Lord. brought to the Capital of the Orthodox. With great honor the Im- The Apostle of the 70, Thaddeus, came to them and age of the Savior Not-Made-By-Hands and the letter which He preached the Gospel, baptizing the believing Abgar and all living wrote to Abgar, were brought by the clergy to Constantinople. On in Edessa. Having written on the Image Not-Made-By-Hands the Aug. 16 the Image of the Savior was placed in the Pharos Church words, Christ-God, everyone trusting in Thee of the Most-Holy Theotokos. will not be put to shame, Abgar adorned it "The Son is the image of the invisible Concerning the subsequent fate of and placed it in a niche over the city gates. God, the firstborn over all creation.” the Image Not-Made-By-Hands, there exists For many years the inhabitants pre- several traditions. According to one, it was served a pious custom of venerating the Im- (Colossians 1:15) carried away by Crusaders during the time of age Not-Made-By-Hands whenever passing their dominion over Constantinople (1204- through the gates. But a great-grandson of 61), but the ship on which the Holy Objects Abgar, ruling Edessa, fell into idolatry and resolved to take the had been taken, sank in the Sea of Marmora. According to anoth- Image away from the city walls. In a vision, the Lord ordered the er, the Image Not-Made-By-Hands was taken about 1362 to Gen- Bishop of Edessa to conceal His Image. The Bishop, coming at oa, where it was presented to and preserved in a monastery dedi- night with his clergy, lit before the Image a lampada and then cated to the Apostle Bartholomew. blocked up the niche with clay tablets and bricks. In the time of the iconoclastic heresy, the defenders of Many years passed by and the inhabitants forgot about icon-veneration, shedding their blood for the Holy Icons, sang the the Holy Object. But then, when in 545 the Persian King Chroses Troparion to the Image Not-Made-By-Hands. The Image (the I besieged Edessa, the position of the city seemed hopeless. But Holy Face) was put up as an emblem of the Russian armies, de- the Most-Holy Sovereign Lady manifested Herself to Bishop fending them from the enemy; and in the Russian Orthodox Evlavios and commanded him to get from the enclosed niche the Church there is a pious custom that before entering a church, the Image with which to save the city from the adversaries. Disman- faithful read together the prayers and the Troparion to the Image tling the niche, the Bishop found the Holy Image; before it Not-Made-By-Hands. The Feast of this Icon is celebrated on burned the lampada and on the clay tablets, with which the niche Aug. 16, during the Afterfeast period of the Feast of the Dormi- had been enclosed, was a similar image. After preceding with the tion, and is popularly called the Third Feast-of-the-Savior in Au- Cross and the Image Not-Made-By-Hands around the walls of the gust. city, the Persian army miraculously departed. Source: These Truths We Hold, compiled and edited In 630, Edessa was seized by the Arabs; but they did not by A Monk of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, available on Ama- impede veneration of the Image Not-Made-By-Hands, glory of zon.com which extended out into all the East. In 944 the Emperor Con- stantine Porphyrogenitus (912-59) requested that the Image be redeemed from the Emir the ruler of the city of Edessa and 1 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL Rev. Father George Bessinas, Presiding Priest Theo Lyketsos, Pastoral Assistant/Youth Director SUNDAY SERVICES : ORTHROS: 8:45 am DIVINE LITURGY: 10:00 am • Orthodox Campus Ministry (OCF) WEEKDAY SERVICES: ORTHROS: 8:30 am DIVINE LITURGY: 9:30 am Theo Lyketsos • Dance Directors Dr. Maria Mendrinos, Bessie Piperides PARISH COUNCIL 2019 • Altar Servers Officers John Mangus, Jr., Coordinator President • Ladies Philoptochos Society • Stewards of the Altar John Katsias Maria Harless, President 1st Vice President Presvytera Eleni Rogakos • Hellenic Woman’s Club Evan Almyrantis • Coffee Fellowship 2nd Vice President Elizabeth Woods and Heather Karangelen, Chrissy Damalas Co-Presidents Cindy Dragas Secretary • Library Diana Roybal Presvytera Eleni Rogakos • Cathedral Office Treasurer Irene Pahno Tony Meares Helen Manuel, Office Administrator • Cultural Committee Members: Goran Todorovic, Bookkeeper Jane Williams • Kathy Stephanitsis Angelo Neskis, Facilities Manager • Golden Years • Jim Milonas • Annunciation Observer Lona Liosatos, President • Martha Pantelides Layout Editor: Theo Lyketsos • O.C.M.C. • Yiannis Papelis Editor in Chief: Fr. George Bessinas Maria Marshall • Ron Russell Mailing Volunteers • Steve Webb • I.O.C.C. Fred & Diana Roybal, Dwight and Pela Jen- Maria Herring kins, Toulla Koyzis • Stewardship Committee • Agape /Hope/Joy Yiannis Papelis, Kathy Stephanitsis, Maria Achilleos , Katina Johnson, Cindy Dragas Denise Wessler Check out the following links: • Community Dinner • Sunday School • Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Martha Pantelides, Director Debbie Woodell www.goarch.org Andriani Vastardis • Young Adult Ministry • Metropolis of New Jersey • Greek School Theo Lyketsos www.nj.goarch.org George Pantas, Director • St. Lydia Womens Study • Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Group Emilia Simmons, Deputy Director www.annunciationva.org Presvytera Chrysanthie Bessinas Stavroula Marshall, Teacher • Annunciation Cathedral Facebook Page: • GOYA Dr. Maria Mendrinos, PTO https://www.facebook.com/groups/31428115 Theo Lyketsos • Choir Director 5328536/ Advisors Christopher Kypros Linda Meares, Phil Roussis, • Head Chanter Katherine P. Milonas Efthimios (Tim) Dermanis The Annunciation Observer: Bi-Monthly Newsletter. Distributed to Parish Families. The Annunciation Observer is published by The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral 7220 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA 23505. 2 3 NEW ICONS — TWO SAINTS TO GET TO KNOW! As you may have noticed, we have two brand new known throughout Cappadocia; those who could not come to icons mounted on the left and right side in the back of the see him would sometimes send articles of clothing for him to cathedral. These icons are the generous gift of Kostas and pray over. Maria Anastasopoulos, and they depict St. Arsenios the Cap- He became known as Hadjiefendis, a Muslim term of padocian and St. Paisios the Athonite, two of the greatest honor for pilgrims, because he made pilgrimage to the Holy saints of the 20th century. These icons are a great blessing, Land every ten years on foot. He never accepted any gifts in as they both help us pray to two powerful intercessors, and return for his prayers and healings, saying: "Our faith is not for remind us to reflect on the great lives of the Orthodox Chris- sale!" He concealed his holiness as much as he could beneath tians who went before us. No doubt our donors were inspired a rough and sharp-tempered exterior. If anyone expressed by the incredible life and witness of these two spiritual giants, admiration for him, he would reply: "So you think I'm a saint? and for that reason sought both to I'm only a sinner worse than you. honor them and seek their interces- Don't you see that I even lose my sion through these icons. temper? The miracles you see are Those who are not familiar done by Christ. I do no more than with these two “mega-saints” (as my lift up my hands and pray to him." friend from seminary once called But as the Scriptures say, "the pray- them) would benefit greatly from ers of a righteous man avail much", learning about them. Those who and when St Arsenios lifted up his already know SS. Arsenios and hands, wonders often followed. He Paisios would do well to re-read lived in a small cell with an earthen their stories, as they are filled with floor, fasted often and was in the inspiration and reminders that God habit of shutting himself in his cell is very much active in the life of His for at least two whole days every Church.
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