Monday, February 21, 2017 I Vol. 113 Iss. 22 AN INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER • SERVING THE GW COMMUNITY SINCE 1904 WWW.GWHATCHET.COM The GW Hatchet Page 5 GOODBYE GIFTS: Knapp sets out on fundraising trips during nal semester AVERY ANAPOL & Knapp will visit, saying that one-on-one meetings with rather than wait for wealthy LEAH POTTER the details of the trip are still alumni and donors. He said alumni to make donations. STAFF WRITERS being worked out. alumni enjoy hearing about “In hockey you go to While most of the stops what’s happening on cam- where the puck’s going,” University President on Knapp’s farewell tour pus and taking advantage of Morsberger said. “And Steven Knapp is jetting off will involve him speaking the opportunity to network that’s kind of what the de- during his fi nal few months on panels, participating with other alumni in their velopment offi ce is doing at GW, touching down in in conferences and at- areas. and Dr. Knapp there, they’re at least six more cities this tending alumni events, “They really appreci- going to where the constitu- spring to attend conferences the two international ate hearing what’s going ents are and where the phi- and lock in donations. trips to Mexico and on back in their intellec- lanthropy potentially is.” Knapp told the Board the Middle East will tual and cultural home Morsberger said that of Trustees at their meet- be to meet with “a Boston here in the nation’s because nearly 20 percent ing earlier this month that number of prospec- New York capital,” he said. of GW’s students are inter- this will be a “busy semes- tive donors,” he said Jeremy Gosbee, national, University leaders ter” for travel as he meets, in an interview. MIDDLE EAST the president of the need to continue strength- for the fi nal time as presi- Gifts from for- Washington, D.C. Alumni Associa- ening global alumni ties. dent, with remote alumni eign donors have tion, said in an email As GW approaches its communities and fi nalizes been a signifi cant that although visit- June deadline for the fund- outstanding gifts from in- part of the Univer- Los Angeles ing alumni in other raising campaign, interna- ternational donors. He will sity’s philanthropic Tempe, AZ countries is an ex- tional donations are part of visit alumni and prospec- cash fl ow during pectation for a univer- the reason they will reach tive donors in Miami, Los Knapp’s time as presi- sity president, Knapp the $1 billion goal one year Angeles, Boston, New York, dent. Some of his vis- Miami has been particularly before the original deadline, Mexico City and parts of its with donors during dedicated to strengthening Morsberger said. the Middle East. these trips will likely lock GW’s worldwide network Charles Garris, a pro- These trips, which began in the fi nal few donations of because of the University’s fessor of mechanical and last weekend when he at- the $1 billion campaign, he Mexico City reputation as a global insti- aerospace engineering and tended a climate conference said, which is less than $32 tution. chair of the Faculty Senate’s at Arizona State University, million away from reaching “His eff orts are always executive committee, said are the last chance for him its goal. appreciated and well-re- that while establishing solid to nail down donations he’s Over the past seven fi s- ceived,” Gosbee said. “I’m relationships with wealthy been working toward over cal years, monetary gifts 0 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 Miles grateful for all the eff orts alumni can bring in large the past few years. from foreign donors have he has made to connect our gifts, it does not always im- Knapp has traveled ex- totaled nearly $20 million, alumni back to GW, wheth- mediately pay off . Knapp’s tensively during his time as according to self-reported YONAH BROMBERG GABER | GRAPHICS EDITOR Information source: University spokeswoman Candace Smith er that’s here in D.C. or in international visits can president, both domestically data catalogued by the De- Map source: ESRI the farthest reaches of the help boost GW’s reputation and internationally. Faculty partment of Education. The Coordinate system: Albers Equal Area Conic globe.” around the globe, which and experts say his jet-set- most profi table time period Michael Morsberger, the translates to donations ting ways are common for of foreign fundraising was chief executive offi cer for the down the road, he said. university leaders, espe- in fi scal year 2013, when the spent a week in Turkey with populations in South Korea, University of Central Flori- “Sometimes having a cially as their terms come University brought in more Mustafa Koç, a billionaire Taiwan, China and Japan. da Foundation and former strong presence in diff er- to an end, and are essential than $6.6 million from those and alumnus of the GW “Anywhere you go in vice president for develop- ent countries, especially to building the University’s donors. School of Business’ master’s the world there’s going to be ment and alumni relations with the alumni, enhances global reputation and pull- The relationship be- program, who died last year. GW alumni,” Knapp said. at GW, said alumni who feel the reputation of the Uni- ing in foreign donations. tween the University and Knapp said in an inter- “The more we can build a closer to the University by versity,” Garris said. “I University spokeswom- wealthy members of its for- view that bonding with the sense of community here meeting the president face- think having the president an Candace Smith said in eign network has also led University’s international on campus before students to-face and hearing updates go there and meet with the an email that these trips are to numerous revenue-gen- alumni network is a way to graduate, the better job we’ll about campus are more like- alumni and meet with re- part of the University’s ef- erating partnerships, like engage young alumni and do at engaging young alum- ly to donate generously. cruiting people and show forts to close out the $1 bil- the University’s exchange increase their giving rates. ni once they do graduate.” He added that it’s im- interest in the country does lion fundraising campaign. program with Koç Univer- GW has alumni in more During his upcom- portant for leaders to “go enhance that.” She did not confi rm what sity in Turkey. When setting than 150 countries around ing trips, Knapp will at- where the money is” to —Fiona Byon contributed cities in the Middle East up this partnership, Knapp the world, with the largest tend alumni receptions and bring in substantial gifts, reporting. Sexual assault prevention committee members host fi rst public event LILLIANNA BYINGTON & ber of the committee, said mittee is made up of about LIZ KONNEKER students on the committee 35 students, staff and fac- STAFF WRITERS proposed the idea of the ulty members who meet town hall and developed monthly and report to the The Committee on Sex- the event over the course provost’s offi ce. ual Assault Prevention and of the semester. Students Students sat around ta- Response hosted its fi rst- planning the town hall bles at the town hall, which ever public event Wednes- decided the event should media was not allowed to day to hear how student focus on fi nding out what attend, to hear prompts organizations are prevent- student organizations are from student committee ing campus sexual assault. doing to prevent sexual members about bystander About 120 students assault and if they need intervention and situations ETHAN STOLER | HATCHET PHOTOGRAPHER attended a sexual assault more direction, Feinman they may encounter, Fein- Junior guard Yuta Watanabe dribbles the ball during the men’s basketball game Sunday at prevention town hall to said. man said. Duquesne. Watanabe held the Dukes’ top scorer, Mike Lewis II, to only ve rst-half points. discuss what they are do- “We knew what the “We really wanted ing to address the topic of University was doing to try to make this as student- sexual assault and how the to prevent it, but we didn’t focused and peer-to-peer University can promote necessarily know what stu- as possible, because we Role shifts, defense give prevention education. Stu- dent organizations were feel like that is the most dents on the committee, already doing to prevent successful way to get stu- who organized and led the sexual assault,” Feinman dents to speak openly town hall, said the commit- said. “And so that’s where about their experiences,” GW hope in fi nal stretch tee will plan future pro- the idea for this town hall Feinman said. gramming based on infor- really came about.” GWHATCHET.COM MATT CULLEN and potential threat lowing a 76-70 win over mation from the meeting. The Committee on CONTRIBUTING SPORTS EDITOR as the postseason ap- St. Bonaventure. “We put Erika Feinman, the Sexual Assault Prevention for more on the proaches. in some new junk, wrin- president of the Student and Response was created sexual assault Interim head coach kles and all that stuff Association and a mem- in October 2014. The com- H prevention town hall Now 6-8 in league Maurice Joseph has and they executed it, so play after a 77–70 road stressed the importance our guys are growing. win at Duquesne Sun- of complete team defense They’re really starting to day, men’s basketball sits since November, and it understand the impor- ninth in the conference seems to be sticking.
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