Concordia University, Montreal · Concordia honours four prominent MOntrealers Awards ofDistinction mark achievement by Donna Varrica Receiving the honours will be Arthur P. Manager and Chief Executive Officer of the ternational business and regionaiism in a Earle, Senior Vice-President (retired), Port of Montreal. speech entitled "Canada' s Challenge: The Faculty of Commerce and Ad­ Research and Development, Dominion Tex­ David M. Culver, C.C., Chairman of D. Respondi11g to Global Myopia." ministration will confer four Awards of Dis~ tile Inc., J. Stuart Hermon, Vice-Chairnlan Culver and Company Investments, former­ The Awards of Distinction were in­ tinction at a luncheon reception at the Queen of the Board, Kruger Inc., Jean H. Picard, ly Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of augurated in May 1988 to mark outstanding Elizabeth Hotel nextTuesday, November 14 Past Chairman of the Board, Owner, Satexil Alcan Aluminum Ltd., will be the guest achievement in finance, commerce, and ser­ Inc., and Dominic J. Taddeo, General speaker at the luncheon. He will discuss in- vice to the community. at 11:3 0 a.m. / Dominic J. Taddeo is a graduate of Arthur P. Earle's illustrious career at Jean H. Picard has worked toward the' J. Stuart Hermon serves as Vice-Chair­ . man of the Board and Chairman ·of the Ex­ Loyola C~llege (BComm, 1959) and has Dominion Textile Inc., Canada's primary advancement of technolog·y and the ecutive Committee of Kmger Inc., a leading worked for the past 15 years to make the Port textile manufacturer, spanned 26 years until ec~nomic impact of the textile industry in , pulp and paper company. He is a member of of Montr~al a major international seaport. his retirement in June 1988. He has judged Quebec. He was a member of a government the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association Since March 1984, Taddeo ha,.s been its every Concordia-hosted National Case committee set up by the Quebec Ministry of Executive Board and a Director of several General Manager and Chief Executive Of­ Competition for MBA students. Earle heads Trade and Commerce in the early 1980s to Canadian companies. He is also actively in­ ficer: Taddeo is the Chairman of the· the21-member Conseil de l'aeroport inter­ aid the clothing and textile industry. The volved in the Canadian Manufacturers As­ American Association of Port Authorities national de Montreal, . a body working Jean H. Picard Foundation has established sociation and with the Chambers of and a Director of its Executive Committee. toward putting both Montreal-area airports scholarships and a lecture series in the Commerce in various regions. He was recently named Quebec's under local authority. The Phoenix Centre Department -of Political Science at Cop.cor­ PHOTO: Van Dyke & Meyers Ltd. "Transport Perspnality of the Year" during and Foundation (or people seeking treat­ dia which featured former British Prime National Transportation Week. He is also a ment for drug and alcohol abuse is one of Minister Edward Heath · in 1987 and will · .past vice-president of the Baldwin-Cartier many organizations in business and the welcome noted French author and politician School Commission. · community in which Earle is an active par­ Alain Peyrefitte next week. Picard •owns ticipant. PHOTO: Wm. Notman & Son Saiexil Inc., a leading Canadian manufac­ turer Of textiles. PHOTO: Studio Yennan Hindu Chair a reality Alain Peyrefitte to speak on China A distinguished French politician and the author of two books on China; Alai~ Peyrefitte will speak (in French) on Wednes­ day, November 15 at 7:00 p.m. in Audi tori um H-110 of the Henry F. Hall Bldg., downtown campus. The Honourable Gerry Weiner, Secretary of State and Minister of State for Multicul- . turalism and Citizenship, presents Rector Patrick Kenniff and f undraising steering committee head M.N.S. Swamy with a che­ que for $400,000. See story on page 2 PHOTO: Ron Paquet Page 2 THE THURSDAY REPORT November 9, 1989 Gerry Weiner·announces $400,000 Scholars~ips & contribution~to Concordia's Chair awards in Hindu Studies · Deadlines up to November 30,19~9 Nearly 600 people attend inaugural lecture The following list includes scholarships by Diane McPeak cheque for $400,000 last Friday, bringing Hindu studi~s. descriped the new Chair as ;:tnd awards with deadlines to November the total amount collected for the endow­ "an act best described as a supreme act of 30, 1989. More information regarding he Honourable Gerry Weiner, ment of Concordia's first Chair in Hindu faith." Speaking on behalf of the more than these scholarships is available from the Secretary of State and Minister of Studies close to $1 million. 500 million members of the Hindu com­ Guidance Information Centre, room H- State for Multiculturalism and More than $500,000 in funding for the munity throughout the world, Sivaraman 440, downtown campus. T CANADIAN FEDERATION OF Citizenship, presented the Un1versity with a Chair was provided earlier by Montreal's -saiq, "The endowment of a Chair in Hindu UNIVERSITY WOMEN. Graduate lndo-Canadian community, represented by Stl,ldies is, needless to say, an event of con­ · fellowships for women. Deadline close to 600 people who crowded fue Henry siderable significance and believe me when November 30. F. Hall Building on Friday evening to I say that it has no precedent, either in the THE CHEMICAL INSTITUTE OF celebrate the inauguration of the Chair. western world, or even in India itself, CANADA.The Ogilvie Flower Mills­ In his remarks, Weiner stressed the his­ strange as it may sound." Kenneth Armstrong Memorial Scholar­ _Graduating? tory of the community's involvement. "Be­ Michael Oppenheim, Chair of the ship. Graduate level. November 15. hind every realized aspiration, there are Department of Religion, pointed 0ut that the FONDS F.C.A.R. Bourses d'enides, de All students completing Certificate, people committed to an idea - dedicated, Chair will expand the number of current un­ perfectionnement et de recyclage. Le 15 novembre. Degree or Diploma requirements energetic individuals who sweep away dergraduate and graduate courses on Hindu during the Fall 1989 or Winter 1990 MIDDLE EAST-ISRAEL. LADY obstacles with the appealing force of their tradition and literature and add a new DA VIS FELLOWSHIP TRUST. sessions who therefore expect to intellect, their creativity and even the·ir sheer specialization in Hindu Studies to the cur­ graduate next spring must apply to Awards for study, research or teaching do so by January 15th, 1990. tenacity." He also congratulated the ·rent Master's degrees in the History and on graduate or post-doctorate levels at academic community. "The academic com­ Philosophy of Religion. the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Spring 1990 graduation application munity has set the example for Canada's in­ M.N.S. Swamy, Honorary Chair, who the Technion-Israel Institute of Technol­ forms are avaih1ble at the stitutions by recognizing the resources and led the group's fund-raising steering com­ ogy, Haifa. November 30. · Registrar's Services Department on opportunities of our plurality. Concordia has mhtee, also announced that an additional SALON. INTERNATIONAL DU LIV.RE DE QUEBEC. La releve de la each campus: helped bring to life the first Hindu Studies $5,000 has been donated for the specific poesie quebecoise. Prix Adrienne-Cho­ Chair anywhere in Canada." purpose of purchasing books for the library quette. Le 30 novembre. Loyola: Ad-211 Rector and Vice-Chancellor Patrick in the area of Hindu studies. In thanking U.S.A. DUMBARTON . OAKS CEN­ Downtown: N-107 . Kenniff said he hoped the establishment of Secretary of State Weiner, Swamy noted TER FOR BYZANTINE STUDIES. the Chair would be the first of many future that the $400,000 received from the Mini­ Junior fellowships. Fellowships, sum­ ST~DENTS WHO DO NOT endeavours to further augment the excel­ stry was the maximum amount allowed mer fellowships, two joint fellowships, APPLY BY JANUARY 15TH lence of Concordia's academic pr~grams. under the federal funding program. prize fellowships. November 15. WILL NOT GRADUATE NEXT The reception, held on the 7t!i floor of the U.S.A. FUND FOR THEOLOGICAL SPRING. A supreme act of faith Hall Building afterwards, was extremely EDUCATION. November 10. In his inaugural speech, Krishna well-attended and featured delicious Indian . Sivaran'lan, a world-renowned scholar in · food to mark the festive occasion. LETTERS To the Editor: either the administration or the union should our concerns known and to encourage others problem," to somewhat less civil non­ It was with marked concern that we, the willingly discriminate against any section of in the University to express theirs. We hope responses. I, and several other non-smokers, undersigned, took cognizance of the infor­ the University community. To refuse CDI to that all discriminatory clauses will disap­ now wish to enlist your help in this matter. mation sheet from the CUFA negotiating those who have earned it becaUSfi their peai: from the negotiating table and that Kevin Austin team. Among other surprising elements, we salary is already higher than that of younger nothing in the collective agreement to come Associate Professor, Music noted: (1) that the Career Development In­ or less experienced, possibly less productive could be construed as contrary to the Charter crement will not be distributed at all this colleagues, constitutes blatant discrimina­ of Human Rights. year; and (2) that faculty earnings over acer­ tion on the grounds of excellence or age or · Herbert Ladd, Psychology To the Editor: tain amount may never be granted CDI both. The first risib.le, the second immoral, Gaston Laurion, Etudes Franc;aises The Thursday Report's coverage of again. the third a combination. One must then Gilles Charpentier, Etudes Franc;aises multi~cultural issues is to be commended, We are sure that enough ink will be" question whether this clause contravenes the G.
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