TICKED OFF GREEN HILLS HONORING MNPDʼS EMPLOYEES Page Page 12 NEWS 13 VOLUME 33 MARCH 18, 2021 NUMBER 7 As vaccinations increase in Davidson FRA student headed to County, restrictions will begin easing Statewide Robotics Contest Peter Nau and his robot Paul Ladd This year’s event will be Contributor to The News held April 16-17 at Brent- A sophomore at Franklin wood Academy. The Foun- - photo by Steven Cornfield Road Academy will be dation also presents compe- among high school students tition at national and inter- Mayor John Cooper spoke County’s population. The “Throughout this un- taking part in a statewide national levels. with a group of 270 hospitali- mayor also announced that precedented and most diffi- robotics competition next This is Peter’s first year ty industry leaders last week local businesses should plan cult year, we’ve prioritized month. to compete, although his about a plan to expand busi- on the return of a live, in- public health while also care- Peter Nau is entered in interest in robotics and ness hours and reduce capaci- person Independence Day fully considering the needs of Tennessee’s VEX Robotics technology goes back a few ty restrictions when vaccina- celebration hosted by the our local businesses,” said Competition, presented by See Robotics Contest tion rates reach 20 percent Nashville Convention and the Robotics Education and See Vaccinations on Page 2 on Page 3 and 30 percent of Davidson Visitors Corporation. Competition Foundation. Barnes Fund receives $5 million to support affordable housing units Five million dollars is lies, Mayor John Cooper and this investment is part of investment and restore funds who chairs the Housing Trust headed to the Barnes Fund announced. that pressing work.” impounded during the budget Fund Commission overseeing for Affordable Housing to “Our affordable housing “This allocation to the crisis at the beginning of my Barnes funds. support development of hun- needs are urgent,” Mayor Barnes Fund follows through term.” “Rev. Bill Barnes started dreds of affordable housing Cooper said. “After regaining on a commitment I made To date, Barnes Fund the Housing Trust Fund with units, which, in turn will financial stability in Nash- back in late 2019,” Mayor grants have supported more the hope of creating equi- make Nashville a more acces- ville, we are getting back on Cooper said. “I’m thrilled we than 2,200 affordable housing See Housing Units on Page 7 sible place for working fami- track and fixing problems – are now able to make this units, said Gina Emmanuel, 4-DAY Thu. 3/18 60ºF Fri. 3/19 53ºF Sat. 3/20 60ºF Sun. 3/21 65ºF FORECAST Rain 40% 42ºF Rain 0% 36ºF Rain 0% 38ºF Rain 0% 44ºF # 338 # NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT PERMIT TN NASHVILLE, E-MAIL: [email protected] www.gcanews.com TICKED OFF HOT-LINE: 615-298-5597 U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. PRESORTED STANDARD PRESORTED NEWS/SOCIAL NEWS/ADVERTISING: 615-298-1500 TICKED OFF E-MAIL: [email protected] Page 2- The News, March 18, 2021 From Page One full circle as the SEC Tourna- turning the corner on the pan- among vaccine recipients. If increases to 10 people (current- ment, the very first large event demic, and live in-person events Nashville reaches a 20 percent ly 8 people) without Health Vaccinations... prevented by COVID in 2020, will come roaring back.” vaccination rate next week, a Department approval required. returns to Nashville this week- Public health changes will new Public Health Order with • Bar and restaurant capaci- Cooper. “Today, as vaccination end. I want to make sure we get take place approximately one the following changes can be ty: Socially distanced, cap of 175 rates continue climbing, we’re everyone back on their feet as week after vaccination rates expected by the weekend of people per floor (currently 125). at a place where we should be safely and as quickly as we can. meet targeted thresholds to March 27: • Bar counters: Maintain very optimistic. We’ve come With your help, Nashville is allow for immunity to build • Indoor gatherings limit social distancing; no capacity percentage cap. • Restaurant and bar hours COVID 19 AWARE: WE ARE SANITIZING ALL VEHICLES WHEN WE ARE FINISHED extended to 2 a.m. (currently 1 a.m.). EUROPEAN • DOMESTIC • ASIAN • DIESEL & HYBRIDS • Increasing indoor dining party size to 10 people (current- ly 8 people), consistent with 10- person indoor gathering size guidance. • Increasing outdoor dining party size to 25, consistent with 25-person outdoor gathering limit. • Large, low-risk indoor con- ventions can have up to 2,000 people (currently 1,000 people) with Health Department approval. 60156015 HIGHWAYHIGHWAY 100100 || 615.353.5666 • Outdoor stadium capacity Monday-FridayMonday-Friday 7am-6pm;7am-6pm; SaturdaySaturday 7am-4pm 7am-4pm TIRE & at 33 percent. • Events and “transportain- ment” can go until 2 a.m., con- AUTO sistent with restaurant and bar hours. “Transportainment” can have groups up to 25, consistent SERVICE with 25-person outdoor gather- ing limit. WHILE YOU WAIT: • Salons and personal contact businesses at full capacity with • FREE WIFI masks required. • Pool capacity at 75 percent • COMFORTABLE bather load (currently 50 per- WAITING AREA cent) and saunas open. • Museums and attractions: 60086008 CHARLOTTECHARLOTTE PIKEPIKE || 615.356.6367615.356.6367 Groups to 10 allowed (currently 8). Monday-FridayMonday-Friday 7am-7pm; 7am-7pm; Saturday 7am-6pm7am-6pm midas6008.com • Gyms at 75 percent capaci- ty; (currently 50 percent). • Attendance at sports TIRES leagues and scholastic events: 4 TIRES SERVICES people per participant. Bridgestone • Cooper • Firestone BRIDGESTONE • COOPER • EXHAUST & CATALYTIC After Nashville reaches a 30 Goodyear• • FIRESTONE BF Goodrich • GOODYEAR • Michelin CONVERTER percent vaccination rate, the • BF GOODRICH • MICHELIN • BRAKES following changes will take Brakes, Exhaust, Fluids, Factory Scheduled Maintenance, effect in a separate Public Suspension, Wheel Alignments, Belts, Hoses, • TIRES & BALANCING GREAT SAVINGS Headlamps, Bulbs and More. Health Order: Discount off regular price. Consumer pays all tax. Cash value • ALIGNMENT • Indoor gatherings limit 1/300th of 3¢. Coupon required at time of purchase. One $10 OFF $20 OFF $30 OFF coupon per total invoice. Not valid with other offers. Valid at • BATTERIES increases to 15 people without participating location below. Void if sold, copied or transferred SERVICES OVER $100 SERVICES OVER $200 SERVICES OVER $300 and where prohibited by law. Health Department approval excludes tax excludes tax excludes tax 6008 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209 • SHOCKS STRUTS required. • ELECTRICAL • Bar and Restaurant 95 INCLUDES FREE • DIAGNOSTIC OIL CHANGE $24. TIRE ROTATION! Capacity: Socially distanced, Most Vehicles • AIR CONDITIONING cap of 225 people per floor. Full synthetic oils extra. Shop fee extra, where permitted by law. Fee represents cost and profits. • Oil and Filter Change See manager for shop fee calculation. Plus applicable tax. Free tire rotation at time of service. • Increasing indoor dining Cash value 1/100th of 1¢. Coupon required at time of purchase. Not valid with other offers. Valid at - up to 5 quarts of synthetic blend oil • CHECK ENGINE participating locations listed below. Void if sold, copied or transferred and where prohibited by law. party size to 15 people, consis- 6008 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209 • Rotate and inspect 4 tires • OIL CHANGES tent with 15-person indoor gath- FREE BRAKE FREE TIRE ering size guidance. COMPLIMENTARY including Visual Brake Check • Large, low-risk indoor con- 3 Fluids 3 Antifreeze Level and Strength EVALUATIONS ROTATION ventions can have up to 3,000 WITH OIL CHANGE COURTESY CHECK 3 Air Filter 3 Lights 3 Hoses & Belts 3 Battery people with Health Department Most vehicles Complimentary Courtesy Check at time of service. Valid at participating locations listed below. 6008 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TINA 37209 FLEETS WELCOME approval; 225 for very high-risk events. BRAKES, SHOCKS MUFFLERS • Outdoor stadium capacity LIFETIMELIFETIME WARRANTY! WARRANTY! BRAKES, SHOCKS, MUFFLERS at 40 percent. • Attendance at sports lea- gues and scholastic events: 6 $20 OFF Installation of 2 Tires Midas Touch Oil Change Package: people per participant. or $50 OFF 4 Tire Package $39 Semi Synthetic Oil $69 Full Synthetic For more information about current COVID guidelines, visit FREE Rotation - Brake Check - Top Off All Fluids FREE Battery Testing • FREE Antifreeze Testing covid19.nashville.gov or call 615-862-7777. March 18, 2021, The News- Page 3 From Page One Robotics Contest... years. “I started building with Legos, and then played MineCraft online and liked building machines with red stone, which are the electronic components in the game. Then I joined a middle school Robotics Club at school that a few times a week, I also played a few video games that have much more intricate electronics and engi- neering,” Peter told The News. Those games, based on reali- ty, helped Peter amass the Peter Nau controlling his robot unofficially named “The Doom Slayer”. - photos submitted knowledge and experience to build the robot he is using to meet I took part of the robot reports that Peter built his own currently ranked 19th in the can get past the question, and compete in the VEX tourna- apart to upgrade the intakes and computer, by making his own state, and among the top 500 in keep progressing, and getting ments this year. “The competi- faster drive train. The robot plan and ordering the separate the world. better.” tion changes each year,” he has 8 motors and constructed parts. He also created and built a Many of the students Peter When he’s not working with explained. “This year it is a with VEX approved parts.” water-based cooling system for will compete against are juniors robotics, Peter is a busy guy, challenge that is called change It also has a cortex that con- the computer.
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