• «■ rt,, Average Daily Net Press Ron For the Week iBnM The Weadicp JuiM 18, 1966 tW ir tonight, kw aretnd 6S) •unny end hot tomorrow, 14,608 tO-96, > ‘ Mahch^ter^A City of Village Ch^m‘ PRICE SEVEN CENIB VOL. LXXXV, NO. 231 ■[(TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, ^N N .J FRIDAYTJCEY tCludlled AdvertMng en P efe -------^---------— — ^ ^ — •• VH 1 Double Take DURHAM, N.C. {AP) — Claims processors a£ . Hos­ pital Care. Association did a double take Thursday when a'^hospital claim turned up for a, 65-year-old man with, this diagnosis'. "Reaction to medie^’e:’.’ . Overworked ’ themselves, getting ready' for the 'emment's mediciafe program which begins today, the Blue Cro.ss workers called Moses H. Cone' Hospital to confiim O pposition the diagnosis. They were told that the -N 'diagnosis was a typograph­ T o B om bing ical error. It .shovild have read: "ReaGtidn to medi­ f 'V ^ s cine." Still Heard X- DELHI, I n d i (AP) —: Indications were U.S. Planes .seen in D elhi, today . that the litidjan government Sm ash New 1a preparing''^^ Viet Nam i peace move. ColKf — and 'defense of* Fuel Depots m m BoraBingxpf oil . , ,1*’ Hanoi and' Haiphong gop- SAIGON, South' Viet Nam n u tinued here in othel^ (API - — U.S. pilots - sma.sheci ^ t,»\ countries. % Cold Sodas H h 'jhe'(Beauty) Spot another North Vietnamese fuel Informed quarters m-sLondoH depot today as they continued .said British Prime Mh^stef ,\ u ' r ' Harold Wilson may also make Tliree contestants for the title of Miss Universe take time out ,^r a cooling tile, air campaign to keep fuel an overture toward negotia/- ic6'cream soda during New York Cit)^’s heat wave. The girls stopped in Man­ from the tanks of trucks'hauling tions. hattan prior to the Beauty pageant scheduled July . 16 in Miami Beach, hla. men and supplies to the Com- ‘ ' I': Diplomatic oBservers • tn Nesf From left, they are, Hedy.Frick, Switzerland: Maria Remenyi, United^ States muiiisls in South-Viet Nam. Delhi considered any move By A U.S. spokesman said Navy and’ Yolla Hari), LeBanon. (AP Phptofax) India would be encouraging be­ pilots put all their bomBs "right cause of Prime Minister Indira, on the target area" in an attack Gandhi’s frequent assertion that on the Dong Nham storage derv» .<he saw no immediate prospect Convention Opens Tonight pot 15 miles northwest of Hai- FT'&Hch Communist rall.v Brought out these demonstrators, neag. the ,U.S. em- of bringing the United Btatea -phong. He said -it contained an Bass.\^ in Paris. They Bore sign.s protesting, the U.S. BomBing ^of ^uel depots and North Viet. Nam together. estimated 14,000 metric tons of near Hanoi aind calling for Viet Nam peace. (AP Photofax) -• New Delhi newspapers eoO’ fuel. pled unanimous cxftiifllsm of ttM • On the ground;--American In­ American air raids wtill nportp I ’ \ J^emojcrats Buck Bonus fantrymen. pushed' a badly Bat­ of government prepavailloiia to tered Viet Cong unit,, back Jo- intervene. The times' Of India ward, the, .Caniljodian Border NATO Business as Usual; said; "India Is makliig a re­ Foj^Viet Service Vets after an amlmsh that backfired- newed attempt to develop doeer oin the enemy 60 miles north- contacts with North iPlet Hhm veteran.s’ Bonus, the Democrats is the one witli the broader ar­ west of Saigon. and establish some htnd of A> HA^tTFORD (A A U.S. spokesman said Amer­ The Democratic Partj\went noted that the same had been ray of spending proposals. rect communcation at the falglw done by the state' in past years .The Democrats ticked off ican- codriterattacks, artillery on record today as |avi French Troops est level with the Htt CM I t t h for “ all other veterans of armed pledges and-promises for more barrages and air assaults killed, government.** a state vetera'^’ Bonus nearly 300 of the enemy in the nflict.” than two dozen'pages, then fin­ C130 transports for a hew home An. Loc area. By late aiftemoon PARIS fAP) -Business ■ as here ■ and elsewhere in Europe The ' Indian newe agenc|h servicemen returning from platform will Be adopt^ ished by saying: in England. Uidted News of India, aeid contact was Broken and the usual—as much as possible— was conducted discreetly. ’Ihe ■ Viet Nam. > by UiA Democrats at their state "Wt! can and do pledge to-Im­ The United States withdrew dia's fopmer enyo^ to CHiana, A, 271st ,'Viet Cong regiment was French flag still flew alongside ‘.‘The sacrifices our\ y o ^ 6onveritimi^^^.A**iich begins to- plement the program of pro­ was the word today as France Jointly . controlled tactical nu­ reported streaming toward its the flags of the other NATO na­ S. Dfeavan« may Be sent-Mt h men and women in uniform are. nightr gress outlined hr this plat^rm quit the North Atlantic Treaty clear weapons that’ previously special hnissian to Ikuioi. Oeum'Bodian haven a short dis­ tions outside the allied com­ making in defen.se of freedom Thefel was no mention of a with no new taxes and no in­ Organization's’ military ■ com­ were at the di^wsal of French tance away. mand post Wear -Paris. De The government refused to in Viet Nam.’’ the party said veterapi Bonus in the plat(prm crease in present taxes.” air force units in Germa'py, The confirm u w ef these reports ■Three U.S, fighter-bomBers mands.' Gaulle says France remains a 11011 in iV? 1366 platform, "remind us adopted, two weeks-----‘ ago By’ the The platform ranged over doz- , Presidentr,ca«jciii -Oharies de -Gaulle - — part of the North Atlantic al­ United States had warned ear­ they may have grown out v t a aneiw of our eternal debt to the Republifca« Party at its -state ons of .areas of human aCUvitj*^ accidentally jrtt?soned antiMr- slightly more than 2,' liance althBugh._F!r«n®l3 tooope lier that these weapons would private Briefing givtn a veterans of ourinatlons’ wars.” convenuon.convention. On the whole.whole, including ^atwoHnneducation, ciiHicivil viotitorights, sonnel cluster bombs on a Viet- 000, officers___mo, and enlisted men be taken Back if France left group flf fadlan jmniilUita namese village today, kiUtng are no longer under its com­ Hi, pledging enactment of a though,\the Republican platform aie special needs of children from integrated allied military NATO’s,military arm. Thursday By Dineah RngB, tnin- five. Vietnamese cdirllians and mand. r and old people, public health, command' posts. France also Gen, ■ J.A. Kiehnansegg of Istsr of state for fondgn afhilziB wounding 41, a TJ.S. spokesman Adjusting to the new situation, transportatiOT, public welfare, declared that as of today its 72,- officers at the NA’TO command West Germany Became com- As chairman ef the Ifftoniii* announced. mental .health, water and air 000 troops in West Germany are posts continued their plahhing mander-in-chief of allied forces tional Control Commission tor . The spoHcsmaa said Ameri- pollutiqn; agriculture, urban de-' no longer controlled By NATO. IndocMna, India has 6 apseial qaji helicopters nuhed the for joint nhlitaty action to de- in Central Europe after change velopfiient, and other topics. ,?r The Fren<^i ■withdrawal' from fend Europe in case of . attack, of command ceremonies Thurs- responsUdBty in Viet Nam arid , D e j ^ p ^ e y >'Because it is the party of (tSee Page Eight) NATO military headquarters But their work was complicated day in Fontainebleau.. The access to Both Hanoi and Sal- /^ rform a n oe,” the platform by uncertainty over what they outgoing commander, French gon. The other HOC -mennAieia J said, "the' Democratic Party could expect of France in case Gen. Jean Crepinn reidewed are Polalid and CeuuMku places full confidence In .the of an attack. troope from eight nations. - . After an hour's talk wWiI la> To Shuffle Lineup Judgment of the people of Con­ France’s preidous contribu- French officers and men left dian Foreign Minister Swaraa necticut ^ tion to the European shield, the other NAt 6 ihilitary com- Singh Thursday, ttto Bittleh inv Tragic available for immediate retalia­ mands, including the main one- derSecretary of state, tianl,Wai* The nominatii|g'eeaBion is ex­ "The record of Connecticut IHUFOT^ORD Ya p )—Democrat- tion, was the two di-visions and Supreme, Headquarters, Allied ston, said India IB to i‘c. State Chairman John M. pected to begih at 10 a.nt>,Sat- achievement, under the leader- ■irfiip of Governor Dempsey and two tactical air force squadrons Powers, Europe, located outside, take any initiative” aiqr time It Bailey will meet with Gov- John urdfs^y. , '...... she has had stationed in West Paris and commanded by U.S. might Be produotive. The tew> Demp.sey and others today to . JjienipsoV said Ws name will the Democratic Party, is the tepord of all the people — not Dad FindsTots Dead Germany. The West German Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer. ingxBritish envoy pcedlcted ttiaf .shuffle the party ticket in the Be placed in nomination by U.S. the ''North Vletaameaa timUld' ours alone. The goals- In this drowning of her first three ohl'l- and French governments are SHAPE will Be moved to Bel- wake of Slate .Comptroller Ray- Rep. Emilio Q. Dawldario of FAIRFIELD, Maine (AP) — now negotiating on' the'future gium before next .^ril. reopgi^e the impoosMlMif of 6 platform are the_goals of all dren. 'niond S. Thatcher’ s announce­ Hartford. Dempsey will Be run­ Three young children were status of those forces. In peacetime, LernnHi^r dl- . mlUtaijr vtotoiv and donto to fli6 ment that he will not seek re- ning for his second Aill term.
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