Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1995-96 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 2-22-1996 The thI acan, 1996-02-22 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1995-96 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1996-02-22" (1996). The Ithacan, 1995-96. 20. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1995-96/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1995-96 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. I ~ ...... :,.._ ... ·. .;:,,_ OPINION ACCENT SPORTS INDEX ·- .. ,. Accent ...•...................... 13 Tipping the scales Catching the bug Up in the air Classifieds .................... 20 Comics ......................... 21 Composition of_ search 1 Students find enjoyment Men's hoops postseason Opinion ......................... 10 committee lacks balance learning classic dance 13 chances still undecided Sports ........................... 23 The ITHACAN The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community VoWME 63, NUMBER 20 'fHuRSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1996 28 PAGES, FREE Students want more voice in search said that Warren Schlesinger, chair Forum agrees: of the Faculty Council, suggested that students, faculty and staff write one student a lett.cr to Muller to request more faculty, staff and student participa­ insufficient to tion on the search committee. Speicher said he does not know if students will take part in writing the pick president letter, since some faculty feel stu­ dents already have enough input on By Edward Alessi the search committee. Ithacan Staff Scott Wexler '97, president of A group of about 35 students the Residence Hall Association, said gathered in Parle Auditorium Tues­ the meeting was held because stu­ day night to air grievances and ex­ dents need to determine how to press concerns about the student confront the board about the per - representation on the Presidential ceived lack of fair representation Serum Committee. They converged on the search committee. in response to fliers accusing the Teresa Heatherman •96, chair of BoardofTrusteesof"shafting" stu­ the Student<; Activities Board, said dents. she also strongly believes that the There are seven trustees, one there should be more than one stu­ dean, three faculty members and dent on t11e Presidential Search one staff member on the search Committee. "Someone is listening l'0mmittee, compared to the one when [students] voice their opin­ ,tudent. In a lett.cr to the Ithaca ions.We do not have to accept what College community, Hennan E. is going on,'' Heatherman said . 'vtulJ.er,.cbainnan of the Board of • ,. •• .• ... - - - -- • , 1 ·" - · • ' • _The Ithacan/ Michelle Meyer Dominic Cottone '99 said one Trustees wrote, "lThisnwnber]will Ari Cohen '98 makes a point during a forum held by students on Tuesday in Park Auditorium. person on the presidential commit­ allow for adequate and effective the board. One [student] cannot rep­ The proposal to be included with submit to t11e board the names of tee cannot speak for all the diver­ mput and representation, while be­ resent everybody. on campus, but the petition will state that the Col­ two student candidates for t11e posi­ sity that exists at the College. ·'One mg manageable in teIIDs of size." three people have a better chance," lege should have at least three stu­ tion. These students would be inter­ student is not enough on a commit­ However, some students said said Karinne Hesco '98, secretary dents on the Presidential Search viewed by board members and then tee of such importance because this they believe there should be several of the African-Latino Society. Commiuee who will be picked by the board would appoint one stu­ campus is drowning in diversity ,tudents on the search committee, To let the administration know the students of the College commu­ dent to the search committee. Any issues," Cottone said. "One indi­ and ~tse committee members how they feel, students decided they nity. student can apply for a position on vidual would not be able to repre­ ,houlcfbe selected by the students. will start a petition to make the Currently, the Student Govern­ t11e search committee. sent all the separate groups and "We need more student input on board aware of their concerns. ment Association has been asked to SGAPresidentTimSpeicher'96 See SEARCH, next page Tower, Terraces Quayle to speak in March to be upgraded Former vice president to offer insight on current social and political topics By Jocelyn Egyes million, Salm said. The Terraces' renovations will be funded by bond Ithacan Staff. By Andrea Bulmer issues. Ithacan Staff THE DETAILS ConsbUction will begin this sum­ Renovations in the West Tower, mer on the West Tower and Ter­ the first in ten years, include install­ While Republican presiden­ Tickets on sale March 4. $5 race& 1-5 to upgrade the living ar­ ing new carpets, refinishing doors, tial candidates are sweeping the with Ithaca College ID, $7 for rangements for students. putting in new draperies, adding a nation trying to make themselves general public. The renovations, which are sprinkler system. fixing lighting and a household name, a familiar ~chedulcil to start immediately af­ painting, Salm said. Republican is coming to Ithaca ter commencement: will be com­ . The Terraces will also have College . Today Quayle is a syndicated pleted in three months, in time for sprinkler systems installed, bath­ Dan Quayle, the 44th Vice columnist and the authorof"Stand­ the students to return to the College rooms redone,· the exterior of the President of the United States, ing Firm" and ''The American Fam­ at tpe end of the smnmer. buildings repaired and warmer win­ will be speaking March 30 at ily: Discovering the Values That The renovati9ns were approved dow insulation added. In the pro­ 7:30 p.m.intheBenLightGym­ Make Us Strong." hy the.Board of Trustees during its cess more §uites will be built, Salm nasium. He is also actively involved with Dan Quayle meeting earlier this month. The said. Keith McWhirk, speaker fundraising for the Republican This technique has been used hoard also continued discussions "More extensive work is being chairman of the Student Activi­ party. In 1994, he was their top previously and seems to work aboottbe need formore space in the done to the Terraces because more ties Board, said that Quayle will fundraiser. His fundamental beliefs are those well, McWhirk said. Schools' of Music and of Health is needed," he added. be discussing current political that reflect traditional values such Students ate asked to write Sciences and Human Performance. Salm said the College has been andsocialissues,aswellascom­ questions on index cards to be The~ollege will assess th~ space in a cycle of renovations since he menting on the primaries. as the need for a strong foreign collected minutes before the needs and lhe board will review the came here 20 years ago. Over the "With this being an election policy and effective leadership in Washington. speaker is presented so Quayle pl~ this spring. last three years, seven other Ter­ year, the board thought that it The last two speakers that have will have no previous knowl­ ~~~~ons are supported have been renovated. would be good for the students races come to the College were Anita edge of the questions. by ~i~l".t and other funds, "[The College] has a continual to be exposed to a political ''This also.insures that a vari­ su~tbeNewYorkStateDormi­ proce~ of upgrading all of the resi­ speaker like Quayle," McWbirk Hill and Maya Angelou. "We wanted a speaker a little ety of questions are asked by a tory Authority and bonds, said Tom dence halls over time because they said number of students in order to s e. -._ yice president of business need significant renovation," he Quayle's credentials include different than before and tried to go am • continued. four terms of serving as a Re­ more towards thecenter,"McWhirk have a wide range ofquestions," McWhirk said. Salm said the College reQOvates publican senator from Indiana said. McWhirksaid he is also hop­ different residence halls each sum­ from 1976 to 1988; He served Students will have an opportu­ ing that Quayle will comment .. , .. supported by mer, and by the tinle they are fin- as vice president from 1989 to nity to ask Quay le questions during ca .. -~ - ishedrenovatingallofthehalls,itis 1993 un~ the Bush adminis­ afifteen-minutemediatedquestion­ on education and the issues fac­ 1be cost of renovaling. the five - tration. and-answer session. ·ing youth t~y. Terraces will be as much as $7.5 See RENOVATIONS, next page 2 THE hllA.CA?!i FEBRUARY22. 19.96 SEARCH Felllale-~law students -face continued from previous page ideologies on this campus when McBride added if more parents picking a new presidenL" knew what was occurring at the discrimination, study finds Although students will be voic­ College, change would happen ing their opinions about the presi­ faster. dential search, Jim McBride '96 Rashaand Sass '97, spokesper­ Bias and harassme~t common in male students and faculty said he believes parents should be­ for the ALS, disagreed with son mission, told the "Chronicle of schools "with strong administra­ come more involved in trying to get McBri~e. He said he believes stu­ By College Press Se~ice Higher Education." tive leadership" actually fostered more students on -the search com­ dents have the power to make a At a large Midwestern law Women make up about 14 per­ equal participation of women stu­ mittee since most of them pay their serious impact on the College com- school, a professor routinely calls ccntoffirst-year law students, com­ dents and faculty. child's tuition. "I do not know how munity.
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