8 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 12,' 1910. okra, garden tomatoes, radishes, white j iuiuiija,,new puuiiura, green peas, wmie and yellow Summer squash, shallots, Some kohl-rab- i, every species of lettuce and Smart Frocks for Hasty Donning such delicate herbs as mint, sorrel, How to Beautify Your "Crown of Glory" thyme, sage, borage, dill, lavender, sweet Gowns to Have on Hand for Emergency fennel, sweet marjoram, rosemary, sum- Uses Modish and Suitable for Almost Any Occasion, and a Valuable mer savory, tansy, etc Every house- Some Helpful Hints to Portland Maids on Scalp Treatment; How to Keep Tresses Smooth, Glossy and Abundant. Adjunct of Stun mer Wardrobe. keeper who knows anything about her business knows the superiority of fresh is nothing more beneficial knew how much less In cases scalp, you herbs over dried ones for soup and for harmful all the hair brushed well and all haven't bought-al- l of your sleeve bottoms, range from twelve and tinctly midsummer features of amart other seasoning. THERE hair than to give the scalp the shell hairpin is they would not be- dampness allowed to dry in. A week IFSummer frocks If you are going a half to fifty cents a yard, raiment. Strawberries grown outdoors reach an rest from the tor- grudge the difference in price. But the later, however, the head may be washed while there too, with soft, water away from Portland and need some- are excellent organdies at nineteen and A very modish and inexpensive mate- their highest perfection In June, in which tures of civilization. By these I mean latter has its defects. When the and a mild soap, for . shell pins begin to spilt they catch the by this time the tonic cleanser got thing special gown ne rial for gown be month the wild varieties are abundant masses now has remember the tunic Swisses at fifteen cents. Chiffon mous-sell- this would rough silk the of false hair worn, In good work. coat-gow- n pongee at thirty-nin- e in many climates. France, which knows hairs and break them, and they should its of foulard or veiling and the is another airy fabric listed cents a yard, the cushions, cages, bandeaux and be Cleaning linen-cras- h and I must tell yon a prettily har- more about the pleasures of the palate discarded when they arrive at the the hair with a bottled tonio of or panama or eolienne. If with the nineteen-cen- t bargains, that any other accessories. These things are all crippled stage. An excellent determina- of some sort is a great sixteen-year-ol- and It monizing color in the same material than other country in the world, convenience when the d daughter needs a may be used for all sorts of things heating to the head and. consequently. tion to come to in the matter of hair- - one is away from home, and in country tunic dresses, would trim it admirably. For example, holds the wild strawberry In great fa- districts, useful frock, something the may put on odd waists, automobile on a tan gown of stem-gree- n vor. A pear-shape- d where there is little of the veils, scarfts and bands little berry rather black for country sports and wear with equal very children's dresses of a a very dim shade or black or chant-ecl- er it is more the shape of a mulberry dust that must be fought in town, taste in town, consider the sailor mod- radiant nature. red, put on as shown herewith called, "fraise de Rouen." is In high a slight application every now and then In truth the woman who can sew may would create a very trimming. with the lotion will keep the hair clean els, which are so jjretty, comfortable have the best of things, smart favor. The wild strawberries of this for a long nd ever eye for if she has The model is also adapted to every spe- country are only second in flavor to time. suitable for young wearers. an for color, a knowledge of the cies of veilings and foulards and soft, And now let me come to the girl or The shops are full of these eleventh right cnt and a finger fine this delicious berry. madam who has all needfuls, in for touches silks. but ruined her hair hour the latest designs, the world of dress is hers. With the For the medium figure 15 yards. 24 with peroxide or such kitchen bleachers suitably trimmed and astonishingly sewing machine well cleaned, enough inches wide, would be a generous quan- as ammonia and soda. If these persons cheap, and if there is not enough money leisure not to make the work a burden, tity wish to restore locks get ready-mad- e of material. Knee Flounces Begin to their to the old to the garment there and a believing heart, she can. too, turn Figure dress of "Paquin color. Summer is the time to do it. are the counters heaped with materials out many of the most effective little dot" light- Frequent massage with olive oil is ab- going literally for a song. frocks with foulard is veiled with a Arrive Here quote little more than a day or weight wool fishnet, this forming the solutely necessary for such heads, for, Xet me a few colors, textures two of sewing. jumper blouse and tunic with very the scalp being well nigh denuded of and prices: Among the models shown with the short back. The kimono cut of natural oil. the hair roots must Rough silk pongees are marked at .month of roses I have the "knee flounce," of which we be fed thirty-nin- e selected four of sleeves of the jumper is one of the somehow. Then the yolks of raw eggs, cents a yard. Tan, apricot, tolerable simplicity for the present Summer's fads, and certainly these THE heard much by letter from which are darkening as well as nourish- lilac. Parsifal, old-ros- e, catawba, navy, week's discussion. Kile, russet, very The models in the loose, short arm coverings are immense- abroad and fashion centers of the ing In their effect, must be used for the and white and black are materials here given may be found ly becoming to some women. Then, as East, Is arriving In Portland, and may shampoo, and the soap must be of a come of the colors in this effective ready made in the shops,' if for any lb' always to by very nature, and cheap ad- reason be considered the maker be noted In the new displays of the bland such as is supplied by material. It is equally they cannot be developed at of clothes, there is the possibility of outfitting an old oily castile. mirable for tunic dresees and coat home. making tunic and blouse serve as establishments and stores. In extreme cases of long gowns. Imported cotton dress voile Is Figure A. As the Also, In very smart effect, upon anemia after a novelty, illustrated this hand- hiders of thread marks', fading and the use of peroxide when the hair looks as another which is smartest in some tunic dress is of tan pongee, fig- whatnot with some old materials too lifeless and dull as straw a decoction tiny checks, stripes stem-gree- n, of and dots, and which ured with embroidered designs in good to throw away and too poor to quillai bark, which is saponaceous Is at its best when plain -, from a veiled with and with a banding of hand em- make over into a dress all of itself. f plant, provides a strengthening and beau- color. This dainty webbing, which is broidery in the same colors. The short Satin faconne would look tifying shampoo. piece said to be spun from Kgyptian yarn, skirt is in side plaits, turning away foulard A small of the was once well In this style with a drapery of bark when agitated in hot or tepid water thirty cents a yard, but Is from the apron breadth, which Is plain chiffon, It is a comfort to no soap now nineteen. For tunics and jumper bow plait. The long drop of and makes a tine lather, and is need- - state that this magnificent material ed blouses, which are worn over silks in the tunic at the back gives- to many with it. every variety and grade, are some figures has dropped from two dollars to a There is a way. too. to make the night- there a more graceful effect than and thirty-eig- ht cents a yard. ly admirable ootton and wool nets at does the tunic with back, for dollar or morning brushing beneficial or twenty-nin- e short But for lighter purses there are cheaper otherwise. Merely to over cents a yard, which a band- even a tunic's becomlngness counts In some new scratch the' ing of ribbon or cheap taffeta makes the summing up a gown. foulards, in all the colors outer layer of hair with a short bristled very effective. of and in figures, checks and stripes for brush is of no use whatsoever, for the The waist is one of the simple Gib- fifty-nin- e cents a yard. The only dif- scalp that has been enervated by long Black and white striped muslins, son models' so easy to fit. and it shows ficulty with these is that they don't bleaching which are made up with a touch of the collarless neck, the jabot frill and needs friction as well as mas- three-quart- fall quite so gracefully as the better sage.
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