March 2, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E255 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING HAZEL HARVEY gratulating Howard W. Hanna III, the 2006 re- group of national non-profit organizations PEACE cipient of the National American Heritage whose mission is to assist in creating HIV/ Award. It is an honor to represent the Fourth AIDS prevention capacity building among HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Congressional District of Pennsylvania and a community organizations in the black commu- OF TEXAS pleasure to salute such a determined indi- nity. The coalition was funded and formulated vidual like Howard W. Hanna. by the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f vention’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Thursday, March 2, 2006 The annual event emphasizes the impor- RECOGNIZING MS. ARLENE Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I am honored tance of testing, education, and awareness KAPLAN to rise today to recognize Hazel Harvey Peace through a unified community construct. Addi- for her commitment to the people and City of tionally, the day is used to remember all those Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs. Peace is a pillar of HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ who are infected as well as those who have her community through various volunteer OF FLORIDA lost their battle with the disease since its onset works and a career as a devout educator. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the United States in 1981. As a Fort Worth native, Mrs. Peace began Thursday, March 2, 2006 Mr. Speaker, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a powerful combating her profession as a teacher at I.M. Terrell Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, mechanism. However, based on the current High School. During her tenure as a teacher, Arlene Kaplan, a resident of Randolph, Mas- state of the disease in the African-American she partook in several duties including service sachusetts, was elected president of the Na- community as revealed by the following star- as a Counselor, Dean of Girls, and as a Vice tional Ladies Auxiliary, Jewish War Veterans tling statistics and research, much more work Principal. She was a strict advocate of literacy of the United States of America on August 19, needs to be done to halt the spread of this and reading to young children which is among 2005 in San Diego, California, during the orga- devastating disease. Mrs. Peace’s many other charitable works. nization’s 77th Annual National Convention. According to the Centers for Disease Con- For Mrs. Peace’s continued efforts, she was Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Ms. Kaplan trol and Prevention: honored in 2004 with the presentation of a was the eldest of the late Sally and Larry Although African-Americans comprise only professorship in Children’s Library Science. In Tattlebaum’s four children. After graduating 13 percent of the population, they account for addition, Mrs. Peace was also the first African from high school, she attended Hickox School 49 percent of all new AIDS cases in the na- American woman to be named to a professor- for Business Skills and Quincy College for tion. This is an alarming increase from the ship at a 4-year Texas State-funded institution. Business Courses. At age 19, she married startling account of 25 percent of AIDS cases She has touched the lives of so many and Sumner ‘‘Sunny’’ Kaplan, a Navy veteran of in 1985. which we are truly thankful. It is the servant World War II. Together, they raised three chil- Results from a large study of African-Amer- leadership of Mrs. Peace, and those like her, dren, and are the proud grandparents of six ican homosexual and bisexual men in five which truly makes our Nation great. Once grandchildren. studies found 46 percent of the men to be HIV again, Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to recog- Once her children were in school, Ms. positive and 67 percent of them unaware of nize Mrs. Hazel Harvey Peace. Kaplan began working for the Esselte their status. f Pendaflex Corporation, a Fortune 500 com- African-American women account for 67 pany. When her husband was elected JWV TRIBUTE TO HOWARD W. ‘‘HODDY’’ percent of all newly diagnosed female AIDS Department of Massachusetts Commander, HANNA III cases. Ms. Kaplan played a vital role in reorganizing Although African-American youth comprise Auxiliary 302, and served as president for its only 15 percent of U.S. teenagers, they ac- HON. MELISSA A. HART first 2 crucial years. She continues to be ac- counted for 66 percent of new AIDS cases re- OF PENNSYLVANIA tive in her auxiliary today. ported among teens in 2003. A similar picture IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She has served the JWV Department of is found among African-American children. Massachusetts in various capacities over the Thursday, March 2, 2006 Over a third of African Americans with HIV years, including as its president from 1996 to Ms. HART. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take diagnoses (39 percent) were tested for HIV 1997. She has been a member of the JWV this opportunity to congratulate the 2006 re- late in their illness and subsequently diag- National Ladies Auxiliary Advisory Board and cipient of the National American Heritage nosed with AIDS within one year of testing has chaired several of the organization’s com- Award, Howard W. ‘‘Hoddy’’ Hanna III, of positive. mittees. Arlene and Sunny Kaplan have been Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Additionally, in a report recently released by members of Temple Beth Am in Randolph for The National American Heritage Award is the Maryland AIDS Administration, the Balti- more than 50 years. given by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). more-Towson metropolitan area, which houses The ADL is the nation’s preeminent human f my district in its entirety, is classified as hav- rights organization. The organization was COMMEMORATING NATIONAL ing ‘‘the fifth highest AIDS case report rate of founded in 1913 and is dedicated in purpose BLACK HIV/AIDS AWARENESS DAY any major metropolitan area in the United and in program to defending democratic States (32.8 cases per 100,000) . 2.2 ideals, safeguarding civil rights and combating HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS times higher than the national average of 15.0 anti-Semitism, prejudice, discrimination and OF MARYLAND cases per 100,000.’’ Within these reported bigotry of all kinds. The National American cases, 89 percent are African-Americans, 62 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Heritage Award is presented to an individual percent are male and 65 percent are between or company whose leadership and character is Thursday, March 2, 2006 the ages of 30–49. demonstrated both in work and in deed. It rec- Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today These statistics are mind boggling. How- ognizes individuals who embody what is best to commemorate National Black HIV/AIDS ever, one thing remains consistent and clear. in America—justice, freedom equality and fel- Awareness Day, which occurred on February If not mitigated, the disease will continue to lowship. 7, 2006. In its sixth year of observation, the wreak devastation. HIV/AIDS is a pandemic Mr. Hanna will be presented with the Na- event promotes the mobilization of the black that belongs to each and everyone of us and tional American Heritage Award on Thursday, community in an effort to educate and in- we must address it societally and holistically. March 16, 2006 at a dinner in Pittsburgh, crease community awareness and participa- In his 2006 State of the Union address, Pennsylvania. tion about HIV/AIDS. President Bush did in fact acknowledge and I ask my colleagues in the United States The event was created in February 2001 by address the state of HIV/AIDS in the African- House of Representatives to join me in con- the Community Capacity Building Coalition, a American community. Specifically, he stated ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:39 Mar 03, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02MR8.001 E02MRPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 2, 2006 that, ‘‘[a] hopeful society acts boldly to fight Arkansas. I ask my colleagues in Congress to My hometown of Buffalo, New York, is one diseases like HIV/AIDS, which can be pre- join me in congratulating him on this occasion of a handful of communities which have also vented, and treated, and defeated . We and thanking him for over half a century of recognized Pulaski’s contributions with a stat- will . lead a nationwide effort, working dedicated service, as a great friend, and a ue. Monuments can also be found in Hartford, closely with African American churches and great American. Connecticut; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Sa- faith-based groups, to deliver rapid HIV tests f vannah, Georgia; and Czestochowa and to millions, end the stigma of AIDS, and come Warka Poland. closer to the day when there are no new infec- ANDREA COREY SHOWING GREAT On Friday, March 3, 2006, I will have the tions in America.’’ PROMISE IN RANGEL FELLOW privilege to join community leaders and friends Although a very promising and audacious PROGRAM from the western New York General Pulaski statement, action speaks louder than words. Association in celebrating the legacy of Gen- With that said, I encourage this Congress post HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL eral Pulaski in a wreath laying tradition at the haste to reauthorize and fully fund the Ryan OF NEW YORK Pulaski statue which first began in the 1930s.
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