Ç SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL UNION OF FORESTRY RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS PROJECT GROUP P 2.04.00 ON SEED PROBLEMS PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOREST SEED PROBLEMS IN AFRICA HARARE, ZIMBABWE AUG 23 - SEPT 2, 1987 COMPILED AND EDITED BY S. K. KAMRA and R. D. AYLING Published by Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences S-901 83 Umea, Sweden In cooperation with International Development Research Centre, Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, P.O. Box 62084, Nairobi, Kenya Report 7 and Umeâ 1987 Forest Research Centre P.O. Box HG 595 ISSN 0348-7954 Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe ISBN 91-576-3056-9 SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL UNION nF FORESTRY RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS PROJECT GROUP P 2.04.00 ON SEED PROBLEMS PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOREST SEED PROBLEMS IN AFRICA HARARE, ZIMBABWE AUG 23 - SEPT 2, 1987 COMPILED AND EDITED BY S. K. KAMRA and R. D. AYLING Published by Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences S-901 83 Umeâ, Sweden In cooperation with International Development Research Centre, Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, P.O. Box 62084, Nairobi, Kenya Report7 and Umeâ 1987 Forest Research Centre P.O. Box HG 595 ISSN 0348-7954 Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe ISBN 91-576-3056-9 3 FOREWORD The IUFRO International Symposium on Forest Seed Problems in Africa was held at the Forest Research Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe from August 23 to September 2, 1987. It was attended by 48 scientists from 24 countries. A large number of papers were submitted to the symposium. Ail of them are included in these proceedings. Since the contents of the papers are the responsibility of the authors, the editing has been kept to a minimum. Most of the papers were received in camera-ready form, but some had to be retyped. For typing as well as other secretarial work, we are very grateful to Mrs. Gertrud Lestander and Mrs. Helene Risberg of the Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SUAS), Umeâ, Sweden and to Ms. Dorothy Rwigi of the International Development Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. Ail of them have rendered us very valuable help. The printing of the proceedings was carried out by Mr. Ture Lindh, in-charge of the printing press of the SUAS, Umeâ. We are thankful to him for his able assistance. The funds for printing of the proceedings were provided jointly by the International Development Research Centre, Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya and the Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Ume&, Sweden. We are much obliged to both these agencies for the generous financial support. Ail the authors of the papers have contributed in their own way to the success of the symposium. We express our thanks to them for their contributions. The local arrangements for the symposium were made by the Organizing Committee consisting of the staff members of the Forest Research Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe. We are deeply grateful to all of them for their tremendous work which made this symposium an unforgetful experience. S. K. Kamra and R. D. Ayling 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Page List of participants ---------------------------------------------------- 9 Programme of the symposium ----------------------------------------- 12 Opening Speech by Mrs. V.F. Chitepo, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, of 14 Govt. Zimbabwe ----------------------------------------------------- Welcome Address by S.K. Kamra, Dy. Project Leader, 17 IUFRO P.G. P2.04.00 -------------------------------------------------- Contributions R.D. Ayling: Tree Seed and community forestry - a donor's perspective ------------------------------------------------- 19 I.H. Abdisamed: The present status of forest seed aquisition for afforestation programmes in Somalia ------------------ 30 R.N. Acoba: Presowing treatments of tropical Acacias -------------- 37 F.T. Bonner: Importance of seed size in germination and seedling growth ---------------------------------------------------- 53 W. Chenglin and S. Beibei: Preliminary studies on dormancy and germination of camphor tree seeds -------------------- 62 H.F. Chin: Forestry seed problems in Malaysia ----------------------- 70 D.G.M. Donald: Studies on the viability of Paulownia seed ---------------------------------------------------------- 76 J.C. Doran, J.W. Turnbull and E.M. Kariuki: Effects of storage conditions on germination of five tropical tree species ------------------------------------------------------------------ 84 6 V.E.E. Gwarazimba: Seed testing problems of forest seeds in Zimbabwe ------------------------------------------------------------ 95 S. Johansson, G. Alakoski-Johansson, O. Luukkanen, J. Mulatya, and N. Gachathi: Ethno-Botanical approach to seed procurement experience from Bura, Kenya ------------------------------------------ 99 S.K. Kamra: Studies on seed of Pinus elliottii by x-ray contrast method ----------------------------------------------------------------- 110 A.K. Kandya: Forest seed in India - research and problems ---------- 124 E.M. Kariuki: Effects of presowing treatments on seed germination of four important tree species in Kenya ------------------------------ 143 P.K. Khare, V.K. Yadav and G.P. Mishra: Collection, germination and storage of Shorea robusta Gaertn F. seeds ----------------------- 154 D. Li-fen, Y. Pei-xin and H. Dong-feng: Breaking seed dormancy of Pinus bungeana Zucc. with micro-organisms ----------------------- 159 D.V. Michaelsen and C.S. Millar: The yole of the forestry association of Botswana in the national tree seed collection programme ------------------------------------------------------------- 165 P.B. Milimo: Tree seed problems constraining the development of dryland afforestation systems in Kenya ---------------------------- 170 P.B. Milimo and A.K. Hellum: Studies of the structure and development of seeds of Melia volkensii ------------------------------ 178 W.R. Mills: A database system for the management of seed stocks and related information ------------------------------------------------ 196 P.M. Mung'ala: Mobilization of farmers and school children for tree seed collection ____________________________________________________ 200 R. Musoke: A preliminary Sesbania seed study in Uganda ------------ 210 7 M.R. Ngulube and N.W.S. Chipompha: Effect of seed pretreatment on the germination of some hardwood species for dry zone afforestation in Malawi _________________________________________________ 216 O.O. Okoro and A.O. Dada: Forest seed problems of Nigeria -------- 225 A.S. Ouedraogo and J.A. Verwey: Forest tree seed problems in Burkina Faso (Sahelian and Soudanian regions) ________________________ 238 A.M.J. Robbins and N.B. Shrestha: Improving seed supplies in Nepal - 250 a progress report ------------------------------------------------------- G. Rode: Strategies for the improvement of tree seed supply in 254 Kenya ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0. Shakacite: Seed problems of Zambia ------------------------------- 263 I.M. Shehaghilo: Forest tree seed supply in Tanzania - problems and prospects 273 ----------------------------------------------------------- I.M. Shehaghilo: Some studies on the collection and extraction of Cupressus lusitanica seed at Lushoto, Tanzania ------------------- 280 M.Simak and A. Pehap: Testing of mechanically damaged seeds by vaporous contrast x-radiography -------------------------------------- 287 M. Simak, U. Bergsten and B. ;rletun: effect of cone impact damage on Scots pine seeds -------------------------------------------- 308 S.Singh: Effect of hot water and acid treatment on germination of Cassia fistula L. seeds 321 R.A. Sniezko and D.P. Gwaze: Effect of seed treatments on germination of Acacia albida Del. ------------------------------------- 325 L. M. Some and H. Kabore: Preliminary results on the study of the influence of light and temperature on the germination of Acacia albida Del. seeds ----------------------------------------------- 334 8 M. Tadele: Seed problems in Ethiopia --------------------------------- 341 P.B. Tompsett: A review of the literature on storage of Dipterocarp seeds ------------------------------------------------------ 348 P. Wasuwanich: Activities of ASEAN-Canada forest tree seed centre ------------------------------------------------------------------ 366 P.A. Wate: Seed problems in Mozambique ---------------------------- 378 D. Yacubson: Seeds are the biological potential in Argentine forestry ----------------------------------------------- ------------------ 380 D. Yacubson: Possibilities for the performance of feasibility studies for the establishment of forest seed center in South America ---------------------------------------------------------------- 386 D. Yacubson: American Association of forest seed producers -------- 387 Session report: General discussion on forest seed problems in Africa. Session report and recommendations. (Chairman: R.D. Ayling). ----- 389 Additional paper: H.P. Msanga: Preliminary results on the storage of seeds of Allanblackia stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. Guttiferae -------------------- 392 9 DELEGATES ATTENDING THE IUFRO INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOREST SEED PROBLEMS IN AFRICA, HARARE, ZIMBABWE, AUGUST 23 -SEPTEMBER 2, 1987 Country Name and Address Australia John Doran, CSIRO Division of Forest Research,
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