2 June 2015 No 14 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen What’s going on in Macedonia? by Karl Müller 14 years ago, in 2001, when the small said the country wants to join NATO. trading centre for drug shipments to Eu- Balkan country of Macedonia, border- However, the government of the coun- rope. During the raid in Kumanovo there ing Serbia in the north and Greece in the try is not supporting the sanctions against was an hour-long firefight in which 22 south, was in the headlines for months. Russia by the US government and the EU. people died, including 8 policemen. The country was in danger of drifting Instead, it has agreed to build a transit Western media commented on the into a civil war. Macedonian KLA (Kos- route in Macedonia for Russia’s planned events in different ways. Some spoke of ovo Liberation Army) fighters, supported pipeline through Turkey (Turkish Stream). too hard an attack by the Macedonian se- by the Kosovar organisation of the same The pipeline route through Turkey had curity forces, which had been ethnically name and also by US intelligence agencies been negotiated between Russia and Tur- motivated and directed against the eth- and the US military, shattered Macedonia key early in 2015. It is to be built instead nic Albanian population. Others claim the through terrorist attacks and aggression of South Stream, whose originally planned prime minister of the country stage-man- against the country’s police and military. route through Bulgaria, for the purpose of aged the firefights in Kumanovo in order KLA fighters and a major part of West- transporting Russian natural gas to South to divert attention from his own problems ern politicians and media then spoke of Eastern Europe and as far as Austria with- and the dissatisfaction of the population. a legitimate fight against the discrimina- out hindrance, has been hampered by the Moreover, Richard Howitt of the Socialist tion of the ethnic Albanian population in EU. Macedonia is very important as a Group in the European Parliament thinks the country, other voices placed KLA vi- transit country for the pipeline.1 that the citizens of Macedonia have suf- olence, similar to the situation in Kosovo, Since two weeks Macedonia has re- fered a trauma after the fighting in Ku- in a larger geopolitical context. In August turned into the headlines. The reason was manovo. 2001, the parties agreed on a deal that a local police raid in the town of Kumano- Interestingly, however, even former entitled the ethnic Albanian population vo. There are former KLA fighters who KLA fighter and current government to social and political privileges. Today, were said to have planned attacks. Most member Ali Ahmeti admitted in an inter- one of the former leading KLA fighters, likely, they are also involved in drug traf- view with the Austrian newspaper “Die Ali Ahmeti, is part of the country’s gov- ficking. The city is considered as a stopo- Presse” (19.5.2015): “I cannot deny that ernment. ver for drug shipments coming from Af- we know some of the people who were in- During the past 14 years, it has been ghanistan. It is situated very close to the volved. Some of them were former mem- quiet around the country. Since 2005 Mac- border with Serbia, but also close to the edonia is candidate for the EU. It is even border with Kosovo, which is the main continued on page 2 Despotism is certainly no peace concept by Willy Wimmer, former Secretary of State in the German Ministry of Defence and Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Macedonia, who? been talk about Great-Albania again, since 4. Shaping the Balkans’ structure in such Only weeks ago it was an open secret that Albanian fighters a way that any factual or only suspect- that was the ques- in Macedonia enjoyed the open and secret ed influence of Russia or the Russian tion asked by military support by the US-Army and fur- Federation would just evaporate. many when re- ther American government departments. 5. As we could experience at the times ports about the These forces had been armed and trained of the “Wehrmacht”, this depend- flare-up of fight- by those who knew how to enforce their ed on what ethnic group on the Bal- ing in a Macedo- interests even before the Kosovo war by kans would be able to obtain a power- nian town with using the Kosovan KLA (Kosovo Libera- ful ally abroad that would serve their many dead and tion Army) for their ends. Thereby the tar- own interests, in order to unite these injured dominat- gets had become obvious for everybody. interests with those of the mighty ally Willy Wimmer (picture ma) ed our weekend 1. Development and future state struc- against everybody else. Naturally, the news. Throughout ture should depend on the will of one neighbours were the victims. the years Macedonia had got into the shad- single nation – the USA. 6. Realising the model that the Baltic states ow of Western European attention. Howev- 2. The European’s task was to be wran- successfully enforced towards their own er, that was a different story, when after the gling with each other alternatingly minorities: These states’ model consists end of military conflicts about the Kosovo, and to be submissive and subservient of denying their own minorities any fighting had flared up aiming at the further to American interests. legal status inside the country, compa- separation of ethnic groups in Macedo- 3. By no means should a satisfying solu- rable to European standards. Any at- nia, the state neighbouring the Kosovo in tion that would balance interests be al- the South. It was the time, when there had lowed, as you never know …. continued on page 2 No 14 2 June 2015 Current Concerns Page 2 ”What’s going on …” larly politicians from the European Parlia- on 20 May: “The crisis in the country in- continued from page 1 ment are flaunting: The integration process creasingly worries the US government. The in the EU, so the MP of the European Peo- US government was closely observing the bers of the KLA.” But only to attack Rus- ple’s Party in the European Parliament, Ed- events in Macedonia, said the spokesman sia right afterwards saying: “My concern ward Kukan, was one of the important in- of the US State Department Jeff Rathke. is also why Moscow has made an issue of struments that could help to overcome the The authorities would have to examine the it. Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov said crisis. The European Commission called accusations against the government, which the Euro-Atlantic enlargement in the Bal- on the Macedonian government to come resulted ‘from recent revelations’.” kans was a provocation for Russia. And back onto the “right track”, i.e. towards EU On the other hand, the report on the a few days ago Lavrov asserted during a membership and EU policy. Swiss website “Schweizer Magazin” is in- visit to Serbia, the incidents in Macedonia Critical voices from Russia and from teresting, as well. In an article about the had been provoked by NATO, the EU and Serbia – where the operations in Macedo- demonstrations against the Macedoni- Washington. I firmly reject that.” nia are observed with the utmost concern, an government on 20 May it reads: “Last In fact, the Russian Foreign Minister al- also by the government – are, however, dis- weekend, several thousand demonstrators ready expressed several times that the re- missed as “conspiracy theory” – for exam- were hauled out to the place from all cor- try of a “colored revolution” was behind the ple by the “Deutsche Presseagentur” (dpa, ners of the country, many of whom were events in Macedonia (see text on page 3). German Press Agency) on 19 May, or by even paid 500 denars for displaying their A few days after the fighting in Kumano- the newspaper “Die Welt” on 20 May – demonstration enthusiasm. Instructed by vo, there were demonstrations against the and are even turned into their opposite. It George Soros the media were asked to Prime Minister in the country’s capital and is said that Russia wants to snatch Mace- present the number of demonstrators as the demand for his resignation and new donia from the Western Alliance and split ‘100,000’ by using skillful camera angles.” elections. In Western media, for exam- up the Western alliance. This is spread, for In addition, the government opponents are ple the internationally broadcast Deutsche instance, by the SPD politician and for- said to have employed gangs of thugs. Welle, these protests are praised to the mer parliamentary secretary in the German Anyway, there are good reasons to get skies as an expression of democratic rebel- Ministry of Defence Walter Kolbow. Kol- a more accurate picture, which goes be- lion. The Prime Minister is accused of ille- bow was parliamentary secretary under the yond the reports of the Western mainstream gal wiretapping and corruption. Criticism German Defence Minister Rudolf Scharp- media. This is the purpose of the following of the government leaders and demands ing of the SPD, who in 1999 was one of compilation to form a first impression. • for fundamental policy changes are also the German spokesmen for the illegal war the tenor of the opinions voiced by the EU against Yugoslavia, which violated interna- 1 An extensive analysis on the significance of the and the US.
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