THE TORNIO LAYERED INTRUSION - A RECENTLY DISCOVERED INTRUSION WITH CHROMITITE HORIZONS IN NORTHERN FINLAND KRISTER SÖDERHOLM and OSMO INKINEN SÖDERHOLM, KRISTER and INKINEN, OSMO 1982: The Tornio layered intrusion - a recently discovered intrusion with chromitite horizons in Northern Finland. Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland 54, 1 -2, 15-24. In the 1960's chromite boulders were found in the area between the Kemi chromium mine and the town of Tornio. In 1979 after many years of prospecting a layered intrusion with thin chromitite layers was found northeast of the town of Tornio. The stratified sill-like intrusion is situated between the Presveco- karelian basement complex and the Peräpohja schist formation. The age of the intrusion is very likely the same as that of the Kemi and Penikat intrusions, that is 2 440 Ma. The rocks both below and immedi- ately above these intrusions are older than 2 440 Ma. The length of the intrusion is at least 6 km and it extends into Sweden. Several thin chromitite layers have been intersected by drilling, all in the ultramafic unit. The Cr203 content of the chromitite layers varies between 26 and 32%, the FeOtot content between 22 and 28% and the Cr/Fe ratio between 0.9 and 1.2. The chromites are Fe-rich and Mg-poor averaging 43 % Cr203. The chromite deposit of the Tornio intrusion, like those of the Kemi and Penikat intrusions, is of the stratiform type. The Tornio and Penikat intrusions resemble each other as do the compositions of their chromites. Krister Söderholm, Outokumpu Oy. Kemi mine, PL 8, SF-94101 Kemi 10, Finland. Osmo Inkinen, Outokumpu Oy, Mining Technology Group, SF-83500 Outokumpu, Finland. Introduction When the Exploration Division of Outo- posit in the terrain between Tornio and Elijär- kumpu Oy started follow-up studies on the vi. This suggested that a new chromite occur- Elijärvi chromite deposit at Kemi in 1960 ence could be found at the apex of the boul- activities were extended to include the envi- der train north of Alaraumo. ronment. As a result, several chromitite floats Geological mapping, Quaternary geological were discovered in 1962-1966 that, with ref- studies, geochemical surveys and geophysi- erence to the glacial transport direction, were cal reconnaissance measurements were located on the wrong side of the Elijärvi de- undertaken during a period of several years 18 Krister Söderholm and Osmo Inkinen Fig. 1. The location of the Tornio, Kemi and Penikat layered intrusions between the Peräpohja schist formation and the Presvecokarelian basement complex. Modified after V. Perttunen 1971-1975. in the area between Elijärvi, Tornio and Ka- only in one outcrop on Oravainen, an island runki (Inkinen 1979). Although the source of close to the Swedish border. The drilling the chromitite floats could not be located in shows that the intrusion is slablike in shape, these studies, the occurence could be re- at least 6 km long in Finnish territory and ex- stricted to a fairly small area NE of Tornio. tending into Swedish territory (Claesson, This area was submitted to ground magnetic Geological Survey of Sweden, oral communi- and gravimetric surveys in 1978 and 1979. cation 1981). Twelve diamond holes drilled in the area in South of the Tornio layered intrusion there 1979-1980 resulted in the discovery of a are mica and hornblende gneisses that we layered intrusion with narrow chromitite interpret as part of the Presvecokarelian layers NE of Tornio, and which in this con- basement complex. The complex also in- text is called the Tornio layered intrusion. cludes granitic portions. Some of the silicic plutonic rocks may belong to the Haparanda suite, whose members predominate south of General Geology the area and which include plutonic rocks The Tornio layered intrusion is located NE varying in composition from hornblendite to of the town of Tornio between Alavojakkala granite (Brotzen 1973). and Yliraumo (Fig. 1). The area is of poor out- Like the Kemi and Penikat layered intru- crop and the layered intrusion is exposed sions, the Tornio intrusion is located between The Tornio layered intrusion - a recently discovered intrusion 17 the Peräpohja schists, which are considered the conglomerate and overlying schists be- as Karelian, and the Presvecokarelian base- long to the Lower Jatulian Group (Perttunen ment complex. 1980) and are older than the layered intru- The NE contact of the layered intrusion has sions. Hence, the layered intrusions are sand- not been intersected by diamond drilling. wiched between rocks that are older than Holes drilled about 1.5 km north of the intru- they. It can also be assumed that all the por- sion, however, demonstrate the existence of tions of the layered intrusions have been quartzites and albite diabases between the in- preserved and that the upper portions have trusion and the greenstone area. The Kemi not been eroded. and Penikat layered intrusions are overlain The rocks of the Haparanda suite show a by a shallow conglomerate layer with granitic 1 880 Ma Rb-Sr isochron (Welin et al., 1970) pebbles derived from the basement complex. and 1 890 Ma zircon ages (Kaakamo diorite, Northwest of the Kemi intrusion, the con- Geological Survey of Finland 1977; Liakka glomerate is overlain alternately by mafic gabbro, Geological Survey of Finland 1981). volcanics and silicic metasediments and only Brotzen, however, has obtained considerably after them by albite diabases. higher Rb-Sr ages for them. The Geological The NW portion of the Tornio layered in- Survey of Finland (1981) has also reported trusion is crosscut by a metadiabase dyke higher Zr ages for the Nosa granodiorite (see trending c. N 60 W. On account of its mag- Fig. 1). Further research is thus needed to netite content, it is clearly visible on mag- settle the issue. Nevertheless, we feel that at netic maps, as are the albite diabases over- least some of the rocks of the Haparanda lying the layered intrusion. The magnetic suite, e.g. the Nosa granodiorite, are of the maps also suggest that the area is intersected remobilised Archean basement complex. by faults and shears trending N 05-010 E and N 60-70 W. The Tornio layered intrusion There are no radiometric datings for the rocks of the area. The age determinations by The Tornio layered intrusion was emplaced the Geological Survey of Finland, however, as a sill between the Archean basement com- indicate that the Presvecokarelian basement plex and slightly younger schists. The intru- complex is 2 700-2 800 Ma old. The zircon sion, which was originally subhorizontal, age of the Kemi layered intrusion is about dips 65°-75° NE, i.e. as steeply as the Kemi 2 440 Ma (Kouvo 1977; Patchett et al., in intrusion. Its strike length in Finnish territory press); the same age was obtained from the is at least 6 km, and its width not less than whole rock total lead isochron (Manhes et al., 0.4 to 0.5 km. 1980). The layered intrusions at Penikat (Kou- The Tornio layered intrusion can be sub- vo 1977), Koitelainen (Mutanen 1979) Portti- divided into a lower ultramaflc unit and an vaara and Näränkä (Alapieti 1982) are of upper mafic unit (Fig. 2). The ultramafic the same age, and it is highly probable that lower unit, which is from 80 to 215 m thick, the Tornio layered intrusion is also of the can be further subdivided into three layers same age. The diabase dykes cutting the (I, II, III). The mafic upper unit is over 200 m Kemi layered intrusion are 2 200 Ma old (Geo- thick and is composed of two layers (IV and logical Survey of Finland 1981). The granite V). The layers often grade into one other, in pebbles in the conglomerate overlying the places, however, the boundaries are sharp. Kemi and Penikat layered intrusions are 2 600 The layering is well-developed and mani- Ma in age (Perttunen 1980). Stratigraphically fests itself best as a frequent alternation of 2 18 Krister Söderholm and Osmo Inkinen ity of this layer increases downwards and the + + + + + + + + + + + layer grades into peridotite. Upwards the MAFIC UNIT layer grades, possibly through norite, into > 200m 170 m EE gabbro. The lower layer (IV) of the upper mafic unit is composed of gabbro with pyrox- 25- TO m HI ifi rifirMirTitTfp1 enitic and noritic intercalations. The upper- 7- 90 m H most known layer (V) is of leucogabbro. Be- ULTRAMAFIC UNIT tween layers IV and V a narrow amphibolite 2-140 m I layer or silicic sediment fragments are en- 100 countered that seem to derive from the col- metres PRESVECOKARELIAN BASEMENT COMPLEX 7 lapsed roof of the magma chamber. AND HAPARANDA SUITE v •/>- / The Tornio layered intrusion resembles the Penikat layered intrusion in internal stratig- l CHROMITITE E3 LEUCOGABBRO B LAYER raphy and position. The layered intrusions at DISSEMINATED I I GABBRO MYLONITIC Kemi and Penikat are, however, clearly B CHROMITE |/vw| BORDER ZONE thicker than the intrusion at Tornio (Fig. 1). PYROXENITE [. AMPHIBOLITE The Tornio and Kemi intrusions both have • PERIDOTITE I MICA GNEISS ultramafic and mafic rocks in about the same Fig. 2. Schematic and simplified stratigraphy of proportions, whereas in the Penikat intrusion the Tornio layered intrusion. the proportion of the ultramafics is distinctly lower (Kujanpää 1964). In the Tornio and Penikat (Kujanpää 1964) intrusions pyroxe- the rock types. Rhythmic layering occurs nites predominate over peridotites, whereas when the peridotite and pyroxenite, and py- in the Kemi intrusion the reverse is true (Ku- roxenite and gabbro alternate. The gabbros janpää 1980). The Stillwater intrusion bears a also exhibit rhythmic layering within the very strong structural resemblence to the layers, owing to the alternation of amphibole- Penikat intrusion (Kujanpää 1964).
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