Lamoni Rose Hill Cemetery - Burials Sorted by Location The tool shed divides Rose Hill between west (Old Cemetery) and east halves. The old cemetery had 6 sections but has 9 now after 3 were split into N and S parts. The east side has 11 sections, called Blocks, but only B3, B7, B8, B9, and B10 are for burials. Each lot has an X,Y coordinate relative to the section it is in. The X value cooresponds with a row of headstones from W to E. The Y value counts which lot from N to S in a given row. The Y coordinate is only useful as a guide since lots vary in size and in number of grave spaces, and Y counts lots, not spaces. Multiple burial spaces per lot are numbered from S to N starting with 1. This report lists all burials, grouped section by section, and orders the burials as one would encounter them by walking N to S starting with the first row (X=1) to the last. A gap with a section title is displayed to separate one Section from the next. A horizontal line is displayed to separate one row Thursday, July 15, 2021 Page 1 of 142 Section 1N In this section lots span X=1-18 (rows from W to E) and Y=1-10 (lots from N to S) Code: C=Cremains Cx2=Crem. 2-in-1 urn CP=Crem. Burial Pending NB=No Burial (monument only) NS=No Stone A=Ashes partially scattered at grav X Y Lot ID Space Vet Name Birth Death Code Spouse Start of section 1N 6 1 1027 4 LaRosa, Andrea Cristina 19760500 19970200 7 1 1037 1 Roberts, G. Thomas 19010000 19590000 8 1 1047 4w Beldin, Jeanette Rene [infant] 19470929 19480218 8 2 1048 4 White, Jack Edward 19301112 19520712 8 2 1048 3nw White, Chester DeWayne 19320201 20140503 C Mary Jane (Closson) White 8 2 1048 3 White, Mary Jane (Closson) 19350329 20170625 C Chet White 8 2 1048 2 White, Warren E. 18910000 19590000 8 2 1048 1 White, Maude B. 18970000 19780000 8 3 1049 4 Nash, Maxine Ruby 19251208 19840600 Robert James Nash 8 3 1049 3 Nash, Robert James 19250307 19930613 Maxine Ruby White 8 3 1049 1&2 Nash, Linda Lee 19531010 19960718 8 4 1050 3of3 Nash, James "Jim" Dean [PENDING] 19570927 20200101 CP 9 1 1057 4 McAninch, Sherman 18680418 19440424 9 1 1057 3 McAninch, Lillian 18910000 19590000 9 1 1057 1 McAninch, Delores Josephine 19280725 20070204 Joe McAninch 9 1 1057 stone X McAninch, Joe 19270528 20040701 Dee McAninch 9 2 1058 4w Kneedler, [infant of Clyde] 0 0 9 2 1058 4 Martin, Art L. 18890000 19780000 9 2 1058 3 Martin, Fannie J. 18870000 19640000 9 2 1058 1 Kline, Samuel 18600615 19461210 Margeret Kline 9 3 1059 4 Stevenson, James Duane 19641021 19670319 9 3 1059 3 Stevenson, Eudora Ellen 19130922 19541205 Duane Stevenson 9 3 1059 2 Stevenson, Joseph Edwin 19510814 20110724 C 9 4 1060 4 Vanderflute, Wayne Marian [infant] 19211007 19211113 9 4 1060 3 Vanderflute, Donald Edward 19240000 19860000 9 4 1060 2 Vanderflute, Anna Marie 19020306 19811011 George Vanderflute 9 4 1060 1 Vanderflute, George 18970901 19730710 Anna Marie Ott 9 5 1061 3&4 Binning, Darlene 19980722 9 5 1061 2&3 Melson, Donna Kay 19370502 20160826 Richard Thomas Overton; Junior Lee Melson 10 1 1067 4 Robinson, Charles Edward 18800222 19420406 Edna Lucinda Harger Thursday, July 15, 2021 Page 2 of 142 Section 1N In this section lots span X=1-18 (rows from W to E) and Y=1-10 (lots from N to S) Code: C=Cremains Cx2=Crem. 2-in-1 urn CP=Crem. Burial Pending NB=No Burial (monument only) NS=No Stone A=Ashes partially scattered at grav X Y Lot ID Space Vet Name Birth Death Code Spouse 10 1 1067 3 Robinson, Edna Lucinda 18860000 19670000 John Hartschen; Charles E. Robinson 10 1 1067 2 Schofield, Martha K. 18780000 19560000 10 1 1067 1 Schofield, James D. 18720000 19600000 10 2 1068 4 Mitchell, Robert Henry 19060916 19440428 Opal Vivian Mitchell 10 3 1069 4 Hall, Zachariah Henry 18681012 19450926 Rosa Belle Blakesley 10 3 1069 3 Hall, Rosa Belle 18780602 19610624 Zachariah Henry Hall 10 3 1069 2 Lambert, Ann 18670513 19550000 10 4 1070 3&4 Doolittle, C. Roy (LeRoy?) 19370000 19660000 10 4 1070 2 Doolittle, Ethel A. 19210000 20040707 Clifford Dorman Doolittle 10 4 1070 1 Doolittle, Clifford Dornan 19210309 20011231 Ethyl Arrena Still 10 5 1071 2 Allen, Alberta L. 19260820 20020516 Robert G. Allen 10 5 1071 1 Allen, Robert G. 19210410 20011206 Alberta Harpe 11 1 1077 4 Lewis, Charles George 18511031 19391102 Grace Lewis 11 1 1077 3 Lewis, Mary E. 18920000 19770000 11 2 1078 4 Sweeten, Hattie Edna 18880209 19420319 Lee Sweeten? 11 2 1078 1e Gray, Donna Jean [infant] 19411014 19420319 11 3 1079 4 Coffelt, Emmett 18820000 19550000 11 3 1079 3 Coffelt, Clara Electia 18840815 19470603 Emmett James Coffelt 11 3 1079 2 Coffelt, Emmett James 18821003 19550000 Clara Electia Lane 11 4 1080 4 Ringgenberg, Inez Marie 19260716 19600426 Melvin Ringgenberg 11 4 1080 3 Lane, Grace Letitia 18910000 19850000 McIntosh; Henry Doolittle 11 5 1081 4 Allen, Mildred F. 18930819 19810128 11 5 1081 3 X Allen, Wilbur Leland 18880819 19680624 A? 11 5 1081 2 Neal, Wilberta Lee 19180516 19940420 11 5 1081 1 X Neal, Herbert Oliver 19181217 19901008 Wilberta Allen 11 6 1082 4 Keen, Carol W. (Allen, Mann) 19251214 20060726 A. Dan Mann; Russell Keen 11 6 1082 3 X Mann, Arlo Dan 19160625 19710319 Carol Wayve Allen 11 6 1082 1 Holloway, Newton L. 18860000 19700000 12 1 1087 4 Quick, Harold Richard 19051227 19730700 12 1 1087 3 Quick, Margaret A. (Ayres) 18831015 19780315 Howard Richard Quick 12 1 1087 2 Quick, Howard Richard 18790811 19651100 Margaret A. Ayres Thursday, July 15, 2021 Page 3 of 142 Section 1N In this section lots span X=1-18 (rows from W to E) and Y=1-10 (lots from N to S) Code: C=Cremains Cx2=Crem. 2-in-1 urn CP=Crem. Burial Pending NB=No Burial (monument only) NS=No Stone A=Ashes partially scattered at grav X Y Lot ID Space Vet Name Birth Death Code Spouse 12 1 1087 2 Quick, [infant] ? ? 12 1 1087 1 Quick, Everett Jasper 19071009 19370401 12 2 1088 3 Noftsger, Cecil H. 19030000 19700000 C 12 2 1088 2 Outhouse, Earnest Richard 18690607 19560304 Olive Agnes Hoffman 12 2 1088 2 Outhouse, Earnest Delbert 19390804 19390907 12 2 1088 1 Outhouse, [infant] 19360130 19360130 12 2 1088 1 Outhouse, Olive Agnes 18761117 19331226 Ernest Richard Outhouse 12 2 1088 stone Noftsger, S. Alice 19040000 19810000 12 3 1089 4 Hoffman, Alma Corda 18990306 19380711 Florence Hoffman 12 3 1089 3 Hoffman, Florence M 18990000 19840000 12 3 1089 2 White, Thelma Naomi 19231108 19521208 Bob W. White 12 4 1090 4 Gatenby, Floyd E. 18930000 19490000 12 4 1090 3 Gatenby, Mary L. 18950000 19520000 Floyd Gatenby 12 4 1090 2 Gatenby, Gordon Eugene 19290823 19430607 12 5 1091 4 Snethen, Richard Grant 19280728 19551020 Beatrice Leone "Betty" Allen 12 5 1091 2 Hindes, Betty Leone 19280408 20170122 Richard Snethen; Charles Hindes 12 5 1091 1 Hindes, Charles Gene 19290803 20100824 Betty Leone Allen 13 1 1097 2 Bass, Byron Oliver 18570412 19390323 Mary Catherine Bass 13 1 1097 1 Bass, Mary Catherine 18530313 19330407 Byron Oliver Bass 13 2 1098 4 Lane, Edith Elvira 18880818 19390711 Edward H. Lane 13 2 1098 2&3 Lane, Edwin H. 18800118 19580000 13 2 1098 1&2 Lane, Lola M. 19160215 19790821 13 3 1099 4 Lane, Nettie J. 18780716 19400120 Frank J. Lane 13 3 1099 3 Lane, Frank J. 18720718 19570000 13 4 1100 4 Konopasek, Lottie Fern 19000813 19900722 Frank Anton Konopasek 13 4 1100 3 X Konopasek, Frank Anton 18961126 19850125 Lottie Fern Gatenby 13 4 1100 2 Konopasek, Dalen J. 19250918 19430425 13 5 1101 3&4 Konopasek, Donald Keith [infant] 19531114 19531115 13 5 1101 3&4 Konopasek, Gary [infant] 19490000 19490000 13 5 1101 3&4 Konopasek, Sheryl Maxine [child] 19460728 19480728 13 5 1101 2 Konopasek, Nina Lenore 19220321 20160822 LeRoy Fred Konopasek Thursday, July 15, 2021 Page 4 of 142 Section 1N In this section lots span X=1-18 (rows from W to E) and Y=1-10 (lots from N to S) Code: C=Cremains Cx2=Crem. 2-in-1 urn CP=Crem. Burial Pending NB=No Burial (monument only) NS=No Stone A=Ashes partially scattered at grav X Y Lot ID Space Vet Name Birth Death Code Spouse 13 5 1101 1 Konopasek, LeRoy Fred 19230309 20120216 Nina Lenore Allen 14 1 1107 4 Stanley, Elsie May 19051125 19980220 C Hosea Lee Stanley 14 1 1107 3 Stanley, Hosea Lee 18980912 19810721 Elsie May Heide 14 1 1107 2 Stanley, William Norman 18920000 19630000 14 1 1107 1 Stanley, Winnie Leone 18940311 19321017 Norm Stanley 14 2 1108 4 Newton, Barbara Lee 19310215 19320102 14 3 1109 4 Gilliland, Opal Leora 19240626 19361007 14 3 1109 3 Gilliland, John Edgar 19300823 19361109 14 4 1110 4 Hartley, Arthur Gale 18971223 19420710 14 4 1110 2 Hartley, Walter E. 18750130 19450517 Eva M. Hartley 14 4 1110 1 Pettit, Elsie Violet 19061225 19920808 C Edward Millard Pettit 14 4 1110 1 Black, Janice Faye (Pettit) 19371011 20161021 C 14 4 1110 stone Hartley, Eva May 18800000 19610000 Walter E.
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