The only jazz magazine in NY in print, online DIGITAL-ONLY and on apps! ISSUE July 2020 www.hothousejazz.com Dizzy's Club Jazz from Home Page 5 ALEXA TARANTINO ARTURO O’FARRILL ALLAN HARRIS Virtual Birdland Page 3 Birdland Page 7 Where To Go & Who To See Since 1982 proceeds to organizations like the New Artists Online York Foundation for the Arts and the Jazz Foundation of America, later concerts have ALEXA TARANTINO directed funds to organizations including the NAACP and the Grassroots Law By Seton Hawkins Project. "Neither of us had looked at this as a money-making venture," Alexa explains. "It's been an amazing opportunity to give back." Her online voice has expanded further in recent weeks, as an ongoing relationship with Jazz at Lincoln Center has yielded a second platform, focusing on artist devel- opment and education. The collaboration's output, "The Well-Rounded Musician," is a weekly Thursday webcast during which Alexa discusses aspects of building a life in music. "I've felt there is a lack of informa- tion for students wanting to set them- selves up for success in their careers," she notes. "So I wanted to use the platform to offer a self-motivated, entrepreneurial education." OR MORE THAN THREE MONTHS, "The Well-Rounded Musician" has Fa joyous event has occurred every indeed delivered on providing entrepre- Sunday evening, as saxophonist and neurial training, drawing on Alexa's own flautist Alexa Tarantino and pianist education at Eastman and at Juilliard as Steven Feifke offer a weekly webcast per- well as skills honed on the job via profes- formance, via the Crowdcast platform. sional work. Webcast episodes include dis- Mixing preshow discussions with a warm- cussions on often nonmusical but still cru- ly presented recital, the duo has covered cial topics like developing press kits, hon- material from original compositions to fan ing public-speaking skills, establishing a favorites like the Thelonious Monk song- web presence and more. "While the music book or the works of Miles Davis. Anyone always comes first, if you don't have these tuning in might hear tunes drawn from pieces together, you might not be the first- Alexa's latest album, Clarity (an essential call for the gig," Alexa points out. The con- new quartet record released in June), tent on offer appears to have found an along with audience requests that help to audience: With viewers tuning in from determine forthcoming shows, including a around the world, the webcasts have not celebration of Frank Sinatra. only served to connect viewers with impor- For Alexa, the decision to start stream- tant educational content, they have also ing concerts developed earlier this year, as helped instill a broader sense of community. a tour was winding down. "I was on the In the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, road with Cécile McLorin Salvant in Alexa's work has served as a truly welcome Oakland, and at that point we didn't really and deeply needed respite, and upcoming know what to expect," she recalls. "But on projects of hers like an online summer the road, we were talking about how larg- camp will offer even more touchpoints with er orchestras in Europe were doing live the performance and educational commu- streams from empty halls. When I came nities. The uncertainty of the immediate home, Steven and I decided to start per- future of the performing arts poses an forming right away." Premiering March undeniable hardship and strain on every 15, the first concert offered a wonderful member of the industry. To see an artist mix of material, with a warm and inviting adapt to the current environment and presentation that set the tone for the run. deliver such much-needed performance Indeed, as the series has progressed, Alexa and teaching work is an inspiration for and Steven have refined the presentation many. model, consistently delivering some of their finest playing in a beautifully inti- Catch Alexa Tarantino & Steven mate setting. As much as we all miss clubs Feifke every Sunday for a preconcert and concert halls, these duo shows manage conversation at 7 p.m. and a perform- to offer a closeness between artist and ance at 8 p.m. on www.crowdcast.io/. audience that even the coziest venue can- You also can hear her every Thursday not deliver. at 9:30 p.m. when she presents the The initial concert also set a precedent "The Well-Rounded Musician with for the pair, harnessing the events to help Alexa Tarantino" series at www.face raise funds in support of social good. While book.com/jazzatlincolncenter. To the original streams focused on aid for learn more about Alexa's projects, musicians, dedicating 25 percent of the visit www.alexatarantino.com. 5 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DAILY https://www.facebook.com/events/6094743165870 12 Blue Note at Home https://www.facebook.com/bluenotenyc 6pm Lincoln Center at Home presents Ethan Iverson Memorial For Us All https://www.facebook.com/ethan.iverson.9847 http://lincolncenter.org/lincoln-center-at-home Mark Morganelli Vocal Jazz Jam by Jocelyn Medina https://www.facebook.com/mark.morganelli with special guest Ted Rosenthal https://www.facebook.com/jocelynmedinamusic https://www.facebook.com/ted.rosenthal Music on the Inside feat Music While We're Inside hosted by Antoinette Montague Rossano Sportiello with special guests https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013 https://www.musicontheinside.org 014915972 7pm Acute Inflections 12:45pm:Russ Kassoff’s Video Jazz Deli https://www.facebook.com/acuteinflections https://www.facebook.com/russkassoff Kate Edmonson https://www.facebook.com/katedmonsonmusic 5pm Art Is Live Alexa Tarantino & Steven Feifke pre- https://www.artislive.net/concerts concert conversation + 8pm concert https://www.crowdcast.io/stevenandalexa 6pm: Ginetta Vendetta https://www.facebook.com/ginetta.silvi 8:30pm Virtual Birdland feat Arturo O'Farrill & the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra 7pm: Jay Leonhart https://www.facebook.com/birdlandjazzclub https://www.facebook.com/jay.leonhart.33 9pm Sunday Evening Jazz with Ron 10pm Quarantine Concert Series hosted by Jackson Kabir Sehgal with special guest https://www.instagram.com/ronjacksonmusic https://www.facebook.com/kabirsehgal 10pm Sammy Miller & The Congregation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivldae3GlTI&fe MONDAY-FRIDAY ature=youtu.be 5pm Alternative Venues For Jazz Mondays https://www.facebook.com/groups/altvenuesfor jazz 12:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Swing University https://www.facebook.com/jalcjazzacademy 6pm Mike Greensill https://www.facebook.com/mike.greensill 1pm Fred Hersch at Home https://www.patreon.com/fredhersch WEEKLY 3pm Gunhild Carling Trombone Q&A https://www.facebook.com/gunhildcarlingfanclub Sundays Cynthia Hilts https://cynthiahilts.com/media 12pm Bria Skonberg uplifting songs, sto- ries and singalongs 4pm JALC Master Class https://www.facebook.com/briamusic https://www.facebook.com/jalcjazzacademy 3pm Gunhild Carling in the Garden 7:30pm Emmet Cohen Trio Live From https://www.facebook.com/gunhildcarlingfanclub Emmet’s Cynthia Hilts https://www.facebook.com/heyemmet https://cynthiahilts.com/media Mingus Monday Live Byron Stripling, Bobby Floyd & Andy https://www.facebook.com/themingusbigband Woodson https://www.facebook.com/jazzartsgroup 8pm Nicki Parrott presents Chez Nicki Jams 4pm Ben Rosenblum https://www.facebook.com/nickiparrott https://www.facebook.com/benrosenblummusic 9pm Skain’s Domain A Conversation with 5pm Champian Fulton Wynton Marsalis https://www.facebook.com/champianfulton/?tn- https://www.facebook.com/jazzatlincolncenter str=k*F Live From Dizzy’s Club 9:30pm Jonathan Karrant https://www.facebook.com/dizzysclub https://www.stageit.com/jonathan_karrant/live_mus Rachel Therrien ic_streaming_session/74258 9 Tuesdays 3pm Gunhild Carling https://www.facebook.com/gunhildcarlingfanclub 12pm Live From Dizzy’s A Closer Listen with Seton Hawkins 7:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Club https://www.facebook.com/dizzysclub https://www.facebook.com/dizzysclub 2pm On the Road with Riley Mulherkar 9pm Kelly Green & Luca Soul Duo https://www.instagram.com/jazzdotorg/ https://www.facebook.com/kellygreenjazz 3pm Gunhild Carling Trumpet Q&A 9:30pm The Well-Rounded Musician with https://www.facebook.com/gunhildcarlingfanclub Alexa Tarantino https://www.facebook.com/jazzatlincolncenter 7pm Gabriel Chakarji & Friends Live at the Bronx Music House Fridays https://www.facebook.com/gabriel.chakarji NJPAC @ home feat Tunes on 12:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Swing University Tuesdays https://www.facebook.com/jalcjazzacademy https://www.facebook.com/njpac 2pm Carl Allen 7:30pm Harlem After Dark, Unplugged Series https://www.facebook.com/carlallenmusic Cross That River feat Allan Harris https://www.facebook.com/theallanharrisband 3pm Kevin Hays Facebook Live series https://www.facebook.com/kevinhaysmusic 8pm The Jazz Gallery Zoom Dance Party https://www.jazzgallery.org/calendar 4pm JALC Master Class https://www.facebook.com/jalcjazzacademy 8:30pm Newvelle Online Listening Session https://mailchi.mp/newvelle-records/listeningses 5pm Samora Pinderhughes Solo sion?mc_cid=5b67c68e33&mc_eid=cdda309883 https://www.facebook.com/pinderhughes Nicole Zuraitis Wednesdays http://www.nicolezmusic.com/merch 8:30am From The Vaults archival concert pub- lished 6pm Gunhild Carling Piano Chat https://www.youtube.com/user/jazzatlincolncenter https://www.facebook.com/gunhildcarlingfanclub 12:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Conversations with 7pm Lizzie Thomas & John Colianni Duo Wynton https://www.facebook.com/lizziethejazzsinger https://www.instagram.com/jazzdotorg 7:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Club 3pm Cynthia
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