KODAK COMPANY yol. 5, No. 6 Copyright by Eastman Kod a k Company, Rochester, N . Y. February 13. 1947 I CW Suggester Wins $1000 New Projector Shown During First Period of 1947 Law rence Peck of the Shut­ ter Assembly Dept. at Cam era At Cleveland Session VVorks set a fancy mark for Kodak suggesters to shoot at in 194 7. Larry received a $1000 A new K od aslide P rojector, award for the first period of for s howin g color or b lack-and­ the new year. w hite 35-mm. or B a nta m slides, Peck's idea w as for a change soon will be made available for in design of the contact point both auditorium and home use. assembly on var ious flash shut­ The new projector is being m ade ters. It reduces the number of a t Hawk-Eye Works a nd soon is working parts, simplifies pro­ expected to ma ke its debut across duction and improves per form­ the nation's photographic counters. ance of the shutte rs. according It was previewed t his week a t t he to William Zimmer, Suggestion 22nd Annua l National Convention System chairman at CW. a nd P hotographic Industry T rade The $1000 suggestion was one Show in Clevela nd. Orders a re not of 57 varieties approved at CW being taken at present. Lawrence Peck in the initial period of 1947. Designated the Kodaslide P ro­ jector-Master Model, it features a series of interchangeable lenses of the Projection Ektar a nd ana­ First Try Wins Top Award stigmat types. Projection Ektar lenses having relative apertures of f/2.3 are available in 5- and 7th ­ In l(odakery Photo Contest inch focal lengths as well as a n H. Lou Gibson of Kodak Office walked off w it h first prize of $25 f/ 3.7 lens of 11-inch focal length. in the January KOD AKER Y P hotograph ic Awards on his first Better Tone Values entry. Lou's pict ure was a n excelle nt pattern shot of t h e n ew All lenses in t he optical systPm ornamental guard rails along Vet­ a re "Lumenized" with the new era ns' Memoria l Bridge. Vokes. Hawk-Eye; Shirley H. K odak hard-surface coating which • f Margaret Med ing of Fina l Inspection Dept. at Another Kodak Office enthusiast Houston, Koda k Office: John N. increases contrast and gives m ore N ew Pro1ec Or- H awk-Eye makes a check on one of the new a nd a consistent competitor in Rice, Navy Ordnance Division, and illum ination per watt. This ma kes Guy D. Aydlett, Camera Works. Kodaslide Projectors-Master Model for color or black-and-white 35- KODAK ER Y Photographic for sharper separation of tone mm. or Bantam slides.. It was previewed this week in Cleveland. A wa rds, Lowell Miller captured Merit Certificate winners are: valu es in both the h ighlight and second place with a pleasing pic­ J. W. Nickel. KP: Melvin C. Jor­ shadow areas of the slides. of different heights. designed to permit air from the ture of h is young daughter. dan. EKS. Salt La ke City: Charles Lamps rated a t 1000, 750, 500, or Light in weight a nd easily port­ blower system to fl ow freely on Carapezza. NOD: Ray C. Sha heen. Third-Place Winner 300 watts can be used interchange­ able, the projector has a die-cast both sides of the s lide during pro­ CW: John Debes. KO: Georgette ably. Both la mps a nd lenses are alumi num body w ith a built-in car­ jection. A heat-absorbing filter in In third spot was Cl ifford Ha­ V. Taylor, wife of J . B. Taylor, CW; easily cha nged , enabling the oper­ rying handle. Streams of air from a the condenser assembly gives addi­ thorn of Camera Works. Besides Paul M. Bostwick. EKS. Atlanta, a tor to adjust illumination for quiet, motor - operated blower sys­ tional protection to the slides. the t hree top awards, nine of the Ga.: Frank Binsack, CW; Dick rooms a nd screens of differen t tem insta lled in the b ase serve to Its precision optical system , pow­ 10 fourth-place w inne rs were fr om Goodchild. KP; Ma tthew Baisch, sizes. The front of the projector cool the slides and ot her parts of erful illumination and easy adapt­ Rochester units of Kodak and the CW: Hermon Dilmore, husband of may be raised for use with screens the machine. The slide carrier is ability for projection in rooms of local people took 18 of the Mer it Margare t J. Dilmore. KP: Calvin any size m ake the Kodaslide Pro­ Certificates. C. Woolley, EKS. Salt Lake City: jector-Master Model a versatile, T he fourth-place winners a re: F. Bennett, CW. superior projector. Charles Bridgman, Kodak Office; Dave Johnson. KO: J. G. J arvis. Dealers, Finishers Inspect W. H. DeWitt. Kodak Park; Helen KP: Alfred J . Doherty, CW; Homer Jarvis, EKS. Duluth. Minn.; Larry D. Fay, EKS, Cleveland: Willia m Yes, Sir, Kilroy Weis. Haw k -Eye; Roy L. Wood. W. Guelph. CW: Marjorie F. Ellis, New Products at Convention Kodak Park; Kenneth A. Van KO; Elsie Miller, EKS, Pittsburgh; A gr oup of n ew Kodak p r oducts is being viewed for the first Dyck, Camera Works; H. Wes W. Van Graafeiland, H-E; Rhea Was Everywhere! Clicquennoi. KP; Olaf Furseth. tim e by hundreds of delegates atten ding the 22nd Annual Na­ A m ovie of highlights of t he EKS Cleveland: Richard A. Bron, tional Convention a nd Photograph ic I n dustry Trade S how this first two days of the 22nd An­ Recordak Corp. • Denver, and James week in Cleveland. nua l National Convention and Kodak~ ~· Waits F. Thrasher. CW. T he ela borate display of Kodak products a nd equipment for the P hotographic Industry T r a d e .... five-day convention, sponsored by Show w h ich opened in Cleve­ the Master Photo Dealers' and Fin­ land on Monday w ill pose t he Pupils' Photos ishers' Associa tion, is staffed by question, " Who is HE?" when EK people from all Rochester units. The first r ush of entries in the Koda k presents it tonight. One of the outstanding n ew prod­ It will be shown to m embers Secon d Annua l National H igh ucts which m ade its bow at t he School P hotographic Awards was of the Master Photo Dea lers' session was the new Master Koda­ and Fin ishers' Association a nd being awaited today. T he official slide Projector, which is described opening date is Sa turday, F eb. 15. convention exhibitors at the in a separate story in this issue. group's big party and d ance. High school pupils will compete T he majority of the new items for prizes totaling $3500 in cash in The film, planned and shot by are ma inly for use by the commer­ George Waters, KO Advertising, the contest sponsored b y K odak. cial photofinishers. Among the new There are five classes: Ba bies and a nd Jim Card, KO Informationa l products shown in Clevela nd a re: F ilms, w as sent to Rochester Small Children, Scenes and Still­ The Velox Ra pid Printers, Types Life Hobbies a nd Recreation, Ani­ late Tuesday evening. Processed 3 and 4, w hich replace the Velox at K odak Park yesterday, it was m a l ~ a nd Pets, a nd School Projects. Rapid Printe rs, Photocell Model I n each class a first prize of $100, returned to Cleveland in tim e a nd Type 2, respectively. A vari~ty for the showing. second of $50 and t hird of $30 w ill of highly desira ble improvements "Who is H E" questions will be awarded. One of the five first in each of the machines was ex­ prize winners will be chosen for arise when one lone unidentified p laine d at the sessions. m ale appears in most scenes the $500 grand prize. In addition Other Products t here will be 75 awards of $10 each peering over shoulders at the and 270 of $5 each. T he Glossprint Dryer, an all­ exhibits. Students are obtaining t he rules e lectric dryer to replace the gas­ T he mystery will be solved a nd entry blanks from p hoto­ heated Commercial Print Dryer. for spectator s only at the film's graphic dealers a nd high schools. Koda k Electric Mixers, w h ich fi nal scene when a large sign ar e designed for use by finishers declares "Kilroy Was H ere." and other users of large quantities of chemicals as an a id in thorou gh­ Combination Funnel, allowing Camera Club News ly a nd ra pidly mixing solutions. multiple uses in darkroom. Kodak Camera Club. which Koda k Eye-Level T r ipod and Seven and one-half inch f / 4.0 claims some 4400 Kodak folks Turn-Tilt Head, w hich .ieatures Lens for Kodaslide Projector 2A. from all Company divisions as extremely smooth panning and This le ns is a replacement for the members. this wee k is getting ability to adjust to the specific 7lt~-inc h f/ 4.5 lens. its own section of KODAKERY camera, thus avoiding constant Kodascope Eight-90. T his is a for club and photographic news. locking a nd unlocking.
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