BOOK AUCTION Voyages and exploration, rare medical books, art, photographs, literat re, maps, prints and A straliana 5 and 6 April 2017 at 6:30 pm AEST !t "eorge#s Anglican Church $all %&' "lenferrie )oad, *alvern, Victoria Vie,ing at the +enue in *elbourne -.' April, or by appointment at our Adelaide premises until %& *arch *ichael Treloar Antiquarian Booksellers "/O Box %%0&, Adelaide, !A 1223, A stralia Telephone 4'3 8 0%%- 3333 5 6ax 4'3 8 0%%- '1&& ,,,7treloars7com 5 treloars8treloars7com Notes for Buyers REGISTRATION: Bidders wishing to attend the auction in person are required to register and obtain a bidding nu ber! ABSENTEE BI""ING: Absentee bids ust be confirmed in writing #by ai$% fax or e ai$' no $ater than the close of viewing the day before the sa$e! An absentee bidding for is appended to this cata$ogue! Absentee bids wi$$ be e&ecuted as cheap$y as other bids a$$ow! ON)INE BI""ING: This service enables bids to be submitted to the auction via the internet! 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This service is a(ai$able on$y for $ots with a $ower esti ate of at $east 0122! /ET-O"S O3 ,A4/ENT: ,ay ent ay be ade in cash% by ban+ cheque% or by ban+ transfer to our account! 5redit card pay ents wi$$ incur a fee of 1% of the in(oice tota$ for 8isa and /astercard% and 4% for A erican Express and "iners 5$ub! ,ersona$ cheques ay be accepted by prior ar. range ent! 5O))E5TION: )ots ay be co$$ected fro the (enue during or i ediate$y after the sa$e% fro 9 a to 5 p % 3riday 7 Apri$% or by prior arrange. ent on the orning of Saturday 8 Apri$! ,acking and despatch can be arranged by us and wi$$ be at the buyer=s expense! If any $ot so$d is not co$$ec. ted and paid for% the auctioneer sha$$ ha(e the right to rese$$ the $ot either by public or private sa$e% and any deficiency on resa$e together with any other costs incurred sha$$ be borne by the defau$ting buyer! ESTI/ATES: The esti ated prices are provided as a usefu$ guide and shou$d not be ta+en as definiti(e! -owe(er% they ha(e been assigned conscien. tious$y% and a bid between the esti ates shou$d ha(e a good chance of success! 5onditions of Sa$e 6! The highest bidder sha$$ be the buyer! >! In the e(ent of any dispute% the auctioneer ay re.submit the $ot or ay decide the buyer% at his discretion% and his decision sha$$ be fina$! ?! The auctioneer ay% without giving any reason therefore% refuse to accept the bidding of any person or persons! 9! Each bid sha$$ be an ad(ance as deter ined by the table on the contents page o(erleaf! :! The auctioneer ay require the successfu$ bidder to pay forthwith the who$e or any part of the purchase price! @! )ots are in a$$ respects at the ris+ of the buyer at the fa$$ of the ha er! ;! The successfu$ bidder sha$$ be dee ed to be the buyer and be persona$$y $iable un$ess it has been agreed in writing at the ti e of registration and prior to the sa$e that a bidder is acting as agent on beha$f of a third party and that such third party is acceptable to /ichae$ Tre$oar ,ty )td! <! )I/ITE" GAARANTEE! A$$ $ots ha(e been carefu$$y exa ined and any fau$ts or deficiencies found ha(e been noted in the cata$ogue! It re ains true that descriptions% especia$$y of condition% are expressions of opinion! ,rospecti(e buyers are therefore as+ed to a+e their own inspections during the public viewing% and to satisfy the se$(es as to the condition and co p$eteness of any $ot on which they intend to bid! In the e(ent of any boo+ be. ing found by the buyer to be defecti(e in text or i$$ustration and not so described% /ichae$ Tre$oar ,ty )td underta+es to rescind the sa$e and refund the fu$$ purchase price% provided that the boo+ is returned within 14 days of the auction together with a written notice of the defect% and provided that the buyer satisfies /ichae$ Tre$oar ,ty )td that it was defecti(e at the date of the auction! This guarantee sha$$ not co(er the absence of ha$f.tit$es or di. visiona$ tit$es% errata $ea(es% ad(ertise ent $ea(es% p$ate $ists% subsequent$y published p$ates% appendices% supp$e ents or (o$u es% or error in the enu. erating of the p$atesB nor any defect not affecting the co p$eteness of text or i$$ustration! Nor sha$$ it app$y to unna ed ite s in a $ot or $ots of ore than three ite s% to periodica$s% at$ases% or to boo+s a$ready described in the cata$ogue as inco p$ete or defecti(e in te&t or i$$ustration! Nor sha$$ it ap. p$y to any defects announced at the ti e of the sa$e! The benefits of this guarantee are not assignab$e and are app$icable on$y to the origina$ buyer of the $ot! 1! A buyer’s pre iu of >27 #inc$uding GST' of the ha er price of each $ot is payab$e by the buyer! 62! An additiona$ transaction fee of :7 of the ha er price wi$$ be added by In(a$uab$e!co to a$$ winning bids p$aced through their on$ine bidding ser(ice! 66! 5usto ers wishing to bid through In(a$uab$e!co % our on$ine bidding pro(ider% wi$$ be as+ed to sub it credit card detai$s prior to regis . tering! An$ess a$ternati(e arrange ents are ade% in(oices for ite s purchased through In(a$uab$e wi$$ be charged to this credit card four business days after the issuance of the in(oice! Bidding incre ents #Austra$ian "o$$ars' Ap to: Incre ent: 0>22 062 0:22 0>2 06%222 0:2 0>%222 0622 0:%222 0>22 062%222 0:22 0>2%222 06%222 O(er 0>2%222 0>%222 3IRST E8ENING Cednesday : Apri$ >26; at @!?2 p AEST The Dohn Be$son Chite 5o$$ection of Austra$ian and ,acific (oyages% 3irst 3$eet Eourna$s and Austra$iana )ot 6! AN"RFE% S!A! #and others': The Andrée Diaries. Being the Diaries and Records of S.A. Andrée, Nils Strindberg and Knut Fraen- el written during their Balloon !"#edition to the North $ole in %&'( and disco)ered on *hite +sland in 1930, together with a .o/#lete Re - cord of the E"#edition and Disco)er0. Authori1ed Translation from the official Swedish Edition b0 Edward Adams-Ra0. )ondon% 61?6! Octa(o% with 62? p$ates and ? fo$ding aps! 5$oth a $itt$e f$ecked and ar+ed; scattered fo&ingB ownership detai$sB a (ery good copy! Notes: The fu$$ account of the i$$-fated first atte pt at po$ar e&p$oration by ba$$oon. G A/ANDSEN% Roa$d and )inco$n E))SCORT-: The 3irst 3$ight across the ,o$ar Sea #)ondon% 1920sB cloth ar+ed, with $ibrary $abe$s re o(ed fro the spine and front endpaper; minor margina$ repairs to one p$ate; a decent copy). G B4R"% 5o ander Richard: S+yward. /anHs /astery of the Air as shown by the Bri$$iant 3$ights of A ericaHs )eading Air E&p$orer (New 4or+% 1928; c$oth light$y stained, otherwise a very good copy). + ADA/S, Lieutenant Harry: Beyond the Barrier with Byrd (5hicago, 1932; minor signs of use and age; a decent copy). G 5-A,/AN% 3! Spencer: Northern )ights! The Officia$ Account of the British Arctic Air-Route E&pedition% 61?2.61?6 #)ondon% 1932; later buckra , retaining the origina$ leather tit$e.$abe$ on the spine; a very good copy). G "ANBAR% /oira and GREENACA4% Ieith R.: Arctic 5anada fro the Air (Ottawa% 61:@B cloth a $itt$e ar+ed and rubbed; a (ery good copy signed by Greenaway'! + DOERG, C!).G.: Brief -istory of ,o$ar E&p$oration since the Introduction of F$ying. A erican Geographica$ Society Specia$ Publica. tion No. 11 (New 4or+, 1930; tit$e-wrappersB an e&ce$$ent copy with two large fo$ding maps, in the origina$ s$ipcase). [7 ite s] Esti ate: 0>22.?22 )ot >! ANGAS% George 3rench: $ortraits of the New 2ealand 3aori #ainted in 1844.... *ith a /odern text b0 5.C. $etersen ... and S.M. Mead. Ce$$ington% Reed, 61;> [first editionK! I peria$ fo$io% 6@% J61@K (being 91 co$our p$ates% rectos blan+% each with an acco panying $eaf of te&t, (erso blan+), 12 pages with a ap showing AngasHs itinerary! -a$f orocco and marbled papered boardsB $eather light$y scuffed; pa$e fo&ing to the leading edge and occasiona$$y throughout the boo+; an e&ce$$ent copy.
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