B”H Erev Shabbat Eikev, 21st of Menachem Av, 5781; July 30th, 2021 108 The story is told that the second Chabad Genius and Humility Rebbe, Rabbi Dovber, would encourage his followers to share chassidic teachings In honor of the recent passing of Rabbi in the towns they’d pass when journey- Yoel Kahn, OBM, on the 6th of Men- ing to visit him. achem Av, 5781, we present the follow- ing short biography and story: One such chassid approached Rabbi Dovber and asked for advice. He said Rabbi Yoel Kahn, often referred to as that while he was successful in sharing "Reb Yoel," was the chief reviewer and words of chassidus and was even able to transcriber of the discourses of the Lub- see the effect it was having on the listen- avitcher Rebbe, and the most preeminent ers, it made him feel a sense of ego, of authority on Chabad-Chasidic teach- arrogance and superiority. ings. Rabbi Kahn was born in the former Soviet Union in 1930, and moved to The Rebbe responded, “an onion should Israel as a young child, where he studied become of you, but chassidus you should under the guidance of a number of out- continue to share.” standing Chabad scholars. You see, when you cook an onion in the In his youth Rabbi Kahn was already soup, while some enjoy eating it, the recognized for his rare penetrating intel- purpose is not to cook the onion, but ligence and analytical skills, as well as Picture by Rabbi Mendy Lewis rather to give flavor to the soup. One his remarkable memory. doesn’t usually cook an onion to eat on its own. In 1950, Rabbi Kahn left Israel for New I remember it being a very unique visit, York, arriving just after the passing of I learned from Reb Yoel that when honor for Reb Yoel rarely left the Rebbe’s side. being bestowed upon me is only benefit- the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Yosef From what I recall, he hadn’t traveled Yitzchak Schneersohn. Rabbi Kahn as- ing me, then I need to run from it. Hence overseas for a speaking engagement pri- the reason he left when it was a familiar sumed the role of chief chozer and or to that visit. meni’ach (memorizer and transcriber) of crowd. the new Rebbe’s talks. For decades, at Perhaps it was the night before the event. However, if the honor I receive brings each of the Rebbe's public gatherings, A small group of Chabad and other benefit to others, then even if I become frequently held on Shabbat when record- Chassidim had gathered in the syna- an onion, even if my ego may grow a ing or writing are not permitted, Rabbi gogue hoping to hear a few words and little from it, I need to put that to the side Kahn would memorize every word of the farbreng with Reb Yoel. and focus on my mission. This is what Rebbe's discourses—which often lasted Reb Yoel did the second night and some- many hours. Elder Chassidim who had When Reb Yoel walked into the room, naturally everyone stood up, but perhaps thing he dedicated his entire life to. To been chozrim of the Rebbe Rashab (the bring the Rebbe’s teachings to the world 5th Rebbe of Chabad) marveled at his even more naturally, he gestured with his hands, as if to say, “for what reason do and prepare the world for the coming of special power, both in understanding and Moshiach. in memory. He and a team of students you grant me this honor?” and promptly would then transcribe the talks. left the room. He then went around to story and picture from chabadinfo.com enter through another door and headed His magnum opus is Sefer HaErkim for the bookshelf where he remained, Chabad, an multi-volume encyclopedia until his nephew was able to convince Shabbat Times and analysis of Chassidic concepts. In him to join the group. his role as the head mashpia of the Candle Lighting Motzei Shabbat Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva at 770 The next night, the grand siyum took place in a large and packed hall. As Reb Jerusalem 20:7 60:8 (Chabad World Headquarters), Reb Yoel Tel Aviv 20:6 60:8 guided thousands of students in the Yoel walked in and the crowd of hun- teachings of Chassidus. dreds stood up to greet him, I recall Haifa 20:: 607: thinking to myself: “Oh no! He doesn’t The below story was written by Rabbi like this. He’s going to walk right out.” Beer Sheva 20:6 60:2 Mendy Lewis, Chabad emissary in Old This time, however, he walked straight New York 2077 6076 Tappan, NJ: through to his place in a very natural way. Chabad of Israel When I (Rabbi Mendy Lewis) was 13, Rabbi Joseph I. Aronov Reb Yoel visited London as the guest I didn’t know much about Reb Yoel at Published by M.L.S. Kfar Chabad (03) 3731777 speaker at the siyum Harambam, a large the time, and I certainly hadn’t sat Editor: Aharon Schmidt celebration for the conclusion of one of through any of his classes or read any of [email protected] the cycles of the study of Maimonides. his writings, but I realized I had met a Please guard the sanctity of this publication giant of a chassid. Not Such a Great Desert that the non-Jewish world will find out that kindness, sometimes causes a Jew to be we keep the Torah. This thinking causes a thirsty for holiness and Judaism, but if one Jew to measure his behavior according to is very far from Torah (called "water" by This week's Torah portion, Eikev, talks non-Jewish standards and increases the our Sages), he may not recognize what he of the desert in which the Jews wandered power of the galut over the Jewish soul. is thirsting for. This is the lowest level of our exile. before entering the Land of Israel. It is The next level down is that of "snake." described as: "The great, terrifying desert, A snake's "hot poison" alludes to the heat The Proper Mindset where there were snakes, vipers, scorpions and enthusiasm which a Jew can have for and thirst. Where there was no water..." things which are really foreign to his The antidote to the progression of spiritual degradation is the avoidance of the first The great desert symbolizes our long essence. When a person's excitement is reserved solely for physical pleasures, his pitfall, that of considering the world to galut (exile). A desert, uninhabited by have unnecessary significance. man, is symbolic of the Jewish people in enthusiasm for the spiritual is decreased. relation to the other nations of the world. Hot, Cold and Thirsty By having the proper mindset we will merit the Final Redemption. The uninhabited areas of the globe far From here, the next jump down is to the outnumber the portions which are level of "vipers"--saraf--which in Hebrew Adapted from the teachings of the Rebbe. populated, in the same way that the nations comes from the word "to burn." This is the Shabbos Table and From our Sages re- of the world far outnumber the Jews. level on which a person's whole interest printed from www.LchaimWeekly.org - LYO / NYC Furthermore, within the Jewish nation toward the satisfaction of his physical itself, those who observe the Torah and desires is so great that it completely overshadows any attraction to G-dliness. mitzvot are also vastly outnumbered by those who do not yet observe. But even worse than this is the level of Telling the Truth Spiritual Descent "scorpion." A scorpion's sting is cold, symbolizing total coldness and The Torah warns us that the very indifference to holiness. consideration that the outside world is The 20th of Menachem Av is the yahr- "great" is the first step in causing our Heat and excitement, even if directed zeit of the Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi spiritual exile. Thinking that because we toward things which are unworthy, can Yitzchak Schneerson, a towering sage are outnumbered means that other nations eventually be redirected into enthusiasm and Kabbalist who was also an active have power over us creates the possibility for holiness. But when a person is cold to communal Rabbi in Russia during the that these non-Jewish influences can enter everything, it is much more difficult to darkest years of Stalinist oppression. inspire him. our lives. Once, as part of the census, the Russian The next spiritual step down is alluded The lowest level belongs to the "thirst, government sent out a questionnaire ask- to in the word "terrifying." This is the fear where there was no water." G-d, in His ing several queries of its citizens. Among the questions was: “Do you believe in G‑d?” Many Jews were inclined to answer in the negative because they feared arous- If you will say in your heart: These na- “...and fed you with the manna (Deut. ing government suspicion and/or losing tions are more than I (Deut. 7:17) 8:3) their jobs. When the Rebbe’s father learned of this, he gave an impassioned It is only when a Jew admits that that In the same way that when the Jews in the sermon, explaining that denying belief nations of the world are more physically desert ate the manna ("bread from heav- in G‑d was equivalent to heresy. No mat- powerful than he, and that only with G- en") they recognized that they were being ter what the risks, every Jew was obligat- d's help can he prevail, that he will cease sustained in a miraculous manner, so too ed to answer affirmatively.
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