December 2010 Vol. 24, No. 6 www.PhotonicsSociety.org NEWS Emerging Technologies for High Power Diode Lasers December 2010 Vol. 24, No. 6 www.PhotonicsSociety.org NEWS Emerging Technologies for High Power Diode Lasers NEWS December 2010 Volume 24, Number 6 COLUMNS Editor’s Column . .2 President’s Column . .3 RESEaRCh highLightS “Emerging Technologies for High 5 Power Diode Lasers” � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 John H� Marsh DEPaRtMENtS Careers . 8 • 2011 John Tyndall Award Recipient: David F� Welch News . .8 • Gordon Day • Call for Nominations Reminder – Quantum Electronics and Distinguished Lecturer Awards • IEEE Photonics Society 2011 Awards • Photonics Award • Nominations for IEEE Awards Membership . .14 • Hong Kong Chapter: 2010 Chapter of the Year Award • Singapore Chapter: 2010 Largest Membership Increase Award 6 • Benefits of IEEE Senior Membership and New Senior Members Conferences . .17 • Laser and Photonics Meeting in Sevastopol • 2010 Photonics Society Conference Calendar • Laserfest • Photonics Global Conference • Winter Topicals • NEMS 2011 • Optical Fiber Communication Conference 17 • Interconnections within High Speed Digital Systems • Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting • Summer Topicals • XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science • Group IV Photonics • Annual Meeting • Avionics, Fiber Optics and Photonics Conference • IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society 2011 • Forthcoming Events with ICO Participation Publications . 39 Call for Papers • Journal of Display Technology: Display Technologies for Consumer Electronics December 2010 IEEE PhotonIcs socIEty nEWsLEttER 1 Editor’s IEEE Photonics Society Column KRISHNAN PARAMESWARAN President Newsletter Staff James Coleman As I write this column, Photonics Society members are Dept of E & C Engineering Executive Editor gathered in Denver for our Annual Meeting. As the University of Illinois Krishnan R� Parameswaran 208 N Wright Street calendar year draws to a close, we celebrate milestones Physical Sciences Inc� Urbana, IL 81801-2355 20 New England Business Center in our field and look forward to new developments for Tel: +1 217 333 2555 Andover, MA 01810 E-mail: j�coleman@ieee�org next year. Our next issue will include highlights of Tel: +1 978 738 8187 Email: krp@psicorp�com the conference. This month, Past President Prof. John Past President Marsh has written a nice review article about diode John H� Marsh associate Editor of asia & Pacific Dept of E & E Engineering Hon Tsang laser technology, a fitting tribute to 50 years of laser Rankine Building Dept� of Electronic Engineering development. I am sure that you will enjoy it. University of Glasgow The Chinese University of Hong Kong Glasgow G12 8LT, Scotland, UK Shatin, Hong Kong As we head to 2011, we are proud to note the election Tel: +44 141 330 4901 Tel: +852 260 98254 of LEOS/Photonics Society Past President Dr. Gordon Fax: +44 141 330 4907 Fax: +852 260 35558 E-mail: j�h�marsh@ieee�org Email: hktsang@ee�cuhk�edu�hk Day as 2011 IEEE President Elect. Photonics technology associate Editor of Canada is becoming increasingly important in society, so it is Secretary-Treasurer Lawrence R� Chen only fitting that one of our own will play a leading role Jerry Meyer Department of Electrical & Naval Research Laboratory Computer Engineering in IEEE activities during the next year. Please join me in Code 5613 McConnell Engineering Building, congratulating Dr. Day on his election! Washington, DC 20375-0001 Rm 633 Tel: +1 202 767 3276 McGill University Let me take this opportunity to wish our members E-mail: jerry�meyer@nrl�navy�mil 3480 University St� a happy end to 2010 and a prosperous and fruitful start Montreal, Quebec Canada H3A-2A7 Executive Director to 2011. A new year is a great time to consider volun- Tel: +514 398 1879 Richard Linke Fax: 514 398 3127 teering for Photonics Society activities. Local Sections, IEEE Photonics Society Email: lawrence�chen@mcgill�ca Publications, and Conferences are just some of the many 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 ways for you to help grow the Society and interact with Tel: +1 732 562 3891 associate Editor of Europe/ your peers. Fax: +1 732 562 8434 Mid East/africa Email: r�linke@ieee�org Kevin A� Williams See you next year! Eindhoven University of Technology Inter-University Research Institute Cheers, Board of governors COBRA on Communication Krishnan Parameswaran Y� Arakawa T� Koonen Technology S�L� Chuang M� Lipson Department of Electrical Engineering J� Capmany J� Meyer PO Box 513 M� Glick L� Nelson 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands J� Jackel I� White Email: K�A�Williams@tue�nl J� Kash P� Winzer Staff Editor Vice Presidents Lisa Jess Conferences - K� Choquette IEEE Photonics Society Finance & Administration - F� Bartoli 445 Hoes Lane Membership & Regional Activities - Piscataway, NJ 08854 A� Helmy Tel: 1 732 465 6617 Publications - R� Tucker Fax: 1 732 981 1138 Technical Affairs - A� Seeds E-mail: l�jess@ieee�org IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. IEEE Photonics Society News (USPS 014-023) is published bimonth- ly by the Photonics Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc�, Corporate Office: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10017-2394� Printed in the USA� One dollar per member per year is included in the Society fee for each member of the Photonics Society� Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices� Postmaster: Send address changes to Photonics Society Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854� Copyright © 2010 by IEEE: Permission to copy without fee all or part of any material without a copyright notice is granted pro- vided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct com- mercial advantage, and the title of the publication and its date appear on each copy� To copy material with a copyright notice requires specific permission� Please direct all inquiries or requests to IEEE Copyrights Office� 2 IEEE PhotonIcs socIEty nEWsLEttER December 2010 President’s Column JAMES J� COLEMAN My first thought was panic—“another newsletter column al- ready!” The next thought was “I don’t have time right now!” And the next thought was “I think some societies have guest editorials for the president’s column!” Well, I am indeed busy but so are all of you. So it is time for me to quit whining and write a column. I’ll be on this plane for another two hours anyway so let’s see what I can do. a little about technology… “Technology... the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it.” Max Frisch I was reading something Delightful, written by a friend on the subject of teaching. The point of this bit of text was that there is an ever-increasing amount of information available and more of it than ever is available nearly instantly by electronic means. This means we must teach our students how to find all of the right information and to be discriminating about the quality or veracity of the information. Certainly the Photonics Society must accept a significant portion of the credit (or blame) for this as we have been instrumental in developing technologies exactly suited to this purpose. It is pointless to try and evaluate whether or not this is a good thing. It is of course both. More to the point, it is here to stay. So back to the students… Not so many years ago, we looked for references by surfing the journals in a library. I remember with fondness stopping off at the library on the second floor in Murray Hill after lunch to have a look at the most recent journals left sitting on a cart near the door. Thumbing through the paper copies often led to a brief stop at some paper out - side our field. These days we go to a search engine and type in keywords. If you get the right keywords, you get the right papers. If not, you get too many or too few results. So a new part of education is to teach our students – and ourselves – to search effectively. It follows that, if we are clever, the titles and abstracts to our own papers also now need to be written with an eye toward future searches. I wonder how you ever get exposed to work in other areas. I’m not exactly sure how to recreate the opportunity to stumble onto interesting work just outside our areas of interest. But I expect the answer will be in conferences and choosing to fill your open time with interesting papers in other areas. Some things never change: We need to continually learn new ways for utilizing technology if for no other reason than to teach it to those for whom we are responsible to teach. This and that… It is autumn now and the weather is clearly looking more like winter. There are still some nice days though so don’t forget December 2010 IEEE PhotonIcs socIEty nEWsLEttER 3 to occasionally enjoy them. As I write this, we are in the I should have some interesting things to report on Society glide path for the Annual Meeting in another two weeks or business in the next column. so. There will be lots of society activities and a wonderful With Warm Wishes, technical program. By the time you read this, it will all Jim Coleman be history so I hope you were able to attend and connect University of Illinois with your friends and colleagues in the Photonics Society. [email protected] Research Highlights Emerging Technologies for High Power Diode Lasers John H. Marsh School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom introduction sensitive to back reflections at high powers.
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