.. "" - � ...,.... - ONLY r --:-; Connors State College Library t'--·------ Rt. 1, Box 1000 700 warner, OK 74469-9 PAID BULKRATE PERMIT #17 WARNER, OK 74469 Forwarding & Address Correction Requested 25¢ • ive Serving Keefeton • Gore • Porum • Warner • Webbers Falls Vol. XII - Issue No. 12 Call (918) 463-2386 or Fax (918) 773-8745 Wednesday, January 7, 1998 Registration set for Spring Semester Big league scout visits Connors baseball camp WARNER - Regisu-ation for Studer1LS at the Perry Keith the 1998 Spring Semesteral Connors CowboyBrueball Camp at Connors SlateCollege will beheld January 5- SlateCollege receiveda specialtreat 9. as amajor leaguebaseball scout vis­ Enrollmenl hours for Warner itedwith thecampers. are8:30 am. to 3:30 pm. fromJanu­ Appr°'imatelythirty students ary 5-9 and 5:30-6:30 pm. for nighl au.endingthe pitching/catching camp classesJanuary 12-15. Dormitories plus severalinstructors listened with open al 9 am. Sunday, January 11. raplauentioo asNew YodcMets scout Students are reminded a vocaLional LarryChase talked to them lastTues­ rehab counseloris available in EDB day afternoon aboutwhat they look 118 from 9 am. to 8 pm. January 5-6. for when they scoul pitchers and Hours for enrollment in catchers and how thestudents can Muskogee classes are 8:30 am. to learnto throw properly. Chasealso 3:30 pm.January 5-9 and 5:30-7 pm. talkedto approximatelyfifty students January7, 8, 12 and 13. in a hiUingcamp which washeld for Classes begin Monday, Janu­ several days prior to I.he pitching/ ary 12. For more information,con­ catchingca.rap. Laelthe registrar's offices at 463-2931 Chase,whoisstartinghiseighth in Wameror687-6747 in Muskogee. year as aNew York Metsscout, de­ scribed and showed them how to Warner VFW Post properly throw a baseball. He also described a11d showed them several holds luncheon different and common problems I.hat The Warner VFW Post #9152 hinder pitching prospeclS, including and the Ladies Auxiliary will spon­ being a shcrt armer, which Chase sor lunch on Friday,January 9. 1998, calls a "dart thrower", where the from 11 am. to 2 pm. al I.he VFW pitcher dOCSll'lnot usefull extension Building, which is locatedoff of U.S. in his windl4J. He saidl.hal although Highway #64north of Warner(al the eachindi vid.aal is a liUle bit different Rogers Memorial Park). in their delivery, it is important for The menu consists of barbe­ every pitcher to have good balance que, baked beans,potato salad, slaw, and freedorr. of movement withI.heir dessert,coffee or tea, for a cost of r.1::,,1-.avir..;; as li::le as possible stress only $4.00per plate. The ladieswill on I.helimb. sponsor a bake sale in conjunction Scoutsusually gradepotential Cowboy indoor hitting/piJching facility Tuesday wil.h the luncheon. prospects in several areas, using a New York Mets scoutIArry Chase visitswith baseball campersin theConnors Stale College afternoon. Thepublic is invited to auend scalefrom 2 to 8. Theylook primar­ by wearingsleeves and covering up the lengl.hof I.he fooLballfield apart. ciat.e them." Perry's camp, and said thathe loves this luncheon. ily to see if a pitcher has a good their throwing arm while silting in You will be surprised how much He finishedby tellingthe camp- thegame somuch thathe couldspend fastball, wilh a 2 rating given to a I.hedugout "We spendtime to stretch speedyou will pick up by developing ers to play as much as possible and days talkingabout baseball. Connors offers fastballclocked by radar at about83 I.hose muscles out before I.he game, thosemuscles in your arm." learn the properfundamentals froni "I love watching andworking miles an hour, with the scalegoing to then we turn around and allow the Chase works all bul aboutLwo good people, such as instructors at with young people,"he concluded. finance courses 8, which is a fastball in I.hehigh 90s. arm muscles to tighten up and add weeks a year,putting about 60,000 MUSKOOEE- Connors State Chase slated I.hatthey also look for stress tothose muscles by lettingthe miles a year on his vehicle while Webbers Falls goes "Hog Wild!" College will beoffering Lwo banking location and movement of I.he fast­ arm to cool off. I don't really like working seven stales - Oklahoma, and finance classes for the 1998 ball,and a4o describe whel.her the pitchers auempting to throw curve­ Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Ne­ Spring Semester at iLS Downtown person throws from over-I.he-top, balls or off-speed pitches until I.hey braska, and North and SouthDakola MuskogeeCampus. three-quarters, sideann, or with a areat least 14 years of age." -covering high schools,colleges, and A BankTeller Training class submarine motion. Catchers were alsogiven some major and minor league teams. He will meet for eight weeks on Tues­ "We lookfor a pitcher to throw good advice on helping I.hem catch said that in his estimation,approxi­ days andThursdays from 6:30-9 pm. wil.h ease of movement and has a and also on throwing runners out mately one oul of every ten players A Principles of Banking class will be goodfastball. In high school,it is not auempting to st.ealbases. Hestressed who are signed reach the major league held for sixteen weeks on W ednes­ as importantto beable to throw off­ footwork,which can be improved on level. days from6:30-9 pm. speedpiLChes, as we can teach a player by doing the jump rope and ol.her "(l's tough tomake it. ll takes EnrollmenLand paymentoffees the proper techniques to throw a pyrometrics exercises. a lot of luck and a few breaks. You forl.hese classes will beginMonday, curveball,slider, etc. But speedis not The Mel scout, who spenthis got to have a some tools,but you're January5,al Connors SlateCollege's as importantas controland location. 220th night in a mole! on Tuesday, really haveto have heart. I liJcelo see DowntownCampus at 201 CoW1 SL Greg Maddox. one of I.he bestpitch­ said l.hal kids today are different. players whom I scoullhrow I.heirbest Cost is $125.55 plus fees and books ers in the major leagues, sacrificed "When we werekids, we used topick stuff against I.he best hiuers and for each of I.he three-hour credit two or three miles per hour on his up sides and play all of the time. compcle." classes. Classes begin Tuesday. fastball in crder to put the ball any­ Today, kids play only when their One thing that hetells players January13,and Wednesday.January where. If I gave him ten opportuni­ coach calls for a practice. To im­ that hesigns is about puUingsome­ 14. ties to drive a nail witha baseball,he prove your arm strengl.h and togain thing back. into the game and being For addilional informalion, would hit trenail everytime," Chase speed,il is importantto throw a base­ responsible. "I talJcto the kids about conlact Dr. Joe Robinson, director exclaimed. ball every day, aft.er streLChing. A their on- and off-the-field behavior. forI.he Muskogee Campus, or Sonya Chase told the pitchers in the goodway to add speed is to throwthe Players need to be more personable Baker, at 687-6747. camp to always keep I.heirarm warm ball easilyback and forth fromabout andlet peopleknow that theyappre- Webbers Falls hosted its third annual River Valley Swine Jackpot last Saturday as over 200 hogs were exhibited at the show. Pictured above is a Connors offers Fowler survives Connors Show Cattle Winter Camp young man presents his Duroc hog/or the judge to makehis decision. Submitted by Patricia Carter Dumes - Brian Sawyer and Whitney CNA classes WARNER-Intenselycompeti­ cuiLS and gravy. the long day began. McPeak provided snacksand refresh­ The Webbers Falls Liveslock Bowman; Hampshire -Justin Straka tive and enl.hl.iSiastic show caule Jeff McPeak,camp instructor ments and had this insight into the BoosterClub hosted iLS I.hied annual and Jennifer Maxwell; Poland China MUSKOGEE - Connors State enl.husiasts from Texas, Arkansas, and associate coach of I.heConnors program. River Valley Swine Jackpol on Sat­ - Kent Pitcock and LeAnn Webb; College will offer Lwo classesto train Kansas and Oklahoma braved I.he Slatecollege liveslockjudgingteam, "We believeyoung peopleare urday, January 3, 1998 al I.he Com­ Spoued - Brad Carter and Jennifer Certified Aides (CNA) during the winter cold and torrential rains to gave demonstrationson how to work our greatestnatural resource and we munity Agriplex Building. Webb; Yorkshire -Terrell Buck and 1998 Spring Semester. participatelll the Winter Be a Champ hair and clip various parts of the believeshowing livestockcan be one Galen McCune of GreatPlains Levi Moyer; and Cross - Dalton Thecourse is "Provisional Care Show CattleCamp. The winter camp cattle's bodiesas I.he day went along. of thevery bestways tohelp young Genetics judged 207 hogs before Brewer and Levi Moyer. Professional" and willbe offered each is the only one open to both adults Thesedemos were interspersedwith peoplelearn aboul real life." selectinga Cross belongingto Dal ton Jacketswere also given to the Wednesday from 8 am. to 5 pm. and and youth md like iLS summer ver­ work periods where I.heparticipants Anyonewho hasever observed Brewer of Dover as lhe Grand Cham­ Showmanship Winners. The Pee­ on Monday and Tuesday from 6-10 sion, cramsyears of informationinto did I.he same things to theircattle. fromthe sidelines at theBe A Champ pion. He received$500 and a beau­ wee Contesl (age eight and under) pm. al CSC's Dowmown Campus al two long days and nighlS. "We l.hink Matt Fowler is one Camp realizesI.here is no downLime Lifu l trophy. The Reserve Grand was won by Levi Moyerof Newcastle. 201 CoW1 St.
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