In Section 2 In Sports Volleyball An Associated Collegiate Press The continues Four-Star All-American Newspaper perfect winning Newark ways date page B I page BIO Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Patd FRIDAY Newark. DE Volume 122, Number 4 Student Center B-1, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 September 15, 1995 How Signed, sealed and delivered Pres. Roselle:·· UD a five-year protects report card BY DEB WOLF T he new st udent center, new Sem or Staff Rt!porrer technolo gy incl ud ing e - mail , itself Fi ve years is merely a fl eeting phone-in drop/add, voice mail and m o m e nt in the histor y of a internet access uni vers ity that has existed s ince and e ven an After students 1833. A lot of history, however, adm i ssi o n s can be made in five years . home p age on fall, a look at Five years ago David P. Roselle the World Wide . e ntered the highe s t offic e at a W eb t hat has ourlnsurance university where no blue and gold recently been banners beckoned newcomers, and implemented are BY APRIL HELMER no Bob Carpenter Center heralded also i mpo rta n t A/amzgin!( News Edttor the arrival of o ut-of- s ta te r s to aspects o f No cla ims have yet been filed in Newark. pu tting the relation to the accidents last week­ Whe n t he u n i ver s i ty's 25 th students fi r s t , end at Pe ncader and the Christi ana preside nt took office , n o pat hs she said. Towers, which resulted in a hospi­ were bricked . A scragg ly mascot "These a re Roselle talization and a death, respective­ inspired little spirit in the student things that mo st ly. However, the university is pro­ body. The re was no cab le in the uni versities are j ust beginning' to tected against suc h instances, said dorms , e-ma il, phone-in drop/add look at, and we have the m ,'" -she Gary Stokes, directo r o f b illing, or Student Life TV. said. collection and ins urance. In those five years, a number of F lippi ng t hro ug h colorful ··we don ' t have a whole lo t of dramatic changes have taken place university photos o n U-Discover, lawsuits,'" Stokes said. '·We've been on cam pu s, m ost brou g ht to Roselle was philosophic about the very fortunate." fru it io n by Roselle a nd hi s future of technology. "What I hope As for a specifi c scenario with an administration. to see happen in technology is of on-campus accide nt, Stokes hadn' t When Rosell e, a long with his course, keeping up with trends,'" he dealt with an accid e nt o f the wife Lo ui se and daughter Cynthia, s aid, citing c o nti nued use ' o f magnitude experienced last weekend. moved into 4 7 Kent Way in M ay technology in the classroom as· an T o expla in the ins urance the 1990, he formed a p lanning a nd example. • uni versity carries, Stokes broke down g o al setti ng commi t tee w hic h Senior V ice President Dav id two c las itications. o utlined fou r pri m ary goals: Ho llowell said a no ther focus -o n Most of the university's insurance competitive compe nsati on for all the s t udents h as been t raining provided by the s tate is pro pe rty emp loyees, increased scholarships, e mplo yees to put students ' needs insurance which Stoke called, "First improvements in the living a nd f i rs t and to be f r iendly and pan insurance." learning environment and a more respectful of the students. Liability ins urance is considered student-centered campus. " He' s heading thi s university in "Third part insurance·· which protect M ari ly n P rime, directo r o f the th e r ight direc t ion," said university employees, stude nts and Student Center, cited the Student I nterfraternity Council President agents, Stokes said. Services Building as an excellent Bill Werde (AS SR) adding that he David Butler, director of housing example of Roselle's succe s in his feels more progress could be made and residence life said very few, if q uest to make the university more in incre asing multicultura lis m on any. liability claims have gone as far user-friendly and student-oriented. see ROSELLE page A9 as a court case. " I 've been involved in settling cases out of court,'" he said. He said he remembers only a couple of claims brought again t the universit y in his THE REVIEW I Alisa Colley Drought tightens 15 years as director. One was when WITH THE NBA lockout now officially over, Dana Barros (left) and the Philadelphia he first received his position. and the most recent was 7 - I 0 years ago. 76ers will be flying into the Bob Carpenter Center Oct. 6-12. The NBA players' union "A student fell through a screen at voted Thesday to accept the owners' collective bargaining proposal, thus ending the Russell then , a nd alcoho l was lockout. grip on university involved," Butler said. He could not BY C O RALIE A. P RYDE David Butler , di re cto r of reveal the amount of the settlement, Staff Reporter housing services for the universi ty, w hic h is scaled due to lega l De pite some welcome showers emphasized t h a t everyone on restrictions. in the past week. the drought is campus must take steps to conserve Additionally, the university does s t ill with us , and uni v e rsity water without waiting for more no t have an in-ho use legal staff, 12 cases of dating violence faci li ties managers are attempting restrictions to be mandated. Butler said. It may retai n a law firm to to reduce water usage on campus. He said he was in contact with handle its court needs. The university's efforts at water Newark water authori ties well An entire law finn is retained so a conservation are c rucia l since New be fo re the Fa ll S emester be gan, s taff wo uld not be was ted . O ften. on campus last year Castle C o unty officia ls recently and t hat his st aff sent w ritten lawye rs have specialti e , which do fo u nd the wa ter shortage to be noti ces to buildings and voice-mail not cover every suit brought against a Last year, there were 12 cases of inc idents on campus is more than m o re severe t h a n previous ly messages to s t u dents and staff university. in other words an outside Officials say the partner violence on campus in which those actually reported. be lie ve d . A ccording to Joe e nco uraging water conservation. source wo uld still have to be used, the suspects were fo und g ui lty o f ··s tuff can be going on in a house Dembrowski of the Newark C ity If students are tired of hearing Butler said. number is probably som e for m o f assau lt agains t a behind closed doors all over Newark W ater D epartment , t he water reprimands abo ut taking lcnghty Stokes has worked at the university underreported dating partner, said Assistant Dean and no one would ever know," she s upply for Wi l mington is o n ly s howers , they' re in fo r mo re ear since 1988 and is presently working of Students Nancy Geist Giacomini. explained. abo ut half that previo usly reported. beatings abo u t spilling food and o n a comparison be tween the BY LISA INTRABARTOLA A.u istanl News Editor Gei s t G iacomini said in m ost Valori e' s experience was one of The g auge used to measu re drinks on the carpet. '·It's a lmost uni vers ity a nd other colleges o f cases the scenario was the same. A the man y incidents that go re ser voi r water under n o rm a l impossible to get so meone to clean similar size in relati on to insurance. Editor 's note: For the sake of boyfriend wante d to talk to his unreported each year. cond i tions was no t pro perly the carpet now," said John W arren, Though Stokes said he believes in anonymity, the name Valorie is a girlfrie nd , w ho had no des ire to "Society dictates that men sho uld cali b rated for m easu rements at d i recto r o f b uildi ng services . comparison thi campus is very safe, pseudonym. s peak with hi m . The boyfriend be s trong and d o m inate over extremely low levels. ' ' S h a mpooing of carpets will be it is, " not an answer I have now." wo ul d forcefully grab her, shut the wo me n," Valorie said, "W o me n A low-level gauge should have restricted to cases of extreme need He said he is trying to find a Valorie co ns idered he rself a door and t hrow the phone o ut o f have to rea lize th at it ' s not their b e e n u sed f o r the past several and a very few public area .'" "benchmark" with which to compare strong person who would be able to reach, so she could not call for he lp.
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