The Stark effect in Rydberg states of a highly polar diatomic molecule: CaF The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Petrovic#, Vladimir S. et al. “The Stark Effect in Rydberg States of a Highly Polar Diatomic Molecule: CaF.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 131.6 (2009) : 064301. © 2009 American Institute of Physics As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3179942 Publisher American Institute of Physics Version Final published version Citable link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/65894 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 131, 064301 ͑2009͒ The Stark effect in Rydberg states of a highly polar diatomic molecule: CaF ͒ Vladimir S. Petrović, Jeffrey J. Kay, Stephen L. Coy, and Robert W. Fielda Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA ͑Received 10 October 2008; accepted 25 June 2009; published online 10 August 2009͒ The Stark effect in molecular Rydberg states is qualitatively different from the Stark effect in atomic Rydberg states because of the anisotropy of the ion core and the existence of rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom. These uniquely molecular features cause the electric-field-induced decoupling of the Rydberg electron from the body frame to proceed in several stages in a molecule. Because the transition dipole moment among the same-n* Rydberg states is much larger than the permanent dipole moment of the ion core, the decoupling of the Rydberg electron from the ion core proceeds gradually. In the first stage, analyzed in detail in this paper, ᐉ and N are mixed by the external electric field, while N+ is conserved. In the further stages, as the external electric field increases, N+, n*, and v+ are expected to undergo mixing. We have characterized these stages in n*=13, v+ =1 states of CaF. The large permanent dipole moment of CaF+ makes CaF qualitatively different from the other molecules in which the Stark effect in Rydberg states has been described ͑ ͒ H2,Na2,Li2, NO, and H3 and makes it an ideal testbed for documenting the competition between the external and CaF+ dipole electric fields. We use the weak-field Stark effect to gain access to the lowest-N rotational levels of f, g, and h states and to assign their actual or nominal N+ quantum number. Lowest-N rotational levels provide information needed to disentangle the short-range and long-range interactions between the Rydberg electron and the ion core. We diagonalize an effective Hamiltonian matrix to determine the ᐉ-characters of the 3ഛᐉഛ5 core-nonpenetrating 2⌺+ states and to characterize their mixing with the core-penetrating states. We conclude that the mixing of the ᐉ=4, N−N+ =−4͑g͑−4͒͒ state with lower-ᐉ 2⌺+ states is stronger than documented in our previous multichannel quantum defect theory and long-range fits to zero-field spectra. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.3179942͔ I. INTRODUCTION foundly from the mixing caused by the quadrupole moment and polarizabilities. Since its discovery in 1913, the Stark effect has been ᐉ-mixing in molecular Rydberg states results from both widely used to probe and exert control over atoms and mol- the incomplete shielding of the ion core ͑also present in at- ecules. The Stark effect in Rydberg states has received espe- oms͒, as well as the departure from spherical symmetry due cially close attention due to the exceptionally large transition to the presence of more than one nucleus ͑with ᐉ being the dipole moments among Rydberg states, especially those be- orbital angular momentum for the Rydberg electron͒. For longing to the same n* ͑which scales approximately ϰn*2, lower-ᐉ states, core penetration of the Rydberg electron is the where n* is the effective principal quantum number͒. Large dominant cause of ᐉ-mixing. For core-nonpenetrating states, transition dipole moments make it possible to exert profound ᐉ-mixing caused by the ion core can be understood in terms external influence over atoms or molecules even with rela- of the static long-range properties of the ion core, such as tively weak electric fields. Both the strength of the interac- multipole moments and polarizabilities. The interaction se- tion with a static electric field ͑discussed in this paper͒ and lection rules are such that the dipole field of the ion core the intensities of radiative transitions among Rydberg states causes interaction among states with ᐉ differing by 1, while are determined by the magnitude of the same transition di- the quadrupole field of the ion core mixes states of ᐉ differ- pole moment. Nevertheless, due to the complex patterns of ingby2or0͑see Table I͒. In CaF, due to the large CaF+ multistate interactions among Rydberg states, high-resolution dipole and quadrupole moments, ᐉ-mixing is profound. It is spectroscopic studies of the Stark effect in molecular Ryd- not limited only to s-d mixing, as in homonuclear molecules berg states have been limited to only a handful of cases. All but affects all ᐉഛ3 states.1 of the molecules in which the Stark effect in Rydberg states In a nonrotating molecule the information about the dif- has been studied have a molecular ion with either a small or ferent mechanisms of the interaction of the Rydberg electron zero permanent dipole moment. However, even in the ab- with the ion core is not contaminated by rotation-electronic sence of an external electric field the mechanism by which interactions. However, to be able to identify assignment- the dipole moment mixes the electron orbital angular mo- aiding patterns, spectra usually must be recorded from sev- mentum quantum number in Rydberg states differs pro- eral rotational levels of an intermediate electronic state. Ro- tational assignments are then made by identifying pairs of ͒ a Electronic mail: rwfi[email protected]. spectral features ͑combination differences͒ with the same N 0021-9606/2009/131͑6͒/064301/14/$25.00131, 064301-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 20 Jul 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 064301-2 Petrović et al. J. Chem. Phys. 131, 064301 ͑2009͒ TABLE I. Selection rules for interactions discussed in the text. Matrix elements for these types of interactions are nonzero when the conditions from the table are satisfied. Interaction ⌬ᐉ ⌬N+ ⌬Na Ion-core dipole field operating on Rydberg electron Ϯ1b Ϯ10 Ion-core quadrupole field operating on Rydberg electron 0, Ϯ2b 0, Ϯ20 External homogeneous electric field operating on Rydberg electron Ϯ100,Ϯ1 External homogeneous electric field operating on the ion core 0 Ϯ10,Ϯ1 aElectric field polarization can further affect these selection rules. bThese matrix elements are zero when ⌬n*=0. but different NЈ ͑N=J−S; primed values pertain to the inter- sis of the Stark effect in the spectrum of the CaF molecule, mediate state, unprimed to a Rydberg state͒.AsN increases, which has an ion core, CaF+, with one of the largest perma- for a given N+ value, the rotation-electronic interaction nent dipole moments known in a diatomic molecular ion, ͑ᐉ-uncoupling͒ results in the evolution from Hund’s coupling Ϸ9D͑Ref. 4͒͑origin at center of mass of CaF+͒. case ͑b͒ to Hund’s case ͑d͒, and the intensity patterns ex- We describe several stages of the decoupling of the mo- pected for Hund’s case ͑b͒ are distorted. As a result, combi- lecular Rydberg electron from the body frame caused by the nation differences in N become systematically unobservable. external electric field. The weak-field Stark effect is em- The distortion of the relative intensity patterns from those ployed to gain access to the f, g, and h states and to aid the expected for Hund’s case ͑b͒ to Hund’s case ͑d͒ transitions assignment of the actual or nominal value of N+, the rota- can be understood in terms of the interference effects2 ͑see tional quantum number of the ion core ͑N+ =N−ഞ͒, for the Fig. 1͒. When the Rydberg state into which a transition is lowest-N rotational levels. From the analysis of the lowest-N observed is not in the Hund’s case ͑b͒ limit, we can decom- rotational levels, we learn about the interactions of the core- pose that state into Hund’s case ͑b͒ basis states with different nonpenetrating f, g, and h states with the lower-ᐉ core- values of the ⌳ quantum number. The transformation be- penetrating states. tween the Hund’s case ͑b͉͒,ᐉ,⌳,N͘ and Hund’s case ͑d͒ Two models, based on the experimental data that cover ͉,ᐉ,N,N+͘ basis states is given by the following expres- the region surrounding n*=13, have been developed previ- sion: ously to describe the Rydberg states of CaF. A global multi- + channel quantum defect theory ͑MQDT͒ model was used to + N ᐉ N ͉,ᐉ,⌳,N͘ = ͚ ͑−1͒N −ᐉ+⌳͑2N+ +1͒1/2ͩ ͪ fit the states from n*Ϸ12−18, N=0−14, v+ =1, n*Ϸ9−10, ⌳ − ⌳ 0 + + N+ N=0−14, v =2, and n*Ϸ7, N=3−10, v =3 regions, and generated 0ഛᐉഛ3 quantum defect matrix and its derivatives ϫ͉,ᐉ,N,N+͘. ͑1͒ with respect to the internuclear distance.5 A complementary The low-n* ͑and low-NЈ͒ intermediate state through which extended long-range model, which included the 3ഛᐉഛ5, the Rydberg state is accessed is usually in the Hund’s case v+ =1 states from the region of 13ഛn*ഛ17, yielded the val- ͑a͒ or ͑b͒ limit and has a definite value of the ⌳Ј quantum ues for dipole and quadrupole moments and the isotropic number.
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