Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page i To Caesar What Is Caesar’s Udoh13.qxd 2/1/2006 1:22 PM Page ii Program in Judaic Studies Brown University Box 1826 Providence, RI 02912 BROWN JUDAIC STUDIES Edited by David C. Jacobson Ross S. Kraemer Saul M. Olyan Michael L. Satlow Number 343 TO CAESAR WHAT IS CAESAR’S Tribute, Taxes, and Imperial Administration in Early Roman Palestine (63 B.C.E.–70 C.E.) by Fabian E. Udoh Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page iii To Caesar What Is Caesar’s Tribute, Taxes, and Imperial Administration in Early Roman Palestine (63 B.C.E.–70 C.E.) Fabian E. Udoh Brown Judaic Studies Providence, Rhode Island Udoh13.qxd 1/20/2006 9:02 AM Page iv © 2005 Brown University. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by means of any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed in writing to the Rights and Permissions Office, Program in Judaic Studies, Brown University, Box 1826, Providence, RI 02912, USA. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Udoh, Fabian E., 1954- To Caesar what is Caesar's : tribute, taxes and imperial administration in early Roman Palestine (63 B.C.E.-70 C.E.) / Fabian E. Udoh. p. cm. — (Brown Judaic studies ; no. 343) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN-13: 978-1-930675-25-4 (cloth binding : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-930675-25-9 (cloth binding : alk. paper) 1. Jews—History—168 B.C.-135 A.D. 2. Jews—Taxation—Palestine— History—To 1500. 3. Taxation—Palestine—History—To 1500. 4. Taxation— Rome—History. I. Title. II. Series. DS122.U36 2006 336.200933'09014—dc22 2005030502 Printed in the United States of America Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page v Ima, Unyime, and Kufre, qui attendent Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page vi Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page vii Contents Preface and Acknowledgments . ix Abbreviations . xi Introduction . 1 1 • Roman Tribute in Jewish Palestine under Pompey (63–47 B.C.E.) . 9 Cicero, Dio Cassius, and Appian . 12 Cicero . 12 Dio Cassius . 17 Appian . 18 Tribute and Exactions . 22 Conclusion. 30 2 • Caesar’s Favors (47–44 B.C.E.) . 31 Tribute: For the City of Jerusalem, and for the City of Joppa . 41 Tribute for the City of Joppa . 45 Tribute for the City of Jerusalem . 48 Further Reductions, Collection. 52 Local Taxes. 57 Territorial Grants: Joppa, “The Villages in the Great Plain,” and Lydda . 60 The Senate, Joppa, and the Plain of Sharon . 68 Joppa, “The Villages in the Great Plain,” and Lydda . 71 Grants of Freedom: Billeting, Military Service, and Molestation . 75 Billeting . 76 Military Service. 79 Molestation: Angareia, the Temple Tax . 82 3 • Cassius and Antony in the East (43–40 B.C.E.). 100 Cassius in Syria (43–42 B.C.E.) . 101 After Philippi: Antony and the Jewish State (42–31 B.C.E.) . 108 vii Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page viii viii Contents 4 • Herodian Taxation (37 B.C.E.–4 B.C.E.) . 113 The Herods and Roman Tribute . 190 Roman Tribute and the Status of Judea . 122 Appian’s Bell. civ. 5.75 and Herod’s Appointment . 137 A King’s Accounting . 143 Herod’s Taxes. 159 Land and Property Taxes. 162 The “Head Tax” . 164 Tolls and Duties on Goods in Transit. 171 Sales Taxes. 175 House Tax . 177 Epilogue . 180 5 • Taxation of Judea under the Governors . 207 Judea and the Provincial Census. 208 Judea and Provincial Taxes . 219 Tributum Soli . 221 Tributum Capitis . 223 Other Taxes and the System of Collection. 238 Conclusions . 241 6 • Tithes in the Second Temple Period . 244 Tithes: For Priests or for Levites?. 245 Biblical Laws and Postexilic Harmonizations . 245 “First Tithes” to Priests and to Levites . 248 Num 18:21–32; Lev 27:30–33 in Ezra/ Nehemiah’s Restoration . 258 Centralized Collection . 263 Offered Also to Individual Priests and Levites . 273 Tithes of Livestock. 275 Summary and Conclusion . 277 Epilogue . 279 Bibliography . 289 Index . 314 Passages . 314 Modern Authors . 327 Subjects . 335 Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page ix Preface and Acknowledgments his book began as a Duke University dissertation, “Tribute and Taxes Tin Early Roman Palestine (63 BCE-70 CE): The Evidence from Jose- phus,” which I defended in 1996. My dissertation focused on the analysis of the Jewish literary sources on taxation, in particular the writings of Josephus. The scope of the investigation has been expanded. Although I have integrated some of the material from the original (dissertation) study, that material has been entirely recast into parts of the various argu- ments of the present work, leading sometimes to different conclusions from those that I had originally reached. Furthermore, some of the mater- ial in the section “Territorial Grants” in chapter 2 appeared in my article “Jewish Antiquities XIV. 205, 207–08 and ‘the Great Plain,’” Palestine Explo- ration Quarterly 134 (2002): 130–43. In the course of writing this book, I have received generous help from many individuals, many more than I can name here, and from various institutions. A National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem, and travel grants from the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame, permitted me to spend the year 2001–2002 doing research. The College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame, Dean’s Sup- plemental Research and Teaching funds (2001–2004) enabled me to do research and to hire student assistants. The Program of Liberal Studies, University of Notre Dame, has been very generous to me, particularly in providing undergraduate assistants. Professor Ed P. Sanders has been, first, my mentor for many years, and now a valued friend and colleague. This study, from its beginnings as a dissertation, is the outcome of our mutual concerns and innumerable conversations. I am profoundly grateful also to Professor Andrew Lintott, Worcester College (Oxford) and Professor Shaye Cohen, Harvard, who read the original manuscript of this book and offered detailed sugges- tions for revising it. I wish also to express my gratitude to all the students who have worked with me on various aspects of this book—especially David G. ix Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page x x Preface and Acknowledgments George, my graduate research assistant, and Donna Bauters, my under- graduate assistant. The Greek and Latin authors, including the works by Josephus and Philo, are cited according to the Loeb Classical Library (LCL) edition, except where I have provided my own translation. Passages from the Hebrew Bible are quoted from the Biblia Hebraica, edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph (5th edition, 1997). The text of the Septuagint is given as in the Septuaginta, edited by Alfred Rahlfs (1979). I quote the Greek text of the New Testament from The Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland (3rd edition, 1983). Unless otherwise noted, passages from the English translation of the Hebrew Bible (and the Apocrypha) and the New Testa- ment are quoted from the New Revised Standard Version. Bibliographical details are provided in the notes for other texts and translations that are quoted in the book. Fabian E. Udoh University of Notre Dame September 2004 Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page xi Abbreviations or abbreviations of classical works and other abbreviations not Fincluded on this list, see The SBL Handbook of Style for Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies, edited by Patrick H. Alexan- der et al. (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1999). AB Anchor Bible ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by D. N. Freedman. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992 AJP American Journal of Philology ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. Edited by H. Temporini and W. Haase. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1972– AThR Anglican Theological Review BA Biblical Archaeologist BAIAS Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Bib Biblica BJS Brown Judaic Studies BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin CAH Cambridge Ancient History CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Edited by T. Mommsen et al. Berlin, 1863– CQ Classical Quarterly CRINT Compendia rerum iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum DJD Discoveries in the Judaean Desert EncJud Encyclopaedia Judaica. 16 vols. Jerusalem, 1972– ER The Encyclopedia of Religion. Edited by M. Eliade. 16 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1987 GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies Hen Henoch HTR Harvard Theological Review xi Udoh13.qxd 1/18/2006 9:55 PM Page xii xii Abbreviations ICC International Critical Commentary IEJ Israel Exploration Journal IGRR Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes. Edited by R. Cagnat et al. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1901–27 ILS Inscriptiones latinae selectae. Edited by H. Dessau. 3 vols. Berlin: Weidmann, 1892–1916 INJ Israel Numismatic Journal JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JDS Judean Desert Studies JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JQR Jewish Quarterly Review JR Journal of Religion JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society JRS Journal of Roman Studies JSNTSup Journal for the Study of the New Testament: Supplement Series LASBF Liber annuus studii biblici franciscani LCL Loeb Classical Library LEC Les études classiques LSJ H. Liddell, R. Scott, and H.
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