Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 7-1-2003 UA68/9/1 Western Minstrel WKU Department of Music Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Music Commons Recommended Citation WKU Department of Music, "UA68/9/1 Western Minstrel" (2003). WKU Archives Records. Paper 41. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/41 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE WESTERN INSTREL VoIumt ], luut I WeSler» Kenltlcky Unil'ersity Depanment of Music Summer 2003 Groom's Graffiti ' Welcome oock to The We.wem years. which I will continue MinSlrel. the official alumni to share in Ihe newsletters to newsletter of the Western come. Kentucky University Depart­ This newsletter is our con­ ment of Music. This newslel· nection to you. our alumni. ter will be an annual summer I vow to kccp this connec­ publication which will recon­ tion strong. If you access nect us with our alumni. The our website by visiting Department of Music boasts a www.wku cdu 1u ~i . you 40% change in f;!culty si nce can enjoy making morc con­ 2001. which could be a nections with us. Pay a spe­ Current home 0{ the Music Dtpanmcm, h "Dn Wil M)11 Fine Ans Center world's record. An ever­ cial visit to the secti on . "A changing collecti ve faculty Day in the Life of 11 Music From the Archives face has given us a new life to Major:' and evoke sollle In researching depanmental papers The number of foculty varied infuse into the quality founda· memories of your days:ls a and budgclS from the past sc\'cnty greatly. with only 2 listed in tion that has been laid since Hilltoppcr musician. We years. one can learn a great deal 1911 -12. In 1914.acourseof 1908. The vigor of the fac­ welcome you to campus and about the music depanment's his­ st ud y in guitar and mandol in was ulty. their recruiting activily. Ihe department aI any time. tory. The first records of the Music added (along wi th 4 new fac­ their unrelenting passion for and hope to see you aI a con­ Dcpanment were found from 1908. ulty). In 1920-21. there were students. and their commit­ cert. recital or special event IWO years after the foonding of two courses of study offered: Western Kentucky State Nornlal Public School Music and the ment 10 teaching have been during the next academic School. There were twO grand Conservatory of Music. There the wlllchwords of this depart­ year. We can fit right into pianos. thrt."C upright pianos. and an ..... ere II courses required for lhe ment. your plans for next year! orchestra consisting of 6-8 instru­ Public School Music study and 8 I have been reveling in the ments. Faculty members were W. COUl'l\es required for th e Conser­ archival files of Ihe depart­ A. White. Mary Potier. Irene Ru s­ vatory of Music study. These ment from the pasl seventy sell. w. L. Gebhardt and Pauline courses included music theory. Mitzi Groom. Dept. I Ie1t<l Dral..e. In 1909. the curriculum history. hannony. sightsingi ng. was broadened \0 include public violin. voice and organ. New school music cenHication courses. courses offered in 192-' included In 1911. Franz Strahm. a composer. composition. orchcstrntion. eon­ pianist. violinist and choral direc­ dUeling. methods. appreciation tor. organized the Orntorio Society. li nd solfeggio. All orlhe musie which perfornlcd such pieces as students met once a week for the Hadyn's Cremiu", Molique's stud y of some large ehornl work Abraham. Co!la's Eli. Sullivan's that was presented at the annual Ugh' o/Ihe Worf,l. Planquette's May Music Festival. Chi~J o/Nonllo",/y, and Spohr's In 193940. the curriculum was Tht UISI Jlu/glllem. divided into Public School Mu­ The Oratorio Society sponsored a sic. Music Education, TIlcory. Mu~ic Festival one year thlll drew Music for General Cul turc and "thrt."C to five hundred Ward­ Applied Music. On J:muMY 18. Belmont girls . ..• a large number 1948. Claude Rose started the of the most prominent musicians of first Music Educators Club lit Nashville and Louisville .... and Western . In 1960. Phi Mu Alpha Webb I'lllit . the old musk building. "" as opencd in JanullrY t9-lO. The lD~t Frieda Hempel. absolutely recog­ Sinfonia was fonm.:d. and in ti Jll(' elllS§C':S ..... ere hdd tme ..... Il.~ in the Spnns 1973 term. C I II~~ mol·cd nized as the world's greatest col­ 1961. Delta Omicron wns to the tl'an WiI"lII Cemerbcginnins In the May t9731erm. Thc old musil.' ornlUr.I soprnno:' fonm.'<i. building was d l.'mo l i~hcd in September 1975. The Western Minsrrel The Gift of Music Recital: Notes of T h anks to Scholarship Donors \Vith the Ilel)) of Institu­ tion major (violin) fi'orn J ulia Raymer tional Ad\'ancernerH, this is Somerset, KY Jcrry B:tker Scholarship the second ye;lr that a sIx'" Kendra Re id A g raduate chcmistry major cial concert has featured the College Heights Special (violin) fl'oll1 Owensboro, scholarship rccipiem stin the I ncentive Scholar I," Department offl.'lll sic. Spe­ A g raduating senior music Amanda G ray cia l invited guests have major (clarinet) from Bowl­ Hownrd Carpcntcr Scholar- been the scholarship donors ing Gn,'Cn, KY ship . and theil' honol'ees, as well Christi Bryan A juniol' music lll llj or as pall'OIlS of the arts.' College Heights Special (piano) fi'olll Hopkinsville, These annual recit als and Incentive Scholar KY Dr. Jerry B a~er with scholarship receptions have been held Ajuniot' lIl11sic educlltion Matt Carron recipient Julia RQymcr. violinisc. in April and continue to major (trunlpe t) from Edward J. Pease Memorial provide another connection Greenville. K'{ Scholarship i>ctweell ou r dOllors ;lI1d the Chelsea Payne A graduating music ed uca­ scholarship recipients. T his T helma Griggs Scholarship tion majot' (horn) from Pe­ YC;l1"S recipielHs were: A juniol' music mnjor wee Va lley. I,Y April 13, 2003 Treva G riffith (pinno) from LexinglOn, !\Y Amanda Biggs Dr, Sanluc! \V, & Jeitne Ashl ey Farris MaritI! H,1\vlcy T ravels tead T insley Scholarship, Nelle Gooch Travelstead Scholarsllip A sophomore cJ em en~~ry Scholarship A junior music major educat ion major (violin) A graduating senior music (voice) fi'om Glasgow. KY fi'orll Frankfort, KY cducat ion majol' (voice) Brando n Jo nes J essica Ber nard from Hendersonville, TN Music FaCilIty Scholarship Scholarship Blanch & Austin Dllc ~e tt M att hew Shores I,ent Campbell Scholarship recipients perform on Scholarship ]\'Iusic Faculty Scholarship A junior music education A freshman science and A sCllior music education major (euphonium) fi'OlIl tlio/in, via/a, cello, engineering tnajor (cel lo) major (tuba) frOIll Bowling Bremen, K Y from Nashville, TN Green, KY clarinet, tntmpet, Rebecca Hurst Charlie Abs ton piano, ,'oice, tuba, Don & Suzanne Vitale Ida \Veidemann Scholar­ Scholars hip ship trombone, hom and HlIgh F. Johllson Scholar­ }\ senior music e<lucation euphonium ship major (trombone) from A freshman mllsic educa- Smiths Grove, l\Y Amanda Biggs, Marita Howle )' Travelstead Scholan;hip recipient, with Dr. Chester Travelstead. Ashley F~lrriS. Nelle Gooch Travel­ ste:KiI\.'Cipient, and Dr, and Mn;, Coleman Tr:lvelstelld Amanda Gra y, recipient of the Hownrd Carpenter Scholar­ ship, with Howard Carpenter, Ptlt)los by Sheryllhgun-BOOIh VoIumt J, /ssw I Page 3 D elta Omicron The Ddu. Omicron chapler at for Life. Our chapu r l':lIiscd for al l of tht work hI' did for TIlt following is a rosIer for the \VeSlrm Kentucky Unil'crsity over $500 ;l.nd won [he Spirit our dtpOl mnent :rnd Dd l"ll 2003-2004 school year. 1m beal u trnnd y busy during aWOl rd ;l. t the end of the night. Omicron as our patcon. Kristin Jones. 2003·04 Ihe 2002-2003 school rt:n. TIle m;l.joriry of the full ru we The chaprtr has also VOt ed 10 Prrsidm r/ Social C1uir ­ Our mam f0CU5 rhis yU t W;l.S l':lIised tltis reOl r were plOlced add two new patrOlU [0 our Hopki nsvill t. KY on musIc 5('rvlCe, COUUnlUl jty imo scholuship funru 10 ~ rosrrr. Dr. Mit7.i GtOOfn, Christl Br)':lI1l, Fim V ice 5('n'lCt :md scholarship. O n OI w;l. rded 10 \VK U musi c dtparnnm t htOld. :lI1ld Mr. President - Gn:m.I"Ue, KY Sc-pLC"Inbtt 5, Wt hdd our st udC'1It.s. Our firsl vcnturc was Jouph Stires. music t'duratlon Dtst:i.ny Smith. $(ocond V ice aJlmw ICt crtaln social for to cmllt a scholarship fuml in alld low brass studio I'uchrr, Prrsidtnt - Bowling Grrcn, KY faculry. music studen ts, and Ihe name of Ms. Sylvia " ;I. \·c both aided our d u pu r LlUrie \Varson, $(ocretary ­ IIl C III~ f$ of all ensembl($ in KCf$('nb;l.um, a National grn dy and 1I0000ring (hel11 wllh HClldersonvillt. m the music dcpamllent. TIlis Honorary Member of Dd ta thl' titlc of patton/ ncss WlU the Carissa V ick, T rt:lSurcr ­ g;tl'e liS Ihc ptrfrci opponunity O mi cron. Nor only WlU she beM W;l.)' 10 show our H t ndel'liOlll'ill e, m 10 tl'prfSli suppon 10 el'eryonc tl'citcd, but the tlllirc chapler ;l.ppreO;l.UOIl for e"ef)'rhi ng K:u hryn Ah'ty.
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