H 4440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 1, 1995 OHIO 6. Joe Barton. VIRGIN ISLANDS 7. Bill Archer. 1. Steve Chabot. Delegate 2. Rob Portman. 8. Jack Fields. 3. Tony P. Hall. 9. Steve Stockman. Victor O. Frazer. 10. Lloyd Doggett. 4. Michael G. Oxley. f 5. Paul E. Gillmor. 11. Chet Edwards. 12. Pete Geren. 6. Frank A. Cremeans. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON 7. David L. Hobson. 13. William M. ``Mac'' Thornberry. 8. John A. Boehner. 14. Greg Laughlin. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 9. Marcy Kaptur. 15. E de la Garza. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of 10. Martin R. Hoke. 16. Ronald D. Coleman. committees were delivered to the Clerk 11. Louis Stokes. 17. Charles W. Stenholm. 18. Sheila Jackson-Lee. for printing and reference to the proper 12. John R. Kasich. calendar, as follows: 13. Sherrod Brown. 19. Larry Combest. 14. Thomas C. Sawyer. 20. Henry B. Gonzalez. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: Committee on Re- 15. Deborah Pryce. 21. Lamar S. Smith. sources. H.R. 1139. A bill to amend the Atlan- 16. Ralph Regula. 22. Tom DeLay. tic Striped Bass Conservation Act, and for 17. James A. Traficant, Jr. 23. Henry Bonilla. other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. 18. Robert W. Ney. 24. Martin Frost. 104±105). Referred to the Committee of the 19. Steven C. LaTourette. 25. Ken Bentsen. Whole House on the State of the Union. 26. Richard K. Armey. Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- OKLAHOMA 27. Solomon P. Ortiz. tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 1361. A bill to 1. Steve Largent. 28. Frank Tejeda. authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1996 2. Tom A. Coburn. 29. Gene Green. for the Coast Guard, and for other purposes; 3. Bill K. Brewster. 30. Eddie Bernice Johnson. with an amendment (Rept. 104±106). Referred 4. J.C. Watts, Jr. UTAH to the Committee of the Whole House on the 5. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. 1. James V. Hansen. State of the Union. 6. Frank D. Lucas. 2. Enid G. Waldholtz. Mr. QUILLEN: Committee on Rules. House OREGON 3. Bill Orton. Resolution 136. Resolution providing for the 1. Elizabeth Furse. VERMONT consideration of the bill (H.R. 655) to author- ize the hydrogen research, development, and 2. Wes Cooley. At Large 3. Ron Wyden. demonstration programs of the Department 4. Peter A. DeFazio. Bernard Sanders. of Energy, and for other purposes (Rept. 104± 5. Jim Bunn. VIRGINIA 108). Referred to the House Calendar. PENNSYLVANIA 1. Herbert H. Bateman. Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 1323. A bill to 1. Thomas M. Foglietta. 2. Owen B. Pickett. reduce risk to public safety and the environ- 2. Chaka Fattah. 3. Robert C. Scott. 4. Norman Sisisky. ment associated with pipeline transportation 3. Robert A. Borski. 5. L. F. Payne. of natural gas and hazardous liquids, and for 4. Ron Klink. 6. Bob Goodlatte. other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. 5. William F. Clinger, Jr. 7. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. 104±110, Pt. 1). Ordered to be printed. 6. Tim Holden. 8. James P. Moran. 7. Curt Weldon. 9. Rick Boucher. f 8. James C. Greenwood. 10. Frank R. Wolf. 9. Bud Shuster. 11. Thomas M. Davis. TIME LIMITATION ON REFERRED 10. Joseph M. McDade. BILL PURSUANT TO RULE X 11. Paul E. Kanjorski. WASHINGTON 12. John P. Murtha. 1. Rick White. Pursuant to clause 5 of rule X the fol- 13. Jon D. Fox. 2. Jack Metcalf. lowing action was taken by the Speak- 14. William J. Coyne. 3. Linda Smith. er: 15. Paul McHale. 4. Richard `Doc' Hastings. H.R. 1323. Referral to the Committee on 16. Robert S. Walker. 5. George R. Nethercutt, Jr. Commerce continued for a period ending not 17. George W. Gekas. 6. Norman D. Dicks. later than June 1, 1995. 18. Michael F. Doyle. 7. Jim McDermott. 19. William F. Goodling. 8. Jennifer Dunn. f 20. Frank Mascara. 9. Randy Tate. 21. Phil English. WEST VIRGINIA REPORTED BILLS SEQUENTIALLY RHODE ISLAND 1. Alan B. Mollohan. REFERRED 1. Patrick J. Kennedy. 2. Robert E. Wise, Jr. 2. Jack Reed. 3. Nick J. Rahall II. Under clause 5 of rule X, bills and re- ports were delivered to the Clerk for SOUTH CAROLINA WISCONSIN printing, and bills referred as follows: 1. Marshall ``Mark'' Sanford. 1. Mark W. Neumann. 2. Floyd Spence. 2. Scott L. Klug. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: Committee on Inte- 3. Lindsey O. Graham. 3. Steve Gunderson. rior and Insular Affairs. H.R. 1141. A bill to 4. Bob Inglis. 4. Gerald D. Kleczka. amend the act popularly known as the 5. John M. Spratt, Jr. 5. Thomas M. Barrett. ``Sikes Act'' to enhance fish and wildlife con- 6. James E. Clyburn. 6. Thomas E. Petri. servation and natural resources management 7. David R. Obey. programs, with an amendment; referred to SOUTH DAKOTA 8. Toby Roth. the Committee on National Security for a At Large 9. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. period ending not later than June 1, 1995, Tim Johnson. WYOMING (Rept. 104±107, Pt. 1). Ordered to be printed. TENNESSEE At Large Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: Committee on Inte- rior and Insular Affairs. H.R. 541. A bill to re- 1. James H. (Jimmy) Quillen. Barbara Cubin. authorize the Atlantic Tunas Convention 2. John J. Duncan, Jr. PUERTO RICO 3. Zach Wamp. Act of 1975, and for other purposes, with an Resident Commissioner 4. Van Hilleary. amendment; referred to the Committee on 5. Bob Clement. Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo . Ways and Means for a period ending not later 6. Bart Gordon. AMERICAN SAMOA than June 30, 1995, (Rept. 104±109, Pt. 1). Or- 7. Ed Bryant. Delegate dered to be printed. 8. John S. Tanner. Eni F. H. Faleomavaega. f 9. Harold E. Ford. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TEXAS Delegate PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 1. Jim Chapman. Eleanor Holmes Norton. 2. Charles Wilson. Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 3. Sam Johnson. GUAM of rule XXII, public bills and resolu- 4. Ralph M. Hall. Delegate tions were introduced and severally re- 5. John Bryant. Robert A. Underwood. ferred as follows: May 1, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 4441 By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: H.R. 44: Mr. TRAFICANT, Mr. JEFFERSON, gan, Mr. KING, Mr. BORSKI, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. H.R. 1527. A bill to amend the National Mrs. CUBIN, Mr. EHRLICH, Mr. HYDE, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. COYNE, Mr. HOLDEN, Ms. NOR- Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 to clarify MANZULLO, Mr. QUILLEN, Mr. SABO, Mr. PICK- TON, and Mr. FOGLIETTA. the authorities and duties of the Secretary ETT, Mr. BALLENGER, Mr. PETERSON of Flor- H.R. 1024: Mr. GANSKE, Mr. COOLEY, and Mr. of Agriculture in issuing ski area permits on ida, Mr. QUINN, Mr. WAMP, and Mr. SMITH of Texas. National Forest System lands and to with- LAUGHLIN. H.R. 1026: Mr. ALLARD, Mr. MCINNIS, Mr. draw lands within ski area permit bound- H.R. 46: Mr. KLECZKA. SCHAEFER, Mrs. SCHROEDER, and Mr. SKAGGS. aries from the operation of the mining and H.R. 393: Mrs. KENNELLY and Mr. H.R. 1033: Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. ZIMMER, Ms. mineral leasing laws; to the Committee on TORRICELLI. LOWEY, and Mr. BAKER of California. Resources, and in addition to the Committee H.R. 408: Mr. BURTON of Indiana. H.R. 1120: Mr. PORTMAN and Mr. on Agriculture, for a period to be subse- H.R. 580: Mr. CLINGER, Mr. LEWIS of Ken- HOSTETTLER. quently determined by the Speaker, in each tucky, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. MANTON, Ms. H.R. 1232: Mr. LEWIS of California and Mr. case for consideration of such provisions as FURSE, Mr. SHAW, Mrs. FOWLER, and Mr. SISI- DOOLEY. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee SKY. H.R. 1235: Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. FRANK of Mas- concerned. H.R. 656 : Ms. MOLINARI and Ms. LOWEY. sachusetts, and Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. By Mr. GILCHREST: H.R. 858: Mr. MCDERMOTT, Ms. WOOLSEY, H.R. 1248: Mr. YATES. H. Con. Res. 64. Concurrent resolution au- Mr. MARTINEZ, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. STUDDS, H.R. 1272: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. thorizing the 1995 Special Olympics Torch Mr. BERMAN, Mr. CLEMENT, Mr. MANTON, Mr. H.R. 1274: Mr. PORTER, Mr. REED, Mr. Relay to be run through the Capitol LEACH, and Mr. FOGLIETTA. BROWN of Ohio, and Mr. VISCLOSKY. Grounds; to the Committee on Transpor- H.R. 863: Mr. EHLERS. H.R. 1448: Mr. BUNNING of Kentucky. tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 922: Mr. ENGEL and Mr. ROMERO- H.R. 1469: Mr. RANGEL. By Mr. LUCAS (for himself, Mr. GING- BARCELO. H.R. 1496: Mr. SOLOMON, Mr. DELLUMS, and RICH, Mr. ARMEY, Mr. GEPHARDT, Mr. H.R. 961: Mr. MCDADE, Mr. GEKAS, and Mr. Mr. EHLERS. BREWSTER, Mr. COBURN, Mr. ISTOOK, LINDER. H.R. 1506: Mr. BONO. Mr. LARGENT, and Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma): H.R. 967: Mr. BISHOP, Mr. MANTON, Mr. H.J. Res. 41: Mr. LUTHER. H. Res. 135. Resolution condemning the GORDON, and Ms. FURSE. H.J. Res. 72: Mr. LIVINGSTON. bombing in Oklahoma City; to the Commit- H.R. 972: Mr. STUMP. H. Res. 21: Mr. MASCARA, Mr. LAZIO of New tee on the Judiciary. H.R. 991: Ms. LOWEY and Mr. ENGEL. York, and Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 1005: Mr. PORTER. H. Res. 118: Mr. KLUG, Ms. PELOSI, Mr. f H.R. 1021: Mr. DEFAZIO, Ms. SLAUGHTER, DOOLEY, Mr. GEJDENSON, Mr. BENTSEN, Mr. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Mr. BORSKI, and Mr. SHAYS. HILLIARD, Ms. RIVERS, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. H.R. 1023: Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut, WARD, Mr. EVANS, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. MILLER of Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors Mr. DEFAZIO, Ms.
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