NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O. Box 42-O9O Wainuiomata Phone(O41564-8578 Fax(O4)564-8578 and wllolesale stockists ol the widest seleclio,l of New Zealand nrodern cll€ss literature in Australasia. Chess sets, boards, clocks, station€ty arrd all playing equipment. Olstributors ol all leading brarrds of chess cornputers and soltware Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (state your interestl. Chess 'fhe Brsl of PC Ches.s Progrunrs ll you alrcady havo a PC for otlror ir.ot, thcn - provldod lt la arr |BM-oompatlblc 38O or bottcr - a good ohcsr roltwarc prograrn wlll glvc you cxccllcrrt tircngth-pcr-dollar, aa you havc The officiol nragazine of thc Ncw Zralantl (]hess l:qleraiion alrcady pald lor thc proocrcor on whlch lhe progrenrmc wlll rurr. Fritz 3 $265.00 Playing io ct lct.t 225O Elo on a 388 PC, or 23OO+ Elo on e 486, Fritr 3 comblnoe Vol 21 Number 3 llcmcndoua otrongth wlth a uniquc llcxibility - tho boet g6nro-atorogc end cnolyele lcotulot June 1995 $3.00 (incl GST) of any plcying progr6m; po6l-morlorna ol your gornoB; a 'ralc-your-play' faoility (in Elo polntsl; Flechcr-typc clocke, loorng lrorn ite mistakos...ito tc6tures liet ls o lorrg and lmpressivc one. Suitablc lor eny 386 PC or bottor. (Upgredo lrorn Fritr 2.O ig 9l40.OOl. Geniu"s 3.0 $279.00 It you wanl tlrc ttrongost and morl eoplrlrtloatcd prog,crn avallablc, wo havo only onc rccommcndotlon to mako - buy Gcnlue 3.Ol Attraotlvc graphlcc, olmplc to uec, thc faolllty lo cxpand ltr alrcady hugc opcnlnge llbrcry wlth cxi;. dlrkr..,thcec qu.lltlcs hcvc madc lt thc cholcc ol qultc a lcw PC-ownlng GMc. On a 480/33 thc program playe to al lcact 2350 Elo; runnlng on a Pcntlum chlp, Gcnlue is capablo ol bcatlng World Chomplon Gerry Kaeparov hlmeolf, ce a prc-producilon vcrslon ol Gcnlue 3.O convlnclngly domonotralcd al thc London lca ol thc PCA OulckplaV clrcuil ln Auguet 1994. Sultablo lor any 386PC or bctler. lUpgrodc lrom Genlue 2.O is 9l40.OO) COMPUTER BARGAINS A spccial offcr to l{Z Chess rcaders of selectod naw, cx-dcmo and second-hand computcrs - up to 70t off original pricesl Each computer comes complct. irith an adaptor, 5-nonth ilrranty and Pr.-paid couricr delivery. I'IEPHIST0 ChessSchool $ 275.00 FIDELIIY Chesster - Voice $ 300.00 IIEPHISTO ilesa IV $ 450.00 N0VAG SuPer Forte C $ 47s.00 I'IEPHIST0 lili 'lano $ s75.00 N0VA0 ScorPio $ 750.00 SAITEK KasParov RISC 2500 $ 850.00 lilEpHIST0 Vancouver 32 bit (ilunchon) s1 800 . 00 15-day 'no obligation' home trial on all Data sheets, ganres, arrd results available upon requast Bankcard, Mestercard and Visa welcome. Mikhail Botvinnik 1911- 1995 EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. I{EW ZEALAND CIIESS STOP PRESS is the oIflcial journal of the New Zealarrd Chess Federation (Inc.), published bimonthly . Ker gains IM norm New Zealand Chess (February, April, June, August, October, NZ Champion Anthony Ker played in the Vol 21 Number 3 June 1995 December). 28-player zonal tournament which has just been played in Kuala Lumpur. Anthony started We are still playing catch-up with contents and technology, but this issue sees firtJrer advances A11 correspondence, subscription renewals, with an upset win over Indonesian GM in presentation, as well as being packed with news from home and abroad. changes of address, advertising inquiries, Handoko 2500 - his first-ever win from a articles and other copy should be addressed to grandmaster - and maintained his form to achieved an M norm. Anthony accepted an Contents New Zealand Chess invitation to play in both legs of a Master P O Box 3130 tournament in Indonesia following the zonal. 4 A preliminary report on the North Island Championship, with the co.winners both featuring - Wellington Full reports on his play in next issue. one as a player, the other as annolator. Opinions expressed in articles, letters and Queen's Birthday results 5 Intemet oomes to chess, overseas and in New Zealand. other contributions are those of the authors. In a toumament of upsets, Tony Love won Letters to the editor on any chess topic are the Invercargill Queen's Birthday Open with 6 Hastings were successflrl hosts of the NZ Women's Championship. welcome; limit 150 words, and marked "for 4W5,half a point ahead of Brian Nijman and publication." John Sutherland. There was a quadnrple tie in 8 Auckland CC staged a new Christmas event. the B grade. ANNUAL SI]BSCRIPTION RATES There was a triple tie in the Wellington CC 9 Edward Swayne reports on Australia's Doerbel Cup. New Zealand $18.00 Queen's Birthday A grade between Mark Other countries $US only Airmail Economy Sinclair, Jon Jackson and Rajko l0 Games from home and abroad. Australia, South Pacihc U$12.00 Mastilovich. Kent Wong won the B grade. East Asia, N America U$ 1 5.00 12 Coming events, including new tournaments in Asia and the pacific. Europe U$17.50 U$12.50 FIDE address Rest of the world U$20.00 U$15.00 FIDE has notified that its address is now 13 The regular round-up ofclub activities. Avenue Beaumont 9 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Back issues available - send for details. This means that the era of FIDE headquarters 14 Good news and bad in the mid-year rating lists. in Greece has ended and that the international ADYERTISING RATES chess organisation has returned to Switzerland. 20 Peter Shrart pays tribute to former world champion Mikhail Botvinnik Full page NZ$45.00 Half page or full column NZ$22.50 Waitemata to host N.Z. Junior 2l How 7*r;zsa Polgar beat Maia ChiburdarLidze to challenge for the world women's title. Half column NZ$12.00 Waitemata CC has advised the NZ Chess Club notices or classified, Federation that it is prepared to run the flust 22 How Viswanathan Anand scotched Gata Kamsky's hopes of a double tifle challenge and won per NZ$l.50 15 words. N.Z. Jrurior and Age Group Championships in the right to meet Kasparov in the PCA world final. the last week in August. This offer has been COPYDEADLINE accepted with thanks by NZCF. As soon as 24 The last of our series of games from the Mosow Olympiad. details are finalised, clubs and schools will The deadline for the June issue is receive fuIl information and entry forms. 26 Peter Stuart's International News includes results of several FIDE zonals. Saturday, Jnly22,L995 Cover: Three-times World Champion Mikhail 30 The council report includes plans for I'IDE rating the NZ championship Reserve. Bowinnik has died at the age oJ'83. Tibute to Copy should include details of coming events his distinguished career is paid by Peter ....and coming up in the August issue for the rest ofthe year. Stuartonpage 13. Full report and games from Anthony Ker's IM norm success in the Kuala Lumpur zonal, the best games from the 1994-95 Congress, Paul Spiller reports on the 1995 Redcliffe Open in Australia, Ortvin Sarapu reviews latest developments with:: chess computers, and plenty of annokted games. M 9tess M Chess 1995 North Island Championship ending that is usually fatal. 48.KI2 Kf6 pressnre. 20.8d4 Bxg3+ ll.1xg3 N4g5 0-1 49.Kf,i Kg5 50.93 Kf6 51.Kf4 Kg6 s2.h4 1-0 22.Bxe5 Black has a comfortable two- The 1995 North Island Championship held in and the chance to play ...b5. The knight rnay Qxh3+. pawn advantage without a care in the world. Hamilton attracted 42 entries. NZ Champion not be doing much on b2, but its time will Craig,R-Smith,R One possibility: 22.h4 Ngxfl+ 23.Kh1 Anthony Ker CI and titleholder Bob Smith WT come. 15...0-0 16.Qe2 Rae8 l7.Nd2 f6 Qg4 Notes by Anthony Ker 24.Bxe5 each won 5 games and conceded 3 draws, to 18.exf6 Rxf6 l8...gxf6 was worth Qh3+. 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 This is the Smith share the tifle. Scott Wastney GA, of Rotorua, consideration. By playing 18...Rxf6 Black Morra Gambit, named after two players who was also unbeaten but conceded one more accepts another pawn weakness in return for popularised it. White sacrif,rces a pawn for a draw to hnish third. some counterplay on the f-hle. 19.Ne4 Rf5 Chess on the Internet free and easy development. The garnbit is not The North Island Rapid Championship 20.Qd2 Bc8 21.Ng3 Rf6 22.Ra RefS By Ted Frost without its dangers and Black can easily get atkacted more top players from Auckland and 23.Rae1 QI7 24.Ndl The knight rejoins the There have been several promising into trouble. 3...dxc3 4.Nxc3 Nc6 5.NR d6 Wellington, and there were 52 entrants. In the action. 24...Rh625.8 26.N12 developments in play at a distance, through Qe7 played final round Martin Dreyer AC, Leonard 6.Bc4 a6 7.a4 Unnecessary. Black ...a6 Internet, recently. Mclaren, Bob Smith and Anthony Ker all as a defensive move - he wasn't planning b5 On the New Zealand scene, Martin Post just yet. on agreed short draws among themselves and White should concentrate hnishing reports that Wanganui Polytechnic is joining shared the title. his development. A pawn down, he can't afford Internet, and this opens up new possibilities The full report and games selection will to waste moves. 7...Nf6 8.0-0 8.h3, to prevent for "telegraphic" play. Martin is consulting appear in the next issue of NZ Chess.
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