Vol 10 / No 2 26 January 2018 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar 2017 Kennelhand and Owner of the Year announced Full Open Race Details Shotgun Bullet on his way to winning the Coral Coronation Cup at Romford Photo: Steve Nash for trainer Derek Knight and owners The Solid Money Syndicate. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYKHUK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTNINIZ[HɈ CHARLES RUSSELL SPEECHLYS 2017 OWNER OF THE YEAR K.S.S. SYNDICATE The K.S.S. Syndicate are the Charles Russell Speechlys 2017 Owner of the Year, the third WLPHWKH\KDYHÀQLVKHGWRSRIWKHWDEOHKDYLQJZRQLQERWKDQGDVZHOO7KH\ EHDWODVW\HDU·VZLQQHUVWKH&RQORQ)DPLO\E\SRLQWVZLWKDWRWDORISRLQWV 7KH6\QGLFDWH·VKLJKHVWVFRUHUZDVWKHWULSOH&DWHJRU\2QHZLQQHU.LQJ(OYLVZLWK points, accrued by winning the Produce Stakes at Swindon, the RPGTV Henlow Derby and the Servoca Nursing and Care British Bred Derby at Towcester. In addition, he also ODQGHGWKH*HQWOHPDQ*HRUJH&XUWLV7UDIDOJDU&XSDW0RQPRUHDQGUHDFKHGWKHÀQDORIWKH 5RPIRUG3XSS\&XSÀQLVKLQJVHFRQGWRIHOORZ1HZFRPHURIWKH<HDUQRPLQHH5R[KROPH Nidge. Litter sister Queen Anna accrued 47 points, with the National Sprint at Nottingham being her most notable success. /DVW\HDU·V:LPEOHGRQ3XSS\'HUE\UXQQHUXS.LQJ.LGFRQWLQXHGWRSHUIRUPDWWKHKLJKHVW OHYHOUHDFKLQJWKHÀQDORIWKH6XVVH[&XSWKH2O\PSLF.HQW'HUE\ UXQQHUXS DQGWKH British Breeders Stakes, while the winner at Wimbledon, King Eden, won nine Open Races DQGSLFNHGXSSRLQWV.LQJ7XUERDOVRUHDFKHGWZR&DWHJRU\2QHÀQDOV The Syndicate includes Brendan Keogh, Simon Senyk and Baz Knight and are based in Kent, where their dogs are trained by Liz McNair and her husband Rab. All the above greyhounds were bred there by the Syndicate, who as well as well as being major players on the Open Race circuit, are also becoming a major force in British breeding. CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event Tue 27 Feb 714m Flat Crayford 2018 Ladbrokes Golden Jacket Fri 2 Mar 480mH Central Park Cearnsport Springbok Fri 16 Mar 400m Romford Coral Golden Sprint Fri 16 Mar 575m Romford Coral Essex Vase Wed 21 Mar 480m Puppies Monmore Ladbrokes Puppy Derby 2018 Fri 27 Apr 480mH Central Park Grand National ANNE MAHON WINS BAGS SPONSORED 2017 KENNELHAND OF THE YEAR The Greyhound Board of Great Britain is pleased to DQQRXQFHWKDW·V%$*6VSRQVRUHG.HQQHOKDQGRI the Year is Anne Mahon, Head Kennelhand to Hove and formerly Wimbledon attached handler Richard Rees. A call for nominations issued in December via the GBGB Calendar and social media, generated the biggest response ever seen for this popular and prestigious award, as owners, trainers and greyhound racing enthusiasts from all over the country showed their support for the kennelstaff who devote so much time and care to the greyhounds in their charge. 7KHMXGJLQJSDQHO FRPSULVLQJEURDGFDVWHU7DQ\D Stevenson, GBGB Welfare and Integrity Manager Duncan *LEVRQ+HDGRI*UH\KRXQG7UXVW+DUYHO &URIWYLHZ $QQH0DKRQSLFWXUHGZLWK3OD\ÀHOG&XSZLQQHU6KDG\ 3DUDFKXWH .HQQHOV &KHU\O0LOOHUDQG6FRWW+DUYH\RIVSRQVRUV %$*6 SUHVHQWHGZLWKDUJXDEO\WKHLUWRXJKHVWWDVN\HW deliberated at length and whilst there were many strong candidates, they were unanimous in their VXSSRUWIRUWKLV\HDU·VZRUWK\ZLQQHU A large number of nominations from owners, staff and others connected with the Rees kennel GHVFULEHG$QQH·VGHGLFDWLRQZKLOVWZRUNLQJIRUWKUHHJHQHUDWLRQVRIWKH5HHVIDPLO\RYHUSOXV\HDUV with comments including: ¶:RUNVWUHPHQGRXVO\KDUGDQGDOZD\VKDVWLPHIRUDOOWKHRZQHUVDQGPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\DOOWKHGRJV· ¶<RXFDQQRWPDNH$QQHVORZGRZQ,GDUHDQ\RQHWRWU\«VKHKDVFRPPLWWHGKHUOLIHWRWKH JUH\KRXQGVZKRPVKHORYHVDQGFDUHVIRUDVLIWKH\ZHUHKHURZQSHWV6KH·OOQHYHUWDNHDVLFNGD\ ZLWKRXWDQDUJXPHQWDQGLVDOZD\VJRLQJWKHH[WUDPLOHIRUWKHGRJVDQGKHUIHOORZVWDII· ¶6KHLVWRWDOO\GHGLFDWHGWRWKHGRJVLQKHUFDUH· Anne will be presented with her trophy and a cheque for £500 at the GBGB Awards ceremony on Sunday 28th January at the Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge. 7KHMXGJLQJSDQHOSUDLVHGWKHTXDOLW\RIWKLV\HDUV·EXPSHUHQWU\ZKLFKLQFOXGHG\RXQJHUNHQQHO staff whose passion and enthusiasm shone through, as well as those whose continuous support and commitment, sometimes over decades, was clearly invaluable to those who had nominated them. Such was the standard that three runners up prizes were also awarded. Shannon Miller, Head .HQQHOKDQGIRU3DXO0LOOHU 6XQGHUODQG 0LFKDHO%DUNHU.HQQHOKDQGWR%DUU\2·6XOOLYDQ &UD\IRUG DQG/DUU\:KLWÀHOGNHQQHOKDQGIRU5LFKDUG'HYHQLVK 3HWHUERURXJK ZLOODOOUHFHLYH 7KH MXGJLQJSDQHODOVRZLVKHGWRUHFRUGD¶VSHFLDOFRPPHQGDWLRQ·WR\HDUROG2OLYHU)O\QQNHQQHOKDQG to Heather Dimmock, whose obvious passion and determination to join the sport particularly caught their attention. The judges were keen to record their gratitude to everyone who nominated, and to encourage those whose nominations were not successful this year to nominate again in future years. CALENDAR 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900. Alternatively, write to: Greyhound Board of Great Britain, Security Department, 6 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6AB GBGB ICC Fees effective Registration/Transfer £26 Transfer £13 Change Of Name £81 Transfer for partnership £18 from January Change of Name £30 Register a Company/Syndicate name £25 Professional Trainer Licence £50 1st 201 Transmission Licence Fees Greyhound Trainer Licence £40 £44 per race Assistant Trainer £10 i) Races Broadcast into UK andIrish betting Head Kennelhand £10 shops Kennelhand £8 ii) Races broadcast on any direct to home TV Local Official £10 service Examples of New Registration/Transfer Costs New Syndicate/Company One Owner Registration/Transfer Partnership Registration/Transfer Registration/Transfer GBGB £26 GBGB £26 GBGB £26 ICC £13 ICC £18 ICC Transfer £13 Total £39 Total £44 ICC Syndicate/Company Registration £25 Total £64 The Disciplinary Committee wish to advise those appearing before them as “the affected person” that the Disciplinary Committee has the discretion to take account of any previous breaches of the rule(s) of racing which they consider are relevant to a case being heard before them irrespective of the date of commission of the breach. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRIES as a veterinary drug and has very human urine was a very much less limited human medical use. It is a likely explanation and it was far more The Disciplinary Committee of the Class A Schedule 2 Controlled Drug likely that the greyhound has been GBGB were in attendance at a principally sourced from criminal exposed to cocaine. The greyhound meeting held on 9 January 2018:- supply and used as a drug of abuse. may have been exposed to a larger Cocaine and benzoylecgonine affects dose longer before the sample was Mr H Starte (in the chair) dogs as it does other animals and taken or to a more recent, smaller, Mr R Coughlan people, stimulating the brain and clinically insignificant dose. Mr M Elks nervous system. Significant reduction The Manager for Integrity and Welfare 1 Shawfield Stadium – TRISTAR in heart function has been reported Services Duncan Gibson told the – Greyhound Trainer in dogs given cocaine. Cocaine and Mr W Rae Committee that no hair sample had benzoylecgonine are substances been taken for testing from TRISTAR Greyhound Trainer William Rae was which by their nature could affect as would normally have happened. found in breach of rules 152 (i), 174 the performance and prejudice the This was because the greyhound (i)(b) and 217 of the GBGB Rules of wellbeing of a greyhound. had been sold by Mr Rae before the Racing in that a urine sample taken Professor Morris’s evidence was that positive urine sample result. In the from the greyhound TRISTAR at the level of the metabolite found in hearing, Mr Rae explained that he Shawfield Stadium on 6 October TRISTAR’s sample was what would had put the greyhound up for sale in 2017 was analysed by LGC Health be expected if the dog had been the week before 6 October 2017. It Sciences as containing the presence given a clinically significant dose of had been sold a week later, going to of benzoylecgonine. cocaine (i.e. sufficient to have an a trainer at Henlow. Mr Rae was in attendance by video effect on the greyhound) some 72 Stipendiary Steward Alex McTaggart call from Shawfield Stadium, as to 124 hours before the sample was told the Committee this had were Daniel Rankin, Racing Manager taken. Professor Morris explained been a random pre-race sample, at Shawfield Stadium, and Alex that, because benzoylecgonine not taken from TRISTAR for any McTaggart, Stipendiary Steward. was also a metabolite of cocaine reason. The greyhound had run Professor Tim Morris, independent in people, it was also possible that very well, recording an adjusted scientific adviser, was in attendance. TRISTAR or the sample had been time of 29.93. The week before it exposed directly to the metabolite The Disciplinary Committee heard had recorded an adjusted time of from a person’s urine. Any significant 29.89. The greyhound had been evidence from Professor Tim Morris, concentration of human urine in the independent scientific adviser, that a very consistent performer. Mr sample would have been detected by McTaggart said that Mr Rae was a benzoylecgonine is a metabolite of the laboratory. Contamination from cocaine. Cocaine is not available very experienced trainer. There had 2 VOL 10 NO 2 26 JANUARY 2018 never been any issues giving rise confirm the park was much used had taken most precautions that to concern about the welfare of his by drug abusers. Mr Rankin said he could reasonably be expected
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