![Statehood for Hawaii](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
STATEHOOD FOR HAWAII HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON TERRITORIES AND INSULAR AFFAIRS OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S.50 A BILL TO PROVIDE, FOR THE ADMISSION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII INTO THE UNION FEBRUARY 25, 1959 Printed for the use of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 37397 WASHINGTON : 1959 COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS JAMES E. MURRAY,Montana, Chairman CLINTONP. ANDERSON,New Mexico HENRYDWORSRAK, Idaho HENRYM.JACKSON,Washington R.KUCHEL,CaliforniaTHOMAS JOSEPH C. O'MAHONEY, Wyoming GOLDWATER,ArizonaBARRY ALAN BIBLE, Nevada GORDONALLOTT, Colorado RICHARD L. NEUBERGER, Oregon THOS.E.MARTIN, Iowa JOHNA.CARROLL,Colorado FRANKCHURCH,Idaho ERNESTGREENING,Alaska FRANK F. MOSS,Utah SUBCOMMITTEEONTERRITORIESANDINSULARAFFAIRS HENRYM.JACKSON,Washington,Chairman JOHN A. CARROLL, Colorado THOMAS H. KUCHEL, California FRANK CHURCH,Idaho GOLDWATER,ArizonaBARRY FRANK V, MOSS, Utah ERNEST AlaskaGREENING, RICHARDL. CALIFORNIA, Staff Director STEWARTFRENCH, ChiefCounsel MICHAEL J. CAFFERTY, Subcommittee Counsel N.D. MCSHERRY, Clerk (C 0 N TI EANT~S lli'ptirt of agvlwivs. mid (lt'jirtn,citm: Agriiltun~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - 92 Ihireim of ilue Midgt . .- - - - - - - - - - -_ - - - - - - -- 89 Fetde'ral Ilrsirvi Symlivni ---- _ _-1----03 lt~ iit or- _.. -,.-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 90 .1 i l ic , -- -- - --- 88 ST1ATEFM I ' NI' Iolllt lioin. Vi. L.. it U.S. S'ittor from f he Sttv6 of Ahudo~t- P,0 1116'iiil01t, lion. W illiket, F., it IT.8. Siitilor fromi tit Sitet of I Tit - - .53 Ilti, liIon. John A., DIv Meh'nI'o ( 'ongii's- fromi thettT'rrit ory of II owiti 45 Catrroll, Iloit, Jlohn A., it U.N. Sint'6 lor freom owi stim of ('ohirilo - 12 ( 'ono, Williti A., sver'nirnIilwat L v 151161), Stitt 1'reiiiico, (alift Wt C hurc'It, I loi. Frank, i rU. Stotior fromt ( Il Stutt,&of Idello.. -.- 10t El~gh, Itotii. Chodr, it U .S. Stint or fritiltI10 Staute' of (Cithroft , - -1- I*. Gr iliitif,, II cii. ltml , 0it,S. Aiuotor from I hu St ott' of Altiskit .1 2 II ciii, Ilio. W illitiit It., Te'rritorial61 simztor ntid vie iu, i ruml t r ow NI 1icsio NKt~ttVslti k' I. ('111Sil li ,cjrsi Ut Iv', Jo cii'mit' -Amil*nu Ni orrti1y . lioli, .16111's 1E.,66 U .S. 'oot11or fr-oill tilit, St itt(t' cit Mlilin 9111I Snit oti. I lou,. I'ri', Svtla~ rv of twhe'I iicrior------------- 2 St 61111.FImtiill MI., Comiiitl('iiil oft ilit' C ivil Ai'otiiiiit I' ivBordl-. 412 Worr'iell, Mirst. Ni a igoret II cpklitis, imrtstilc't g'ii'rol of tlt-i W it'cs oit Proget'ss -.- 4113 Adamsi. ( opt. Ca'nioit It. Dvhiiit 'v Assistmi it toi Owii S'i'c'tt ii ot 1 )ctclst' 5 1 .t'tt r. tint d FO)It. 1'2, I1151, to 'riiii or .1tio'ksotl - - Ai itirisoti, St'iitmoii 'lhuto P6I., liti' it i'd Mia6rtcI 2. 1 hto .1 1iig I igimtMN. Sit ihiick. hi repjly it) Juri-t Stiiiiiiik's l't I ir willi sooteiril irlgisig t'olmiuotiswt 1ii l.t s I .6 141 mest' . I tihtsrI W , , I ) i1ree It,I I I ,tI of t14hit' I % vt14 11 il J1til- lion 1.1I 19.541,to) 1i'iiat or Niuriray ctotttuiig p lit til hittirtmil loll fioi Iliuwtitoil c'ratit' Wt oivi's l'ortimi otf Sall Fl' iilt'i 1.itIo Ii. il1itt'ti tl-ulury 11, I 1159. to Scinittr NI ti-rat . Its t. ort-tit, Nlek. pisen tlt, lMii NI oit iti liiIowt'r Co.: [tti, chateid FO itirY '21). I9 9 t14r S tio tin N it v , - 1113 Dva Yovt' W illil L.,Ih'illt, "N. .. I ct ttr ihtt iu FIvhritr 6)25. 111541,('oil- 11Itilla I tiilitunsiliiiI ii viiti'hliTe Te'rritory cit I Inwoli StOtltid Not Ile' Atliitll In11o 11viii ll I'iitiu tl- i i i-dt6 Stott's'' - -08l tof tIlt, ('i anililti, t' ilt t it- J 661u ittry: LetteIi-r. dltvil FVol skrv *10 11, I195.11, 141i IN iu'hird L. Caiihngliii i* S11ITx tdnt-etor, C omiiii i tilot I titviicr mtid Itt. %Mili :lItirs, voott ithiiig till ait ive 1,v )D. It. J . 111trgis vlt it Iv'd 'Shold II i'.11Hi l~ec'aili Owii' 511i~ Stnt c?'. -- 9.1 CONTENTS French, Stewart, chief counsel, (Conmiltleon Interior and Insula r AffTirs: Memorandum, dated March 5, 1959, to Svinator MNiray, re 1959 report . of Hawaiian Subversive Act ivities ('oninnission - 79 lHu hcs, Phillip S., Assistaut )ireetor for ,egishutive ercrence, Itu of the Budget: Lettvr, dated February 13, 1959, to Senator M riay, containing Views of tie ltur1:cal o1 8. "I) --------------- 89 Javier, )avid, honor student, Lahainalulta 1igiih Schtool, lthaian, Matti, T.11.: Letter, dated I'ehruar 8, 1959, to Senator .Murray ..--- 119 Johnston, Seputor (flin).: Let ter, dMed September .1,19.58, to the editor of the flonultilu Ad\'ertistr . .. .. 100 Kent, Roger, vice elhnirman, Western States )einocratie ('fotference: Letter, chted February 27, 19.59, to Se:tior Min'ray, eoatiaillig a pig- rem report of the (ominit ie,for Auuitission of Ilawaii to the Union in 1959 .--------------------------------- - 113 bibbe, Captain It. ,., I)eputy Chief of Iwzishtivc, liaison, Department of tile Navy: Letter, dated Februcry 25, 19.59, (' Seaator INIurray, con- taining views of the )epartment of l)feuse on S. 5)---------------- -- 91 ltinz(, EdwaIrd J., mast comuuuander, IPerrottt-Ni.ikerson Post No. 76, American Le.gionu: I .0ter, hial Felotary 2.1 1059i~to S)iuiior N -ar III Tinkius, Esther, Wasingtcni, D).C(.: hettIer, dacte vc hruitry 2.5, L9104,14) Senate or .a,kson- .- - -- - 107 lloyd, ''hcocacus ...presidtlit, und l't rick E. (orman, svcrtat ry-I rc.:cstr Anialgamated NIamt Cilti crs & DItt,her Workmuc ,fo North ,Amurica: Letter, dated Fehrimry 25, 1959, to Senu or .ackson 117 Long, Ilatuilton, attorney, New I ork, N.Y.: Letter, dated February 24, 1959, to Senator ,|a kson. .. .... ... .......-".-- 112 Martin, Wn. MeC., Jr., Board of Governors of t he Iediral leserve Systen: Letter, dated January !1,1959, to Senator Murray, conlaining views of the Federal Rvscrvce System on S. 50 ....... .-"-..... .. 93 Miller, tthy ('., NV heatont, 1ll.: let Ier, dat ed Fe ruary 2.1, 1959, to Svi m ( or Murray --------- -.--------------- ---- --.- 112 Murray, *Frank, secret ary of state, State of Montana: Letter, dted Fvbrc1- ary 9, 1959, to Senator Murray, containing louse Joint Rsolut ion No. 1, re statehood for Hawaii- ---...-------- -----------.---------- 1 1 Murray, Grace, stvretary, the U.S. Flag Conimittee: letter, dated P ,hru- ary 22, 1959, to Senator Murray ---------------------------------- 107 Murray, Senator *lames F.: E]astland, Senator James .: L.et er to, dated Feibrutiry 12, 1959 in regard to Dr. liargis article .......------------ - -- - 95 Rogers, Attorney General William P.: Letter to, dlted .lnutairy I.1, 1959, requesting the \,iews of the ),lpartnment of ,Iu onOi 5. 50 and also information on Communist influen - - - - -.- -. -- 87 Mueller, Frederick It., Under Secretary of Comunucro.: lett r, dated March 5 1959, to Senator Murray, contuaining Commerce views (i S. 50. - - 93 Osth, Elizahetlt It., Berryville, Va.: Letter, dated February 25, 1959, to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs --------- ------------ 107 Palmer, Bertha It.,Whecaton, Ill.: Letter, dated February 18, 1959, to Senator Murray -------------- --------------------------------- 108 Peterson, ],',.,.)Amsistant Secretary, departmentt of Agriculture: l.et.ter, dated February 5, 1959, to Seuctor Murray, contai,ing views of the Department of Agrif.ulture on S. 50 ----------------------------- 92 Poulson, Norris, president, U.S. Confernce of Mayors: Letter, dated February 25, 1959, to Senator .laeksoi ---------------------------- 116 Season, Fred A., Secretary of the Intetior: Letter, dated February .1, 1959, to Senator Murray, containing views of the departmentt of.the, Interior o n s. 5 0 ... .............. ......................................- 9 0 Stainback, Ingrain NI., ,lustive of the Supreme Court of tlt Ttrritory of Hawaii: Anderson, Senator Clinton P.: Letter to, dated Febcruary 20, 1959, urging commonwealth status ----------------------------- 97 Editor, tle Honolulu Advertiser: Letter to, dated- August 20, 1958 ------------------------------------------ 98 September 25, 1958 --------------------------------------- 100 Takushi, Tokuic'hi, chairman, 11uci Makaala Committee on Statehood, Honolulu, T.i.: Letter, dated February 21. 1959, to Senator Murray, containing a resolution ------------------------------------------- 119 CONTENTS V Tsilmki, lKivoto, cltoirini, Maiti Coliilv (CnaIiinitLee for St~tltiol: Leteriit.CIeni iFeiriiary 17 199 to Setal or Mtinrray cilI Pg In~a NNlkil. I a wri'ae V'I M-pnjlit~f v t Iorinv ( imil, )w 1 Itii - 118tli'ito nli i raY. Sn'nnalr Jnniv'-~ E,.: Let ter t o, dInIed -- I Ji lv 9, 11158, ci it :ni iig v iows of t~t 1hiI)epartmtiit of hittive oil Mm0dm -1lvlo__or rv~qeyj;r'a -ii 88 l.1 1.Ivw 59. ill 11nn mer to St- otr r trav' ltrg r 11) nnillikliist,jillnin'ni n'--i'-- -- - - 88 WilIhbor. I I r. C. L., m-enn'nry of Iin'allIlIn, Statteo i'eisyIivania:I1 letter, 4 :nt(Cn FcliriimrY 17.51, to Scaintor Clark_ -. - - - ----- 115 ADiI)'I( )NA L IN l"OMATION "Advive i'ron Coa roll -WI)ilt U- el 'nr of i i ('ifnetatiooiIssiue, orn iclo frint- I lit, I inninolinli S1:ir-Mlll' iii, Novembiler 29., 19 5S 121 ''I 'nnllnitiljill I li'nilssedi ('ohigr'sN (nnhlipi Meek't '111, IBig 5 Spokn'snnin,' :ni lih fro ('iIlit,llunoniilin Advilise r, Nnnvi-viilicr 20., 19.143 123 ''( iigrn'-"Smnnu NMeet Willi I IA11l' tOthiviials' trticli from 1 Owii ilonolitlit St or- Hi I ltin, N oveinlwr 25, I1159 ** ~ Q 121 ''Vi~i~nin i'it 11inivviit *v of h1:niti i o'viyQi, article from line luioliihi SItnr-11iliieiii, lIewc ilit-t- 2. I158. 126 IFort 'v-Ni i I li St -tI v?' (m-r6,'; of I I tin' liv" Iyevoe , A.
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