Astounding Cayenne W ANOTHER HERBAL HEALER SENT US BY THE GOD OF HEAVEN M 1 PART ONE OF TWO 5 8 7 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: GOLDENSEAL / ECHINACEA What it is—Cayenne pepper belongs to the rhage. (Use it with an infusion with birthroot or star capsicum family, and its botanical name is capsi- root.) cum annuum. It is the red chili pepper that is used Cayenne pepper (or cayanne pepper as it’s to add flavor in food and has high medicinal val- sometimes spelled as) increases metabolism by ues. Cayenne contains vitamin E, vitamin C, vita- immediately speeding up the flow of blood in min K, carotenoids, and the complete B complex the arteries and veins. vitamins. It is also a source of organic calcium, po- This herb is a great food for the circulatory tassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. system. It feeds the necessary elements into the cell For health and medicinal purposes, you only structure of the arteries, veins, and capillaries; need to drink small amounts of cayenne powder, so that these regain the elasticity of youth again, mixed in a glass of water. and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. How cayenne can help you—Cayenne pep- It improves blood circulation. When any body per increases blood circulation. It also draws the part is sick, the blood flow to that area is usually blood to where it is especially needed. Because of affected. Cayenne helps to remove entire blood con- these special abilities, it can be used to help you in gestion, stimulates the blood flow, makes sure that many ways. Cayenne is a counterirritant; it brings the vitamins are properly delivered to all areas, and blood to the surface and allows the toxins to be waste is removed. taken away. It wonderfully improves blood circula- Cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is cer- tion. tainly one of its core uses; but cayenne cleans the An amazing substance—The benefits of cay- arteries as well, helping to rid the body of the bad enne are almost too unbelievable; but its reputa- LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. It is an excellent tion keeps growing and growing, and deservedly so. home treatment for mild high blood pressure and It can do everything from killing cancer cells in high blood cholesterol levels. Cayenne prepara- the prostate, lungs, and pancreas to immedi- tions prevent platelets from clumping together and ately stopping a heart attack within 30 seconds. accumulating in the blood, allowing the blood to Incredible, but successful in many instances. flow more easily. Since it is thought to help improve The health benefits of cayenne pepper include circulation, it’s often used by those who have cold improvements in regard to digestion, immunity, hands and feet. heart diseases, dyspepsia, inflammation, head- It equalizes the blood circulation in the arte- ache, throat congestion, and blood circulation. rial and venous system, and produces natural Cayenne pepper improves the effectiveness of warmth in your body. It does this by regulating other herbs. the flow of blood from the head to the feet, so that the pressure is equalized. It influences the heart Here is specific information: immediately; then it gradually extends its effects Circulatory system and high blood pres- to the arteries, capillaries, and nerves. (The fre- There are evidences that prove that giving sure— quency of the pulse is not increased, but is given cayenne extract orally, to a patient, helps to stop more vigor.) heart attack. Cayenne helps to reduce cholesterol It is warming, dilating, a specific for varicose levels in the blood. Cayenne helps to dissolve fi- veins and other vascular troubles. brin, which causes formation of blood clots. It also Capsicum is highly effective in causing hemor- reduces triglyceride levels. rhoids to regress; and these fruits have the same DATE OF PUBLICATION: JANUARY 2011 It is excellent for any type of internal hemor- action on varicose veins. The results are attrib- 2 2 2 Waymarks uted to alkaloids or glucosides in the peppers. with, to cure sore throats. Capsaicin stimulates se- cretions, which helps to clear the mucus from Help for the heart—Dr. John Christopher, the nose and lungs by clearing the sinuses and caus- famed natural herbalist, was relentlessly harassed ing sweating. Cayenne pepper added to a tea is good by the government for his practice of herbal medi- in conditions of cold and flu. cine, all the while assisting patients in curing heart Capsicum is particularly efficient in tonsillitis, disease, cancer, tuberculosis, infertility, rheumatism, the sore throat of scarlet fever, and diphtheria. leukemia, and many other conditions with herbs. No application is so efficient as a strong gargle or He could instantly stop a heart attack if he wash made with capsicum. For sore throats, gar- could get the patient to drink a glass of warm cay- gle with a preparation of capsicum and honey. Cap- enne water. He said, “A teaspoon of cayenne should sicum is also good for spasmodic and irritating bring the patient out of the heart attack.” coughs, heartburn, diarrhea, and scarlet fever. For internal hemorrhaging (bleeding inside the It boosts immunity. Vitamin A, or beta-caro- body), if the patient can drink a glass of extra warm tene, in cayenne pepper gives protection against cayenne water, Dr. Christopher wrote, “by the count invading pathogens by helping the development of of ten the bleeding will stop. Instead of all the pres- healthy mucous membranes in the nasal passages, sure being centralized, it is equalized and the clot- lungs, and urinary tract; this gives immunity to ting becomes more rapid.” infections. With over 700,000 Americans experiencing a Capsicum is an important remedy in cholera. stroke each year and almost half a million dying It stops vomiting. Mix equal parts of capsicum and yearly of either heart disease or related issues, cay- common table salt (one half ounce of each) and one enne pepper is worth keeping on your shelf. pint of lemon juice. Give in tablespoon doses for Capsicum may be valuable in the prevention cholera, when vomiting “cholera morbus” (the gross and treatment of . Cayenne is also great blood clots material produced by cholera) from the system. for heartburn. Combine with asafetida and sweet flag root or cam- Digestion, stomach, and intestines—Cay- phor in the form of pills in cases of cholera. enne stimulates the appetite, more especially as Cayenne is an excellent remedy for a cold; mix a hot climate tends to produce anorexia. Cayenne infusion with slippery elm and molasses or honey, pepper is a useful therapeutic agent against anor- and take in doses throughout the day; also excel- exia (not eating enough food). We have always held lent for sore throat and coughs. that the saliva is the key that unlocks the door to Capsicum has a powerful action on the mucous digestion. Capsicum, a sialagogue, stimulates the membranes, the sore throat, and in hoarseness. flow of saliva. This will be very helpful to people A gargle made of capsicum is particularly benefi- who have become accustomed to swallowing their cial for the putrid throat. food almost whole, thus robbing themselves of the Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which has benefits of saliva in the digestive process. Capsi- the ability to prevent ulcers. cum will stimulate their flow of saliva as they re- It rebuilds the tissue in the stomach and turn to a healthier attitude toward eating. heals both stomach and intestinal ulcers. It Cayenne is often found in formulas for diet stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines. and weight loss. But can eating hot peppers re- It aids in assimilation and elimination. It is excel- ally help you lose weight? Probably not; but cay- lent for quinsy and all other diseases of the throat. enne supports your diet and exercise efforts. Be- Cayenne stimulates digestion and muscle cause it aids in digestion and absorption of nu- movement in the intestines, which helps restore trients, cayenne can reduce excess appetite that deficient digestive secretions and aids absorption is due to malabsorption, a common condition in of food nutrients. (Stomach acid tends to decline overweight people. with age; and some cases of poor digestion are re- It eases toothache and preserves the teeth from lated to a lack of this acid.) rotting. When rubbed on the gums, it stimulates Cayenne pepper added to the diet helps avoid them enough to prevent pyorrhea. stomachaches, gas, and cramps. It does this by Use it as an infusion for ulcers in the mouth, stimulating the flow of stomach secretions and sa- strep throat, or tonsillitis. It is used to eliminate liva. lockjaw. Cayenne added to the food helps one lose When made into a lozenge with sugar and traga- weight, when needed, through proper digestion. canth, it is a remedy for hoarseness. It thus reduces excess appetite due to malabsorp- Cayenne added to water can be used to gargle tion. 3 3 W Cayenne, Goldenseal, and Echinacea 3 M 1 Cayenne also stimulates circulation and blood tent and lethargic affections, for atonic gout, 5 flow to the peripheral areas of the body. Be- and in advanced stages of rheumatism. 8 7 cause it stimulates digestion and circulation, cay- In chronic lumbago, a plaster of capsicum with enne is often added to a wide variety of herbal rem- garlic, pepper and liquid amber or storax is an effi- edies; it improves the absorption and circula- cient stimulant and rubefacient application. tion of the other herbs throughout the body. When capsaicin causes its substance to flood It enables feeble stomachs to digest food, out of the cells, you experience a sensation of and helps eliminate atonic dyspepsia.
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