OAR DRAFT May 2018 Initial Study Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Update INTRODUCTION Marina Municipal Airport This Initial Study evaluates the potential environmental effects of the implementation of an Air‐ port Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) update for the environs of Marina Municipal Airport. This Initial Study is provided as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documen‐ tation for the Monterey County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) because the proposed plan is a “project” subject to CEQA (Cal. Code Regs., Title 14, Section 15378 [CEQA Guidelines]). Mon‐ terey County ALUC is the “Lead Agency” for this project (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15367) and will determine the appropriate level of CEQA documentation required for the proposed project based on the information presented in this Initial Study. Monterey County ALUC is guided by the relevant content in the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook (October 2011), published by the Caltrans Division of Aeronautics, and implements the California State Aeronautics Act (SAA) pursuant to California Public Utilities Code (PUC) Sections 21674.5 and 21674.7. The Mon‐ terey County ALUC is provided with staff assistance from the County and such consultants as the ALUC may select. The County Resource Management Agency (RMA)‐Chief of Planning or his/her designee also serves as Secretary of the ALUC. Monterey County ALUC review and determination regarding the potential environmental impacts of the ALUCP Update will be based on the infor‐ mation presented in this Initial Study. 1 OAR DRAFT May 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS This Initial Study document contains an “Environmental Checklist” for assessing potential envi‐ ronmental impacts of the proposed project in a modified form suggested by Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines. A brief explanation is provided for all responses contained in the Envi‐ ronmental Checklist, including supportive documentation for those responses identified as “No Impact” or “Less than Significant Impact.” Based on analysis undertaken to complete the checklist, the proposed ALUCP Update is not ex‐ pected to result in any potentially significant environmental impacts and no mitigation is neces‐ sary. Based on this determination, RMA‐Planning proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration (ND) for the proposed project. This Initial Study document fulfills the environmental review require‐ ments for adoption of the proposed ALUCP by the Monterey County ALUC. As noted in Item 9 of the Environmental Checklist, there are no other agency approvals required. 2 OAR DRAFT May 2018 Initial Study Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Update PROJECT DESCRIPTION Marina Municipal Airport 1. Project Title Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) Update for the Environs of Marina Municipal Airport (OAR) 2. Lead Agency Name and Address Monterey County Airport Land Use Commission ‐ Administrative and technical support provided by the Monterey County Resource Man‐ agement Agency ‐ Planning 1441 Schilling Place, 2nd Floor Salinas, CA 93901 3. Project Location The Marina Municipal Airport is located within the city limits of the City of Marina, approximately two miles east of the City’s central business district. The City is located in the northern portion of Monterey County, California. The Airport is accessed from Reservation Road, which connects to the Pacific Coast Highway (State Route [SR] 1) on the west and Blanco Road on the east; Blanco Road provides east‐west access from Reservation Road to the City of Salinas and Highway 101 (US 101). The cities of Salinas and Monterey are approximately nine miles to the east and south, respectively. The location of the airport is shown on Attachment B. 3 OAR DRAFT May 2018 The Airport encompasses approximately 845 acres of property and was formerly known as Fritzsche Army Airfield, originally constructed and used to support the military functions of the former Fort Ord Army post. The Airport was conveyed to the City to be maintained for the use and benefit of the public as an airport in 1995 as a part of the Fort Ord Reuse Plan (Reuse Plan). At the same time, the University of California’s Monterey Bay Education, Science and Technology (UC MBEST) Center received approximately 1,100 acres of land adjacent to the Airport to the south and east. For OAR, the Airport Influence Area (AIA) boundary was established using the outer boundary of the Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 77 surfaces (14 CFR Part 77). 14 CFR Part 77 defines a series of airspace boundaries around an airport to determine if there are obstructions to air navigation. The conical surface is the outer boundary of the 14 CFR Part 77 airspace bound‐ aries and generally represents the traffic pattern for an airport like OAR. The AIA boundary is depicted on Attachment C. 4. Project Sponsor’s Name and Address Monterey County Resource Management Agency ‐ Planning 1441 Schilling Place, 2nd Floor Salinas, CA 93901 5. General Plan Designation Each county and city in California are required to adopt a comprehensive, long‐term general plan regarding future physical development of the land. This general plan may differ from the existing land uses. The General Plan land use designations for the City of Marina and Monterey County are shown on Attachment D, with acreages summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 City of Marina and Monterey County General Plan Land Use Designations Marina Municipal Airport Environs Acres Land Use Category City of Marina Monterey County Single Family Residential 862.2 277.6 Multiple Family Residential 138.9 0.0 Commercial 200.4 259.9 Light Industrial 252.3 8.9 Public Facility 305.2 689.8 Agriculture 0.0 2,706.3 Open Space 1,005.2 1,828.5 Right of Way/No Data 459.7 0.0 Total 3,224.0 5,771.0 Source: City of Marina Planning Department, Monterey County Assessor’s Office, Coffman Associates analysis 4 OAR DRAFT May 2018 City of Marina The largest portion of land in the study area is reserved for open space, including parks and rec‐ reation, habitat conservation, and other open space. Single‐family residential development com‐ prises a second major future use. The Airport is included in the public facilities land use, which has portions of land slated for light industrial and commercial development. Monterey County The largest plot of land is planned for agricultural uses, as well as open space. The public facility designation includes the wastewater treatment facility, with remaining acreages planned for sin‐ gle‐family residential and light industrial uses. 6. Zoning Existing zoning identifies the type of land use permitted on a given piece of property in accord‐ ance with the responsible jurisdiction’s ordinances and maps. The City of Marina and Monterey County are the land use authorities within the Marina Municipal Airport Influence Area. Zoning is the primary regulatory tool for controlling development within a community, defining the type, size, and density of land uses allowed in the various zones. The zoning designations are shown on Attachment E, with acreages summarized in Table 2. TABLE 2 City of Marina and Monterey County Zoning Designations Marina Municipal Airport Environs Land Use Category City of Marina Monterey County Airport 1,139.5 0.0 Single‐Family Residential 934.5 0.0 Multiple Family Residential 194.5 0.0 Commercial 143.6 3.2 Light Industrial 0.0 3.6 Business Park 204.2 0.0 Marina Station Specific Plan1 299.4 0.0 Specific Plan 4.9 0.0 Public Facility 49.8 1,904.5 Open Space 130.1 50.2 Agriculture 0.0 3,758.3 Habitat 57.0 0.0 Right of Way/No Data 66.5 51.2 Total 3,224.0 5,771.0 1 Of the 320‐acre total site area for Marina Station, 299.4 acres is located within the Marina Municipal Airport AIA. Source: City of Marina Planning Department, Monterey County Assessor’s Office, Coffman Associates analysis City of Marina Within the City of Marina, the Airport zoning designation represents the largest acreage of land, encompassing 1,139.5 acres. Following the Airport zone, single‐family residential comprises the 5 OAR DRAFT May 2018 most zoned acreage around the Airport property. The third largest zoned area is the Marina Sta‐ tion Specific Plan, which is a 320‐acre development, including commercial, residential, education, and open space land uses.1 The rest of the 3,224 acres around the Airport environs are zoned for a business park, multiple family, commercial, habitat, and public facility land uses. Monterey County In the County, the agricultural zoning designation is the most prominent in the County. Large areas are also zoned as public facilities, followed by commercial, light industrial, and open space land uses. 7. Description of Project The Airport is served by a single runway oriented in an east‐west manner at an elevation of 136 feet (41 meters) above mean sea level (amsl). It is 3,483 feet long and 75 feet wide, and is strength‐rated at 20,000 pounds for aircraft with single wheel landing gear configurations and 50,000 pounds for dual wheel landing gear configurations. The airfield system also includes four taxiways and two hold aprons. Aircraft aprons, various types of hangars, a fuel farm, a fire sta‐ tion, offices and an administration building, a restaurant, and several non‐aviation are located on Airport property. In the southeast corner of the Airport property, land is reserved for a future Airport Business Park. Immediately adjacent to the south is the UC MBEST property. This Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan can be used by Monterey County Airport Land Use Com‐ mission (ALUC) to update the existing Marina Municipal Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan that was adopted on November 18, 1996 2. The proposed ALUCP would replace the existing 1996 CLUP for the Airport.
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