Five Brothers Die Simultaneously in FOR's War Not long ago I happened to read an by feverish machinations which would • Being Irish Catholics as well as Io­ article about the five Sullivan brothers wans, the Sullivans almost certainly voted who were killed in November 1942, Democratic in November 1940. when their destroyer was sunk off Gua­ The conclusion to be drawn from the dalcanal. About halfway through the ac­ above is as terrible as it is inescapable. In count, a terrible thought intruded into my November 1940, the Sullivan parents consciousness. Consider the following: surely cast their votes for the violent • The Sullivans were a typical rural deaths of their own five sons, deaths Iowa family. which came exactly two years after • Iowa, then as now, was one of the Roosevelt's 1940 election victory. Some whitest spots on the North American con­ or all of the five young men may actually tinent and therefore fairly liberal (i.e., have voted for their own demise at that Democratic). time. • Being liberal, Iowa almost certainly Considering that millions of Majority went for Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940 members voted similarly, can we really election, the one in which "Fair & Square feel remorse for Northern European peo­ Franklin" vowed never to send young ple who act so blindly? Dare we hope for American men like the Sullivans off "to the future of a people who allow them­ fight in any foreign wars!" Behind the selves to be manipulated by a media, scenes, of course, Roosevelt was abrogat­ Jaunty warmonger whose owners are violently obsessed with ing his solemn, isolationist vows, taken ensure America's entry into VVWII on the promoting their own interests? in March 1937, at his second inaugural, Allied side. 782 I The Litigation Racket The lawyers are back on the front pag­ enact and enforce laws designed strictly down insurance companies. If it goes to es. Their incredible greed to get their for the purpose of screwing the public. court the lawyers select poor, ignorant grubby hands on billions of dollars in fees The great financial breakthrough-a jurors who are easily convinced to "stick from the tobacco settlements have drawn mammoth one---was the connivers' doing it to the rich corporations and insurance the attention of the aware public, whose away with the statute of sovereign immu­ companies." Some seven-figure awards ranks seem to dwindle with each passing nity. Some years ago a citizen could not frequently border on the bizarre. year. sue a government agency because it Another source of ill-gotten gains for The numbers involved are enormous. would be the equivalent of suing the tax­ the attorneys is the now infamous class In the Florida case they're talking of payers. When the concept of sovereign action suit, which is pure extortion. A awards up to $15 billion, with pettifog­ immunity was overturned, the lawyers group of people is supposedly wronged gers claiming up to a third of whatever had the keys to the ultimate deep pock­ by a large corporation. The lawyers then amount is decided upon. Each dollar paid ets, those belonging to taxpayers. Take sue the corporation on the group's behalf. to the shysters is a dollar subtracted from the Rodney King lawsuit in Los Angeles. Restaurant chains are a favorite target. If the people injured by tobacco. Taxpayers did not beat King, but they the suit is successful, the claimants get a These tobacco fees, however, are just were stuck for millions of dollars, the few thousand dollars at most, while the the tip of the iceberg in the hundreds of lion's share of which went to King's law­ lawyers take their traditional third and billions of dollars citizens have to pay yers. more from the TOTAL settlement. They these barristers. Virtually every item you One of the worst aspects of our recur­ get millions, even tens of millions, for buy has an extra, invisible price tag to rent legal nightmare is the contingency their cut. One lawyer in the asbestos class cover the cost of liability insurance the fee arrangement where the lawyer takes action suit had enough money to bid $100 company must have to protect itself. I an injury case for a percentage, usually million for the Tampa Bay football team. have read that up to 80% of the cost of a one third plus expenses, of any award A highly regarded and respected law­ football helmet can be allocated to law­ made to the injured party. The lawyers, yer friend of my generation told me that yer-inspired liabi lity insurance. some of them electronic ambulance chas­ when he went into the law it was a pro­ Don't forget that the President, gov­ ers who pitch their wares on TV, first con­ fession. Now, he says, "It's strictly a rack­ ernors, Congressmen, state legislators and vince the alleged victims they have been et without any merit to justify itself." judges are for the most part lawyers. They wronged, then sign them up to shake 323 INSTAURATION-JUNE 1998-PAGE 15 '<~ Alternative to a Mini-Boerestaat With regard to Instauration's news item about South Africa ernment will implode and others (India and China come to mind) (Feb. 1998, p. 27), there have been many attempts on the part of will be eyeing the vacuum. Then may come the true confrontation. Boers to found various "mini-republics" as a solution to their im­ Those with a vision of another kind of future South Africa passe. Some conservative parties and rightist movements here are quite determined that it will be a genuine ethnostate, with have done the same. At least 25 different maps have been drawn blacks repatriated to their traditional ethnic homelands (with for various "Boer states" over the years. While the intent is meri­ compensation for jobs lost and help and training to set up viable torious, the effect is absolutely nil. economies). They will be free to sink or swim according to the All British governments have supported the money power. choices they make. Illegais will be sent packing. Blacks will no An egregious example was the British declaration of war against longer be the white man's burden that they are today, with a few the Orange Free State and other Boer areas at the behest of Cecil million whites bearing the main tax burden for close to 60 mil­ Rhodes, who was financed by his Oxford pal, lord Rothschild. In lion blacks, at least half of whom are foreign illegals, some from Britain, Tory and labour governments alike have striven to under­ as far away as Nigeria. mine white and especially Afrikaner hegemony in South Africa. The main difference between this vision and the separate It is no secret that the Mandela government is simply a development policy of Dr. Verwoerd is that his policy was not pawn of the Brits and Americans. To believe that the wily Man­ completed. There were too many South Africans intent on keep­ dela or his masters would ever consider allowing a Boerestaat is ing their cheap black labour, which slowed down the return to naive in the extreme. Nor would the British government dream the homelands. We now see the mortal danger. An ethnostate of paying reparations for the 26,000 deaths (4,000 women and simply has to provide its own labour. In the short term, immigra­ 22,000 children) in British concentration camps during the Anglo­ tion will be welcomed from racially compatible white states Boer War. We, their descendants, don't have enough melanin. abroad. In the medium term a higher South African birthrate will The concept of a minuscule Boer Republic is symptomatic have to be encouraged. of an Old Testament-type withdrawal syndrome. No such mini­ Inevitably some nervous souls will point to the "fear" of re­ state in the South African arena has a hope of survival, since it newed sanctions and pressures on the scale we were subjected would be surrounded by hostile black tribes. The massive theft of to before the treasonable capitulation in 1994. However, with stock, where whole herds are rustled at a time, and the murder of the results of that capitulation staring us in the face, including white farmers on the scale now perpetrated by tribesmen of the cultural suicide, we have indeed experienced the alternative to "independent" ethnostate of lesotho, have become a fact of life. apartheid! The entire economy of such a state would have to go into pro­ Nearly every white South African male over the age of 26 is tecting its land-locked borders and a possible black-sanctioned a trained soldier, hardened in warfare conditions-a legacy of "corridor to the sea." There is no guarantee it would be a "whites the two-year army conscription policy of former governments. only" state, forbidden by South Africa's new constitution, or that Probably half of the whites today own and are trained in the use whites in other parts of South Africa would be attracted enough of (registered) hand weapons. They will never surrender these, to go and I ive there. even if ordered to by the present regime. Up to now the white Many sub-strategies on the part of whites-tax evasion, an South African, especially the Afrikaner, has been inclined to trust Atlas Shrugged withdrawal and the spontaneous crystalization of his political and church leaders. Because of the treachery perpe­ a system-within-a-system-are already happening. In addition trated by so many of these leaders, this is ancient history.
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