NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF British Walter Cup team certificate thus protecting the plans 10 play the IJ.S, stand- fund against the operations of ard ball in Walker Cup irresponsible operators. matches at Minikahda Cluh. Art Doc-ting selected from Minneapolis. Aug. 30-31 , , . among big list of applicants to Ridge IC (Chicago dist.) Supt. be pro a t Pittsbu rgh (Pa.) I hiyd .Sander completing $!I.V Field Club .. Paul Hahn turn- (HHI program on new watering ed in another great series of system and new equipment performances ill providing the building . , . River bend CC. top feature at the first Golf being built in southwestern Show in New Vork , , , Fred suburban area of Houston, McLeod, veteran pro at Colum- Tex., features a drawing of HERB GRAFFIS bia CC, Chew Chase, Md., and its planned combination pro shop and 19th winner of 19(t8 US National Open, visiting hole in its advertising for members . , Ins old home at North Berwick. Scotland, Riverbend course cx peered to be in plav and other overseas spits late this summer this fall. Trip is a gift from his members who Dom Como, brother of singer, Perry, rate Freddie the greatest ol all the pros. opens Como Club with 9-hole par-S light There's no getting away from it, the ed course in suburban Houston, Tex, . Masters is by a long way the classiest nl all M.thlon Demaret is pro . When Houston golf tournaments . It's staged on one (Tex.) CC moved to its new course and ol the most beautiful courses in the world clubhouse early this year, its old plant was and usuallv just when the spring Mowers taken over by Houston GC which sells are coming in . - , The Masters probably memberships lor 5iff) plus tax per quarter is the best moneymaker, net profit con- and charges members green fees of $2 week- sidered, of all the big tournaments even days and S3. Saturdays, Sundays and holi- without the program racket, parking days . Lew Nash, formerly pro at Sunset charges and fancy prices for food and Grove CC, Orange, l ex., is gen. mgr. and drink lhat are served at many convenient pro at Houston GC , , , Monte Demaret is stands on the course. his asst. When Hogan and Middlecoff were Babe Didriksnii Zaharias Memorial •itiiong those eliminated as the field for the Cancer Fund, University Station, Calves- third and fourth day rounds was cut to ton, Tex., planning big fund raising na- 10, there were predictions of a big drop tionwide campaign In many sjmrts this in the Masters galleries for the last two summer . Expects to have lutid raising days . lhe Saturday and Sunday gal- activities at hundreds of golf clubs . , leries were among the largest in the tour- Asks that clubs participating in the cam nament's history . There were 61 press paign write the Fund's board of directors and wireless reporters covering the Mas at Galveston headquarters Inr approval ters . .. That's more than there usually are Nature ond Harold B Morrison, pro-iupt of Centre Hills CC, Slate College, Pa., hove collaborated to produce what golfers who hove seen It ioy is one of the most beautifully contrived hole) to be found Front anywhere in the country. There are four levelt of tees on hfo. 4 at Centre hills ond lengths of the hole range from 135 1a 183 yardl. When the well known golfing traveler, lice Eisenhower of Washington, D, C., played the course lad year he used o No. 5 wood from the Cover back tee and laid hii thot dead en the green. Robert S. Btrte phi,In Csltdtm tl pilMllhed monthly txtpT Nov ul D«. st ttoctiell*. ttl. Acreptsnct under Sectiin M M. PCS.lt Jtuttierlied. tt the National Open . This year's Masters, the first in which the field was <ui, was unique in having more reporters than contestants in the last two days . , , 1 he starting field was 101, When King Crosby, Chris Dunphy. Phil Harris, Dick Suidctiian ami joe Dyrr were at the Armed Forces course at Augusta playing an exhibition before (he Masters began, it was the first time the club's pro, Mickey Gallagher, and Dunphy had met since 15*22 when ihey played with Pres. Harding and A. D. Lasker a I ihe FOR BEAUTY, Augusta CC. UTILITY and jack Burke's first round 71 (one under) at the Masters i\ what f'.S. military person- ECONOMY nel in many countries will he shooting against on International Golf Day on courses near where the (.Is are stationed , , . The day is for the benefit of the TEE MARKING Military Police Assn. UNIT lip to the time the Masters field was cut this year, Hortou Smith had played available as every round in ihe tournament since it complete started in 1934 . H or ton won the first unit or as Masters with 284 , . |otk Hutchison individual anil Fred McLcod pl.t veil their first round parts. nf the Masters in 2 hours and 2fi minutes . jock will be 74 June fi . He scored mounting bracket • Club rest only • Plaque lor club rest or ground set- ting • Tilting refuse container * Portable base for 2" pipe • Alumi- num spherical tee markers • Plastic spherical tee markers • G B W (Golf ball washer) detergent Extruded aluminum flag pole avail- able in annodized natural color or in baked enamel colors • Numbered hole flags with wire swivels • Cup If your fairwayt, greent and tea* bear any Indication hole cutter with exclusive lever ac- of Brown Patch or otkar grau di»*»i, act now! tion plug extractor • Cup made of V>'« offer i cam plat* tin* of area I lent fungicidal Don't wreit until your turf trouble! mcraaw — writa diecast aluminum (dichromated) • «nd give ut your problem. We can halp yout Cup setter For full details contact your local PAR AIDE DEALER or write: PAR AIDE PRODUCTS CO. U57 MARSHALL AVENUE. ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA 59 -11-8') , . Fred gnt an 88 . He's just PENNCROSS had his 75th birthday. Ben Hogart can get a lot of arguments against his statement at Augusta that the BENTGRASS good putters don't stand up long in cham- The best qualities and character- pionship careers , . PGA Championship istics of the three outstanding sectional qualifying rounds May 20 . strains of Bentgrass have been Championship at Sfiami Valley CC, Day- capturL*d in this significant new ton, O., July 17-21. hybrid, developed at Pennsylvania Pretty Diane Sargent, daughter nf East State University's famous turf- Lake CC pro, Harold, and the charming grass center. Mary, was named one of Atlanta's three Wt are offering our limited "Golfers of the Year" at the annual l>an- supply of this prized Pc-nneross cpiet of ihe Atlanta Golf Assn. Diane Bentgrass Seed on a first-come, won the city's Girls' Championship . first-served basis. Her grand-daddv. George, won ihe US Open in 1909 and the Canadian Open in As turfgrass specialists, we can supply all your needs in first qual- 1912. ity, rc-eleaned seed—either pure, Jimmy Mann of Golf World won the or mixed to your special formula. !th annual Golf Writers' championship played at Dunes Golf ft Beach Club, Myrth Beach. S.C.. with a Trover. 77 . Toir Davison. Houston (Tex.) Post was secom with 7H and defending champion, De-- Sullivan of Newark (N.f.) Evening News was 3rd with 81 , . , The tournament conducted by Jimmy D'Angclo, Dunes ftlv MOCK SEED COMPANY pro, and his hospitable members, ton- PITTSBURGH 30, PA. tinned to grow with 33 golf writers and MODEL 400 Many Exclusive Features , . —~ The NEW SIMPLFX is the fastest, most accurate straight-line lawnmower grinder ever built.., gives you all these advantages: • Grind t oil mow«n —f»»| lypt, rot or y, Hand or power, any iii«. • No dU«<m*ml»ly needed, 901 ond oil rtmoin in rngin#, support bar rotafoi. • Grinding head F««dt bath horizontally and vertically, furnt 90 for btd knivet. • Fait, positive adjustments, 4-polnl support on *tt*l bat* with leveling tcrewt. • Rugged, long lift construction ond many other feetwe». The Fate*RooM1eath Company Dept. G-5 • Plymouth, Ohio the wives nf 11 of (hem being present this n r year on the usual date, the Monday be- fore the Masters , , , A sensational aquatic performance by Hob (Moby Dirk) Drum ol the Pittsburgh Press added to the merri- ment ol the program put on at Myrtle Death . Sullivan won the draw from Dan Jenkins of Fort Worth Press for low net, 71, by the Galloway system. Des Sullivan was re-elected pres., Golf Writers' Am, of America, at the organi- zation's annual meeting, held during the Masters , , . Also re-elected were |ohn Wal- ter, Detroit News, 1st vp; Bob Drum. I'iuv burgh Press, 2d vp; Charles Karl let t. Chicago Tribune, secy.-treas.; Lincoln Wer- Check your tlen. New York Times, chmn. of ihe Iroard Dolge supply list , . There were 39 of ihe GWA'S 248 members at the Masters . Matters div Weed killers ntned ami tablet! for later anion by com- mittee included the association's s|ronsor- Insecticides ship of a golf record bonk, reviving or re Mole and gopher killers placing the "Official Coll Guide" pub lished in 1918, and prizes offered by Golf ball cleaners ittiike Coif Co. for goll writing . Jimtns D'Angelo, pro al Dunes Coil X.* Beach Rid Turf of Inject! Club. Myrtle Beach. SC.. voted a GWA SOLEXTO honorary mciulter'ship For his work in es- For turf use—Kills Japanese beetles, chinch- tablishing the highly popular annual Coll bugs and other insects.
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