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Tuesday | February 17, 2015 Harris Sunday vigil County increases remembers reward slain students Associated Press By Bresha Pierce About 50 Baylor students Reporter came together Sunday evening HOUSTON — Authorities have and showed respect, through Baylor students gathered to increased to $75,000 the reward for prayer and moments of silence, to mourn the loss of three Univer- information to a Texas murder. the lives that were lost. sity of North Carolina students Officials are seeking information “We want Baylor University to for a candlelight service at 8 p.m. leading to an arrest in the slaying last be a place of peace and love,” Is- Sunday at the Bill Daniel Student year of a family of four, including two lam said. “Where we can go about Center. children, in their suburban Houston our day with full comfort and Almost a week earlier, two home. confidence of being who we natu- women called 911 at approxi- Harris County Sheriff Adrian rally are, regardless of religion, mately 5 p.m. Tuesday to report Garcia on Monday announced the race, ethnicity, socioeconomic multiple gunshots and screams in reward has been increased from background or political views.” an apartment complex near the the $70,000 officials announced last The victims’ families de- University of North Carolina, ac- summer. scribed the murders as hate cording to a University of North Crime Stoppers is offering the re- crime. The University of North Carolina press release. The three ward for information on the deaths of Carolina Police Department stat- students, Deah Barakat, Yusor 50-year-old Maoye Sun, his 49-year- ed in a press release that it is still Abu-Salha, and Razan Abu-Salha, old wife Mei Xie and their 7- and investigating the incident. were dead at the scene, police re- 9-year-old sons. “What we witnessed in Cha- ported. Authorities have said a motive in pel Hill was a tragedy,” Islam said. Even though Baylor students the killings remains unclear. “It’s disheartening to see and hear were not at the incident, they Deputies discovered the bodies about what just happened and so wanted to remember the three Jan. 30, 2014.. I think as students we have a re- students with a candlelight vigil. Investigators say the husband was sponsibility especially being at a “I wanted people to come to- last seen alive leaving work on Jan. university to commemorate what KEVIN FREEMAN | LARIAT PHOTOGRAPHER gether and know that there are 24. they stood for. At the end of the things going on in the world but day we mourn for their death and Baylor strings get ridiculous at the same time we need to keep we gather tonight to remember Silsbee sophomore Laura Cowlishaw plays the cello during the Baylor University Campus Orchestra’s per- in mind that we have a commit- their loss.” formance, titled “From The Sublime, To The Ridiculous!” on Monday in the Jones Concert Hall. The concert ment and responsibility to re- consisted of a Beethoven piece and a John Williams piece for the sublime, and ended with a Kablalevsky member that every life matters,” Insurance suite for the ridiculous. SEE CHAPEL HILL, page 4 said Plano senior Raayan Islam. Islam and Waco junior Hasan Waqar spoke to the gathering. sign-ups Waqar read a speech given by Barakat’s sister the day after the incident. “We are out here paying our spike on Let’s Talk sees growth despite stigmarespects to the students who lost their lives,” Waqar said. “It is very By Amanda Hayes to counselors, Marsh-Ball said. is no appointment necessary and sad and we just want to keep them Reporter A number of surveys were anything discussed with a con- in our prayers and know we care sent to students last semester, sultant remains confidential. The final day for them and support their fami- Following a campaign to which Marsh-Bell said confirmed first-come, first-served meetings lies.” engage students in the minor- there is a negative stigma attached take place from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Islam said he may host more By ity community and break stigmas to counseling that makes students on Wednesdays on the third floor Associated Press events in the future regarding this associated with counseling, the cautious to go to the counseling Multicultural Affairs conference counseling center’s Let’s Talk pro- center, as previously reported by room in the Bill Daniel Student from Page 1 SAN ANTONIO — Despite driz- EGYPT gram has seen a dramatic increase the Lariat. Center. zling weather, people seeking health in the number of students who “There’s a misconception The Multicultural Affairs insurance under the Affordable Care use its services, said Monique that students can only come to department partnered with the Act streamed into some Texas enroll- Marsh-Bell, a psychologist at the the counseling center if there is development of this program, ment centers Sunday, the final day center. something significantly wrong Marsh-Bell said, because they see they could sign up this year. LARIAT FILE PHOTO This comes after an initiative with them,” Marsh-Bell said. “The a need for students of minorities Enrollment SA, a coalition of Monique Marsh-Bell, a psychologist at Baylor “Let’s Talk” center, is help- by the center last semester to in- counseling center is available to or disabilities that don’t feel as San Antonio health professionals, ing to redefine the negative stigmas against counseling. crease awareness about the pro- discuss anything the students comfortable to receive help. nonprofits and government agen- grams on campus and let students wants to talk about, whether it’s In some cultures, it is seen as cies, kept three centers open to help Let’s Talk is a service designed don’t want the traditional weekly know they do not have to be deal- changing their major or a room- people navigate the exchanges and by the counseling center for stu- counseling session, Marsh-Bell ing with huge issues to come talk mate issue.” find insurance. By mid-afternoon, dents who need quick advice and said. The program is free, there SEE LET’S TALK, page 4 the centers had attended to some 70 families, with more still expected, though organizers said they were un- likely to see the long lines of 2014. “It’s definitely less than last year Egypt requests more aid against IS that we are helping in person,” said Joe A. Ibarra, a South Texas regional By Hamza Hendawi and The airstrikes bring Egypt targeted “to avenge the blood- organizer for Enroll America. “But Maggie Michael overtly into Libya’s turmoil, a shed and to seek retribution enrollment numbers across the Associated Press reflection of Cairo’s increasing from the killers,” a military state- board are up.” alarm. Egypt now faces threats ment said. “Let those far and He said that the coalition antici- CAIRO — Egypt bombed on two fronts — a growing near know that Egyptians have pates that about 46,000 new consum- Islamic State militants in neigh- stronghold of radicals on its a shield to protect and safeguard ers will have signed up for insurance boring Libya on Monday and western border and a militant the security of the country and a during this enrollment period, which called on the United States and insurgency of Islamic State allies sword that cuts off terrorism.” means that more than 100,000 peo- Europe to join an international on its eastern flank in the Sinai The announcement on state ple in and around Bexar County will military intervention in the cha- Peninsula — as well as its own radio represents Egypt’s first have received insurance through the otic North African state after internal challenges. public acknowledgement of Affordable Care Act. Ibarra estimates extremists beheaded a group of Islamic State group weapons military action in post-Moam- the number of uninsured in Bexar Egyptian Christians. caches and training camps were mar Gadhafi Libya, where there County, which includes San Antonio, has been almost no government at between 200,000 and 300,000. control. Latinos have been intensely tar- Libya is where the Islamic geted by the coalition through Span- State group has built up its ish-language newspaper ads along strongest presence outside Syria with radio and TV spots. More than and Iraq. Egyptian President 75 percent of uninsured people in Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi is lobby- Bexar County are Latino, said An- ing Europe and the United States drea Guajardo, director of commu- for a coordinated international response similar to the coalition nity health at Christus Santa Rosa HANNAH HASELOFF | LARIAT PHOTOGRAPHER Health System. Latinos here suffer air campaign in those countries. high rates of chronic illnesses, in- “What is happening in Libya Rings in the spring cluding diabetes and heart disease. is a threat to international peace Fort Worth junior Alicia Hindman was sized Monday in the Bill Daniels When these are left untreated, health and security,” said El-Sissi. ASSOCIATED PRESS El-Sissi spoke with France’s Student Center. The signature Baylor ring was designed by Balfour in care costs can skyrocket as drastic A man mourns Monday over Egyptian Coptic Christians who were 1995. Ring Week lasts from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. from Monday to Thurs- captured in Libya and killed by militants affiliated with the Islamic State day in the SUB.
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