Educational Institutions Goa 1983

Educational Institutions Goa 1983

LIST OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN GOA 1983 -90 ^5A799 DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION BTI STATISTICS SECTION G iO «- L Government of Goa Govt Ptg. Press. Panaji-Goa — 15:?7/400 — 3/1889 ;l- * •kit^ft -k-k-k'k'*: 'M -k * k 'k -k k -^t-k -k-k k k -k-k -k k - k vV k k k - k k * * Vr ^ * * •>!<•>*?*★* * .V -,V Vr * * k k -k * ,★ i'tiit'k-k-k-kififk-k ** * vV ★ * * * ,V * -A- * ■* k k k-k-kk k k k k k -k k -k k k -k kk k-k k k ~k * * * k -k .......... ............................................. ... ...................................... ... ........................... ^ >f. • X->{- •>f>r >t- >fo « :i- X-Jf* >r ii-o Jf >5-« GOVERNMENT OF uOA X- r^>r' >!-'(■ >r >f- '!• H- >{- ; r » LIST OF E iJCATIONAL Jf >r : ’r X->5-» IE3STITUTI0KS >4- Ji- >»■» . IN ^yr j;- >5- X- >(-• >r ^ >i-'Ar, GOA 5f - t- >{•• X- >(r >i- V * 1989-90 >f ;{■ Jr» X- 5f 'I- :|- >rX-. X- ^ >i'H-» 5i" >r • DiRECTOFvATE OF EDUCATION >ir Jt- >(■ ;(-• ^ >4- STATISTICS SECTION 5f >{- ^ > ! - o >i- >{- Jf >5- • ^:V^.NAJI - GOA X- >{-><-» . o . , , n ^ * 'Ar * -Ar Vr iV v'- V' ,V v’c- 'k k k k-k-k k kk k k k k k k k -k k-k k Vr k k k k k k k k k k k k k -k k k k * -k-k-k-k-k-k-k'/- '.'• ; • k ••, V- V. k k k k k k k * k k k k k k k k k k * ■> k * k k k k k k k k k k X- NIEPA DC y i ) L Q 0 ( ^ Mr. Systems Urtft* Nl^^:o^^I Tf«tifui« ryf Educ#ricn«J PlMT^r. d A cn ip istT*t^on IO C . N p ..D ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .-k-k i<-k-h-,v k-k ix iek-k-k 'k^k -k -k 'k k' k k k -k k k k-k k-k -k-k-k-f '-kkk-k page No 1, Institutions for Gpr^raT Education ( Degree Level ) ' 1 2, Institutions for professional/ Technical Education(Degree Level) 3* Institutions for professional/ Technical(Post Matric Level) 4, Institutions for professional/ Technical/other Education ( School Level) 5, Higher Secondary Schools (Government & Non-Govt^ 7 6„ Non-Government High Schools 10 7 j Non-Governmeni Middl e Schools 21 8« Non-Govt, primary S^nools 22 O .^ernmant High Schools 10. Government Midda.e ov„nouls 27 11, Government primary Schools 32 12. Libraries 60 D P / W 1 8 1 9 0 Institutions f o r g e n e r a l e d u c a t i o n (d e g r e e l e v e l ) 31. Rural Name of the Institution Medium Urban 17 2 , 3. 1* Goa University,Bambolim> p .0•St,Cruz *• Rural English Courses s-ph.D. ,M.A ., M.Sc,, r4,Corfi., M*C*Ao' M.M.S. & M*Phil, 2, Dhempe College of Arts & . cience, P.O.Box No.22 2, Miramar/Fanaji, Urban English Courses ;~B,A « Sc B.Sc, 3, Srinivassa Sinai Dcmpo College of Commerce & Economics, Altinho>PanajiUrban English Courses 2~B,Com. 4, Smt.parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science, Margao, Urban English Courses;-B.A*, B.Sc,, Diploma in Comiputer Applications. 5 , Shree Damodar College of Commer'ce & Economics,,Margao. Urban English Coursess-3.Com. 6, Carmel College of Arts & Science irv (for women) Nuvem,Salcete, Rural English , Coursess-B.A,, B.Com,^-B.So, 7, Cuncolim Educational Society’s College of Arts Sc Commerce, Cuncolim-Salcete, Urban English Coursess-B.A. u B.Com. &. St. Xavier's College, xMapusa-Bardez, Urban English Coursess-B,A. & B.Sc. 9. D.M.V.N.S.Bandekar College of Commerce, Assagao, Bardez. Rural English Courses »-B.Com. 10. M.E.S, College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar, Goa, ' Rural English Coursess-B.A, & B.Com. 11. G.V.M.'s College of Commerce Economics, P.B.No. 10.2, Ponda. Urban English Coursess-B,Com, 12. P.E.S. College of Arts & Science, P.B.No .3, Parmagudi,Ponda. Rural English Coursesg-B.A. & B.Sc. 13. Govt. College of Arts Sc Science^ & Commerce, Sanquelim, Goa. ^ Rural English Courses;~B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. 14. Govt, College of Arts & Commerce, Quepem, Rural English Courses;-B.A, & B.Com, 15. Govt. College of Arts & Commerce, Kandola, Marcela Rural English Courses . Sc B.Com. 2 - INSTITUTIONS FOR .PRO FE S SI ON A L ,/TE CH NICA L ED UC A TI ON ' “(deg'r e e l e v e l ) Intake SI. Rural' Name of the Institution Medium capaci No ^ urban for a] cour,'^ T 7 47 1, Goa r4edical College, panaji. urban English 171 Coursess-M.D,, M.S., M,B,B.So/ Dip, ■ Courses in Anaesthesiology/ psychiatry. Radio- Diagnosis, preventive (St Social Medi­ cine, Forensic Medicine & Skin & V.D. Goa College of pharmacy, Panaji. Urban English 120 Coursess-B,Pharm,, Dip, in Lab, Technology & pharmacy »■ 3. Goa College of Art, Altinho Panaji, Urban English 40 Courses s-Degree in Fine Arts,^ painting/Applied A r t , 4„ Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho, Panaji. Urban English 152 Courses 2-Ph ,D , (Edn) , M.Ed,, B.Ed-. Sc D o Ed , 5, Mahadevrao Selg-aonkar College of Law,' Miramar-Pana j i. Urban English ’ 4SC Coursess-L,L.B.(General)/L.L.B. • : Degree. So Goa Institute of Management C/o College of Law, Miramar, j i , tjrbari English 30 Courses Uni vers ity Course s_; Poot Graduate Dip, in business Managem»^nt & Admn. Management. Kcn-University Courses s Diplom’a"*' in Travel Tourism Management, 7^ Goa College of Architecture,, Pana j 1, Til.‘ P^naT-i Coursess-Degree Course, 8. Kala Academy's CoUqge of Music, Campal,Panaji. Urban Courses :-Hindustai'i Classical Vocal Music. 9„ Kala Academy's Theatre Arts Faculty, Campal, pana j , Urban 300 Courses 2-Diploma Cour^R . 10, Goa Dental Coll'^ge & Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, P,0, St, Cr’iz. Rural English 30 Courses s-Bachelor of Dent=il -rnirgt-ry. /- 3 - SI RuraiT In- Name of Institution Medium N o Urban caL. for cou.: 1- 2 . 3 . 11, Goa, College of Home Science, G.M.C, Complex, Bambolim,P.O*St.Cruz-Goa, Rural English Courses--Degree Course, 12, College of Engineering^ Farmagudi, Ponda-Goa.-, Rural English 15v. Courses;-B,E, (Civil,Elect. & Mech, & Electronics Tele-Communica- tions), Computer Engineering & M.E. (Ind. Engg* & Foundation Engg.). 13. G.R.Kare College of Law, Borda,Margao. urban English 5; Courses s-L.LiBi ^General)/L,L*B, Dip* in l^abour Law & Labour Welfare. 14. V,V*M.'s Institute of ^'^anagement Training & Research, P^O.Box No,777, Urban English 195 Margao* Courses s-University Coursesg-Dip. in Business Manage raent. Non-University Coursesg Dip, in jlusiness MTnagement, Hotel Management, Computer progra­ mming, Taxetion Laws and Labour Laws. - 4 - INSTITUTIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL EDUCATION ( POST-MATRIC l e v e l ) SI ^Rural/ Intake Name of the Institution Mediiim No Ur-^an capac for a cours^ .—-g— 2. 3. 4. 1. Govt. Polytechnic# Panaji-Goa Urban English 220 Courses;-Dip, in Civil E n g g ,, Mech, Engg,, Elect. Engg,,Industrial Electro­ nics# Fabrication Technology/ Steno­ graphy Sc private Secretarial practice# Mining and Mine Survey & Instrumenta­ tion , Agnel Polytechnic & Agnel Industrial '^raining Institute, Agnel Ganv# P.O. Verna# Salcete Goa. Rural English 90 Coursess-Dip. in production Engg.# Const. Engg.# Comp. Engg.# Automo­ bile Engg.# Certificate in Mech. (Diesel), Electrician# Fitter# Carpentary. 3. Institute of Shipbuilding Technology# May Fair, H.No.MHN/77# Mundvel# Vasco da gama. Urban English 30 Courses;-Dip. in Shipbuilding Engg. 4. ACDIL- Teachers Training College# Alto-Betim-Goa. Rural English 76 Courses:-Teachers Training Certificate Course. 5. Saraaj Seva Sangh Training College, Post Box No. 105, Margao. Urban Marathi 25 Courses;- D.Ed. Shri Damodar D.Ed.Training College, Marathi P.O.Box No.53, Margao. Urban English 110 Courses:-D,Ed.(part-I) & D ,Ed. (part.II) 7. Institute of Hotel Management,Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition progra­ mme, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez-Goa Rural English 113 Courses;-Dip. in Hotel Management & Cate­ ring Technology, Certificate Courses in Cookery, Bakery & Food & Beverage Service. 8,. Govt, Nursing School, Altinho,Panaji. Urban English 60 Courses :-Gen. Nursing Courses '' Sc Multipurpose Health Workers uoa^se. Industrial Training Institute,pernem. Rural English 48 Trades:-Electrician,Stenography, Cutting Sc Tailoring. 10. Industrial Training Institute# Altinho-Panaj i. Urban English 13 2 Trades;-Fitter, Turner, Welder,Mech. (Motor Vehicle),Mechanic(Diesel), Electrician, Stenography (English). - 5 - Rurr Intal ■S'* . aedium Marne of the Institute Urb capa for cours lo 2o 3. 4-. 5. 1 ^ Pil~ir Tnoustrial Training institute • Pilar-Goa 403203, . ’ Rural English 32 Trades s-Hand Composing & P: >of reading.px'inting Machine i4ind..Br„ 12, Incustriol TL-i'aj.ning Institute ,.Mapusa , urb" . English 184 Trades s •-■■-‘'itter. Turner, Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) & Electrician^ Electro­ nics, Corr.puter data pre ^ Mech.Diese.,1, 13, Industrial Traiiiing Institute,. Eicholim-Goa« rban English 160 Trades 2-Fitter, Mechanic(Diesel), Mechanic(Tractor), Electrician and VJiremanp Inc.ustria], Training Institute, Hor.da.. Sattari. Rural English 104 Tredess-Fitter, Turner, Welder, F1umber, Mechanic(Diesel), and Elecr.ricion o 1 ~ xncTb.otr.Lal Training Institute, !?arma J:di^ Ponda. Rural E n g l i s h 380 Trade s ; - Fit r , Mach-jn is t , Mechanic, (Motor VahicJ.e) ,EJ.ectrician, lA/elder, Mechanic (Diesel), Mechanic(Instru- \'cnt) ,. Mechanic (Electronics) . Mechanic (^efrigarator & Air Gondit 'niug ) ^ Turner, Draughtsman(Mechanic) and Civil, Radio Sc T.V,, Plastic Pro.

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