ORIGINAL ARTICLE TRANSLATION AND VALIDATION IN PASHTO (3): WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION DISABILITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE 2.0 Muhammad Irfan1, Mifrah Rauf Sethi2, Imran Khan3, Naila Riaz Awan4, Fauzia Naz5, Urooj Saleem6, Farooq Naeem7 1,2 Department of Mental ABSTRACT Health, Psychiatry and Be- Objective: To translate and validate the World Health Organization Disability havioural Sciences, Peshawar Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) in Pashto. Medical College, Riphah Inter- national University, Islamabad Methodology: This study was conducted in Peshawar from July 2015 to Jan- – Pakistan. uary 2016 on 216 participants. The participants consisted of two groups; stu- 3 Department of Psychiatry, dents (n=111) and patients (n=105) with a mean age of 21.8 ±5.6 years. Three Khyber Teaching Hospital, bilingual experts, using forward-backward method, translated WHODAS 2.0 Peshawar – Pakistan. from English to Pashto. Both, English and Pashto versions of WHODAS 2.0 were 4 Department of Psychiatry, given to the participants separately. Pashto version of Hospital Anxiety and De- Lady Reading Hospital, Pesha- pression Scale (HADS) was also given to find out its correlation with WHODAS war – Pakistan. 2.0. The data were analysed using SPSS v. 20. 5 Department of Applied Psy- chology, Government College Results: The Pashto version of WHODAS 2.0, well discriminated between both Township, Lahore – Pakistan. groups of participants. Disability scores were significantly higher in patients 6 Department of Health Pro- group of participants as compared to students (p value =0.000). The factorial fessions Education, Peshawar validity of the Pashto version showed that it is a single factor instrument. WHO- Medical College, Riphah Inter- DAS 2.0 Pashto version had good concurrent validity as there was significant national University, Islamabad correlation between English and Pashto version of WHODAS 2.0 (r =.82; p value – Pakistan. =.000). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the Pashto version of WHODAS 2.0 7 University of Toronto & was 0.92. There was a significant correlation between Pashto versions of WHO- Chief, Gen Adult & Health DAS 2.0 and HADS (p =.000). Systems Psychiatry, Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, Conclusion: Pashto version of the WHODAS 2.0 is a valid and reliable instru- Toronto – Canada ment to measure disability and can be used in community as well as clinical Address for Correspondence: settings. Dr. Muhammad Irfan Key Words: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0, Head, Department of Mental Translation, Validation, Pashto Health, Psychiatry & Behavior- al Sciences, Peshawar Medical College, Riphah International University, Islamabad – Paki- stan. Email: [email protected] Date Received: June 30, 2016 Date Revised: February 24, 2017 Date Accepted: March 02, 2017 This article may be cited as: Irfan M, Sethi MR, Khan I, Awan NR, Naz F, Saleem U, Naeem F. Translation and validation in Pashto (3): World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0. J Postgrad Med Inst 2017; 31(4): 400-4. INTRODUCTION disability1. In recent past, the definition of disability has Disability is not a word but a concept that covers encompassed biopsychosocial model and have taken impairments, activity limitations and participation re- into account the two-way association between a health strictions. Over one billion people globally experience condition and contextual factors, i.e., personal and en- JPMI VOL. 31 NO. 4 400 TRANSLATION AND VALIDATION IN PASHTO (3): WHO DISABILITY ASSESMENT SCHEDULE 2.0 vironmental2. In this context, World Health Organization of teaching hospitals of Peshawar (patients =105) and (WHO) developed International Classification of Func- Peshawar Medical College (students =111) from July tioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for materializing uni- 2015 to January 2016, after having ethical approval versally accepted definition and classification of disabil- from the Institutional Review Board of Prime Founda- ity3-6. ICF defines disability as “a difficulty in functioning tion. Further details of the methodology used, analysis at the body, person or societal levels, in one or more life conducted, demographics and limitations have been re- domains, as experienced by an individual with a health ported, elsewhere22. The correlation between the Pashto condition in interaction with contextual factors”3,7. version of WHODAS 2.0 and Pashto version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was found out by The insight to the implications that a health condi- using Pearson correlation. tion can have on the day-to-day life of an individual can only be provided by assessing disability by such an RESULTS approach that can verify the ways in which health con- The result of discriminant validity showed that the ditions may affect the individual’s daily activities8. Vari- Pashto version of WHODAS 2.0 well discriminated be- ous instruments have been developed in this regard but tween both groups of participants. Disability scores none was based on the ICF model9-14. Therefore, World were significantly higher in patient group of partici- Health Organization developed Disability Assessment pants as compared to students (p =.000, Table 1). Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0), superseding WHODAS II, to assess disability based on the ICF biopsychosocial According to the factorial validity of the scale, the conceptual model15-18. percentage of variance was 52.55%, with an Eigen value of 6.305 (Table 2). WHODAS 2.0 assesses perceived disability, in the 30 days preceding its application, associated with the WHODAS Pashto version has high concurrent valid- health condition8. WHODAS 2.0 is divided into 6 do- ity as we have found significant correlation (r =.82; p mains, “i.e., i) cognition; ii) mobility; iii) self-care; iv) get- =0.001) between English and Pashto versions of WHO- ting along; v) life activities; and vi) participation”3. Two DAS 2.0. versions (36 items and 12 items) of WHODAS 2.0 have The internal consistency reliability of the Pashto ver- been developed and both are available as interviewer, sion of WHODAS 2.0 was 0.92, which is superb. self and proxy-administered forms3. However, another version (12+24 item) has also been reported that can be The results of correlation between the Pashto version administered in an interview8,19. High internal consisten- of WHODAS 2.0 and HADS showed a significant positive cy (α = 0.86), good concurrent validity when compared correlation at p <0.01 level (r =.427). It also indicated with other disability assessing tools and the effect sizes significant positive correlation (p <0.01) between WHO- ranging from 0.44 to 1.38 for various health interven- DAS 2.0 and HADS subscales of Anxiety and Depression tions targeting different health conditions, has been re- (Table 3). ported for WHODAS 2.017. DISCUSSION In a recent systematic review, it has been reported This study was done to translate and validate WHO- to be translated in 47 languages19. Silveira et al20 have DAS 2.0 in Pashto. The results showed that WHODAS reported detailed cross-cultural adaptation in Portu- 2.0 Pashto version is psychometrically reliable and val- guese language. However, no such work on validation id enough to use to assess disabilities in a variety of and translation of WHODAS 2.0 has been carried out clinical settings, similar to the findings of the originally in Pakistan. Thus, it is important to validate the ques- developed scale17. tionnaire in all the major local languages of Pakistan. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a province of Pakistan, is locat- WHODAS 2.0 Pashto version contains high discrimi- ed in the northwest region of the country. The prov- nant validity as the tool discriminates well between the ince has a population of over 30 million and ranks third clinical and non-clinical samples for Pashto speaking among provincial economies in Pakistan21. Therefore, it population. Some other studies2, while exploring dis- is important to translate and validate the instrument in criminant validity of WHODAS also found that WHODAS Pashto to use for the people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, as was valid enough to differentiate between clinical-se- most of the population speaks Pashto and secondly, the verity groups in chronic disease patients and severe pa- translated instrument in Pashto can be a useful tool for tients reported more disability than mild patients2. clinicians and researchers to assess disability. In our study, while computing factorial validity of METHODOLOGY Pashto version of WHODAS 2.0, we found that the items explained 52.55% of the variance with single factor with This study was conducted, on 216 participants, si- the Eigen value greater than 1 (i.e., 5.15) as recom- multaneously in the psychiatry outpatient departments mended by Kaiser23. These findings are also in line with JPMI VOL. 31 NO. 4 401 TRANSLATION AND VALIDATION IN PASHTO (3): WHO DISABILITY ASSESMENT SCHEDULE 2.0 Table 1: Discriminant validity of WHODAS 2.0 between two groups (n=216) Groups Scales Students (n=111) Patients (n=105) t-value Sig M SD M SD .000 English WHODAS 2.0 9.31 7.49 17.68 8.69 -7.59*** .000 Pashto WHODAS 2.0 7.83 7.54 16.67 9.71 -7.49*** *** = p <0.01 level; ** = p <0.05 level Table 2: Factor loadings of the Pashto version of WHODAS 2.0 in the factor solution obtained through Varimax rotation, item total score correlation and Cronbach’s alpha, if item deleted (n=216) Correlation with Cronbach’s Alpha S. No. WHODAS 2.0 Scale Factor 1 total score if deleted 1. Item 1 .620 .554*** .914 2. Item 2 .752 .694*** .908 3. Item 3 .757 .700*** .908 4. Item 4 .731 .670*** .909 5. Item 5 .649 .584*** .913 6. Item 6 .681 .616*** .912 7. Item 7 .707 .644*** .911 8. Item 8 .714 .647*** .911 9. Item 9 .765 .701*** .908 10. Item 10 .720 .659*** .910 11.
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